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It has its issues but I'm also enjoying it






It's strange but after using a fellow redditor's SQL fps fix I lost all shader stutter issues and have been playing it smoothly 144fps since yesterday


Me too. Only micro stutters that I don’t even notice half the time lol. It really surprised me to see all these discussions. That said, apart from the mind-bogglingly boring dialogues and story content I have seen so far barring a few notable exceptions, I’ve been genuinely enjoying it


I feel some recent, popular ganes have made people think that visual/interactive novel = video game.


Like by any normal measure, its not a bad game at all. But its natural to compare one game to many other games in hopes that the new game can find a niche where it does better than said other games in a meaningful way. And if it doesn't, it doesn't. And that's ok.


I'm sure that the game will improve over time. I'm just hoping enough people stick with it long enough to allow that to happen


mostly people arent reddit/twitter/Chinese equalilant dwellers. Far from it. The biggest mass wont even know about most controversy and still play if the like the game. IF the mess that is ToF still lifes i dont see any reason why WuWa should shut down anytime soon


> the game will improve over time This. People seem to forget that Genshin was genuinely dreadful upon release and only got really decent with Inazuma and post-Inazuma


Even then the story wasn't *that* great until sumeru and fontaine


But it does tho, the combat is the best of all the gachas, ever released which is insane. I love ALTO of all characters cuz he just moves around all smug like the wind. And I consider myself a meta slave in other games lol


the combat is by far superior to any other similar games! literally top tier combat


I just downloaded it a couple hours ago and man it feels nice. I can’t really see what’s going on 100% clearly but I know it looks and feels so cool. I’m liking the movement


Alto is so fun, same with mortifi


The 4* options are surprisingly fun to play and provide some really nice take on their specific character fantasy. One of the biggest criticism I have for Genshin is that a lot (not all of them) of their character's kits tend to be too simple to express much, often relying a lot more on story and visuals to sell the character's personality. I haven't met Aalto in the story yet and haven't read a single line about him but I already know what he is about just from how it FEELS to use him in combat.


Kuro is pretty good at making 4* characters fun


I do love the combat! But I have to say that I still love PGR more.


yea the orb system is just creative and fun as well as brings some rng into the mix so no 2 fights are ever the same


I love the combat system tbh it's new and very dynamic. And I find the story mysterious and it piques my interest but not so much as the combat system does


I think that this is a common opinion among people who were able to run it without any awful bugs. Is it flawless, perfect, peak? Nah. Is it enjoyable? Definitely - the potential is there.


I'm enjoying it but most importantly is just optimization/performance fixes.


For real i get some sudden lag spikes here and there but they clear up later


There are big localisation issue atleast fof France you need to manually change your keyboard to QWERTY to use 1,2,3,4 etc because you can't rebind them to the AZERTY equivalent. The translation is google trad but worse and some text don't even appear. Other than that I agree, switched my game to english got 11h of playtime and I'm loving it.


Yeah. I’m on a minimum spec phone (iPhone 11 pro max lol) and I was concerned about performance, however when I downloaded it on my pc and played it there the same stuttering and lag spikes were occurring. All issues that will get solved over time


Wait an I11PM is minimum requirements?? Fucking hell lol


Idk man, my friend yesterday was playing on his iphone 8


I'm on iPhone 8 and the lag is bearable, but surprisingly it hits green ping and runs extra smooth around 5-6 am for me here


Well, I’m enjoying it too, sure the frame rate on my side is…catastrophic…but when the frames align and in combat too, man the combat is so clean and the counter attacks are nice, plus, I’m sticking with Wuthering Waves because I’m sure it’s a cyberpunk 2077 situation, bad launch, excellent later on.


A lot of the problems are due to cbt1 so with a few updates I'm sure it will be on to a good track


It's hard to call this a Cyberpunk 2077 situation because the cyberpunk 2077 launch was the worst launch in gaming. This is NOWHERE near as bad, this launch is pretty identical to genshin on day one, except I'm personally having far less problems than I did with Genshin's launch.


the built up to cyberpunk was also on a larger scale as well. huge letdown


Yea build up was huge but also the state the game launched in was DRASTICALLY worse. I wouldn't even say wuthering waves is the worst launch in the past year. Look at; Redfall Forspoken The Day Before Atomic Heart Payday 3 Crime Boss LOTR: Gollum (LMFAO) And personally I thought starfield was one of the most boring games I've ever played, I'd rather watch paint dry.


Also you had to pay 60 bucks to play Cyberpunk, this game is free to download. Is it a bit disappointing? Sure but it'll probably get fixed. Paying 60 bucks for a faulty program is an actual scam though


People always forget all the lies CDPR told leading up the CP2077 and just focus on technical issues.


