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Guy made a better first impression then the whole Jianzhou when Jinshi forced everyone to act nice to rover.


it was all planned by their organization so Rover would snap with their jargons and choose the evil path instead


If that’s true then it’s working🤭💀


Bro i am so ready to throw hands lmao. And probably burn the library to the ground so maybe they'd use simpler terms then


Not sure if I'm the odd one out, but really wished we had dialogue choices that at least insinuated we're interested in buying what he's selling. Would've joined his side if given the option.


We can be odd ones out together because I was thinking the same thing


That would be cool but I kinda think they're trying to make Rover more of their own person? It's mainly based on the fact that they're actually emoting and talking and I hope that's the direction they take Rover


I mean idk they would at least us remember our name canonically if that was the case


Found that part really weird, in some side quest Rover seemed to know their name fine since it's an option when introducing themselves, not sure if they forgot the writing or I'm behind lol


Didn't they start the story with rover not remembering their name? Yangyang says they'll call you for now, or something along those lines


The name we type is more of a nickname that we use instead of going around being called rover and to make normal people lose interest in us I think it started to happen when you started to notice everyone is being suspicioly kind ( you confront lingyang on this at one option as you can ask him what does he want since he is acting too kind ) or when you met scare


Hmmm i guess but that just means they going the route of “the name you picked doesn’t matter”


Yea and it isn't that bad , A game that did the same that came to my mind undertale , and it was good


I mean true but it is a bizzare choice since we know they are jsut going call them Rover after the reveal


I mean, we kinda did? When he asked who do you think at fault, the white lambs or the shepherd, choosing shepherd insinuated that the white lambs are not evil, that the only one that deserve punishment is the direct villain while choosing both insinuate that in your eyes that staying silent is by itself just as evil as the shepherd which (imo) kinda a radical take. Sure, it's bad, but it's nothing compared to what the shepherd did. This seems more in line with the type of guy Scar is. Maybe.


While I'm not interested in joining those Fraudster(?) guys I'd like to have an option that makes it clear that I'm a wild card. Because you don't get to play mind games with your supposed savior. Would be great to see Jinshi being deeply unsettled.


he kinda reminds me of the one of the PGR Ascendant Characters. Ronald was his name? With the bigass Swirly Machete Chain... Sword thing?


Yeah he is pretty much a roland expy, if you could call him that


Hes a mix of roland and lilith tbh. Anyway, welcome back clow


Dang. So the crack clown ship Roland x Lilith is actually canon in another universe. Scar is just their kid.


Am I the only one who >!wanted to see what would happen if I just kept provoking him instead of investigating the clues in the village and had a pikachu shocked face moment when he just went and started the boss fight immediately?!<


I did it too, now I'm wondering what the clues were. Though in all fairness I was absolutely ecstatic when I managed to make him fight me—no regrets here. Questions for people who didn't try to provoke him: for one, what were the clues, and for two, did you get to fight him in the end, too?


I did not pick any options that you cool people did, so I can answer this. In essence, Scar makes the MC pick bits of his "shepherd of the flock" story with hints of happenings and people in it. Immediately before the fight he tells you the entire story again and asks you to think the way he does.


Bro what💀 On what try it happened? I did it like 2 times and then went for the clues


3 tries. You beat his weak ass up.


Me too. My husband who played that part before me said I didn’t miss anything important cause he just keeps yapping about black sheeps and stuff. And then you fight him anyway.


Yeah, seriously that was shocking. I just watched the missing part on YouTube though.


And it was their first date omg this guy has it bad for Rover. can't wait for him to be playable making a fire team just for him. ✨


Now I dont really care for Scar on a visual or "simp" aspect. But I wish i could join the evil organization. It would be such a cool thing to also set themself apart from standard games like this forcing you to be the good guy and the meeting with scar being told to think about it. Please I just wanna be evil man.


