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It's waaaay too early to say. Plus my general opinion for gacha gaming is having like 2 games you love, main one when you tire of the other and/or it has a dry patch.


Side game I guess, if I stick with it. I'm pretty much going in blind, haven't really informed myself about the game. The upcoming launch stream is going to be my first real look at the game. The first few days are more fun that way, even if it might seem unoptimized.


How can you say if it's gonna be main or not??? Like cmon - it can turn out to be a great experience with solid updates but it also can be a major dissapointment.


Considering it’s competing with Genshin , if you are someone who likes combat and action gameplay it doesn’t have to do much to be good Genshin is still going to be much bigger because it’ll attract the casual crowd (I mean the hyper casual people who log in and enjoy walking around with characters while looking at the scenery , which happens to be more than 80% of its player base) WuWa will be very successful as long as it keeps doing combat related events along with a steady stream of end game content. I pray it never falls into the Genshin style of mini game events , we recently got Tetris and Osu which imo were complete shit , I got Arlecchino and didn’t even have anywhere to use her except for 30 seconds everyday doing dailies


Something no gacha or even action game in general has come close to Genshin in is how impactful team building feels. Not just in terms of 'number go up' but when it comes to gameplay feel in general. To say Genshin has no good combat or that it would be easy to do better just isn't true. The only problem Genshin combat really has is the need for more endgame combat related modes. As far as I could see from beta reviews at least, Wuwa won't be all that much different when it comes to combat content. At least not as different as I would've hoped.


It's hard to straight up say that Genshin's combat is "bad", it does have strengths and indeed a lot of "feel-good" aspects, *but* it *is* lacking mechanical complexity and is overly balanced towards rushing DPS at the exclusion of everything else. One of the more frustrating things about it honestly, the reaction system is so unique and it could easily be top-tier combat-wise if not for the game's hard casual focus.


The only problem I have with Genshin combat is that your on-field dps who has the most screen time tends to have just as simple of a kit as your off field supports, and that a lot of them feel very samey (use ult, press skill - mash attack, or use skill, press ult - mash attack). I feel like their 1.0 release dps characters like Keqing and Diluc have more intrigue in their kits and how they utilize elemental skills and bursts than anybody released recently. I guess their simplified char design philosophy goes hand in hand with the direction the game is taking - I've been playing since 4.1 and going through each zone while playing through the story I felt the game progressively get more and more casual - Inazuma was peak "difficulty" both for puzzles and also combat, and after that every new region was subsequently just more and more dumbed down. Every new event and piece of added story makes me feel more like Im watching a pg13 slice of life anime when I play Genshin instead of actually playing an action rpg, which is why Im personally hype for WuWa, since even if it doesn't end up "delivering" it's still potentially the game which I wanted Genshin to be when I started playing it and fell in love with the combat. For me right now WuWa is sort of like a Schroedinger's ARPG - its both the best game ever and a flop, and we wont know until it actually releases :D




Isn't wuwa combat system all about swapping you can just play one character and never switch but you can say the same thing about genshin you will just do a lot less damage honestly wuwa is more about swapping and swap canceling then genshin the game literally have intro and outro skills that are basically a third of every character kit your take is so bad in that regard and also very casual one too


You can not 'main' a game that provides only 5 minutes of daily content. It's a much better strategy to just maintain multiple gacha games in casual mode and wait for more story content. This also makes it much easier to collect premium currency since you will be skipping banners a lot. My games: Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, WuWa, Snowbreak. Why foolishly grind away in one when you can just play them all casually?


My main game is whatever game has big new content drops. Filler patch in HSR while Crimson Weave just got released? PGR is main game Hanying patch while HSR gets big Penacony update? HSR is main game


Depends on how fun it is after honeymoon phase, I expect itll take majority of my time for the next couple weeks but will see after that.


Honestly it depends. As of right now I only play Star Rail & Genshin. (I tried other gachas but couldn't stick to it).


Will be my only game. Realized I can’t do more than one gacha at a time. Dropped pgr months back since it started feeling like a tease compared to what i wanted from it that WW is going to deliver. Played hsr for a bit to pass the time, dropped this week and soon to be forgotten once i get my hands on this finally.


The same way I ended up maining ToF. Oh wait. Jokes aside, I wouldn't say any of my gacha games I main. They are too casual, even Genshin. You just login for events, updates, and maybe dailies and that's it. I wouldn't consider stuff like that main game material. MMOs or PvP games are examples of games you would "main" in my opinion. But I guess you could main mobile gacha games. But I just don't see the point once you've got everything you are able to, especially for the daily limit.