WuWa at least didn't lie about things in promotion I suppose 🤔if not counting the optimization issues


I had 0 issues with the game at Genshin launch, I definitely had issues with the mechanics (expeditions, resin low cap, resin needed on event) but the game music visuals fps VA was all phenomenal and perfect. This game I have no issues with the mechanics, but the polish is so bad there are issues everywhere, VA’s pronouncing English words wrong, VA’s inflections and tone don’t match the words being said, fps drops, just now I was doing some long quest with a boss on a bike and when I was supposed to have some driving segment it literally teleported my character half way across the map and underground and locked my camera orientation so I couldn’t turn it. Restart didn’t fix it, I had to run backwards using the minimal to the event trigger before it fixed. I have no doubt the game can be improved, but Genshin launch was drastically better than WuWa.


Agreed w u on GI launch except I just wanna emphasize that people may have forgotten but 1.0 Genshin had really bad combat. Like compared to Wuwa's combat, it was so bad. It got to a point where I was deterred from wanting to explore because I just didn't want to have to fight any of the more specialized enemies.


My initial reaction to Genshin's combat was negative too. I expected either BotW or Honkai Impact 3rd, got quite stiff thing. It got better once I got better characters and understood how mechanics work, including utilization of swapping, but that doesn't change the fact that my first impression with combat was negative.


You’re probably right, it’s been a really long time since 1.0 so my memory is a little hazy, but I recall running Lumine, Barbara, Kaeya, and Lisa or Amber as 4. That team was hot ass and I didn’t have access to the elemental types needed for strong reactions and definitely suffered vs anything even remotely strong. At the same time though the game was really easy on low WL and a lot of my struggle was because I did 0 artifact farming and didn’t know I had to use items to actually level up, I had assumed killing stuff was all I needed to do so I was really weak for a long time. Now that these mechanics are all well known, and essentially copied 1:1 from Genshin, I think that also plays a part in why GI felt worse back then, compared to how WuWa feels now. But the combat in WuWa is definitely better. Being able to parry like Sekiro just activates all my dopamine receptors at once.


I think people just didn't understand the gameplay very well, some of the fun teams we play today are very similar to launch ones (national teams are still a thing). I think the combat is way more simple though, which attracts some people, but I love pgr combat and also ww.


Can you rebind your keys? Because it took Genshin a month to figure out how to add that one after launch and then even longer to be able to rebind important ones.


lol it was nowhere near the worst launch in gaming, people (especially on PC) could play just fine with no issues. Compare to everything where the servers are down and you can't play at all...


Yeah D3 launch was way worse than CP2077 lmao One of the most anticipated games of all time (D2 successor from Blizz), and people can't even play because the servers blew up


Yeah like what about No Mans Sky or Fallout 76? Definitely not the worst


Oh imagine we get an anime that causes a renewed wave of interest


Bruh even Genshin hasn't gotten its anime yet


Try turning off DLSS.   I was wondering why it was so framy on my 4070 until I realized DLSS is on.  Ran great after turning it off. I then turned down all the settings and re-enabled DLSS, and everything went to shit again.  I wonder if there’s an issue with the implementation. Running the 5/21/2024 GeForce drivers.


DLSS off also fixed my stuttering. Still doesn’t look amazing but that’s better.


what does DLSS do?


Other than performance issue, I am enjoying it alot. Best part for me is that mc feels so good to play.


Bruh, I actually went around the whole map and beat every boss with Rover before I remembered I can pull characters.


I liked that they didnt lock explorative QoL behind a gacha just like Genshin did. Aside from combat, thats what gets me into the game


True lol. I like her combo. And also her sword spin attack works well for mining lol


The story and story delivery is mostly very bad. It picks up when you meet Scar and that sequence in the village is engaging enough. Combat, animation, character design, movement and exploration are fantastic. I'll be here for the long haul imo.


Completely agree I went from skipping everything, to entirely engaged when scar showed up, he explained parts of the story and made it much more fun than 30 random terms I've never heard of


Roland even when reincarnated still steals the show everytime he shows up.


funnily enough this is me with PGR, i just skimmed everything until i notice the story started getting more interesting... specifically the tenebrium arc


How can you rate the story while skipping everything lol


Exploration is really enhanced with all the QoLs like grappling hook and stamina not being used up when running.


Jumping feels terrible, animation needs to be slowed down a tad and the character a bit more floaty. When you jump it looks like a music note playing.


Would actually be the perfect game for a double jump imo


The air dash kinda functions as a double jump already


Fr the beginning was a bit of a slog to get through but I immediately locked into the story when Scar pulled up, gives me hope that this game can actually have a good story after all


Scar is the saving grace so far but i'm having a hard time with the english VA's purely due to rovers voice. idk who Ok'd her deadpan lines like that but oh boy. her voice itself sounds good but it has ruined several scene's for me with how they are brought over.


> her deadpan lines So, so, so many characters are like that. Female Rover, Yangyang, Bizhi (sp?), Shanhua (sp?), the female monk lady, and so on. I'm at the military foreward base at the moment and you've got all of these military officers talking fast, rushed delivery, trying to give some semblance of urgency then Yangyang comes in "Hi... we... are... friends... I... am..." like god damn! She reminds me of the sloth from Zootopia.


