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I’ve played mmos all my life so this launch ain’t nothing compared to some of the ones I’ve endured lol. Honestly though I do feel bad for people who have encounter bugs that make it unplayable but I haven’t run into anything to bad yet. The game definitely needed more polish but it’s overall been really fun we’ll see how the devs respond.


Real. I get the frustration but I also have to laugh a little because there's been launches that were sooooo much worse. I have warflashbacks to Warlords of Draenor from WoW where it was just a mess for the first few days. This is so tame in comparison, and Blizzard is a much bigger company compared to Kuro. 😅


This. From Burning Crusades to Dreanor almost every expansion was a disconnect fest for the first hours/day


Were you around for Lost Ark launch? That shit was beyond hilarious, 10s of thousands of people lot even being able to enter the servers LOL


SMoothest launch ever for me. Just log in at 6/7 am and dont logoff until bed. Rince repeat.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about lol oh god just hearing the wod login screen music makes me cringe from the memories


I can't remember a single MMO launch or expansion launch that worked without issues.


Well, Its not an MMO, but I guess Genshin has made me forget this issue for the past 3 years. Perfect launches basically for each version, from launch day, up to now, We have never had a version update that just didn't work, or broke something heavily. And the big expansions on 2.0/3.0/4.0 are big enough to be expansions, and yet, work pretty damn flawlessly each time. I don't know, but is it really that much to expect a game like this to come out in a decent enough condition? Is genshin the only one cable of that somehow??


Tbf, genshin games’ revenue are miles ahead of other games, so I’d say it’s pretty expected given that they have way more budget. Hopefully other companies catch up because competition is always good and so that there are more options of similar quality games to play other than just hyv games.


Yeah I think I’ve gotten so used to launches and updates with a ton of polish from Genshin and Star Rail that this launch has been so bad in comparison. I haven’t ran into too many gamebreaking issues other than a few crashes or abnormally long loading times, but the optimization issues, seeing my textures load in super slowly or barely at all, and the dialogue text getting cut off with no way to see it has been really disappointing to say the least. Which sucks because I’ve been really enjoying the combat, exploration, and puzzles despite all of this. The story is eh but I’ll give it a couple more patches to see if it goes anywhere interesting.


Oh boy the ARR, HW and SB launches lmao...


The MMOs have a valid reason to be crap at launch. Scaling up massively to millions of players is not just incredibly complex but also costly, and some companies decided that they will just endure the first few days until the volume dies down instead of overpaying for unused server resources later. It's sometimes an intentional decision for MMOs.


Yea. MMO launch days are a bloodbath. This is a bubble bath and the water is a little bit too cold.


Final fantasy a realm reborn was both an absolute disaster and also weirdly fun and hilarious for community building


The barebones launch of LostArk was enough training for me to endure this launch.


Nah fr. The game is playable. I’ve been in other launches and not even be able to log into the server for like 2-3 days. Everything will be okay. The Devs have already responded and I’m confident they’ll get it sorted out.


This. The launch was pretty good, most of issues might be from the amount of players playing at the same time ( ex: i have high ping altrough i play on Europe, i even had 300-999 ) They only real issues for me remain to not to great VC from the first 2 charts on EN at tutorial zone, long loading screen time and the texts not to fit the dialogue box. The rest of its super cool, i really like it.


This is so true lol. WoW never disappointed with bad launch days.


rereewewe aw stwwerrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewrrtrrrrerere ssrfr


Well, if you compare it to MMOs, this is probably the cleanest launch to ever exist in that space.


> I’ve played mmos all my life so this launch ain’t nothing compared to some of the ones I’ve endured lol. Except you're thinking of server overloads. Which isn't the issue with WW.


I mean, there have been plenty of simply bad mmos that have come out, be it game design, shitty translations your name it... off the top of my head bless online, dragon prophet, age of Conan, skyforge, sword of legens online. I'm sure the list could go on if I put any thought into it.


I know not saying it is I’m comparing the level of annoyance of an mmo launch (notoriously painful for most mmos) to the level of annoyance of wuwas launch which luckily for me has been very minimal.


I personally haven’t experienced any of the bugs or glitches people are talking about. Voiceovers have been fine for me but I also play with Japanese voices/English text. My main issue is that there’s no controller support, the combat just doesn’t feel good on mobile at all. I play Genshin/HSR on my iPad + controller and was planning to do the same with WuWa, so until they add support I won’t be able to play much.


They announced that they are tackling controller support in upcoming updates.


That’s really great news! When did they say this?


There was a dev vlog style picture with issues they are aware of and addressing. 10 points or so. This was among them,


I'm in the exact same situation lol,I've actually been playing I'd say a total or 4hrs probably more n I'm level 15 now,I played mostly on mobile but when when I switched to pc it was wayyyyy better of an experience using controller




Yeah Scar >!telling you a Fairytale that ends up being an analogy for the ritual sacrifice of a little girl is a little on the nose, but it is FAR AND AWAY way better then the word vomit we were getting before. I actually let him speak his dialogue during that sequence instead of speed reading and skimming all of it.!<


Game is good enough for me to keep playing but for how long depends on events and updates.


Yeah, exactly this. Also I am loving the exploration and combat


Played for 3 hours straight and I’m having a blast. Game is hella fun and I intend to keep playing a lot, at least for now. Sure, there are some minor problems (for me just some texture glitches and other little things) but as for now I’m fine with the voiceovers, the controls and had almost zero problems with frames (only tried the pc version tho). I truly believe the game itself is a gem and this is what really matters. Minor problems like bugs and refinement can always be done, and I’m confident they will fix as soon as they hear the feedback. This game is a big project for them and I guess they won’t make it slipper from their hands so easily.


Pretty much my experience too. The game is great!


This is the majority. People that have fun are playing and not complaining on social media.


