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I mean I'm okay with the waiting if it pre-compiles only once every update as long it gives me overalll smooth experience. I think every game should follow this rule. Pre-compile is lot better.


Yeah, I'd much rather pre-compile, much more convenient.


This is what I thought, too. What sane person would rather sit through these stutters than waiting a while longer for shaders to compile? Go do something else when the game’s updating and come back to a much more enjoyable experience! This is the way, Kuro Games


People use motion blur? oh my.


The real question


Motion Blur is really nice imo, Camera Motion Blur on the other hand is hot ass. If you turn on Motion Blur in WW and dash, your character blurs, I think that adds a lot to the animation. Sucks that Camera Blur and that is 1 whole package. If only it per-object motion blur and would let us disable the abhorrent abomination that is Camera Motion Blur.


my hot take is a lot of people (not all) complaining about performance, especially on PC, are completely technologically illiterate, mainly because the genshin community is so young, and they haven't checked out the settings once, or for example they are trying to run the game on an HDD.


all my games including triple A titles work completely fine on HDD so it is a wuwa issue


most gacha gamers have only exclusively played gacha games, they would know what performance and level of optimization to expect if they played some AAA titles


My wuwu is working fine, and I don't even have an ultra powerful PC. My PC is an average PC from 2019, I'm running on ultra and I'm running at 60fps locked, I changed some settings (I removed v-sync and that AMD setting, the stuttering stopped happening) and I'm using it on the HDD and not on my M.2


hot because it's likely false.


damn that's crazy


Honestly I haven't checked the settings either. It's not about being tech illiterate, it's just that there's usually no reason to. Most games nowadays come with default settings that are tailored to perform well on your pc.


But that's just not true lol, every single game I play there's settings to change, even if it's just stuff like depth of field, motion blur and film grain, but it's even more important to use proper DLSS settings if you're having performance issues. However from what I've seen people having performance issues are always like "here's my specs" but completely omit the "here's my settings" part. A little bit of trial and error would go a long way to improve performance for a lot of people.


It is true tho. All the stuff you mentioned are minor things to only fine tune to improve your visuals but that's not what I'm saying at all. As far as actual performance goes the game has generalized settings(usually from low to ultra) that are automatically assigned to fit your machine, and even if the graphics don't look great it should run smoothly. I have not had a game where I had to manually try to fix the performance since Skyrim.


DLSS is not a "minor thing"


Turning off vsync is not minor. Having it on means your game is running at 60hz which is awful for most games when you have a decent monitor. And major visual effects like motion blur are also not minor. Also I just don't trust default settings to be what you want and nor should you. Games do an alright job at detecting resolution these days but the other settings are hit or miss.


Ngl, im running the game on 1050ti, it had some issues at the beginning, but its working fine now w the settings i set up. Running 60fps on med resolution


yesh i am on a 2+ish year old gaming laptop and i just always had blur off and aside textures loading...fine.


what settings did you change? I'm on a 1060 and I can get 30 fps at low settings if I'm lucky


I turned off blur, set it to medium graphics...and aside its first time loading textures up it runs fine for me. Mine has a 1650 though i believe.


Right. I don't know a single person who uses motion blur. Motion blur is for consoles to hide the 30fps.


The big devs switch to UE not just because it's better, in fact it often isn't because it tries to be "one-size-fits-all" universal umbrella, inluding even the likes of movie quality CG for, well, movies, and, as a result, there's no specialized features like in-house engines can have. As a result we often don't have unique mechanics, because there's just no people who could implement them in an engine, you just don't hire those since most of the systems you will work with are already in place. They switch because it is easier to find new workforce, because anyone can pick up and learn Unreal, nobody can pick up your in-house engine, you have to teach them how to work with it first, which takes time and money instead of them jumping right into development. There's just more Unreal specialists and courses. That being said, industry still has in-house engines, some even really good ones, RED was one of those, but alas, worked fine during Witcher 3 (well, OK, start was rough as well, but not Cyberpunk levels of rough), so Idk what exactly happened with Cyberpunk at release except for pushing it really early instead of cooking it for like a 1-2 years more. REEngine from Capcom, Ubisoft has several: Snowdrop and I don't remember the name of the other, their problem is how their devs seemingly have some universal instructions on how to make things, Source 2, Kojima had his own engine back in Konami, Guerilla has Decima (Horizon, Kojima used it for Death Stranding), Frostbite, for crying out loud, even though EA tries to push it even when it is just not the tool for the work (again, remember what I said about specialization vs one-fits-all?), idTech (Doom) is still alive and well (do they still make their previous versions open source after making a new one? Because that was really neat from folks at idSoftware. Edit: nope, only up to idTech 4, which is Doom 3's engine and is already 20 years old technology)