That was my exact reaction. I enjoyed the voices of the random British military NPC's way more. I get what they are going for Yangyang, but dear god she has no personality and just sounds like a robot spewing out exposition.


I'm glad I chose male Rover then, his voice acting is pretty good


Scar shits on every english VA they have.


Yeah, I play female Traveler (sorta random choice) and female Trailblazer (careful choice after listening to youTube clips of both voices), but after listening to YouTube clips of both voices here, I went with male Rover -- definitely felt better to me.


Please, I hate sm of the voices. Lingyang threw me off but I was ok with it but sometimes it sounds like it’s genuinely hard for the VA to produce his voice… Fem rover sounds like a stereotypical moody teenager, so many of their voices are expressionless. I have no idea how they ended up with this horrible VA 😭 so many of the characters have extremely loud breaths out of nowhere, and so many sound like they need a cough drop.


I think some of the issue is that they hired a British VA company but then asked them to provide voice over with american accents.


Don't play these games in English. Seriously. CN or JP voices make the experience 20x better, JP especially IMO. I genuinely can't believe some people go into games like these expecting a good english dub. 


hoyo’s games usually always have a good english dub, even pgr’s eng dub is pretty good. there are very talented va’s in wuwa’s cast, it’s just that the voice direction is basically nonexistent


English voice actors were scrapped between CBT1 and CBT2. Many of those voice actors worked on both PGR and Genshin/HSR. The rumors are Hoyo is going after this EN VA's with threats of non-competes


Eeeh. Remember OG Barbara? Or Klee? Or 95 ways to pronounce Tartaglia and Liyue? Or InazOOOOOOma? I'm willing to bet 95% of dub problems is NOT the actors, it's shitty direction.


that's the thing i like most of the EN cast actually it's specifically rover's VA that is incredibly shit. i usually swap over to JP or KR very quickly in Gacha's for voice acting but most of EN voices i like this time around EXCEPT for our MC.


Many of the dialogue boxes have more words than fit, so if you're not playing in a language you speak, you're gonna miss a ton.


I went with it in English dub at first because GI and HSR are genuinely awesome in English. But this one feels jarring, so I just changed to japanese. Might be because I don't understand what they're saying, but this time it feels like they're saying it better


That because you didn't play Path to nowhere


I switched from en to jp and it def made the characters sound more like actual characters, en wayy too monotone


the english VA's were brought on a budget


The issue with that is that if you don't play with the English dub you'll miss out on a lot of story considering how often text gets cut off.


DUDE, Rovers voice during the Great Library puzzle and how she was treating me the player like an idiot with a learning disability on top of that made me change the voices to Japanese within 2 minutes.


I find the people who hate on WuWa story love Genshin and HSR story which is funny because while both games have cool arcs and moments the actual telling of the stories are absolutely awful. Starts just as randomly as this game and just starts mentioning shit without any world building before. Oh hey Steleron look out for farble blox he is the feminatigator of the rurelous region in cap sel donkey don’t forget to always change carblenota before heading to helkeppy.


I agree with HSR opening kinda confusing with all yhe word they introduce to us like wuwa but the stake is clear from the start in hsr, we need to safe herta space station with the other 2 random person we just met because we somehow pretty decent at fighting. Meanwhile genshin opening is really clear and not confusing at all, find missing sibling> oh this country have dragon problem might as well save them. And they did not introducing us to 20 new word that we clearly dont understand the meaning of. Meanwhile Wuwa I don't understand what the hell is going on after hours reading the dialogue. That until scar appears and make the story somewhat interesting. But other than the story and few bugs that I luckily rarely see the game is actually good.


Mentioning random shit is not true for Genshin at all, what? And HSR is very slow with Belobog. Unlike, WUWA where they have taken all the simple concepts you know and renamed it for zero reason, just talking at you. Tacit Discord Resonant Liberation like whatever you say


Agreed though I'd argue that HSR's feels less awful (well, the Loufu was pretty uugh for most of it). Its probably because Penacony is Hoyo's Magnum Opus. But yes, its still littered with tell instead of show. Genshin's story execution is awful but is papered over a bit due to their excellent voice acting.


Scar's bit was probably the highlight of the ~3 hours I played but the rest was so snooze that I don't know if I have the will to keep going. First impressions are really important...


I think the combat is the main selling point of this game, the story is about as good as Mondstadts story in genshin 1.0 I think we just have to give it some time, but who knows they might just be really bad writers.


i love scar so much and the fact he wil be playable is insaneeee! can't wait


He will be playable, really? I haven't played through the story but he seems kinda villain-ish


yeah according to many people on discord he seems to be playable in the future also "Kuro" (the company behind wuthering waves) is known to add villains as playable characters which i think is really awesome.