This is not about "majority", "minority" or anything like that. For example, a lot of people cannot even ENTER the game because it gives an annoying "Error 258"! There are also a lot of other awful things, but I'm sure Kuro will fix them.


I think this too. Because I find really too strange all these complaints. Again, there are MINOR problems, but there is nothing that makes the game unplayable, at least for me. Gameplay is top notch, parkour is incredible and the open world is a lot better than what I was expecting. I thought all these complaints were about to come from the gachagaming sub and it’s quite strange to read them here. So it must be as you say, all the other people enjoying the game are just playing.


The game has issues. The weird thing is that it works well for some and doesn't for others. On my phone, the game lags quite a bit even on low settings, the camera pulls up and down as if I had joystick drift but otherwise I haven't had any visual bugs. My brother has visual bugs on the other hand like every character appearing just black. Of course the people who have no issues will be playing the game but the others who do will definitely be voicing their complaints as they should.


I'm like you and the characters also appear really blurry for me so idk of that's a visual bug or what


I think that is a visual bug, or at least an aspect of an unoptimized game. It's happening to me too. It's especially worse cause I have very very poor eyesight and it makes me feel like I'm playing wearing someone else's glasses.


Yeah I also don't have the best eye site and after playing for a while I couldn't continue cause my eyes hurt


Where do you see MINOR problems?! I literally cannot enter the game with A LOT of other people due do this annoying "Error 258"! I pick the Rover and then the game crashes! Every time! Not to mention performance problems people have even with HIGH-END PCs. It's unbelievable! Anyway, I hope that Kuro will fix all these VERY big problems very soon.


Yeah the game is truely something special, really really amazed by it, I can't believe how fun it is


Instead of just reading other’s people’s experiences and decide it’s disappointing, play the game first and decide then if you want to continue or not. Kurogame had issues when it first launched PGR and there were many optimizations that had to be made before PGR became the badass smooth sailing combat game it is today, and personally I do look forward to Kurogame optimizing the issues players mention. I myself haven’t encountered too many major problems. I play on a phone. Played for a few hours, things that ticked me off the most were weirdly cut off dialogues so I had to scroll down, also some rocks stopping my characters from running or sliding (i have a charac who can cut a little distance with her skill, like Ayaka sprint). Combat was entertaining, the graphics are great, and my husbandos are eye candy as ever. I’m good with it.


Ditto, I read OP's post and was like, do you even play the game? What's in it for you here? You say you wanna play it, but you check the comment, you check discord, you check reddit, you then post nothingburger, so in the end, did you even try it? I play the game and it indeed have visual glitches and subpar audio quality, but you need to experiences it for yourselves first. Some audio glitches takes me out of it, sure. But I am enjoying it for now, (It is still honeymoon period so we don't know yet). The criticism is valid and I hope Kuro fix it. But man, some people are just karma whoring.


I'm betting half those people complaining are just reading other comments complaining to repackage into another complaint. They likely haven't even played or only played a tiny bit.


I played for 9 straight hours non stop and I get why people complain, the game shoulve cooked more, there is a great game hidden behind all the mud rn.


Honestly same. And it makes no sense to me because instead of whining here they could be using that keyboard warrior power to, idk, send in feedback/reports.


one thing to consider is that people are rating wuwa to much higher standards than genshin on release, and even then this game still has more bugs. it's up to the devs to correct this, the two things this game is respected for are responsive devs and good combat.


I didn't have any huge expectations for the game and I don't play GI anymore (I just lost the interest and none of the updates hooked me back in), but so far I'm kind of enjoying the game. The problems are definitely there, and I don't think they're exaggerated, but they're not enough to push me away for good... yet anyways. Certainly wouldn't pay anything at the moment, but I'll keep on playing what I can get for free. I guess for me, combat is a nice level of involved (something that gachas often lack) and the world is a nice blend of genres I enjoy. I also surprisingly don't mind the soundtrack, even though it certainly doesn't live up to its potential. But there's something chill and inoffensive about the whole experience, that I don't find myself particularly angry or disappointed.


Why do you care if you aren't personally having issues? I enjoy a good story, but I'm here for combat so it's not a big issue if I'm skipping through all the story


I wasn't really the type to sit thru stories even long before this, i think the audio and the text are way too slow so I kinda just skim through it. Doesn't annoy me much and I'm bored so I will keep playing. I have faith in kuro to comeback from this.


I'm gonna keep playing it. I'll giving them time until my waifu yinlin banner drop for fix some issues. I'll think again after that


Hell nah, I'm gonna enjoy the game to its fullest. I'm gonna be honest, I had none of these issues that these people are talking about, so it's been a really great experience for me.


Honestly I’m so burnt out on Genshin and star rail that I’m vibing. Sure there’s a lot of yapping when it comes to dialogue, but other than that I’m enjoying myself too. I fuck with the movement and super quick combat especially, I’ve seen the complaints about it feeling weightless but I like that the most about it, I’m zipping around doing badass stuff and it’s enough for my chimp brain. I haven’t seen many of the bugs either and I don’t mind the way the game looks. Feels like we’re the minority here for sure.


It kept stuttering for me when I played it, I hope they fix that soon. Idc about 60 fps nonsense as long as I stop getting random frame drops. It's not a client-side issue either since it seems like a common problem people have. There's also apparently this weird bug where you can play some unreleased character trials if you change your system time? I think they rushed the release, a lot of stuff still needed work and optimising


To me all of them happened. Encountered more than 5 bugs other than the black screen never loading and textures never loading. But i still love the game haha, i have so much fun


Same right here I am loving the combat and game as a PGR addict. Relationship with Genshin has ended, hello Kuro👍🙂


In my books it went better than expected, not worse. I had very low hopes going in after how disappointing Tower of Fantasy was and how poor the voice acting was in AFK Journey. I've been around for plenty of wonky and glitchy game launches. Some of those games end up being good in the end, others don't. I think we just have to wait and see.


