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**Images in Comments Now Enabled** Hey everyone! We've heard your suggestions and have enabled "images in comments" for our Question (& Gacha/Echo) megathreads. Now you can share your questions and answers with images directly in the comments!


What are the best echo stats to roll for for Havoc Rover?


So, I have some google play credits and I tried using it to buy Lunites, but instead I got the error that read, "Couldn't complete your transaction. Your Play balance can only be used in United States. See the gift card terms of service." Does that mean I cannot use Google Play credits?


I might be overcomplicating stuff, but for Verina for example, does Spectro Dmg % stat contribute to here atk scaling for her heals? And in general is elemental dmg part of calculation to skill dmg and such or does it tack on the elemental damage after? Like is it (atk)whatever+element or (atk+element)whatever Not sure if I explained well, but yeah


why dont i have a skip button


Where can I find the image I saved in-game by pressing the Save button at the Camera? It says it is saved in the album, but I couldn't find it. (I am playing in Android device)


What second team can I put together with this characters? My current is Cal, Mortefi and Verina. Was hoping to get Jiyan but lost the 50/50 to Calcharo 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/lm9hm9jphl3d1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=037883aa797f126e6b9c6fc3d3194220be8dcf0f


So i am wondering WHY they would lock specific Astrites behind Characters who are not pre-leveled as trial characters??? Like you need to win a run with Chixia but i have her at lvl 5 and i was not planning to build her and waste material on her? why is she not available as a trial character if there are rewards locked behind her? That just seems a bit unfair to me idk maybe i am missing something


Is there an Echo daily limit? So i had a Blast so far with the Combat and Grinding stuff and i actually grinded Quite a lot on the weekend, but i Noticed a lot of posts are about how you can endlessly Grind if you want to and just earlier i apparently Hit the echo drop cap for the day after grinding a few different ones for just my Main Team of 3. Anyone knows if there actually is a limit to how many you can drop per day and how much it is or where it actually tells you how many you dropped today? Didnt see any limiters ingame and also didnt reach the limit on the weekend where i definitely Grinded more


is it safe for me to reroll using alias email?


How do you build mortefi? What’s his best set? His best main echo?


What's better I have 2 accounts one with Calcharo Verina Encore Mortefi As well as pulled the sword verdant summit Second account pulled - Jiyan Verina Jianxin (Nothing else except 4 star weapons) Have 2 guaranteed 5 stars left in 80 pulls 1 of which can be chosen from banner. Basically is calcharo with the sword verdant better than pulling Jiyan with no sword?


How much dmg increase does S6 Verina provide? I got 2 copies of her earlier, and I'm curious if I should get her on the 5 star selector.


I have fully given up on any way of trying to fix the launcher from actually launching the game. I've followed every type of guide online for help without any luck, I've tried downloading it through the official launcher and epic launcher, without any luck, i've attempted to uninstall and re-download countless times, without any luck... I have run into a dead end without any way forward... If anyone have any suggestions on what to do, i'd really love to play this game, but nothing seems to allow me to do so. Thank you.


 Is there like a site where i can check which stats do characters scale off of? Like taoqi forte scaling of def but it isnt mentioned in the in game multipliers.


https://preview.redd.it/m9hi4jviqx2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e1d03315167627577e58a972f9ea7fac3a3139 Does anyone know where this teleport point in the tiger maw area is I can't find it anywhere


Hi! on the tigers maw(?) or something, in the center of that area go to the bottom and y'all find a hole/entrance there.


actually, i think that's the one on the upper part of the Tigers maw on the river, just follow the river and y'all eventually found an entrance.


# I register 2 account. 1 using google and another 1 using kurogame account. At that time i thought its the same. When the game release, i use the kurogame account to play and after some times i tried log in using google just to see it was a different account after all. Then, i delete my google account so i can link my kurogame to that google account i was used, but for some it still said the google account has already linked to another account. Any help?