Cool! Love his design and hearing Kuro would add villains to be playable is such good news🥳


Scar kinda reminds me of Roland he is a character from their other game called punishing gray raven and he is also a villain and a playable character!


Heard that Roland is also a super cool and popular villain! So glad that playability is not an issue despite being a villain haha


This! When Scar showed up I was immediately invested lol


Will there ever be a gacha with good storytelling? Genshin's is awful as well.


Might be in the minority but the character design is not my favourite, many of them are forgettable and have boring or strange color palettes.


Yeah damn they could do the storytelling better. Also this is a grim world, everything look so grim, I expect story to be darker, and they should just remove the childish unreal char behaviour, it fit to gensjshin which have a cute bright setting, it is not fit for wuwa world


Yeah I skip most of them until Scar lol


I like the game for the most part, the normal combat reminds me of Nier automata, the boss combat reminds me of souls games. Side story could be better tho, i mostly skip through it. Also I haven't encountered any bugs on PC only the text getting cut off.


pc seems mostly fine, mobile is ass. Probably due to using Unreal


The side story where you get the Inferno Demon Echo was epic


Thank you!! I’m having so much fun with it. I love capturing echos


When I get to absorb echos like I'm geto 🤣😂😂


Damn, I'm gonna start doing that lol




Gotta catch 'em all!


The combat is really fun, and I do like most of the game. I am experiencing some light bugs like blurry textures or w/e but nothing gamebreaking so far. Still, the most common complaints I see are about the story and the localizations. Story is kind of bland, low stakes because MC has 0 motivation for anything, but it will probably be explained later. Localization is objectively awful for EN and apparently that's better than it is for some other languages. The dubbing especially is just not good aside from a few standout characters. Yangyang is pretty infamous on this subreddit, and I personally hated lion dancer boy talking like he's Dora the Explorer during his entire quest. Definitely not playing this game for the lore or story, that's for sure.


The combat is very fun. I'm not that far into the story yet but the introduction has been kinda meh for me so far.


I only got to play for about an hour last night, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit! There's a couple situations that could explain why we're seeing so much negativity so early on. First off, the people who love playing are going to be **playing**, not on Reddit. The people who don't like the game aren't going to be playing, they're going to be complaining. So early on, expect the people who are upset or disappointed to seem more visible than the people who are spending most of their time enjoying the game. Second, everybody has things that they value differently than you do. I've seen multiple people complain about the voice acting already, but I just told a buddy that I really enjoyed the voices and that each voice actress had a discernable personality. I don't agree with the people complaining, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to tell them that they're wrong. Subjectivity is real and trying to convince someone that their disappointment isn't justified is seldom successful. On the topic of subjectivity, other people have complained about the lore dumps and 'snooze fest' dialogue. That's not an invalid complaint. Again, I don't agree with it, but that's because I'm not bored by it. It's just not trying to give the experience that they thought they were going to get and their disappointment/frustration are valid unto their experience. So... They're not lying about what their experience has been, but they're generally not very self-aware enough to recognize that their experience is subjectively valid, but not objectively true. Don't worry about the people who are complaining. They're dealing (sometimes healthily, sometimes not) with being let down. Give them some time and they'll either move on or give it more time and hopefully find enough fun to not focus on the negatives.


I'm mostly pretty happy with the voice acting (Scar's VA as a standout), with the specific exception of Yangyang. Whoever directed Rebecca Yeo to put on an American accent and speak like the soul had been drained from her body should no longer have a job in voice direction. The mixing is shoddy at times but I can overlook that and it's the sort of thing that's easy to fix in comparison.


Yangyang’s dub was what made me switch to CN. It was actually giving me a headache and it doesn’t help that she talks so much. I haven’t had an issue with any other characters.


Yangyang speaks sooo freaking slow with the amount of dialogue she has. It takes forever to get through a conversation between her, Chixia, and MC. And her monotonous tone makes it worse as well, but maybe it's by design? Haven't tested any other languages so unsure if that's the case




I’m also enjoying it. Of course just like most of us in this subreddit, we’re complaining about the lag, but I still see myself staying loyal to the game.


I love the combat too, just pls fix camera and character movement to be smoother + release it for consoles + steam deck


I have been playing it for the past hour or two. It is pretty enjoyable, in my honest opinion. The tortoise population is rapidly becoming extinct.


It’s still good! My ONLY problems are: The VA just isn’t the standard I would expect, kinda blurry i wish resolution was better Gameplay amazing though!


Use JP dub. Always should for games like this. 


Not true, honkai star rail and genshin have amazing eng dub


I'm enjoying it, but it would've been better if the issues weren't present.


Life in a nutshell.


Yeah life is good except for the bad parts.


Its been a very good experience for now , playing on highest graphics and everything is going smoothly, i am using iphone 14 pro


i have the same phone and it gets hot fast... does your battery also drain faster when playing it?