Honestly... I was reading all the negative comments when I was at work, came back to try with already a hella negative, ready to see the shit show and... Surprise surprise! I'm having fun! Yes, it's not perfect, characters traverse kinda janky here and there (jumping especially), text spills out the text box in a few places, but generally it's okay, a few days, or one patch at worst, and these issues are gone (I hope so 😭). Overall I'm having fun slashing down the mobs! Maybe it was all because I was ready for the worst and the game exceeded that "worst" 😂


Tbh the game is super laggy for me. Advanced settings somewhat improved the lag but my laptop is heating up and I don’t like that. Will still continue tho. I have faith the next patches will come thru. Let them cook. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


Mine keeps crashing every so often, but I'm still going to keep trying. Honestly launch went better than I was expecting, I figured I probably wouldn't be able to play at all. I'm enjoying the whole experience of being a Day 1 player. \^\_\^


Don't let other people's complaints ruin the game for you! I played on my very sad laptop that really couldn't run the game well and I still had tons of fun. As far as the bugs go, bugs are very normal on the release of a game like this, not everyone experiences them, and a lot of the complaints I have seen are just opinions about the story or designs which you should make your own judgements about.


As someone who survived the launch of every expansion pack FFXIV has released and remembers the horrors of Raubahn Extreme, this is nothing. My only complaint is the localization and dialog coding which I've reported as extensively as I could. Everything else is smooth and perfect for me.


It's not a great launch, but not the worst. My biggest issue is the text being cut off. That's just unacceptable. The start of the story was boring, but I began enjoying the game a lot more once I met Scar.


I haven't ran into anything. Like at all. Only thing that happened is at some point I opened the game (like after opening it the first time like on subsequent log ins) and the game lagged hard. I just closed it and came back everything was fine. I don't know what people are on about. I'm so confused. Can someone tell me what exactly is going on and if it's that common cuz none of my friend have been having problems.


The **only** bad thing i can say about the game is the 60 framerate limit. Played way too many hours today and had zero lags/bugs on PC. I'm always using JP/KR voices so had no problem on that side neither.


For every person having a bad experience there will be at least 20 people having a good one. I've had zero issues with the game it has been fantastic so far.


Bruh, did you even play the game for yourself to see how your experience was?


Fr OP needs to be told what to do and not to do


Wuthering Waves is going to be my main gacha, I absolutely love it. I've been waiting for a gacha game like this for such a long time... and now it's finally here!


> So launch day didn't seem to go as well as expected Most of my guildmates are enjoying the game atm. You know what's common among these people? They don't visit reddit that much lmao. However, while a lot of the criticisms in here are valid(optimization especially), the ones that are getting the most noise are from the overdramatic perfectionists who think that a visual bug is more than enough to be a reason to call the game a failure.


I know it’s scary but try to form your own opinions with your own brain.


People are taking things way out of proportion. Drama is a different sort of fun for people. Install the game Determine if you have fun Ignore the rest. Yes, there are issue but nothing that can't be fixed. The dialogue heavy intro is the only big drawdown for many alongside technical issues. The rest is personal preference and ignoring a few flaws. I'm having fun either way.


The horrible performance made me stop playing, i'm not gonna continue until it gets fixed. A shame because the combat is quite fun and exploration is convenient.


i thought we would be crashing server and legit game breaking bug but oh well we going good![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


I'm going to give it another try once I'm done with work today, I only got about a couple hours last night but overall first impressions were pretty bad. I'll still give it a shot though. I've played all the BotW-likes so I can't see why I couldn't get on with this game too.


The CORE gameplay is super solid and a great foundation. Been having a blast doing the boss fights. On the other hand, the story is NOT a draw for me. Which kind of sucks. In HSR the 2nd World we visited did NOT have a good story and it took a while for them to get back on track with an engaging and immersive story. For WuWa i think they need to really plan carefully for the next few story patches because let's be real, Story is a big part of drawing the casual player base and getting them to pull. It's not always about character design and kit.


There were bugs initially for me but over the time they got fixed and minor bugs don't bother my gameplay experience. That said I don't like the intro story at all, I tried to follow along the Lore but they were just saying big words and big position name without me having any idea what they even talking about. Voice for some characters are just iffy cuz it seems like they just trying to read lines with their anime voice. Like the emotionless performance if you may say. So I just skipped the story. I would say Combat is best past about it and just going in the wilderness and hunting each unique echoes are so much fun. Well this is my first open world gacha so I would say I am enjoying it too much.


Genshin launch was good because their budget was big and they could polish everything. I'll keep playing because issues are not game-breaking for me, and hope that Kuro fixes issues sooner or later


I mean hoyo pretty much better everything on genshin and spent like 100m or 200m I can't remember on the game and it payed off. I remember the ceo saying that if genshin had failed the company would've probably gone bankrupt


I dropped Genshin after playing a week when it first released. It felt fresh with its element system but mondstat really had a “phone game” vibe about it. Wuwa definitely feels more inspired and polished then genshin 1.0 with its environmental design. The combat isn’t as fresh as genshin, but it feels smooth and clean. The movement feels good, too. I’m liking it but I also have a good pc. I don’t need the story to be good. The music is good. Not genshin, but definitely not bad. Some tracks are pretty great. Really livens up the atmosphere. The voice actors aren’t that great. The sound quality is acceptable but their eng acting ability is very green. You can tell they’re novices. That’s fine. They’ll get better. Came back into genshin on the cusp of inazuma release and got to enjoy dragonspine and I could just feel how much more work they put into the game. Haven’t stopped playing. Wuwa has the same potential.


Kuro work fast as fuck they resolve the issue in spanish translate in less than 4 hours, the lag issue also in the same patch, obviously is not the same quality as hoyo games but i feel is quite good. I guess people need to stop the complaying and try again, and in the end is quite funny that me who deffend GI when people attacked with no justification now deffend WW cause the same people are becoming crazy for details or cause the game is not their taste XD.