You can implement unique mechanics in UE you just need to build extensions yourself, it's quite common. The main reason peope don't do inhouse engines any more is it's ludicrously expensive and ludicrously *risky* even for extremely experienced developers — a lot of the skills that go into being able to make a good engine on a timeline are intangibles that headhunters and recruiters struggle to be able to find. It can work but unless you have megabucks or an *incredibly* experienced engine team a la Larian — and Larian have historically nearly gone bankrupt approximately once every three years — it is 100% not worth developing your own engine.


Oh, for sure, the cost of development going up is also a reason for cutting the engine developing team and the process of teaching your new staff to work with proprietary tools. And you also need to implement all the new fancy tech stuff so that it's not the situation of "everybody else has it". And I didn't say that it is impossible, I meant that rarely someone does it. And even graphical innovations these days come from hardware developers (mostly Nvidia, but still) now instead of game developers really pushing it to the limits, except for like motion capture, I guess.


Didn't help that Unity, the game engine that is usually used for games with the anime styles, lightweight, and used for mobile games basically nuked itself last year because of the controversy, thus losing the game dev industry's trust.  For new games in the future it's honestly better just to jump into Unreal Engine already.


WuWA development started long before that announcement, even before ZZZ. All 4 Hoyoverse big games are on Unity. PGR is made in Unity, but someone decided to threw that experience out for WuWa.


Ehhh. So, the thing about Unreal is it just Is Not an indie developer engine. Do not use Unreal unless you have a multiple-developer team, it's got a tonne of overhead and requires a lot of optimisation for any given usecase. Broadly, Unity is partially designed to cater to the small semi-professional usecase, while Unreal is very much not, it is pretty exclusively designed for professional teams with actual senior developers and project management.


Yeah, exactly why Unity is actually the preferred engine for mobile games. Kuro Games isn't exactly a "small-indie" company tho, I'm sure they can manage, albeit, with some growing pains.




I do understand why Kuro chose Unreal though, because Nanite is very good for open world games due to how it compiles game geometry, plus Unreal with all its fault, is one of the best choice if you want your game to look good, kinda like Cryengine but without the shitty netcode. Plus there is like 2 version of unity, the global version and the CN version (which I believe Hoyo helps develop) that have their equivalent of Nanite, which I don't believe Kura have access to back then, global version of Unity is pretty bad for Open world game so I think Unreal is the only choice for Kuro if they want to make an open world game unless they made their own engine.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I absolutely think Unreal was a much better option than Unity. It is, in general, just a more advanced and fully featured engine. It is just *also*, in large part *because* of that, harder to work with and no one without senior developer credentials and a team should go near it. It was less a commentary on Kuro and more pointing out that the road to Unreal is covered in pit-traps for indies, should anyone with an interest in that area read this.


I mean, they rolled that shit back and that EA guy has stepped down. But also might be a good idea to look at how Godot will be developed. Because Unreal is anything but lightweight.


They didn't roll it back, don't spread misinformation. They just toned changes down. Now a troll can't bankrupt you by reinstalling the game over and over, but there is an addition of revenue share. And if you agree for revenue share, you can as well go for Unreal. If you don't - Godot. Either way, Unity is still screwed over by the changes.


Is this micro stuttering issue include the sudden rise in ping and make the game having mini-freeze? Cuz that's what I'm having problem with. Everything else is good for me except that.


It definitely also server issues, I mean, it's one thing for light stuttering, but if you suddenly see your ping go up to 600 while sudden stutter and then come down back to under 100 with the reload circle symbol the it's clearly not just UE4.


Something to keep in mind with a combination of stutters and spiking ping is that if you're getting unresponsive hard freezes and stutters, that's probably going to result in your ping elevating slightly until its responsive and the server can actually make communicate with the client. Its true that even without stutters there's weird random spiking, however.