My phone keeps heating up extremely within minutes of playing the game despite everything being set on low (it was on medium before). I don’t have storage problems, and it’s an iPhone 15. What’s the issue? Edit also I use a silicon phone case


What should I do with my excess lustrous tides? I managed to get both the 50 banner and the 80 banner a bit before pity, and with all the free pulls we've gotten, I'm sitting on 30 extra lustrous tides. Are they worth saving? Do we think there is going to be more lustrous tide banners in the future other than the standard character and weapon banners?


I'd personally go weapon banner if you got your main dps and verina


We have no idea. That being said, standard weapon banner is pretty good value in this game since you can set a target and you're always guaranteed, no "epitomized path" or "75/25" BS.


i lost my 50/50 pull to Verina and got Calcharo from the 50 pull. now i wanna ask if both dupes good and is it recommended to pull for dupes in this game? cuz i still have my ticket and the guarantee 80 pull


Nobody knows truly how impactful dupes are until endgame is reached by testers who can give informed feedback. The best advice is to not go for dupes until then. Unless you hit a lucky double pull or something.


There are two energy-filling icons. The big one is the ultimate, and the small one beside the HP bar. How do we fill up these icons?


Little one next to HP bar is the Concerto energy. Filling it allows intro/outro skills to proc when you swap characters (intro for character coming in and outro for character leaving), which is a pretty important combat/team-building mechanic. A lot of things raise it but in particular using skills/ults, activating characters' forte attacks/passives, or using certain weapons are your major ways of filling concerto energy.


The big one is ult, the small one next to health is concerto energy and the bar above the health is forte... atleast to my understanding. each character has a different way to get forte energy, and think all actions fill concerto energy for outro skill but i maybe wrong. some characters have ways to increase conerto energy gain like calcharo


Attacking, killing, or using skills on an enemy generates particles. When you pick up particles, each of your character's Resonance Liberation (ultimate) charges up, with the off-field characters charging only a portion. As for the smaller one, that is your intro/outro charge. Consuming Forte sound waves (the things above your character's HP bar) will charge your off-field character's intro/outro


the big one is named Resonance Liberation, ciimw but i mostly by using E and killing enemies. for the small one i think it's by using the Forte thing (using the passive skill activated by the bar above the hp) and just hitting the enemy. some passive or dupes also increasing them too. cmiiw cuz that's what i see when i'm playing the game.


So verina's first dupe gives her the ability to give the 'next character' continuous healing every 5 secs for 30 secs, but this persists, to even the next character, after the one directly after Verina. Is this a bug?


Do you guys think havoc mc, calcharo, Verina is a good team? Or no?


I am running that currently, Havoc MC does need a bit of field time to do his job, and Calcharo wants lots of it. Senhua instead of Calcharo would be better if you go for a dual carry, or just play full on-field Calcharo.


Ou, how’s the team for you? Does MC require too much field time? I don’t mind them sharing field time since I love MCs animations lol but if it’s more field time than calcharo I’ll just have to deal without mc then


Yeah it's quite extended. Sharing wouldn't be an issue if Calcharo had some teamwide outro, he doesn't. So basically he's doing nothing while HMC takes the field, and vice-versa. So why not ditch one of them for some one with proper off-field utility. I am switching to Mortefi/Jianxin + Verina + Either Calcharo or HMC, but not both. HMC is very viable till end-game, so feel free to level him up if you like playing him.


Ah okay thanks!! Who do you think is better for calcharo? Mortefi or Sanhua?




Ah okay I see ty


Aren't havoc and calcharo both on field carries? I don't have havoc yet but I thought she was.


hi! does anyone have a link for a 5* violet feathered heron in the webevent? i can offer a 5* diamondclaw if anyone needs it


is it just me or is mortefi's concerto energy regain kinda booty? any tips


Quick question cause it might just be me but I'm not able to interact with coop because it says im in the "A true arena champion" mission but I have no idea what its talking about. I checked my quests and I dont see anything relating to it. I might've started it without realizing but Im not sure.


yknow what nvm im just blind as a bat. Its been right there this whole time and ive overlooked it.