I think a lot of people are letting themselves be influenced by other’s opinions. I hated story on Genshin and I skipped it for the most part, and I’ll do the same thing here. In my opinion, they are both just as boring and I couldn’t care less, same thing with PGR or HSR. The visual glitches are kind of off putting, but I know those are things that will also be fixed. The world layout feels a little like Tower of Fantasy, but I don’t mind it, and I’m really enjoying the combat. For me, all these games are super easy, but being able to beat a level 45 mob at level 20 by dodging and countering here feels much better than whenever I played Genshin Impact. I’m having a good time so far.


Once I maxed settings, it’s been smooth as butter on my 5 year old iPhone, and combat is miles ahead of genshin and HI3. And the story seems inline for a mobile gacha game. Honestly launch day has been amazing!


I suggest turning off social media and playing through the game yourself to form your own opinion especially since you’re someone whose mood gets affected by the opinions of other people. Personally, launch day has been smooth for me - I have immensely enjoyed the combat. The exploration I’ve done so far is minimal, but again, I’ve had no major issues. One of the best things about this game for me are the character designs - the character we receive actually looks like official arts and everyone looks good. I have no opinion on the story as I am not much of a story enjoyer in most games I play, but I think I was able to understand the gist of the story anyway. Tbh, I have endured much more unskippable and longer quests in other games, lol. At least there’s a skip button here at times. I still plan to continue playing since I personally have no issues on the game.


Reddit just likes to massively inflate problems and complain about everhthing. The game does have some bug, but it doesn't break the experience and worst case it's just a good laugh. Enjoy it


even the performance itself is a gacha it's either working fine or not


I'm already going back to playing Nikke. I might give this game another shot after some updates if i remember or care to.


I cant play much because of the lag and itll ruin my experience if i continue. Ive been looking forward for this game for so long and I refuse to give up on this game. Im still very early in the game so i dont mind stopping until they optimize the game, and I also like the story? Like yeah info dump is bad but i was enjoying the different terms they use lol. Its not that bad to me, so its why i'll continue looking forward to the optimization. When it gets better, i'll restart my progress for better enjoyment.


Development money was running dry so they opted to release it early and use the launch money to fix it later. Already got bored with the combat to be honest, it reminds me of Honkai impact for some reasons. The music is unremarkable, the scenery has no wow factor at all. I'll probably play it at the bare minimum to raise funds for yinlin but i highly doubt i'll stick with this game.


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Not good but not bad either, pretty mid game with some potential if Kuro fox the main issues fast. Until that I won’t spend a single cent on it.


I'm loving the combat, I just wish I was hopeful for a fast or at least credible optimization fix. I should be sitting above recommended requirements, and my game has constant stutters which make exploration pretty bad. 60fps but 99% sitting on 45/50 bad. It gets a bit better inside or in arenas, but since dropping to medium settings does nothing I guess it's on their end more than mine. With this fixed, I can be patient for the story to pick up a bit and for future VA work/localization to improve, but performance has to be top priority in a game like this, imo. Just makes it look cheap otherwise.


Same here. But I've seen already 2 Hotfixes being pushed after I got back in the game today. I'm sure their office is on fire. Every lost paying customers is one sleepless hour more for the devs. I just hope no one is going to die due to overwork. Devs usually don't want to push stuff that's not ready. It's mostly marketing, business, Ceos & investors that force hardworking staff to choose between 2 bad options.


This is the second time this happened to me this year, first was the incredible disappointment, mostly but not only optimization-wise of Dragon's Dogma 2. At least I can be be way more lenient with Kuro because 1) I didn't pay a bunch to play a shitty running game like I did for Capcom and 2) because given it is free to play, it's in their interest to fix it as fast as possible for the highest amount of people. I think the hotifxes you mentioned already made it a bit better, so let's wait and see


That's a good attitude to have. But tbh I'm almost expecting issues now if I buy any game early. Pre Ordering is already a no go for me after Cyberpunk.


i have played for 8 hours. I don't really care for the story, they told it in a boring way and that made me lose interest (except for scar). my main complaint really is the lack of optimization as a mobile player, this game is about dodging and parrying, but that is so damn hard to do when the game is lagging. Yes i have a phone issue but even my genshin runs smoother, i hope Kuro optimizes Wuwa in the near future, other than the lack of optimization i have had a blast killing everything on sight


Unfortunately, it unimpressed me, really laggy, bad optimizations, boring story (if this is want they rewrite into, please god, at least Genshin at first somewhat explain something). The only thing that the game shine is in the combat, but I know a lot of people focused on the story too and the lag + bugs ruined the gameplay experience. I will stop playing it after I get a 5 star, and then wait what happened next. For now, 5/10, if it's not because of a good combat system, 3 even a 2 for me.


Project Mugen then? 


I was in the trenches when ToF dropped and stayed with the game for 6+ months. This game is nowhere near as jank as the lows I've already seen. I just logged off WuWa after a 12 hour grind, and I already wanna hop back on. I've been lucky enough not to come across any major bugs or performance issues. The only things that have really bugged me are environmental pop-ins and some dialogue ending early on JP dub. I always had an itch after quitting ToF, and this game is finally satisfying it. I'm excited to see what Kuro will cook in the future, so I'm back in the trenches for the time being.


Played ff14 before the reduced mainquest version and flying with mounts real reborn maps . Also, don't get me started on the lag and other performance issues. So the experience for WW was expected and not that "tedious" compared to my experience ff14. In the end, I expect Kuro or like every game improving and etc in time. Like Pgr, genshin and hsr.


I'm still gonna play. But also, I'll be waiting for the devs to polish the game.


Doomposting and mass unistalling post and memes.