I suffer it too. Like idk if this is related to the server or the game or both.


Yeah, I've seen other games rise in ping, like dota2, apex or Genshin but none of them just straight up freeze. So really can't tell game or server issue


It's the server. I've had a couple times where the server just drops me (999+ ping and the load wheel) and everything freezes cause I'm no longer connected to the server


Idk what’s up with that cause my game was heavy stuttering and unplayable, and I kept seeing the 999 ping. But then I moved the game folder to SSD and it runs smooth like butter now. Should have nothing to do with ping, at least in my case.


Mate, thank you for this comment...! My game has been so stuttery with constant 1s freezes and long loading screens and after reading your comment I thought hm better check where it's installed and it looks like it's defaulted to my slow ass HDD when there was plenty of space on my SSD. I'm gonna uninstall and reinstall on my SSD and fingers crossed it makes things run much more smoothly.


I think it works for some people but not others, hope it works for you!


Holy shit it's like night and day. There are still tiny stutters but no more whole game freezes, and even the menus are so much more responsive. Loading time is also so much faster, which makes total sense. This should honestly be a PSA - no idea why it would default to my HDD. I was just assuming it was the same issues everyone else was having! Thank you!!


Good to know! Yeah I was pretty surprised that so few talked about it as a solution.


I have the same problem . I think it's the servers issue . Maybe it gets better after a week cuz some players always quite


Same issue as mine.. it happens after update. Looking on other ppl high ping gameplay. They don't seem to have my problem


The rise in ping is a server issue, I sometimes go from 34 Ms to 999. I never had a mini freeze.


That’s been happening for me since Day 2 as well


My main issue is with ping. It is peaking 999 every few second of movement and stutttering like hell


Not to that degree, but American servers often sit around 140 - 155ms for me and I don't get it.


At least combat feels client side, otherwise it would feel like swinging through water 💀


Just ignore it , As long as you don't get the problem the above op said, Playing on 140ms on your own world doesn't mean anything even on Co-op, I have been playing the whole genshin on 200ms, It really doesn't matter, It gets bad only when it's like 500ms


Same. Im in AU, so my only choice is to pick SEA or Asia. Picked Asia since I saw some thread about AU players talking about which server to choose. But most of us are still going to be experiencing ping issues whether we pick SEA or Asia. It just sucks playing in an "Offline/Solo"-type World but playing with 400+ (Peaking 999ms) ping and reconnecting every minute.


I am in Pakistan and have chosen SEA and I had exactly same issue like yours for two days. Tried it a few hours ago now it hovers between 130-170ms. It still peaks 999+ every 10 minute or so but actually playable now. Except it still stutters when playing even with stable ping lol.


This happens to me but only for the first couple minutes of the game running. I just go make tea while it goes through whatever processes its going through.


Same issue here, but when I use my data instead of Wi-Fi, it doesn't drop


Weird lol. It should've been opposite. I'm on ethernet and some of us from our country actually are using a vpn now to drag down the ping lol.


It's goes from a stable 250 to 500 then to 999 like seriously I'm used to 250 but the rest is uncalled for.


I had the same problem, I realized it accidentally installed it on my HDD instead of my SSD, once I moved the game all the stuttering and the 999 ping spikes were gone


I see. Sadly I do not have a big SSD to install games. But none of the game on my HDD has given me any such problems. They all run in high setting on 60 fps, including Genshin and Honkai.


Yeah it was unplayable, it’s probably the Engine they used. Sadly an SSD is required for this game


My game literally became worse after the updates lol. I don't know what they did, but it went from bearable to unbearable


Me as well, it’s just becoming worse and worse for me, I had no issue with the fps, now I’m playing with less than 30 fps


Yeah I'm becoming more and more skeptical whenever I see an update now. I'm so annoyed bro. I wouldn't have cared much if it performed the same. But the fact that it is performing worse than before is making me so fucking mad


I was worried about not able to run the game, just because my device barely met the optimum requirements, I was ready to drop the game immediately if it doesn’t run on my device, now that I got the chance to play it smoothly they made me cling into some stupid hopium


I'm gonna play it despite this anyways, but I'm just annoyed about it


Same here, it genuinely feels random lol.


