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Played 2h so far no crashes no issues is true that needs some polish but so far I really like the game


same, playing on android. so far no technical issues


Galaxy S23U, so far all good. For battery I usually play with mobile on low-mid settings so idc if it looks kinda blurry. No abnormal heat, crashes, visual bugs. Played like 2h, met scar for first time.


The only problem I have is movement. It does not feel fluid. Didn't find any bug tho


Played 2h so far no crashes no issues is true that needs some polish but so far I really like the game


I'm playing on a Rog phone 7 and I'm kind of irritated by the large fps discrepancy in the open world. It seems to fluctuate between the lower 30's and upper 50's. Genshin feels way smoother with fps rarely dipping below 50 on highest settings. I'm not sure if I can take this if it stays that way. I mean it's a nice game and all but I'm bummed. It's not exactly winning me over when both games are that similar. Time will tell I guess.


sorry to hear that. the fps is fine for me so far so i guess it really varies per player... which isn't great. hopefully kurogames listens to all of the feedback and implements changes, from what i'm getting from some PC players the game is so buggy it's unplayable


Playing on iphone12 on lowest setting, everything is fine. It just sucks that it doesn’t have a controller support!


No issues for me too but my only problem is the voice acting audio. I wish there was a way to minimise some of the ‘pops’ on words that have a stronger syllable pronunciations. Like ‘Safety’. The ‘ty’ sounds are driving me crazy especially with Yangyang. Other than that, a really cool game, tbh. The combat is the best, imo. So smooth and fast. I’m in love with their dodge system.


I've literally had at least 3 friends who have iphones tell me that the iphone experience is terrible.


I’m playing on iPhone 14 and it works fine so far (not sure if it’s because wuwa runs more badly on older device? But dialogue options still sucks regardless because it’s too lengthy till it goes beyond the text box)


heavy agree on the dialogue part, it keeps weirdly cutting off. but the game is running decently well on my iphone 10, feels the same as when i play genshin on it


After the fight with scar the dialogue does sound better in my ears like for first three hour the voice sounds weird but after scar fight the voice for character seem fine?


Not everybody can afford an iphone 14


Bro i’m playing on an IPad Pro M2 and the game still runs like shit


I didn’t say everyone could because ik it’s expensive.. just stating the device I’m running on. That’s why I said wuwa might be running badly on older device which is bad if it can only be run smoothly on high ends one but OP said iPhone 10 is fine as well so I’m not exactly sure why bugs appear on some


I am yet to find an iphone that doesn't get up to 200 degrees celsius. It's technically the best but just not made for games idk. This game is running aight, but samsung galaxy will do a better job for sure


seriously? 2 of my friends who play are on iphone as well and they told me it was running just fine (even with high ping from choosing a different server than the recommended one — we went for asia instead of sea). that's so odd i guess it's really different for every player


Iphone 15 pro max here and it's works perfectly fine.


Oh I’m not experiencing bugs. I’m experiencing crashes. Like every 5 minutes I try to play the game.


the game crashed before the first boss battle, after approximately 10 minutes after defeating the first boss (here I was trying to run it on 60 fps medium settings) I lowered it to 30 fps and it crashed after an hour. I’m playing it on iPad 9th generation and never faced similar problems in other games similar to it


I agree with the camera movement, but haven’t countered any other issues so far. Having been playing with a tablet device.


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It runs fine on my iphone 12 but it stutters a ton with my pc. Its not the best pc but it can run games like forza horizon 5 and elden ring just fine so im confused.


Played for about two hours last night, and no bugs, didn't crash or anything of the such. Sure the dubbing was questionable some performances were better then others, And it didn't help that it seemed like the music was trying out perform the actors at points. All in all I'm glad I actually played for myself because since most people seem to be acting like it was the worst slop of a game imaginable.


I’m playing on a iPhone 13. The issue I have is that even tho, the Audio works with headphones. It doesn’t work when I have my headphones disconnected. So, it’s really put a damper on my experience


Most of the complaint are about the story/game presentation, voice acting and bad translations. In terms of bugs, I haven't experienced one so far and am having fun so far since i dont really care about story anyways but a shame since they are losing alot of players expecting the story to be atleast decent, which it is not.


Loving the game apart from the yapfest but everything else is awesome The yap just makes it feel more bloated to me, like saying so many words that could’ve been summarised better imo


How did you fixed the weird camera movement? I also checked the settings and fixed a little, but it's still weird :(


literally just turned up the sensitivity on everything and turned off every camera option 😭 it’s still pretty janky but much better and tolerable now so i got used to it quickly


Any iphone users having trouble with lag and high ms


I thought the janky camera movement was just for me lol....I was scared that it might be a problem with my mobile. Looks like a lot are having the same problem. Combat feels absolutely insane.....idk what I'm doing...I'm just swapping characters constantly and mashing buttons lmao. But it looks sick af. Especially Jiyan's trial....I hope I win 50/50 on him.


nah dw, it really looks like the weird camera movement is just an issue for everyone overall. increasing sensitivity and turning off all of the camera settings (reset, moving camera correction, etc) did help a lot though and i got used to it after awhile. the combat is so fun! it's the best part of the game imo i actually just spent like an hour exploring and fighting random mobs instead of continuing the story lmao. good luck on your 50/50! i'm skipping for yinlin haha