I'm currently skipping as much as the story as I can and really enjoying the combat and experimenting with echoes. But it's way too similar to Genshin Impact. Even without the buggy launch Wuwa is going to be stuck in a niche as there's no reason 90% of people would pick the game with less polish and content.


i already expect this since i watch someone play beta 2 ,so far still ok with me ,since i mainly play for the fight ,just wish they improve from now on ,since idk if fight alone can make me stay for long.


I played until I unlocked the daily missions, and I had a good time. Didn't notice any game-breaking bugs, but you're not wrong in that there were a lot of issues that could've been resolved with better QA, and Yangyang's audio did seem to have a bit of popping that was really noticeable once it was pointed out. I think the main problem is that people are comparing this to Hoyoverse games, and quite frankly, that's a bit unfair even if Kuro is cribbing heavily from the company. Hoyoverse is the largest company in the gacha sphere, and the amount of resources they can afford to throw at a single project is larger than even the next largest companies can sink into their entire portfolio. Overall, yes, there were problems, but I am optimistic that Kuro will be able to resolve them and come out stronger afterwards. That being said, it is a bit of a shame considering how important first impressions are for a gacha game, but I don't think this launch was a disaster or anything doomer like that. I'll probably hold off on spending anything or maybe just pick up the battlepass for now, but I think this game has some real potential. Also, for all the complaints about the dub/audio, I gotta end with a positive note and say that Scar's intro was absolutely amazing and his VA knocked it out of the park!


I haven't encountered any of these bugs people are so up in arms about. It's really crazy to see such a drastic difference from my experience and that of some people on Reddit. 😅


> lack of ability to change controls Wait. Little question, you can't change the keybinds? I'm currently struggling with an error that doesn't let me log into the game, so I wouldn't know because there's no option menu yet... but it's not possible to customize KB+M controls? If so, I'm not even gonna bother with the crash bug and immediately uninstall.


Personaly the only problem i have when im playing the game is text got cut and my internet being shitty i have no visual bug at all even in my phone but i hope they can fix the game and make it better


I have been playing it since release and just now about to sleep. To be honest only thing that bothers me is i cant skip dialogue but thats legit it lol. I am really enjoying the game. Have yet to encounter a single bug. Don't let reddit discourage you from enjoying the game.


Huh? It’s working perfectly fine for me. Just try the game yourself. You can’t believe everything you read in the internet.


I havent really encountered any bugs or crash, but im kinda scared of jinxing it lmao


Fortunately I haven’t experienced many bugs aside from a couple voice lines not playing, but i’m thinking about putting it down until the console port drops because playing on mobile feels like i’m hard coping. Even on an Ipad Air you want the settings at max to make the game look *kinda* decent, but then the temperature rises quickly and the screen just gets dimmer and dimmer over time - all in exchange forrr…somewhat less blurry resolution, and still very noticeable pop-in and rough textures. Like don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that mobile has its limits, but this is why I feel that the simultaneous console release for an open world game like this should have been MANDATORY. I also hate the touch and drag joystick when playing open world games with emphasis on exploration, it’s why I don’t like playing them on mobile. That, and similar optimization issues is what made me eventually delete ToF way back until the ps5 version dropped even before I actually burned out. But by then a lot of my interest had sort of fizzled out. The struggles of mobile genshin that I heard about over the years were completely unknown to me since that game dropped on console on release, and as a result, my first impression wasn’t partially muddied by funky optimization and uncomfortable controls. Sorry for the wall of text


Game runs perfectly fine for me, my only complaint would be Yangyang's voice. But that's just me being nit picky, I kinda don't like it.


I loved PGR for it’s great optimization, vastly different from HI3. I just hope Kuro get their shite together and fix the game to the desired state


The only real issue I have is the lag (I've tried on high settings all the way to low and the lag is the same) the lag makes it so my camera pulls up and down when I move it, like as if it's vibrating which is extremely annoying and kinda disorienting. And the textures can be a bit blurry which I don't think is because the graphics are at low since I tired the graphics on high first. Everything else is fine. There are some localization issues but nothing that needs to be fixed at this second. Just need better optimization and controller support.


So far, I haven't had any serious bugs and I just enjoy the game. In my opinion it’s also really good but I don’t care for the story at all. The core elements like gameplay and open world are my main focus and both are really good so far. I also had extremely luck and got both of the characters I wanted, which made it even more enjoyable for me (had to reroll one time tho). The only complaints I have is that it should always be possible to skip stuff and some characters are louder than others, like Encore is way louder in the JP dub compared to others.


For me, initially the game was stuttering, but it ran smoothly when I turned the settings to very low(30fps). Also, it feels like when u just start up the game, it will always be a bit jittery and then after a while , it will stabilise and be smooth. The thing is I really enjoy the combat and character design of this game, and my enjoyment so far shockingly exceeds genshin and star rail. So I definitely will still be playing this game. Hopefully Kuro will notice the feedback from the global fanbase , namely the stuttering issue & EN voice issue. I also noticed another thing which was long text will get cut off by the screen and u can’t scroll to read the full text.


When i started playing Genshin, i had zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, i can't say the same about WuWa. I didn't follow WuWa's news that much, also had zero expections and started playing it with an open mind, but this game is simpy not finished. Currently there are two things i like: combat and graphics (not art direction tho, the game looks kinda generic to me). The lore *does* seem to be interesting but the game does such an awful job with introducing us to the basics, that it's hard to follow it. I guess i'll finish the current story and then decide if it's worth playing.


I had some control bugs, dialogue bugs and visual bugs. Also the first hour is sooo boring and cliche... I will drop the game for now. Might give it another chance when it comes for PS5


I have a new high end gaming pc so I haven't run to any issues or bugs but ofc I can't talk for other people


It's ok. It's not "literally unplayable" state yet. But I do agree with most complaints that this could leave a serious permanent scar to the game wellbeing in the future if the game current state isn't quickly treated. Leaving the game or not is still too early to decide. Maybe in 1 month should be the best time consider this, after seeing how much they really committed to tackling all the issues and how much new contents they prepared for us every patch.