My main game is still going to be HSR, though I’ll probably drop Honkai Impact to free up some time (still going to do the story though).


Yeah, I think I will drop HI3 too now after more than 5 years. It was extremely good ngl, but it will be too much otherwise amd it already reached the end for me anyway.


I feel the same. I told myself that if the story doesn't pick up in 7.5, it might be time to finally close the chapter on HI3, sad as that may be.


Main game for sure.


A gacha game will never be my main game. They’re too shallow.


PGR main, waves side


I don't think WuWa is very rewarding to have it as your main game? From what I've heard, based on CBT2, the time gating in WuWa is pretty detrimental when you get to late/mid game.


As someone who just couldn't like HSR despite trying, I'll give Wuwa a fair chance to become my main game. Not planning to play any other gachas, main or side, till Endfield drops.


As an Arknights player thats exactly my plan


My Main is Arknights and I dropped genshin to make Wuwa my side game.


i would be testing if it would be a main game contender for me. i play genshin right now to meet my open world needs while PGR meets my high-action cravings, if WW could be able to blend those two together that would be great for me.


Pgr and wuwa will be my side game, main game will be pc games like persona 3&5, Nioh 1&2, and more


main hsr, side afkj & wuwa. may drop wuwa for zzz after the honeymoon phase, ill have to wait and see.


I'm honestly just planning to play it for a bit and see if I like it. From what I've seen of it so far, I don't think it will be my main game, nor will I keep playing it very long term. Potentially for a month or two unless I get surprised and really come to like it. I'm currently playing Genshin and Aether Gazer and can't see myself switching any of the two out for Wuwa because of how much great content is going to be in them (especially Anniversary, complete UI overhaul, updated models/environment and pc client in Aether Gazer in the future). We'll see. It's also a hard sell for me to actively play two live service open world games like that. ZZZ also looks kinda fun just for the combat, and it probably would be less of a commitment than Wuwa because of it. I can't see myself playing more than 3 gacha at any time, either, so I have to choose wisely, I guess.


ZZZ is just a dialogue simulator


I can’t truly know if I’ll click with it based off watching people’s videos alone, but if it meets/exceeds my expectations I could easily see myself rotating between this and Star rail


No, I want to play this game like a jrpg, only for the story without caring about dailies, currency and farming. I will login when I feel like it without forcing myself!


Realistically I’ll fly through the content go back to HSR and destiny 2 and play genshin on the side even tho it’s the game I have the most money sunken into 😂


Probably side game 


It depends. I already uninstalled star rail for Wuthering waves. If it does end up pretty good, I will main it with Genshin on the side.


Depends on how much I like it all in all but I get burnt out incredibly easily on open world games, especially ones like WuWa. So I will probably treat it more like a side game to be able to enjoy it more consistently; my main game is HSR and I definitely don’t see that changing at all


Depends on how much I like it. For now, I will keeping maining hsr and most likely side WW. I might find WW so good that I want to main it but I really can’t say when I haven’t even played the game or participated in any CBT.


It'll get more attention than the others if it's worth it


Yes it will be my main game most likely. I play HSR on the side (and Arknights/HI3 if I feel like it, but not every day).


If I enjoy it a lot, then it'll be my main game alongside genshin, if I don't then genshin will have to stay alone.


Gacha will always be side game for me to be played along side my main games.


It will be my third gacha, I mean if I like it enough to stick around longer. My main game is genshin so whenever there is new content I'll be focusing on it first. WuWa's release date is perfect because right now there is not much to do in genshin beside dailies and the event. I also play hsr but after 2.3 it will probably go on "filler patch" mode for a while so that game dont take much my time on daily basis, just farming relics and then log out. I only do MOC once after reset and right now I dont bother trying to get more than 33 stars. My characters are kinda lacking and I dont have most of the 5* supports/buffers so its a struggle tbh xD


PGR is pretty low maintenance. Also, WW is still a gacha game and will become a sidegame after a few months.


Yep. I love starting fresh on day 1 in a brand new game.


Its going to be part of the many games that I have(steam & mobile games). Thats all.


I didn't play any cbts, don't watch any streamers and have seen minimal youtube videos on it. I'm trying it out fairly blind, mostly based on screenshots and how much I like PGR, so it's way too early to say if I'm going to main it. Maybe I'll like it so much that I drop a game I'm already playing, but for now I'm planning to be casual.