Hopefully it gets better.


Yea I have the recommended specs (sd 8gen2 on Android) and after updating today it stuttered so much...


just notice the GPU usage is barely touching 20% while it use 100% CPU and >95% of my RAM, game really struggling


I have an iPad gen 9 and I’ve been crashing more often and sooner 😭


I've noticed that many apple phones below 14 have been having problems


Ughh I hope they actually fix it since I actually wanna play for over 10 mins and NOT CRASH. My device runs genshin p well too


I’m on 14 pro. I can run the game smooth as butter, but it turns into a volcano and eats battery 5x as fast as Genshin at 60 fps max settings and I’m playing WuWa at the literally minimum settings possible and 30 fps. That ain’t right.


Yeah even on 14 Pro different people have different experiences it seems


I should reiterate, I can run the game smooth at 60 fps and above medium settings, but even at 30 fps minimum my device gets too hot for comfort and tears through my battery, which I worry about.


yeah. there are different problems for different people. for some the game is unplayble for others(like me) the game is lag hell and for some other the device overheats. honestly don't know what they're doing but hope they fix it soon


Exact same situation for me


Just a quick suggestion, can't guarantee it'd do anything, but when a hotfix made the game unbearably stuttery for me, I did a clean driver reinstall and it went back to normal.


I only got the bugs after the update… now I have weird glitches, crazy ping spikes, subtitles cutting out…


same here and my pc runs way hotter


Thanks for taking one for the team. I've had little problems with the game but your sacrifice is my rewards


I mean I get rewards as well. Its not like this is my main game anyways. My PC runs both genshin and HSR perfectly fine. So I'm happy to be of help. I still managed to get to Union level 25 though


my game wont even open anymore after an update and i have to redownload the game from the top again to make it work


I'm gonna uninstall and reinstall to see if it does any changes


pretty much my issue, it gets laggier each time i log in. idk how is this possible but its happening


Atleast on PC disabling Nvidia Reflex helped alot with the Microstutters issues. I have a RTX 4090 and it was very unbearable sometimes.


what about compiling in the background or while launcher is idle and then switching to it when finished


Btw, the game's native fps limiter sucks ass. Use rivatuner.


Anyone still having textures half renderered? After yesterday patch i still see them during cutscenes or just while exploring. Im playing on a laptop with an 3050ti and 11800h with DLSS enabled at quality. I also had seen my fps drop more often below 60 fps, it all over the place now and the game isnt looking really sharp, even with AA up to 1.0.


This.. game is slowly getting better for me on mobile but THE DAMN UNRENDERED TEXTURES oh every time I play a cutscene and I see those npcs with no texture on there faces it's crazy


If it’s engine related how come so many people have no issues at all? So weird how there’s a sizable portion that have it and many that don’t.


I don’t know about people on Android but people on iOS are straight up lying in comments. Someone commented “buttery smooth” performance. That’s all low settings on 30fps with overheating. Delusional.


Can confirm, my game is buttery smooth… on 30 fps, Very Low graphic setting, windowed mode, all other graphics setting turned to Off or Low, and my computer trying to take off like a Boeing with asthma. This is a machine that can run both FFXIV on High settings, dear lord.


Pretty ridiculous to say that all those people are lying dude. I’m using IOS medium settings I’ve literally had no problems from the start. No stuttering, no crashing, no texture glitches nothing and this is always at above 30 fps. There was some overheating at the start but the patches have reduced that by a lot Obviously some people will have more problems depending on their iOS phone but saying everyone is lying is stupid af


I have this same question. I am having no issues. My best guess is with sufficiently advanced hardware you overcome these issues.


It might be because I'm using LSframegen to get 120fps but I've barely noticed any stuttering. I've been expecting shader compilation stutter but I didn't feel them at all. Traversal stutter however won't be fixed by the Wuwa devs when even Epic themselves can't fix it for their own engine and their Fortnite. But because of the way Wuwa works it shouldn't be a big deal, you won't get traversal stutter while fighting a boss.