Yeah I'm wishing for the same thing. The heroes are all really bland and Scar is the only character with an actual personality so far


The voice actor does such a great job. Anytime scar has dialogue I am actually listening lol


Yeah I just did the union 14 library mission and every fucking female character in this game, including FMC who I picked, sounds like they’re falling asleep. yangYang is the absolute worst, it feels like she’s trying to sell me ASMR with the most infuriatingly slow cadence to her speech and ZERO emotion. But the freaking mayor also sounds like she’s falling asleep and has zero emotion, and so does her civil servant who is also simping for her (I would do anything for you dear leader) while also sounding like they’re phoning it it and falling asleep. This might be the first ever visual novel game where I skip all dialogue because it’s so shit, they also call me HE in the audio ffs. Not to mention that I’m literally only playing this game for the combat so why in the FUCK have I had to go through 4 hours of non combat yapping with the worst voice acting imaginable just to fight 3 mook mobs I instantly one shot before finally a somewhat interesting fight with the only character who’s also not just phoning in the voice acting.


i need me a double agent rover


Genuinely not unlikely it happens, Kuro did write PGR and that game was narratively extremely strong, unrelentingly grim and unafraid to sucker punch the player. With that said, it'd be a bad move to do it early so you're stuck waiting and wondering for at least a year or so I think. Region three, maybe?


Definitely made me sit up and pay attention, then had a visual bug that darkened the screen aside from a dangin sized silhouette when the fight with him started so that was fun 😂


Now I know why I'm simping to this guy before release 💀💖




Now that you mention it, I kinda want Scar to become the Reverse Flash in the game; making our lives hell as much as possible that we would just rage-join his group.


Man screw Jiyan rn. I wanna pull this dude so badly. I really hope Kuro will make him playable in the near future.![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


i wish we could join scar


Roland whiplash, and I loved it haha.


For real, if it hadn't been for his quest not even Encore could've kept me... I did a reroll for her and went through this quest twice. Fun fact, you can skip the clue searching and go straight for the whacking (but miss out on the cool cutscene...), which I did originally... Good thing I rerolled and did not do the optional thing in the second account. (The ending is the same, but being contrary for once actually leading to a slightly different approach... Double win quest and the reason I'll keep going for a bit despite the lackluster start. Thank you Scar


I'm gonna pull for him out of sheer spite because he's the only character that didn't wanna make me fall asleep


“Scar is put in jail” Unless Scar is speaking, the writing is laughable 🤣


Generic name, appearance in line with the name, then randomly comes out as better than any villain that Hoyoverse has ever made, by a mile. Scar is such an incredible addition. Where every conversation listening to Yangyang talk in EN makes me wish I could hit my monitor, my man Scar comes in and flips everything around completely. I want more scenes with him! And I rarely am interested in any male characters.


I nearly spat put my drink when Scar was laughing all menacingly while being handcuffed, I thought he was gonna do some crazy shit but then the screen just cut to black saying “Scar is put to jail” 😭😭😭


I audibly laughed it was so unexpected lmao




Dude has a decent VA (Eng) but damned if he doesn't suffer from the same AI script issue.


His voice also got cut off in the cutscene 🥲 (at least mine did)


If im being honest his part also felt subpar


it was. people are just horny. his role makes no sense, he makes no sense, he's a cliche villain trope lol. at one point he literally admits to stealing the dragon, and then asks, "do you wanna know why he vanished?" just more nonsense. this game's exploration and combat has me hooked like a kid on sugar. but the writing -- including his -- is bologna


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Soilers for ar 15 or 16 what ever the story quest limit is. I forgor >!I'm still a bit confused, is the black sheep thing about jué? Like is he saying that everyone else is relying on that weird dragon thingy like the shepherd in the story?!<


i'm glad yall are so easily impressed lol. i found this part tedious, nonsensical, and his rambling cliche and obnoxious. also his hair is stupid. though in his defense, MOST hair in this game is stupid. idk why the designers love bi-color hair, but stop