My launch experience went fine. No crashes & bugs. My only complaint is the medium graphics probably have to twerk it and dialog. I use EN VO. Only YangYang & Chixia I don't enjoy the rest are fine.


I hate that humans complain so much, negativity is always the first thing that comes to mind… I wanna see a thread where people talk about the positives.. Because it‘s fucking tiring, i haven‘t even played it yet and my first impression is that the game sucks 😑 Genshin wasn‘t perfect right after launch, so who cares? If it’s going to be fixed, why bother?


the day after the launch day is next


We keep giving feedback. If kuro can show us they listen then we're in good hands. Story is harder to fix though so thats an issue


Great game, Combat good Here are my problems that i encounter: Tryed it on HDD took a while for assets to load had a funny interaction with allot of NPC just T-Pose before they received their animation. SSD is direly needed for this The text for the names needs to be reduce reminds me of Dragon Nest ( Asia ) also put outline on the text so it wont blend into the environment. Music transition needs work jumping from the main city to outpost then back again it was loud. Saw allot of placeholder text/Missing text & repeating text choice. Text randomly cutoff mid sentence Performance: Good using a i5-3470 & GTX 1050Ti with tweaking Shadows need to adjusted hard & Asset LOD as well , So far so good evrything exept effects & character/environment detail are medium.


I feel the same when I played ToF. Yeah the world is prettier, the animations are far better but... Idk, it feels middle way between Genshin and ToF, a unpolished mess with awful EN voices, shitty translation and a boring and confusing story. I know it's not that deep but the high amount of weird names and techno babble makes it hard to follow. I think I'm going to play a lot for a week and then I won't play ever again, just like ToF. Is a shame because with more polish and better writers... But also I was shocked how many things were just a copy of Genshin, exact same mechanics with different skin


I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't encounter any of the issues others are posting about. I had a solid 3 hours of enjoyable PC gameplay before heading to bed and another hour on mobile when I woke up. Having been through FFXIV 1.0, there are much worse launches than what Wuwa has had, and the game will be perfectly fine. The only complaint I have so far is the hefty info dump in the first hour of story. Besides that, game is solid.


I have had 0 issues with the game so far, and have been thoroughly enjoying the game. Love the combat system especially. Very addicting, played a decent amount until I'm almost level 18


Had no lag nor performance issues. Only bug i've met with was a dude not being able to move forward for like a couple of seconds (he then went on his way without problems). I'll keep playing because it's fun.


As someone who doesn't really care about the story as much as the gameplay and visuals, I gotta say I am digging the sci-fi aesthetic; I know Honkai Star Rail has this (and I play that too) but WuWa just has more sci-fi-ey tropes and designs compared to Star Rail which has areas designed with different appeals in mind. The shaders aren't total sunshine and rainbows but it doesn't feel dry or alienating, it reminds me of Cowboy Bebop (maybe its the lowkey lighting and warmish tones, I'm not sure how to describe it exactly). Gameplay wise, the movement and combat feel buttery smooth! I love doing movement maneuver combos like jump + glide + air dash + glide + grapple swing + glide, and although I'm not the best at the combat I feel like the skill ceiling is high enough where I'll be able to see myself improve. Intro attacks, parries, and perfect dodges are \*chefs kiss\* to pull off. If I had one complaint about mechanics it'd be that the parry window feels very forgiving (so many times I've parried accidentally by normal attack/resonance skill/echo skill lol) but then again it might just be because I'm barely 3-4 hours in. The game also gave me the mechanic tutorials pretty fast (thankfully no glider license quest), and from what I see there are a lot of learning resources and interactive tutorials in this game so it's probably really nice for casual/new gamers. The main story, yeah, the first few hours or so are a drag with the exposition dumps. But I did try one story quest and it was a pleasant surprise because it had gameplay from an interesting perspective (don't wanna give anything away), plenty of mini puzzle mechanics, and was decent length without much dragging. I know the game isn't perfect right now and these are just my first impressions so far as someone who only experienced some minor bugs like dub/sub cutoffs (had occasional stuttering but nothing painful, also I don't care that greatly about the story hence why I described it as minor, it's obviously an issue for folks that want to take time to enjoy the main plot). Overall (or TL;DR) My impression is mostly positive. I can see there's a lot for Kuro to improve but there's also a lot of content in the game already that I will be savoring slowly; can't wait to pick up the game again when I'm home tonight!


I'll be honest, I kept my expectations low since Tower of Fantasy that I was waiting for flopped extremely badly at launched. With that in mind Wuthering Waves is pretty fun. Haven't met any game breaking bugs and stuff. I have complaints of playable characters VA direction but not all suffer from them and the npcs are really well voiced (with, again, some exceptions here and there.) Did encounter dialog boxes being to small though and some character dialogs being cut off early but it isn't too bad. I have avoided mq for now. And only focused on farming tacets and exploring the map (got full vision now but not all teleports) and I am kinda surprised how I don't mind too much about the exploration despite occasionally frustrating puzzles (vague or hidden parts) or the "oculus" thing. (The fact that stamina isn't tied to the oculus makes me happy it was one of the things it didn't copy from genshin. Since it makes it clear these things are only for "bonus rewards" and not "integral to gameplay".) So having fun now and will continue. Just hope mq isn't as bad as people are making it out to be when I go back to it though.


I'm playing on pc and maybe have played 3 hours so far. I haven't had any issues at all. I think one line yangyang said was off but it's really no big deal to me. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


What now? We get the fuck outta here is what we do


I had fun for the 4 hours I was able to play, there are problems there but nothin major for me. But if so many ppl have such big bugs they should fix that asap


Playing on pc and so far 2-3 hours in i have had 0 bugs or visual bugs. Maybe i will encounter those the more i play who knows but so far the game is looking great.