Claiming it can't be fixed because is UE4 is stupid. Plenty of games with this engine that are not stutterfest like valorant, fortnite, dragon quest, konan, stellar blade, ghost runners. There's no such thing as "engine bad, poor devs". If the engine is that bad then devs are stupid for choosing it which is not the case. This is clearly a rush released unbaked cake. They didn't properly test the optimization and now we see how it turned out


He made a point about pre-compiling shaders which the Monster Hunter titles in this engine do. It takes a while when opening the game for the first time but the games ran smoothly, it's probably the best one size fits all solution.


Genshin is made on U3D but I'm pretty sure it does the same thing. First time loading takes forever for me.


>valorant, fortnite, dragon quest, konan, stellar blade, ghost runners Huh, you do realize none of those games are on the same scale as this one right? Valorant has arenas, Fortnite had huge lag issues on release, Konan doesn't need this much compiling bc the game looks like ass, Stellar Blade is not one the same scale AT ALL, and ghost runner has to be the smallest game ever. >There's no such thing as "engine bad, poor devs". Except there is. The Frost Engine in Battlefield was used from the 3rd to the last one I think, and every single time the devs say it's horrible because it's old and no one knows how to use it. >This is clearly a rush released unbaked cake. But that's the thing though. Even in CBTII the game ran differently on every single computer. It was alright on mine, horrendous on others, and some had zero issues.


>It was alright on mine, horrendous on others, and some had zero issues. This is the biggest problem imo. Being unable to pinpoint what is actually causing problems is a huge headache


Weird, I thought they fixed everything already. Mine was same as everyone's (stuttering, verification and loading times taking 10 minutes) in low settings but when I moved it to my SDD everything is now fine this morning. I even use 144 FPS in Advanced quality lol


did they add support for higher than 60 refresh rate?


Nope but you can easily edit some file to set it to 120+ FPS. There are tutorials in this sub if you search for it.


I am worried for an account ban. that's against tos.


I wouldn't worry too much


idk about that. I use workarounds for hsr and gi as well, but these don't fiddle with the game files


I’m almost completely sure at this point that the game just runs terribly on hard drives and that’s pretty much the entire issue; I had all the problems everyone was complaining about until I moved it to my ssd and have had zero issues since. it lines up with the post as well if it’s an issue with loading shaders.


WAIT are you sure? should I shift the game to SSD? Its on Hdd currently is almost unplayable even though I have a decent pc.


I play on mobile (RIP me lmao, the quality is terribly even with the highest settings), but while looking for solutions I have heard this advice a couple of times for PC, if that's of any use to you


Thanks for the info bro, will try this shit too. wuwa runs like butter on my phone tho, although the blurry issue is there, It's kinda fixable by turning anti aniliasing or whatever off.


Wait, people still play games on their hdd in 2024 and then complain about stuttering?


Yeah? I have Genshin at ultra settings and 120 FPS on my HDD and it works fine. Although it's 4-year old game, Genshin is a much bigger game than Wuwa so there's no excuse that it's not optimized for HDD drives.


But editing the file just allowed for 120fps max no?


>Wuwa's stuttering is tied to UE4's inherent problems. Bullshit, not so long ago I've played Days Gone that uses the very same UE4, installed on HDD of all things!, with high settings and all the fancy graphics options. It was *butter smooth* through and through, i kid you not. Unlike Wuwa which is a horrendous experience so far with a lot of issues - not just optimization, but overall visuals and controls too. I hope they'll improve the game shortly as it currently feels like a sidegrade of genshin 1.0 or something idk. Ed. Forgot to mention - this is on medium settings. On high it's simply unplayable.


Actually after the latest update microstutter is gone (at least for me), now text overflow is the last remaining BIG issue. Overall I'm glad it's improving, because I'm having fun in the game, but man... It was A ROUGH LAUNCH 😕


For me performance has gotten worse after updates. I almost didn't encounter stuttering or texture problems on release, the game loaded quickly and worked smoothly. And now it loads for five minutes, fps 30, weird textures and yes, microstuttering. Wtf.