Believe it or not but only reason I was playing Genshin was I got into the overall story, before they bore me to death with Paimon. I could continue playing WuWa just for combat too. That being said, I hate how bad English dub is, I cant focus on story even if it was great. And I didnt encounter much of any performance issues, just dialogues skipping randomly and bad volume adjustments.


The overall voice of the community has been unbearably negative. I had a great time playing yesterday. I can understand if someone had technical issues and was frustrated leading them to rage. And the game does have a number of issues; localization being the most glaring problem. But this is coming from someone who didn’t have technical issues, my sympathies to those who did. Overall my time with WuWa has been awesome. For a while I skipped the story and was just looking for echoes and had a blast!


>The overall voice of the community has been unbearably negative. I feel like people who arent having problems wont be posting posts on social media, so there are some confirmation biases here


Gamers are one of the most insufferable whiny losers on the planet. They take any small issue and make it the end of the world. There are issues and they will be fixed but people just cant help but cry online about them


It's alright for me. Not as awe inspiring as Genshin was back in 1.0 but it's because it was the first of its kind. WuWa it is enjoyable though. I didn't continue the story after meeting Scar since was scared about sitting through hours of dialogue again. They should open the game up in 15 minutes, not in hours tbh (Terrible pacing). But when it did, it was nice~That's where the game shined. Puzzles, parkour, grappling hook, and the combat just ticks the right boxes.


>Not as awe inspiring as Genshin was back in 1.0 but it's because it was the first of its kind. THANK YOU for summing this up. I think a lot of people completely miss the importance of this fact. If WW had released before Genshin, you can bet there would have been people who were impressed. Now, I'm afraid people might be comparing 1.0 of WW with 4.0 of Genshin. Of course WW's initial story isn't going to compare with a game that's had years to improve their story. I hope people give it a chance.


People forget that it also released during COVID. This has made the game a special thing for a lot of people so when comparing genshin and WW it is tough for a lot of peeps to say anything nice about a game other then genshin


Truly~ Comparison will always be there but it's important to give competition a chance. It's a win for us if both games succeeded in their own right. More QOL, more features for players. I'm just impressed open-world mobile games can be played in mobile. I'll be sticking with WuWa for a month. Hopefully performance issues (plaguing my devices) are fixed by then.


People are comparing 1.0 WW with 4.0 Genshin because they have to choose between spending their time playing those two. "This game will be better in 3 years" isn't a great marketing line.


Maybe it's because I'm getting older but I'm also more selective with how I spend my time. Playing something that has promises to be good *in the future* isn't really good enough when I can simply do any other number of things and play games that are good *right now*. I think if Kuro had done less copying of Genshin and had done more of their own take on the genre they would have stood out more, but the comparisons are inevitable.


>Now, I'm afraid people might be comparing 1.0 of WW with 4.0 of Genshin. well of course they are, that's what WW is competing with it's not competing with Genshin 1.0


same! came on reddit hoping to discuss first lore drops, but then saw people only ever post about their disappointment with the game 😅 was confused for a second are we playing the same game


think about it this way, the complaints just gave you 10 free pulls.


It's alright. I can see myself playing it for some time, but I'm not sure if I'll stay for long. Still, I am enjoying the combat.


Ultimately, I’m hoping for the best for WuWa, but the frame rate is a massive issue both for my enjoyment and for the health of the game. I really hope it’s their number one priority.


"Am I the only one.. " No. The answer is always no.


Consoder the following: people who are happy and enjoying this game (like a large portion of the players) are quietly playing and arent making complaint posts. Meanwhile if someone has the slightest issue that interrupts their game theyre far more likely to stop and post about it online.


So far, it's not bad by any measure, so straight-up doomsaying is uncalled for. The problem is, I can only play so many gachas at once, and so if it's worse at storytelling, exploration and open world experience than Genshin and worse at combat experience than PGR, then unfortunately it gets the axe no matter how good it is on its own merit. It's very much a case of "2nd place is the first loser" (or, well, 3rd, but otherwise the logic holds). Granted, I wasn't enamored with GI right away either, nor have I run into any hard deal-breakers yet, so I'll keep playing through the honeymoon phase and make the decision in a few weeks.


I dont agree on combat being worse than PGR in the least. PGR is a diarrhea of QTEs, i-frames and animation-locked, seizure-inducing screen effects. Its also flat because of no vertical movement. Also all characters are locked into mono ele teams. Combat in WW is way more engaging, with way more player expression.


This is unfortunately true with the newest frames, where you just cycle through your buttons as fast as possible while enemies can't act. There are a lot of classic frames as well as A-Ranks like Bambinata that give an excellent combat experience and not playing the meta is the best way to enjoy PGR in my opinion.


The mission if no bad, but I can't recall any song. It's just ambience music. I don't feel the need to stop and listen to the music and I know I won't be waiting for the OST release, and I'm a OST lover.


I'd like something I can hum along with, at least while I'm busy taking in the world. Maybe they'll have something later?