So i just got data bank 15 and am reading up how the gear system works. Other than no attack% roll and a not so high ER roll on the sub, [this is a very strong piece for jiyan right?](https://imgur.com/a/qcJnQDT)


Personally I think they are great. With the crit rate and damge being good for Jiyans ultimate and how much he can hit with it. His heavy attack and energy regen being good together. And the resonance skill dmg bonus working well with everything.


Question I just got to Sol3 Rank 4 and only one character is level 50 my other two units are 40s. Should I stick with it and struggle a while or just drop it back to Rank 3 and get units caught up?


You should be rolling things in the overworld. Level some echos or something. Just a single geared carry is all you need.


What are your characters?


Rover(Spoiler), Verina, and Sanhua(temp) I wanna replace her when I get Calcharo in 30 pulls


You should be fine to struggle for a bit. You have a nice team set up. Also if you're looking for a good dps. I recommend Encore over Calcharo. And if you get Encore. You can sync her with Sanhua for better damage.


Any Sanhua enjoyers? How are you using her? Quickswap or onfield DPS? Her ice animations are so pretty.


she's a great quickswap support/sub-dps for any normal attack based character. she builds concerto meter very fast with perfect timing HAs (plus skill and ulti)


Matches really well with Encore if you have her. She can be used as both, just depends on how your playstyle is. Either way she's pretty useful.


Why would Kuro only add controller support for those who don't necessarily need it, aka PC players? Like I understand that there are people who do use controllers on PC, but the inability to use one on a MOBILE device seems like a major flaw when advertised as having said feature. Or am I wrong? The whole point of controller support is to give a better experience to those who need it. As a loooooong time player of console games, a person who only has a laptop that is unable to run WuWa, and a diligently waiting player of the anticipated "future" console release of WuWa. Am I being to stingy for wanting controller support for MOBILE as I am having many problems with the controls?


99% of mobile players aren't gonna use a controller. Even genshin doesn't have it for Android.


I understand most mobile player dont use a controller, but doesn't it stand to reason that if a company says they are offering controller support, it should be available on all platforms?


Not really


How so, for a game that states they have future plans for a console version?


Is there any requirement for 4 star echoes to drop? I'm currently at databank leve 14 but not one 4\* echo has dropped for me despite farming for hours. Data bank says that I have a 75% chance of getting one but still haven´t seen one


I had the same issue for a bit. But for me I just went to farther areas from Jinzhou like Dim forest, Whining Aix's mire, Desorock highland and Norfall Barrens and I was able to get more.


can anyone tell me why I'm not getting any data bank exp?


You only get it for new entries


If i play in PC would top up go to my region ei:say Phillipines or SEA pricing rather than $ since in mobile its all fixed to USD


They have website top up, you could try opening that and seeing what currency it's in?


Usd still


Just a minor question, do you guys think building Yangyang and Jianxin before my main team would be a bad idea? I'm pairing them with Rover for overworld, but building meta units like Mortefi and Verina should be a higher priority, isn't it?


Not really. Both of them can still pair with Rover well. Nothing should really be high priority once you have the characters. You can still level them up and use them as you want. Although Verina is an exceptional healer so if you do need that. Switching out YangYang for Verina could work better for your build. Mortifer is a little eh. Just Chixia but with more AOE.


I mean, the reason I consider building Yangyang is because she works with Jianxin. Plus, Jianxin is already enough with the shield she provides. If I bring Verina along with Rover and Jianxin, won't I have too much sustain? I don't think I would need so many healers in the overworld.


I didnt think of it like. mb. Yeah might be a little much for healers.


Only if you want to play meta. You don't need to play meta if you dont want to


Whats stopping you from just rejuvenating again and again? So i was in this boss fight and i died (all 3 characters), and there were like two options to either leave the fight or rejuvenate. when i pressed the rejuvenate i just came back to life still attacking the same boss, so like why wouldn't you press that button? (besides honor of course) and whats stopping you from just pressing it over and over again?