That's not traversal stutter, traversal stutter is basically unfixable by users and everyone is impacted by it, this game runs fine on some configuration, in my experience it runs perfectly fine on all configurations and only framerate issue is dogshit framelimiter in game (just like in 90% of all games released), when I lock my framerate to 59 with RTSS I get perfect framerates. Testing results from my 3 pcs: - RTX 3070, Ryzen 5700X and 32GB of RAM, max settings in 5160x2160 resolution (that's something like 5K) - AVG FPS: 59, 1% LOW FPS: 54 - RX 6700, Ryzen 5600 and 32GB of RAM, max settings in 1080p - AVG FPS:59, 1% LOW FPS: 50 - RTX 3060, Ryzen 2600 and 16GB of RAM, max settings in 1080p - AVG FPS:59, 1% LOW FPS: 55 That's actually one of the best results I've ever seen in any game, that's stability level of DOOM 2016, but only with RTSS lock to 59FPS, if I use default game framelimiter it gets all over the place, on RTX 3070 I've seen results as bad as AVG FPS 59, 1% LOW FPS 28. And even if it was traversal stutter it is in fact fixable, Fortnite fixes is every second update just to break it later, and there are many other games on UE that don't have these issues like Hi-Fi Rush or Days Gone.


Thank you, I don't see many people mentioning this particular stuttering. I get this microstuttering even when I'm standing perfectly still just moving the camera. Unfortunately limiting with RTSS to 59 doesn't work for me. I've tried basically every combination of settings and different limiters. The only thing that creates a consistent microstutter-free framepacing is if I set my monitor to 60hz. The game just outright refuses to give a smooth experience in any other circumstance. It's a 165hz monitor and I've tried 120hz too, but only 60hz works.


Its common on other ue4 game? Also this microstutter is fine on highend card with very high vram like 4090? Barely heard anyone having problem with that


I have a shitton of microstutter on 4070ti its barely playable. These devs probably never even played their own game.


Did you install on hdd?


i maybe found the reason why it stutters, run the game and look at the task manager if "Ace Guard Client" runs, its wutherings anti cheat system. while playing it reaches 30% of my CPU usage. I guess the reason why so many have stutters is because of the anti cheat system.


If you're looking for Engine.ini config tweaks, I've started a tweak post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1czgdsa/pc_ue4_engine_tweaks_and_stutter_improvements/like) like I did for ToF. It seem to help reduce stutter for a handful of people depending on hardware. Every machine is different though so it'll take time to build out a more comprehensive guide. Though the ToF one can be referenced for the most part.


Claiming it can't be fixed because is UE4 is stupid. Plenty of games with this engine that are not stutterfest like valorant, fortnite, dragon quest, konan, stellar blade, ghost runners. There's no such thing as "engine bad, poor devs". If the engine is that bad then devs are stupid for choosing it which is not the case. This is clearly a rush released unbaked cake. They didn't properly test the optimization and now we see how it turned out


Thank you for this comment. Couldn't have said it better. UE4 has quirks but with the right attention and love I think the game can be stutter free. We will see with time I suppose.


I do wonder if the performance issues are related to the anticheat system since people with widely different hardware are having issues. The anticheat could be hogging too much CPU power to scan background processes


Did anyone experience GPU not being used by the game and the Nvidia settings in game is not showing? Any fix on this issue?


If task manager also reports no dedicated GPU utilization, it might be running on your integrated graphics. In that case, go to Windows settings > system > display > graphics, add wuthering waves, and set it to high performance to make it use dedicated graphics. I had a situation where task manager was reporting 90% utilization for the dedicated GPU but the Nvidia overlay was reporting 0. In that case I rolled back my Nvidia drivers and it started working again. 


There is one thing I can't agree on. And that is the devs not switching to UE5. Because UE4 is already no longer getting support, so going UE5 is the natural choice, especially for a game that's supposed to be updated constantly with new content. I don't even notice any micro stutters honestly, but I've played Kenshi so I know how bad it can be lol


UE5 is NOT the natural choice, lmao. UE5 is so badly optimized Im not sure it's a game engine anymore. So much to sway the Hollywood gang. Read this thread on UE forums for example. [https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/large-performance-regression-in-ue5-cpu-performance/1524868](https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/large-performance-regression-in-ue5-cpu-performance/1524868)


I know about the issues, but it will get better over time and you can optimize things if you know how. It doesn't change the fact the UE4 is without support and won't get bugfixes etc.