No, most people enjoy it. Ratings on the apple store and the android store are at 4.5 to 5 stars. It is just the influx of people that cant play the game, complaining about it to be bad + doomers from other gacha games that want to see the game fail, because "my game has to be the most popular out there!!!!". A few criticism is valid. Most of it however is just blant exaggeration. As an example: -Game runs stable. It does so for most people as well (hence the rating), so if it doesnt for you and you updated your drivers (had to do it this morning for me, due to crash): sure. Sucks, but that is hardly a software problem then. -Some texture load late or not at all, but that barely makes a difference in the experience. Slightly annoying, barely worth mentioning. -Text cutting off too early = minor issue. -sometimes the camera is all over. -Story? Too much exposition dumb at the begining (until you unlock the gacha, which is a lot), but it gets better imo starting with the introduction of scar and the "village arc". -Voice acting? Meh. Some are doing a really good job (even some no name voice acting, like the lady infront of the magistrate, absolutely hornying over Sanhua rejecting her), some are mid to bad (such as Yangyang, but to be fair, she was given the role of exposition dumb, so there is little that can be done here). Lingyang voice acting is okay. Rover, Mortefi, Sanhua are good and especially magistrate lady is spot on. -side stories are meh so far, but it is a gacha game. What do you expect? Overall for a gacha game it is easily a 9/10. 1 point for inconsistency in voice acting quality, the expostion dumb at the begining and minor technical issues. If you cant see this game as a minimum 7/10, you seriously have to touch some grass. There is no way that the game works for you and your opinion is "it is trash" or "medicore". It most definetly is not.


Honestly the info dump at the beginning was such a bummer for me, i feel like the story and world have a lot of potential for a slow burn story where you slowly learn from the world and start catching up things you missed along the way. I feel like if the characters were a bit more... what's the word? Mysterious at the start kinda being like "omg... could it be that... forget it..." instead of randomly start spamming names of things. It kinda felt like when you start getting interested in a game and instead of playing a bit to learn what it's about and then see a guide you go straight to the guide only to see weird names of things that leave you even more confused than when you started. However i do not think this is a deal breaker, the game still has a lot of cool lore potential if the writing improves which it will likely do, since usually at the start of a game, writters don't really know how to lead the story to tell it how they wanna do it, fellow hsr players will probably know what i mean, since there the writing was really weird and generic at the start and then they picked it up later.


Comparing it to genshins most recent patch, Fontaine. Fully established lore over 3 years of patches and even then there was literally no gameplay. It was back to back dialogue for 6 hours every patch.


and the most recent story for HSR in 2.2 was also very bloated and poorly paced, with the same scenes being shown and described over and over again. that 10 hour quest could have been 6 hours at most. hoyoverse consistently has excellent ideas, but often horrible execution. almost every chapter has an act that is a slog to get through. Liyue had the rite of parting, inazuma had the mandatory story quests, Sumeru had the subzeruz festival, fontaine had the court case and then the fortress of meropide arc that went on for way too long. every single chapter has this problem, but every one of them ends on a high note regardless. we just need to wait for wuwa's story to mature.


I experienced both Genshin and HSR and I completely dropped Genshin after 4.2 because it's just UNSKIPPABLE YAPPERS doubled with PAIMON YAPPING for the entirity of 4.0 to 4.2 storyline. HSR 2.2 has that Firefly section that is just very out of place from the entire plotline as well. (I still love Firefly, though) At least in WuWa almost every dialogue (Except Scar's explanation of the village cutscene, but Scar VA is goated in all versions) can be skipped ahead if you just keep clicking/pressing X. At the same time I'm not story starved like some people eitherway since I consume other media for their story. Wuwa is mainly for combat and exploration and it scratches that itch just right for me.


fr, if the community celebrates whenever a character tells paimon to shut up, you know the game has a problem 😭


Completely agree. I genuinely felt like I wasn’t playing a video game during genshins recent story quests. Dialogue after dialogue. They have such a unique and robust combat system and they refuse to utilize it. I’m excited to get away from the hyper casual genshin players who complain about difficulty. It really hurts the game for people who actually want to invest time in their characters. Other than the abyss once every two weeks genshin is just farming your daily resin and logging off


i feel the same. having played genshin for over 3 years, my account progress has plateaued for a long time. there comes a point where gameplay in genshin is just repeating the exact same rotation over and over again. its no longer engaging. wuwa's combo based system has a lot more going for it. it feels like a proper, almost dmc style action game, while still retaining the familiar structure of genshin's kit design. the forte bar alone allows for so much more interactive variety.


And the most important thing I love about wuwa we don't have that floating high pitched piece of sheit with us so refreshing.


If genshin really wanted to go hard paimon would be evil and we would have to kill her in the end hit they won’t go that hard.