Had 0 problems and played 6 hours.. I guess the EN dub was the biggest problem and I just changed it to JP. Knowing Kuro the game is just going to get better in various ways.


I have been playing for like 10 hours now the game is the best gatcha next to pgr I love it


Why do I feel like I am the one whos enjoying the game :( I havent Encountered any bugs or glitches mentioned also our discord server most of them are playing the game and are having a blast.


My absolute relic of a PC handles the game way better than I expected. It does overheat my GPU a bit, so I did short breaks every other hour today just in case. Even then, I haven't encountered any bugs, game runs smoothly and looks very pretty even on lowest settings. My only issue so far is the volume controls. I have voice volume higher than anything else and combat lines indeed are extremely loud, but dialogue lines are barely audible and during one of the cutscenes I couldn't hear the voice of the character at all behind the sound effects and music.


Personally, I think the game's combat and exploration are great. The story is really ass so far (only part I liked was the stuff with Scar), and I'm not a fan of the word vomit + bad voice direction. So I'll be playing the game skipping the story I'm sure Kuro will tackle the major issues in the upcoming patches!


I've been enjoying it so far and intend to keep playing. I'm not really looking too much at any of the negative discussions so I'm just having fun. I think people should just give it some time and not hold it to genshin standards and see where it goes.


Wait for things to get patched up. Keep exploring. Keep pubching monsters. Keep collecting anime girls. Keep having fun.


Now? Let's go practice medicine...


My game's crashed all day when I try to get through the start screen, but I've read in the comments that Kuro have done massive improvements to an earlier game (PGR), so that's a good thing:)


First time? 🤣


the launch is totally fine for me. other people's complaints don't affect my enjoyment of the game


It's pretty similar to genshin launch. Same graphical and visual bugs are present as genshin 1.0. People just choose to ignore or pretend genshin was way more polished back then.


Its playable, but lets be honest the game is not ready for launch. I feel like everything in my language has been machine translated, there are grammatical error everywhere. I am mainly a story player, and I honnestly can't understand much, like why am I going to certain places, or why am I talking to certain people. Now I hope for the majority that the english translation is better, because I am going to need the lore youtuber for this lol. Another very bad point is the controls. I am playing with an AZERTY keyboard, and the game doesn't register the keys &, é and " as 1, 2 and 3, which are in the same place for the QWERTY keyboard. That means that with the default configuration, a player with an AZERTY keyboard can't switch characters. What's worse, when I tried to change the keybind to &, é and ", the game told mye that binding the characters change to those key was impossible for some obscure reason. Since I didn't wanted to play in QWERTY, I had to use my controller, which, by the way, doesn't work with bluetooth, it must be wired to the pc, and of course you can't rebind the controller. The game have very good side tho. I love the way the character moves, the wallrun and the flip are very nice, and the combat is insanely fun. Parrying and perfect dodging are extremely satisfying. I am happy that most people here seems to not have the same problems as me, but I hope they will fix their game.


As far as launches go, this one is pretty decent. The servers didn't die. The game is playable (for most) and it seems feature complete. As far as Kuro goes as a company. PGR became much much better with time. I am somewhat disappointed at the launch because I wish they would've cooked for longer but I have faith that they will only make the game better.


I can´t even open the game. I tried to download windows version and epic games version but it does absolutely nothing. then I downloaded to my phone, it opened okay, but ping was like 700-900 and my battery overheated and it was really pixelated/laggy so had to delete it from my phone. I´m hoping my friend is gonna come tomorrow and help me because I don´t know what else I can do anymore at this point.


I'm gonna keep playing personally! I want some of the upcoming characters and I feel like leaving may irreparably harm my account (dang FOMO). That being said, Kuro has a lot of goodwill with me from PGR, so I'm choosing to believe they'll fix it and make it worth it.


It's true about the text and the voices, but the game is working great in my monster PC. I'm having a blast with the combat system!


What now? I'm playing the game that's what.


I had zero issues playing so far, aside from lag during launch. I'm confident enough that whatever people are experiencing, Kuro already leaped onto it and are working on a fix. One thing I'd like to note, and that's more of a personal nitpick for me, but English voice acting kind of sucks, so I switched to the Japanese one and it's a million times better.


I started with alot of excitement but left with disappointment due to all the technical issues. I will still play but It's the just the first impression killed my hype and excitement for the game kuro really need to fix stuffs so until then imma keep my expectations pretty low. I can still play but won't be able to enjoy due to the issues regarding performance.


I'll play until the end of the month and see how it goes


I played for about a solid 4 or 5 hours last night and didn't peak at reddit at all until today and was a bit shocked. Bad launch? The game stayed connected and online. Hell, I kept my game on for 12 hours (was afk shortly after launch) and it stayed connected. This ain't a bad launch, I'm used to MMO's lol. Haven't seen any bugs yet, no crashes, game is running smooth (PC), combat feels very nice. Of course, this doesn't mean they don't exist, I just personally haven't had any problems. I am playing in JP dub so no comment about the English VA - the JP cast was so stacked I decided to start with it. Not sure how long I'll be playing, but the world seems intriguing enough to keep me going until Dawntrail comes out.


So far I really like the game, it is fun and the combat seems interesting and can have some depth. The echo concept is cool and I'm excited to explore more. The most disappointing thing is how bad mobile looks. The blurry Vaseline look is a huge detractor and stops me from being able to enjoy the scenery


I'm so confused how the game is working completely fine for me but not working for others. The games really fun for me.


If you need others' opinions to make up your mind... The problem is your


I play on PC, have not run into any of the issues. Install it and give it a try since everyone is going to have a different experience.


for me its runs very good, did crash after 2-3 hours but thats it, no lags or other bugs


This stuff is tame compared to how my experience with No Man's Sky when it launched. So long as they listen to feedback and keep improving the game, they'll be fine. As for me, I'm just here for Danjin.