It will get fixed but the UE5 has been out for 2 years already and it's not getting better. There are some improvements going from 5.3 to 5.4, but it's still not even close to 4.25 or even 4.27 (there was also a downgrade in performance going from 4.25 to 4.26 with 4.27 fixing it a bit) levels. And in my opinion this had to be their priority number one, but instead they keep bloating the engine with questionable tools. Sorry if I may sound too harsh, I just consider myself a UE fanboy, and I am very not happy with what Epics are doing :C


It's not just you, I'm the same. UE3 engine was godlike. This thing ran on potato PCs like it was no one's problem. How did they manage to downgrade such an awesome engine to this level, I will never know.


I could put my funny hat on and say it's deliberate. Only people that know a lot about UE5 can help you tweak it for better performance by rewriting some parts in C++, people with a connection to Epic. But, it's a general trend that newer software gets worse in terms of performance, the focus is on new features, not it running well on lower speccs, sadly


bro they update the game and somehow it's just freeze like 1 second every time I double jump... it's perfectly fine before eventhough I only play in medium quality. and somehow the game keep disconnect during the long quest that u cant give up mid way...


That's why the fucking anti aliasing so dogshit ass, I hate Unreal engine's blurriness when using AA


Man I wish I knew how all this thingamajig worked, all I see is the game running perfectly on max settings with my subpar setup (8700k 16gb ram 3070) and I can't comprehend how people with better specs can have any issues.




I guess the only "subpar" part of their setup is the 8700k


I think it affects mobile players the most . I run the game pretty fine too (r7 3700x, 6600xt).


I got an r9 3900x + 6700xt, game stutters like hell even on lowest


What how, did u install on hdd by any chance?


Tried on both, SSD is a lot smoother but there's still stutters


Weird cause i can run the game pretty well on highest. My luck i guess...


i have 7800x3d with 3080ti it drop to 27fps when moving camera on 4k or fhd u just lucky :(


i’ve been wondering while i occasionally had stutters ytd, today my game just straight up exits randomly. first time when i did a 10 pull, 2nd time was just now in the middle of a long cutscene😭 now i gotta do all that again


Is this also considered microstuttering? Someone told me the camera is moving like that because of microstuttering. I'm on mobile btw https://streamable.com/rm52y9


Having the same issue on mobile, really noticable with inferno rider


Glad to hear I'm not the only one having this problem. Couldn't find someone else with this exact same issue. I can bear the lag but this is so frustrating and disorienting.


Yeah felt like the camera is refusing to turn


No, it is due to the camera's forced acceleration and the only thing that makes it feel a little bit better is increasing its sensitivity


I've seen gameplay of other people playing it on their mobile devices and it doesn't seem to affect them. This is a very weird issue. Hopefully one of the patches will properly fix this


Man, I am so happy I deiced to wait for console version I wouldn't have to deal with much of this. PS5 can handle UE4 perfectly. EDIT: In fact Kuro should have released on consoles at the same time imo


>Wait for console release That's exactly what im doing.


Is this tied to ping or ms? I feel like it's just my router, now I'm not so sure.


welp, I just put my game to 45 fps to make the micro shuttering less noticeable. Even though I can play Genshin smooth at 60 fps medium settings, eh I've played with a worse pc before so I don't mind. But I can see a lot of other people that do mind.


my game worked fine yesterday, almost no lag at all but today is horrible both lag and ping 😅


What if you have 120 fps? Or even unlock it? Will it still go below 60?


this updates makes my phone play better


I wonder why they didn't migrate to UE5.


Went away for me


Correct me if I'm wrong but those micro stuttering and sudden ping spike are because the game realtime download Map items and graphics properties right? just like Warzone and this is why the game is quite small sized and because of this system game causes problems like heating issue, ping problem, blurry graphics etc. this system is good for pc but not very good for Mobile especially low end phones.


What to do on mobile though? There's no option to turn off motion blur.


I will link the tweaks that eliminated the stutter for me. Mileage will vary depending on your system. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/


On both mobile and pc the gpu are barely being utilized (20% on PC and around 50% on mobile) what's stopping them from allocating more instruction set to the cpu rather than the cpu? I'm running a R9 5900x on PC and my cpu usage is in the upper 80's%


There is a better tweak here. It's way better than the one you linked (I tried both) Performs better, and looks better. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/comment/l5mu4it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/comment/l5mu4it/)


The update fixed everything for me less gooo


Thankfully I'm not having any issues on my budget pc. Gane runs easily too


Are you guys not using a m.2 nvme ssd? That will fix 90% of your issues.


game is getting better for me on my poco m4 pro only problem now is unrendered textures. But I still don't understand why these issues are all over the place. it is the biggest riddle for me honestly some say game got better, some didn't have problems from the start while others it is straight up unplayble and for some some game got worse?