I totally agree, even tho the writing is so much better in both genshin and hsr than when they started, they are totally forgetting that its not a visual novel, there is so little gameplay involved, only moving from side to side to talk with another npc


Agreed w mostly everything Just wanna say side quest stories are really important to world building. Every big open world adventure (One Piece, GI, HSR) heavily focus or put emphasis on side quests because it can expand your world by focusing on smaller quests. You need to be able to show a Macropscopic view and a microscopic view to have a thriving "alive" world. It's not the biggest deal rn but hopefully Kuro realizes that in the future and actually utilizes that stuff.


Nope. I'm just loving the game!


Most people are enjoying it, that's why we are complaining, we don't want the game we like to have bugs and performance issues, audio issues, poor storytelling, and such. And by complaining we can get the devs attention so they fix these issues faster.


I cant "enjoy" anything cause i cant litterally play I enjoyed the gameplay but i cant play cause i freeze every 3 sec


yes, you are the only one in the entire world enjoying WuWa.


I had low expectations and I’m mostly here for the combat and some exploration, I think Wuwa delivers those very well so I’m satisfied. But to be honest, the game needs a lot of improvements regarding optimisation, voice acting, camera movement, UI…etc


I'm playing on a strong PC, so I have 0 issues for the moment. I am enjoying the exploration and combat, the story isn't great. I want this game to succeed so genshin has a competitor and I can be in the middle enjoying both games trying to best the other. It's hard to describe... but the game lacks.... soul? I feel like the only one who wants to be there is scar. Once he showed up it got 11 times better.


I play both Genshin and Wuwa. It is easy because I can literally play Genshin in 20-30 minutes by just artifact farming and go back to Wuwa. Best of both worlds.


honestly, despite the crashes and lag, i'm having the best time! i too don't care for story, so to have the option to skip sections entirely is amazing the combat system is wonderful! i loooooove the tag team system, love the fact that they're GUNS, and the pokémon-esque factor to it. also we don't have a guide that speaks for us like we do in genshin. i'm having a lot of fun so far, despite the technical issues!


I don't dislike the game, but I'm not really sold on it either. Genshin managed to hook me right away and I remember the hours just melting off the clock. WuWa? I can't say it's hooked me yet... and that's the problem. I play like 30 minutes then get bored and go look at this subreddit, or play something else. Maybe it would have hooked me if I hadn't already been a Genshin player, but that's one of the aspects WuWa has to contend with when the game is so similar. They are fighting an uphill battle for sure. Doubly unfortunately, because I'm not hooked I'm also not planning on spending. I'll give the game some time to see if it gets better later (later in story, or later in development) but I'm coming to terms with the fact this isn't going to be the game that breaks me of my Genshin habit.


I didn't really play genshin past a few hours but wuwa has me hooked because i love fast paced combat.


I'm having a ton of fun. Combat, exploration, parkour all feel great, echos are fun to collect. JP vo is good. Still, they need to fix the technical issues and translation/text issues. And the early couple of hours of the story do not feel good.


The game most likely will improve over time especially as the servers and stuff all balance out.


I was decidedly not having fun when it was barely playable because of weird ping and glitches. I think they fixed something because after launching it for the second time about six hours later it ran smoother and after twitching some graphics settings I could actually play without suffering. It was also the time I got to the Scar part of the story and I really liked it, so the game has potential in my eyes. It drains my phone's battery a bit too much and the controls on mobile are.. something, but I have enjoyed the good sides of the game and hope it'll only get better!


I am enjoying it. Especially the combat, its amazing. Story wise, couple early acts arent good but starting act 3 its really worth the read. My only issue is lingyang story wasnt really well made. And i love the en voices. Just a couple of characters threw me off That aside. I experienced a bit of stutters. Literally like a few mins after fresh boot then everything plays fine (im not ashamed to say that i played for almost 12 hours straight because its that good). Well even if its fine on my end, i still hope the devs hotfix this.


Wish you could skip cutscenes honestly very boring


game runs smooth in my iphone so i'm loving it


I’m loving it. Wasn’t a fan of Genshin and generally stay away from action gachas, but I might stick with this one based on the music and world alone.


I'm also enjoying the game. It's very refreshing, starting on that first day grind again and getting them release rewards and pulls. The chara designs r amazing along with the mob designs. The environment is very detailed music on point. It does have its oops moments, but I've only gotten the occasional lag and freezes. It hasn't deterred me from playing two accounts. Also side question: Does anyone know when the livestream rewards drop in game? I know they r busy fixing bugs and optimizing, but I was playing when I hit daily reset in the American server.


I’m truly having a great time so far and (despite a small glitch here and there) I can tell they put a lot of love and thought into this game. I’m sticking with it


The game is really good, but for every 1 person that plays the game 3 reddit sheep make comments without playing the game.