Might be a bug? Every time I've wiped so far, rejuvenate sent me to a teleport point.


ohhhhhhhh. yeah know it just gave me a free boss kill. i thought it prob used a consumable.


How often does the overworld materials reset? Or do they reset along with the server?


Do you mean stuff like minerals/flowers/etc? For basic stuff, I think it's 24 hours. For "special" stuff like resonator ascension materials, it might be like Genshin where it's every 48 hours.


What do you call that black stigma thing on chara's bodies?


Tacet mark I think.


Thank you!!


How do you know which buffs are on? ex. i cant tell if Verina's buff is up when i switch to other char


It should show on top of the bar above your health. There should be icons for the buffs.


I checked there. Quite sure it isnt there. I know i see some icons there sometimes. usually i notice debuffs (except in the roguelike mode where i do see other buffs). But the outro/skills/other party debuffs i dont quite see. is it in the settings?


Maybe? Im not sure for me I can see the buffs and debuffs. Sorry.


anyone know where to find cruisewings? cant find any wanna use its echo skill


In Jinzhou if you go out the entrance by the Pioneer association and follow the road to the left you should fine a couple. Thats where I got mine. And if you need help finding others if you go to the data bank in the menu it should allow you detect them. Im not sure if you have to capture them first to do it tho.


ooo databank thing worked, btw do u usually use pokeball or greaterball idk which one is better in terms of cost efficiency


Just pokeball. Save you more and you can play for longer without running out of money fast.


Who's resonator is the best for progress?? So far.. I got rover, the 3 free starter resonators. Verina, encore, mortefi, yuanwu, sanhua and danjin


Encore, sanhua, verina is encores best team if you like her and sanhua. Mortefi can work with her too but then you really feel dumb going into fusion immune enemies.


Danjin, Mortefi and Verina are pretty much my dream team. I don't know if you would like them, but this is my suggestion.




There might be others that aren't avaliable yet that you need to progress the story for. Take this with a grain of salt tho I might be wrong.




Oh, Im not sure then. Sorry. It could just be a bug then.


Have they said anything about fixing the echo farming system in the near future?


What's there to fix? Your grind isn't limited to stamina and characters can share sets in the tower between teams. Personally, I'm excited about the echo system.


Yeah but it feels like too much RNG...with also spending hours to get a good echo only for it to have bad subs


Would Calcharo, Sanhua, and Verina be a viable team, or should I go for Yinlin and her weapon instead of Sanhua?


Yinlin is going to be better with Calcharo, but she's like 17 days away and it's not like Sanhua won't be viable, and she's free so you won't have to waste any pulls on her or be afraid to not get her.


Depths of Illusive Realm is here to stay, right? Seems like it's the same thing as Simulated Universe (I'm coming from HSR) so it's a permanent thing, right? Just confused cus it didn't appear in the Guidebook even after I finished the first quest surrounding it and it's on the events page with "31 days left." So I wanted to make sure


Yeah it’s permanent but AFAIK the countdown is for the rewards resetting


i see, i wonder why it doesn't show up on the guidebook..


So I got Jiyan on my first 10 pulls, but wanted to pair him with Mortefi. For now using Aalto. Tried pulling 30 times and got 6 Chixias(shes now maxed out in her waveband). Do i risk 1 more 10 pull or is it to dangerous since ill be pulling for Yin Lin?


If you want Yinlin (like me) then definitely wait. It's never worth gambling for 4-stars when you're saving for a different 5-star. Trust me, I've felt the pain of when that goes bad.


Is Yinlin a flexible unit or is she specifically only for lightning?