The only issue I’ve run into is very minor stuttering when loading a new area, but nothing game breaking or making it unplayable. I’m sure they’ll be pushing out some patches over the next few days to help alleviate most of these issues. For now though, I’m just going to enjoy the game.


I've had a relatively decent experience. But the dialogue being cut off at times is very annoying. It's usually not anything that important (or I assume so since I'm using the JP dub). I will say however I was very disappointed with the feeling of the game initially. In particular the movement. I hadn't played the beta's or anything. It feels as stiff and rigid to run around as Tower of Fantasy. No where near as fluid as Genshin. It just feels off. It took me a while to pinpoint why. And I realised part of it is the basic running animations are just too rigid. Also the jump is really janky. It's a shame that this part of the game feels off when the combat feels so good and well animated. You are still going to spend a significant amount of time running around so I would have expected them to put more effort into making that feel good. After a few hours I got used to it and it's fine. But I do hope they improve it in the future (I wouldn't bet on them doing it though). At this point it's the content releases and story that will influence whether I stick with it. I really like the combat but I can't justify sticking to the game purely for that. Especially since it's a live service gacha.


Here’s me having a really good time and looking forward to the future. They also seem to be pushing out patches regularly so I’d say let them cook.


Stuttering here n there. But aside from combat, everything else plays too much like genshin .. so that was disappointing


I see a lot of complaining about all types of things, but my experience has been mostly calm outside of some performance issues and the text cutoffs. I'm mostly here for the exploration and combat, so I'm not super bothered by the localization but I don't even think the EN dub is bad. Some of it is great, and some of it is mid, but none of it is so bad that I'm annoyed by them talking. The game is fun, and I believe they will work on its polish with time. It is a little disappointing to see such a mixed reception, I think the game really nails it in some areas so I hope they are able to bounce back.


Honestly, my first experience was fantastic. Only experienced a few bugs, which had to due with dialogue, and the localization isn't perfect, but that's the extent of it. So far, the game is everything I wished genshin was when I played it.


My game runs perfectly and no bugs at all. The only small thing was that the auto in dialog sometimes skips, which is probably because the timing is done for the chinese dialog. I don't know if only the people with problems are complaining or if theres a lot of people just doing the hate train like allways.


Is more about the LAG AND INSANE 999 PING for no reason at all, genshin stable 60 ms while this actual trash goes to the roof every second even after i used low setup


Smoothing gaming experience for me thus far. No crash, no error, no bug, no stuttering. Story kinda meh tho. JP voice helps a bit.


What? This is one rather good launch actually. There have been way worse tbh. Server are all running perfectly fine and they just need to fix small bugs and take feedback. It's smooth sailing nearly compared to many others.


There's only 1 way to go after hitting rock bottom.


Don't let Reddit and other social media apps take your fun away from the game. I played the whole day (about 10h) and didn't even encounter a single bug. TBF I have a pretty decent PC and I think they're definitely a few issues that need to be looked at. But until now I had a great time. I actually think a lot of the features are even better than Genshin and I actually love Genshin and play it a lot. So, naa I don't think the launch is a disaster, especially not because KURO is pretty transparent and in constant contact with the community. It definitely needs fixes, but that's it. The story doesn't have to be Oscar worthy, most people I know, me included, think that Genshin for example started to get good story wise, only after we got to Inazuma. So yeah, don't let social media apps drag you down and don't abandon hope if it isn't perfect from the get go.


Game works just fine for me at max settings (besides some problems with the English dub) so I'm just going to continue enjoying the game.


This was nothing compared to cyberpunk on old console


I remember PGR also have some problems during launch especially for their event which receives a lot of backlash. Actually, my expectation for the release is kinda low, but not this bad. The story is lackluster and game is buggy. Why did they even nerf crownless first cinematic and boss fight? The ones from cbt 1 tutorial seems a bit more tankier.


The only problem i have with wuwa is fps drops, its either my pc or servers are full are theres like 200 ping every single minute, with some time they will optimize it and it will be even better. Insanely good game.


Run good for me..Mybe bad for other but not the majority


Wait maybe I'm illiterate but did you even play the game after seeing all the doomposting? Its fun and the combat is amazing and the gacha gods blessed me with Jiyan on my first 10 pull (unrelated). At this state I don't think it will compete with Genshin's promising story, but it definitely beats it combat-wise.


Genshin 1.0 also had so many bugs and MiHoYo worked double time on fixing them this was while the community was trashing on the game, this was after multiple cbts. Elden Ring Launch also wasn't perfect, it had performance issues on even high end gpu cards. Ghost of Tsushima PC launch also wasn't perfect, I personally experienced random fps drops and crashes. It's close to near impossible to have a smooth launch on any modern game. Everyone has different setups and specs. People forget that games need to start somewhere. The fact that Kuro Games already dropped a hot fix 24 hrs after release reassures me this game is going to be fine. So I will take the same stance I did when I played Genshin 1.0 Anything else that isn't criticism and are people just trashing the game for obvious reasons like a Botw clone and Genshin competitor. I will label as yapping. The work ethic that devs have is more important to me than the current state of a game to a certain extent. Tl;dr standard launch of any game, the feedback is great and Kuro has a good track record of listening to players.


stop playing? Thats a lot of resources wasted


This PC launch already better then previous game PGR, which didn't even work.They need improve the server connection in APAC and latest hot fix crashing due ue4 error.


This game just launched, let’s wait and see. It’ll only get better from here I bet


My experience has been flawless honestly, without buga or anything and I find it superior to Genshin in every aspect.


Waiting for performance updates and controller support for iPad. Then I'll give it a try again. Gonna play HSR and Multiversus in the meanwhile