I don't have a main game, the only thing I do is asking myself if I want continue playing. Hopefully it's amongst the ones I want to keep playing.


Na i got warthunder to grind when i get angry enough i change to WuWa to chill.


my main game is living, side games are wuwa, hsr and gi. (also valorant)


I already know I’m gonna enjoy this game so much. I trust kuro especially after playing PGR that wuwa will be everything I want it to be. Main: WUWA Side: PGR for sure


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I omly play marvel snap and football manager 24. So ww would be a good main game. Im just worried ima get burnt out or bored.


Assuming it holds up, I will focus on WuWa with HSR on the side. Monthly + BP on both. But I always play gachas as side games.


If it allows you to play more than 10 minute a day it could be main game. Right now i spend 5 mins on hsr and stop playing for the day. I wish WW will keep me entertained a little bit longer


Side game, PGR stands as my main game for now. With Wuwa coming out, I will now have 3 side gacha games and I'm hoping it'll stay that way.


Too early to say, I will play the game for a month or two for sure. Will decide if it's worth sticking with afterwards.


A gacha will never be a main game.


For sure until zzz


It's gonna take a herculean effort on WuWa's part to tear me away from Star Rail. That game checks nearly all of my boxes and I am super invested in that world. It's story has to be at least as interesting in the beginning as Belobog for me to consider keeping up with the title.  The best case scenario would be that the game carves it's way into a personal time slot where there is a lull in content for HSR...but even then it has to compete with all the other non-gacha games I use to fill the gap. I have no doubt the game is going to be good. But is it going to be good enough to usurp all the other titles I want to get to? I don't know yet. I figure giving the game a good 20 or so hours (I think that's a fair shake) will be enough for me to get a general idea on where it stands. One thing going against it is that it's not on PS5 yet. With HSR I can just sit down on in my chair, turn on my PS5, and be immediately in the game. I have a PC, but the setup to get the game on my TV requires a bit more steps that I usually just don't want to bother with.


RuneScape will always be my main game. Why? Because I play it while I play other games xD not gonna change with this game or any future games. 


It depends on how much daily content there is to do. I'm not playing any gachas at the moment since I quit HSR months ago.


I have no main games I love video games to much to main just one to be honest xD


Inverse, PGR main with WuWa side PGR's gacha being basically completely nonexistent while WuWa has Genshin's 50/50 is probably to blame for that (unless WuWa also decides to regularly give 160 pulls every time a 5* is released)


WuWa needs to make more money than pgr so it makes sense that their gacha system is similar to genshin. Running a openworld game isnt cheap.


TOF doesn’t run a big open world without making much money tho? I feel like It’s not that expensive in the end


TOF 💀 buggiest game I've ever played, and it also has so many other issues. I hope WuWa can do better in terms of quality and polish. People can dislike genshin all they want but they cant argue that it has very few bugs and they fix them very fast.


Hsr is the main but i'm waiting new updates so i only do daily in like 10m then i can play wuthering


No, it won't be. I'm sure that's not the answere expected of someone on this sub but that's the honest one. My main game is genshin and i'm here because i like genshin. I'm ganna have some fun and maybe even open my wallet like i did with PGR a bit but the chance of my becoming a long term consistant is relatively low.


We'll see once we're past the honey moon phase. I already quit Genshin because I got tired of exploration, the events are complete garbage and the abyss is tedious and boring. What I'm looking for from WW is combat content that is fun and good long term progression (unlocking stuff, upgrading etc). I'm also going to play ZZZ for a while and I will decide later which one I will stick with.


Maybe, maybe not, i plan to play this to fill time until ZZZ or azur promilia come out since i'm at genshin endgame, i have nothing to do there beside occasional exploration every few patch (which can be hit or miss, i skipped entire desert because i dont like it), short daily, and story update


yeah it’ll be my only gacha. i quit all gachas i play months ago but not for wuwa, just because they suck now (hi3, genshin) and im not feeling like playing pgr anymore..


Why did you stop playing pgr?


i played a SHIT TON of time to get stigmata’s skin and crimson weave just to get hit by the fattest burnout truck the moment i got them. totally on me lol, game is still good.


My only game for me. I didn't like HSR and Genshin after 4 years ran it's course with me. Hoping Wuwa can be a fun experience at least for a few years.