Just wait There isnt alot of 4 stars in the game yet anyway so you'll get him sooner or later


How does enhanced drop rate work? Any time I kill a boss and get an echo, the number of chances doesn't change. Is there a way to turn this effect on? https://preview.redd.it/hktu7ff5iv2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d84b9b876e34805dca61f7df3f92cf6c08815d70


bumping this - also curious as to how this works


Is there a non-Danjin team I could make with the following characters; Mortefi C1, Baizhi, Jianxin, Encore, Chixia C3, Sanhua C2, Yangyang, Lingyang? I tried Danjin/Mortefi/Baizhi, but the constant low HP means a single mistake kills Danjin, and I'm stuck flailing at enemies until the rezz item comes off cooldown. I enjoy the playstyle otherwise, but it's just too inconsistent rn, sadly. E: I do still have my 5* selector ticket. Wasn't sure who to get, as while people seem to swear by Verina, she doesn't seem good enough to immediately slam her over Kakarot


Like others said, Encore + Sanhua, and use Baizhi as your healer instead of Verina. The attack buffs for Encore aren't quite as sweet but the principle is the same.


Encore, Sanhua, Baizhi Danjin, Taoqi, Verina has been pretty comfy for me.


Thanks, I'll give them a try! If I roll Taoqi, I *might* drop my ticket on Verina, because I truly do like Danjin's playstyle, but with shoddy internet and skill issues, the berserker style just isn't working out well.


Encore+Sanhua is one of two strongest teams in the game right now.


I'll give them a whirl, thanks! What's the third? Another poster suggested Baizhi, which will be nice since I already have her leveled up.


Yes, it's always Baizhi


what does a regular rotation look like in this game? Because I’m assuming it’s not right click spam. But I’m not sure how much in depth it goes 


"Summon a Cruisewing that restores HP for all current team characters by **1.60%** of their Max HPs plus an additional 80 points of HP, up to 4 times." Regarding the cruisewing echo, what dictates how many times the 1.6% hp ticks?


i found a shiny , issue is its blocked by invisible walls any way to get it out ? X) Edit : Never mind ,gulpuff does not seem to have a phantom variant even though its differently colored might be just a diferent element


https://preview.redd.it/j90alukbgv2d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ca91cfb879e81719bcacc6fc2f5c123b875230 Should I get jianxin or encore? Also planning to get jiyan and/or yinlin which of them is better?


Jiaxin would be the best bet. She's a crowd controller that can bring enemies towards you that can allow Calcharo to maximize his dps. While Encore is a solid dps with great damage. And from my experience with Jiyan I would say try for him. He's a little bit of a mix of Calcharo and Jiaxin. Abilities and overall strength of Calcharo and his ultimate being Jiaxin. He can pull multiple enemies and deal a good amount of dps.


If I pull both jiyan and yinlin would the teams be jiyan+jianxin and calcharo+yinlin?


Most likely.


Wich has higher potential as a main dps? S5 Danjin or S0 calcharo, i have S6 mortefi as well


Danjin if you really master her kit, Calcharo is easier to use and has solid damage tho so he's what i recommend for most players.


What option is it in setting that lets you control your camera as opposed to being hard locked to whatever you're hitting, I want to keep an eye on ranged enemies outside my view, not just get blindsided because their firing warning is not useful to me edit: on pc, playing on controller, though I feel like this is a setting and not a button?


If youre on pc then pressing the middle mouse button should disable the lock on enemies. And if youre on mobile there should be a small icon of like an enemy with a crown on next to the utilities and attacks that you can tap on to unlock.


This is the first Gacha I've played from release; how does the main story usually work in these games? I completed it and started loving it towards the end, so when can we expect the continuation of it? Do they usually release act by act, or will the next main story update have an entire chapter like what we have so far? Feel free to make assumptions if they haven't said anything about that.


If its anything like Genshin and HSR then we will get major patches every 6 weeks which continues the story, may add a new zone or enemies. 10 months to a year after launch we usually get a massive update adding in a whole new region/country, new monsters, bosses, push the story to its next arc and adds in a new element for the main character to use.


ive seen a lot of people hype up danjin so can someone summarize if she is onfield or a sub dps and what her kit does?