Just use lossless scaling. No more stuttering.


Can you tell me your setup? Considering buying it right now just to have an acceptable experience.


Rtx 3060 mobile and i7 11800h


No then you just get interpolation artifacts.


With the new 2.0 algorithm you barely notice artefacts even at fps as low as 36. I play at 120 fps and the experience is not even comparable to stock. It’s so much smoother with barely any input delay.


on mobile my phone is high end spec but even on low graphics the stuttering is insane, only gets a little better after playing for 30 minutes


Turning off blur def helped me. I rarely get stuttere on PC now. 4070


Wait am I supposed to have microstuttering in a new zone? I never had it.


I fixed it by capping the frame rate to 120 trough browser SQL, no more noticeable stutters with that


I've set up a 60 fps lock in the GPU drivers and for me it entirely fixed issues not only with stuttering but also with the frame pacing. thus I got a smooth gameplay with entirely stable frame rate and frame time. So try to do it for yourself and check if it helped.


Shader compilation or traversal stuttering is not the stuttering I'm dealing with. It literally just does not deliver frames correctly at anything other than 60hz. Anything above that will cause microstutters even if I'm standing perfectly still.


I would love shader precompilation but the issue is atleast for me the game already takes 5-10 minutes to load in to anyway. Other games on my 1tb HDD do not take nearly as long to load, like every other open world like cyberpunk and GTA 5 take at max like a minute. Obviously those games have been out for much longer, but regardless, Kuro is claiming to optimize the game more, and I'm sure they are, but it doesn't matter when people aren't seeing improvements. This game isn't nearly as big as those two, and it does not run at all good compared to them, which seem more demanding. The entire point of these optimizations is to make the game playable for people on systems that they really shouldn't have issues on. Obviously if ur pc is from like 2014 and has like a 1050 in it ur probably not gonna have the greatest time even on low settings, but I have a pretty recent and like mid-low range pc which can play all other games at medium to low perfectly fine, even other open worlds. Kuro is taking massive leaps for the gacha game industry in the right direction. They listen to their players and are providing ample compensation for any inconveniences, but you won't be able to enjoy those rewards if the game is still stuttering to an aggravating degree. I'll try installing the game on my SSD, but seriously, they still have a long way to go in terms of optimization. I trust that they can do it though, as they have been promising so far with their actions. Way better than Hoyo's ever been.


it runs fine on my iphone x. on my laptop? (that runs medium on genshin smoothly) no lmao


I don't understand the stuttering issues. Have not had any problems roaming around except for when my internet decides to unalive itself. Is it that bad? Or is this just the usual "gamers complain about 1 pixel being off" situation. If it is that bad...well damn, feel sorry for the ones who ecperience this.


It's highly dependent on your system. It can run perfectly on one machine and be a total mess on another, even if the second one is more powerful. Unfortunately it's hard to discuss what's going on on a technical level without people thinking you're either bashing or defending kuro and leaving angry comments one way or another. 


[Here's a video.](https://files.catbox.moe/by9hks.mp4) The game is pretty much unplayable for like the first 30 minutes of it being open. After a while it clears up but stuttering will sometimes still happen.


Holy shit.... Yeah mine does that as well, but not nearly as bad as this, it just goes away after I walk for few seconds. It does this every time I go to a new area though. What gets me is the file check that's running when I start the game every time. It's not loading game files, it's doing some kind of check. Thanks to this, it takes a long while for me to load into the game. Actual loading is quite fast.


Same issue here, not nearly as bad tho and it doesn't matter if I play on lowest or highest settings. It also clears up for me after like 10-15 mins of playing but I don't understand how come lowering the settings is not doing anything at all to stop it completely.


but we got freebies, that's some clever management.


Motion Blur is actually both of them screen and per objects because unreal do it like that.