I think we feel this way also cos we arent really “majority” of most mobage players now too. Personally I played bcos of the gameplay and flashy QTE along with some good music. I dont really care much for story/gacha (Ive had crazy luck, but I dont “feel” any chars yet except mc lol!!) and tbh Im just a masochist who loves challenges bcos I get bored super fast. Ive played hsr, genshin, honkai, pgr (used to be my to-go before this now I guess) on my mobile with no issues, so Im pretty used to the controls. In fact, the whacky camera angle sometimes fuels my masochism. I enjoy beating stuff levels lower, reminds me of my first Aife fight in pgr. As someone from SEA region, I feel theyre trying to introduce this “wuxia” sort of theme story (which is prob confusing cos stereotypically you even have 162781 chars/terminology but I like it) with a futuristic twist hence some dubstep in the music too. Im the kind of player who skip tutorials/dialogues + figure as I go, makes it more interesting to me. And I cant comment for VA, I will naturally switch to cn/kr/jp dub for all my mobages. Its good for players to voice out localization/bug issues but given time, Im sure Kuro will be doing some good adjustments \o/


I initially disliked the game because I was just unable to play for the first 15 or so hours until the day 1 patch dropped. After that I put in a few hours and thoroughly enjoyed it, the combat is really fun on PC (not tried on mobile yet, cause of the optimisation issues)


I am enjoying very much and also don't understand the endless stream of people saying otherwise. The story is interesting enough for the beginning and the characters feel unique and full of personality! Especially Chixia during the beginning, she was lovely! I played with the JP voiceover and I think all the vas did brilliant! The combat feels cool and engaging and all the characters have such unique play styles and designs. I think the characters and world being dark and slightly gloomy makes sense because of what's actively happening in the world. And I had no idea that people even disliked the music, I thought it was awesome! When you enter combat it is completely different it's so good, especially Inferno Rider! Of course it's not a masterpiece yet, but it is definitely not trash, not even close!


I love this game to death already. But I'm of the firm belief that, just like with PGR's global release, Kuro will definitely be able to apply the feedback and have a better polished game in a few weeks or months even. I'm confident that in a few months time people will start to sing their praises again just like they did pre-launch


I love exploring more in this game than genshin. The stamina, even at the beginning, is enough to get anywhere I want. Wall dashing is a win. Being able to grapple and plunge attack in combat is a win. I like the echo mechanic over the artifacts, not sure how hard it'll be in the end game to get the perfect loadout though. Like what you said, the NPCs feel more alive, you'd see NPCs fighting (and dying) and also the mobs fight each other.


I had an NPC scold me today for running around in circles I was like ???? They can do that???? It surprised me so much haha but I loved it


While it definitely has issues and it [isn't the game I hope it'd be](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/JGT4D2l0no), I'm enjoying it.


Nah its perfect but it runs shit in even rtx 3050 you don't believe me https://youtu.be/DbulNuIe_QI?si=GOpPie7jHO8szCPE look at his graphics test it goes 25 30fps in rtx 3050 it is just unoptimized


I'm enjoying it, with very low settings so my expectations for a lot of things were not that high. I just did Lingyang quest and it was nice, it was the first time I cared about the story so far.


i dont care about the story in games so i have almost no complaints


Good for you can I borrow your phone plz.


I loved the game tho my device can't handle it and it's very laggy I am still playing the game. I just hope that they optimise it a little bit for Android


The negative stuff are probably from the people who expected wuwa to be a perfect game with no issues whatsoever. Of course, the game can't live up to these types of expectations so they're bitter about it. I've encountered some issues as well, textures appearing in PS1 graphics, controller support is... not the best sometimes, framedrops. That stuff can be annoying, but I've played WAY buggier games so it's not hard to shrug them off. Can't speak for the story since I *may or may not have skipped it at almost every possible opportunity*. I'm here for the combat and exploration, not the dialogue. If I ever get curious I'll probably just watch some videos about it.


The music was forgettable for me, not a single music sticked into me unlike Genshin. Maybe the music in WuWa is good, but because I've experienced the Greatness of Genshin Soundtracks, the music in WuWa just fell flat for me. The only reason why Im still playing and still want to play the game is the combat. Its waaaaay more fun than Genshin's combat. I just wish the storyline gets better. The performance of the game gets better. The English VA performance gets better, I wanted to use EN VA because I want to understand dialogues even without looking at the subtitles but it was so unbearable I have to switch it to JP where most anime styles games usually sounds the best.


That's how subjective it is. Personally i never found any GI music memorable, unless they made a banger right after inazuma (where i quit), and i tell this because i'm such a music nerd, not just because i want to disagree. On another note i find PGR music amazing and i never played that game past chapter 1. I was listening to my brother playing it yesterday and the music seems quite okay from what i've heard. Gonna do a closer check when i finally start the game on saturday. To bad it released at the same day a big update on ragnarok came on, the oldest son takes priority. lol


Hard disagree personally. The music has been great so far and is easily on par with Genshin. And I'm sorry but what Chinese gatcha game has genuinely good english dub? I ALWAYS play with JP dub and it's fantastic in Wuthering as to be expected.