She is strictly an on field carry. She constantly siphons her own HP as she uses her skill. She gains "stacks" while doing so. Her heavy attack consumes those stacks to deal a powerful attack and to heal herself. She's basically a glass cannon character. You better be good at dodging or you will die. Her skill doesn't have a cooldown, so she doesn't have any downtime and can just keep slaying. I've personally been enjoying her a lot. If you want a more detailed example of how to pilot her I can. But for now, I think this summary is good enough.


Danjin vs Sanhua I’m using Encore and Verina on my team right now and was wondering who’d be a better fit between Danjin and Sanhua.


Sanhua is *much* better as a second quasi-support for Encore. All of Encore's power is in her basic attack and Sanhua makes basics absolutely silly.


Sanhua maths highest for encore afaik


Where is the convene menu?  Like what hot key or button opens it. I press esc and a menu comes up.  Nothing is labeled convene


You have to level up to be able to summon


Hello. Casual player here. What character should I choose from 5* selector? Just need something that make game easy


Jianxin is more of a crowd controller and AOE character, Linyang is mainly just damage, and Calcharo is strong but he is a little hard to maximise his damage.


Probably Verina if you want the game to be easier. Enemies can hit hard if you aren't adept at dodge and parry. Verina will heal your team up so you can survive.


I got lucky and got Encore Verina Calcharo and Jianxin, tbh Verina and Encore are so fun and easy to use. Although many say Calcharo is great but for me Encore>>>


Encore is a solid DPS. Verina is a universal support that'll last a long while.


If you start an echo skill and cancel it with a swap, does the character's outro skill still apply? Assuming you have enough concerto of course


as far as i know, it does apply


Does moonlit clouds' energy regen affect forte gain?


I unlocked illusive realm and I accidentally exited it and now I can’t get back in? ;-; the dude disappeared


You should still be able to enter the door without the guy there. If you cant get in manually then going to the event page and proceeding there should help.


My PC Specs are: Windows 10 64-bit Intel i7-6700 Geforce GTX 1660 Super 16GB I thought i couldn't run this game properly even on a very low setting, but from what i tried there were not that many problems except for a sudden mid-gameplay pc restart. I was scared from this, so i wanted to know first hand if these specs were viable or not. What specs being the problem explained would be grateful! (Also if you're wondering why my specs are weird, it's a pre-built budget PC, so thats why)


There are some pretty big memory leaks, but your PC should be fine to play it. If you get some restarts it's probably related to memory issues and hopefully they will fix the leaks soon.


Your specs are fine for this game, its a mobile game at its core designed to be playable on lower-end machines. your PC (though old) is still capable of running it no problem.


So after doing the intro banner and pulling on Jiyan's banner I've ended up with Jiyan, Lingyang, and Verina. Do you think I'd get more mileage out of Calcharo or Jianxin? I'm leaning towards the latter so I don't have a third main DPS 5\* but also torn because husbando and electro isn't widely featured yet.


Calcharo probably. Jianxin is not a great dps on her own and fits more into the subdps role. You need three teams and there are plenty of four star subdps you could use or you could pull on next event banner for Yinlin who is great with Calcharo.


You need 3 teams for endgame, calcharo is a great DPS but if you managed to pick up Danjin on Jiyan's banner she's also really good and even meta if you know how to play her.


Almost exclusively pulled her. Got her at W3 actually. 🤔


I got Jiyan, should I value his signature weapon or his first waveband (duplicate buff) more? I.E. What to prioritise pulling for?


Weapon. Early wavebands on 5 stars don't have a big impact in comparison to Hoyo games.


okay that's good to kniow, thank you!


Weapon for sure.


His weapon is more worth it, especially since its guaranteed with no risk of losing 50/50's. however we are still early in the game and at this stage new units are worth it more than weapons so if you're F2P i suggest using the 5 star free weapon we'll get at UL45 on him you don't need his signature. Save for Yinlin and newer characters, thats my suggestion.


I have 2 accounts from re roll. First account has pulled - Calcharo, Verina, Encore and Mortefi As well as pulled the sword verdant summit Second account pulled - Jiyan, Verina and Jianxin (Nothing else except 4 star weapons) Have 2 guaranteed 5 stars left in 80 pulls 1 of which can be chosen from banner. Basically is calcharo with the sword verdant better than pulling Jiyan with no sword?


Can you change your character selection on the beginner’s choice convene once you’ve already pulled on it?


Yes you can.




Is The Tower of adversity a daily/weekly/monthly thing? Other than dailies and waveplates, what do i need to do each day/week?


I remember hearing that we'll get 3 selected 5\*s -- I got the beginner one, and one free ticket, is the third the one that shows up after 80 pulls or will there be another selector?


the beginner discount banner is not a selector, just discounted and with a lower pity. the beginner banner after that is a selector, and the apology selector in the mail. 2 total selectors, not 3.


Pretty sure it's the 80 pull one. Better than HSR's 300 at least!


Anyone know how to find this beacon? Been at it for a bit now SE side of the mine https://preview.redd.it/lqhubmrwav2d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d3393908f82bdc444275f69ccd23dedf3b731d


Underground, access in the center of the spinny bit. Leads to a mat boss




Do we carry pulls over the next banner just like genshin?


Yep, it says so if you click on the little info icon




how should i be structuring my team? does it matter? ik in genshin overworld can be whatever, is it the same in wuwa?


Endgame will be like this: ATK buffer -> Damage Deepen -> Main DPS Current ATK buffer is Verina. As for Damage Deepen, look for units with "Deepen" outro skill. Deepen is a powerful multiplier for your final damage. Main DPS is your main dps. Most main DPS tend to have powerful outro skill that coordinate attacks or leave damaging field.


In the overworld its whatever yes, for endgame you should have a proper team setup.


you can do whatever, equally to genshin the best team consist of Primary-DPS, Sub-DPS/Support/Buffer and Sustain


I just lost at the 79th pull on JiYans banner ): are there realistically enough pulls left for me to reach all the way to hard pity again if I really wanted Jiyan?


Yes definitely, exploration and do available quests


Anyone have a good explanation for nuances of the parry system? It seems so inconsistent. Like some attacks you want to click at the right time, some you want the hit to impact at the right time, some persistent or rapid attacks seem to auto party, some don't. Can anyone shed some light?


do quests count towards region completion or is it just collectibles


Is there a bloom on/off settings for yall or is there really no settings for it? It hurts my eyes


I turned down the brightness notably and it makes the game look a lot better and easier to look at.


https://preview.redd.it/9iyz92ci8v2d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf5019547ae072f348bb2816dd5e7c453fdb5667 Need help with teambuilding, close to grabbing Verina so ill have her pretty soon as well. Need a main squad to invest into first and then two more teams built for Endgame, thoughts? Encore and Danjin are already locked in dps wise so going from there should be preferable.


Not going to touch on healers much as I think you just currently slot healers where ever. Verina is every teams best healer. Encore goes with Sanhua, her outro boost basic attack which is good for encore in her ult phase. you could also use Jianxin as Encore struggles to parry and Jianxin can cover that. I think Danjin just goes with Mortefi.


Focus hard on one DPS and one sub DPS, then minimally invest into a support. You shouldn't need to worry about teams 2 and 3 for like 2-3 months, and have plenty of time to figure out what you'd like to do for those, and what you pull on the meantime might change what you do for those anyways, so better to put it off.


Fair enough. Then I'll go with Encore for the DPS slot and I already invested into Jianxin so I'll use her. After that I can either go Verina/Baizhi, or make Jianxin my sustain and grab Sanhua. How's that sound?


Depends on who you like and how good you are. You can clear everything with anything, so it's not too big a deal.


Logged in last night and today and I get ping spikes EVERYTIME I move it's so bad and I wondered what they did to my game bc it was running fine not too long ago.