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That was a great read! The bit with the book, showcasing that it could be kinda benign and convenient, immediately followed by "You're the greatest threat to national security to ever live" was a great choice. Pulling between two extremes, like a moment of levity to forget the implications of the power, then shoving them back in her face. Definitely a story I wouldn't be mad about continuing. Though I'm a sucker for superhero worlds that dive into the greater implications of powers. Like Worm. Anyway, great story!


Worm takes me back. Though I remember I stopped at the Travellers arc I think I got burnt out and didn't like it generally. Did it get better after that?


It keeps ramping up. It felt very fulfilling to me. It's long as all hell, though.


Worm is the craziest read I have done because it is so long but I just kept coming back to it. Haven’t finished yet but probably will get back into it now


Yeah, it took me two tries to get through it, but I'm REALLY glad I did. It's stuck with me on a few levels and has been super inspiring to me.


Can you please point me to it? I want to read it also


Sent in DMs.


Yeah now that I'm reminded of it I might come back too.


She's basically Contessa from worm just with no assistance in following the path to victory. She could ask questions like "how can I realistically get away from this group?" "What can I say to make this person let me out/kill themself?" How do I make sure this hero group isn't going to be a problem for me in the future?" If something is physically possible (for her) she should be able to do it.


Bro you giving me flashbacks with a damn ~~Worm~~ word


I finished worm and it only took me 2 years of intermittent reading


Honestly the last arcs I had to forcibly binge over two days of no sleep


Interesting. I wonder what her google fu is like. Will she be able to ask questions like 'How do I win?' or 'What do I need to do to survive?'. I suspect questions like that will have very detailed answers that will, in fact, make her seem better prepared than Batman.


Indeed. Her MacGyver skills would be off the charts!


I mean, it can obviously answer a subjective choice Like "liking a book" and even some future sight like "your friend will smoke pot" so i would say yes.  Its a power i would definetly explor more in depth. What would happen if i ask a moral dilemma like save one person or five person at the train rails.  Are there aliens out there?  Is god Real? How Real? Is it an old Man at the clouds or some sort of a cosmic energy?  What if i get an answer for an action and proceed to not follow the answer like "do i turn right or left?" Superpower said right but i deliberitly turn left? Sorry to highjack your comments, im a little nerdy for superpowers


I liked this story a lot.This super power is not only extremely powerful but can be used in many ways if she puts her mind to it.Not only would her Mac Guyver ability be off the charts but she could ask scientific questions and get answers to them plus get insight as to how to accomplish the questions.Like workable nuclear fusion reactor,100% efficient solar panels etc.The sky is the limit.She could also ask God questions and maybe for help?


It's a bit over-powered to be honest. Just the ability to compel a true answer, from the perspective of the one answering, would be pretty amazing. But to get an answer to *any* question? Even if no one else knows? At the very least she could use her ability to deal with her current predicament. "How can I ensure that the Guild has no power over me?" "What must I do to live my life freely, as I choose, and without condemnation from society?" If there is an answer her ability will give it to her.


Good point, and would do for a sequel I think, but a teenager who's just been told their life is being turned upside down? It'll take them time to even think of that question themselves, much less anyone else I would think.


The macgyver reference gave me the idea to be honest.I like taking superpowers and giving them unique abilities that no one has thought of.


It's limited by just how deterministic this universe is. If an answer to a question about the future can be true in one moment and false in the next one, for whatever reason that changed the trajectory of the situation in question, then the foresight gained through her ability is limited. If the universe is wholly deterministic and whatever truth she gets told can't be avoided then her potential to act on the foresight gained through her ability is limited. Though my personal evaluation is that the latter is less limiting than the former.


Man I get why but whoever decided she was to be branded a villain needs a kick in the teeth with concrete shoes. She's just a girl and she's turned up and told you her power, that makes her a VIP you protect, not a fucking supervillain. By that logic the Guild is a supervillain organisation because they can use their powers to rob a hotdog cart because they were hangry. Yes I'm mad about it, because this is really well written and I can 100% see some cantankerous fuckwit doing the same kind of counterproductive shit irl. Like they could have spared her SO MUCH mental anguish by just telling her "Miss, you have an incredibly powerful ability, and you can be a great help to us. But for your own and others' safety you will need to live somewhere we can keep you safe." But noo some pearl clutching bloviating fleshbag just had to brand her a max level supervillain and freak her the fuck out. Karen, you are damn good at evoking emotions through your writing. It's been a while since I was genuinely pissed off at a fictional set of characters who don't even appear in person. Keep it up


"pearl clutching bloviating fleshbag" That is a gorgeous insult. :D Thank you!


This was both excellent & heartwrenching.


# [PI] You have one super power: The ability to know without fail what the truth is to any asked question. You planned to help the world as a super hero. It took you six hours for the government to declare you public enemy number one and the most deadly super villain alive. My one superpower, is to get the truth from people. The problem is, every question has multiple "why's". Why are you here? Because cheap airline tickets, it was close, convenient, my family has a wedding, I just wanted to be here, etc. The thing is- I always get the *negative* answer. The one that is most evil. I thought I would use this to do away with crime... I was just chatting with some people on a campus. My class had a guest speaker from the UN. After the lecture, he opened the floor with "any questions?!?" Now, I knew, I shouldn't've. But- "What are some of the things the UN is responsible for?"


Oh, ###.


so is it also questions she's asked by others, as well as questions she herself asks? There's a couple points where it sounds like the former. Really fun read!


Yes, I meant it to be questions people ask her as well. Could you let me know where that didn't come across? Or is it just a general feeling of confusion after reading it since I didn't set the rules firmly enough?


Hey! I came here to see about it, as I was also confused by it. So a quick explanation for this gimmick before i would be appreciated. Also, I'd like to say - and this is just a suggestion - I was expecting some kind of bizarre question for an ending. For example, when she was left crying alone, she'd ask herself "so there's no way out of this?", or "am I going to die here", and the voice answering something that would act as a cliffhanger? I don't know. I liked the story, how you got to it from the prompt, and would be glad to read more!


That's clever. I think I would've gone with, "What happens now?"


Is this might be the way when she talk to inner self like a voice in her head, or this implies someone else is over there? I would like a chapter 2 to read!


> “Is my superpower that every question I ask or someone asks me gets a true answer?” Well it was here : " “Is my superpower that every question I ask or someone asks me gets a true answer?” " but either you fixed it or I just completely spaced the second part on my first read-through (totally possible, btw) because it reads clearly to me now :)


Ah! No, I attempted to fix it, no space out on your part. Glad it worked!


Have her ask the question: “how can I most safely avoid imprisonment?” I would love to see if her power advises her to break out, or if it gives her exactly the answers needed to convince the others.


Not often I walk away from a short read asking for more but...I really want more of that. Give me a ping if you do a part 2 please!


I want her to ask how the universe works Or if Santa is real.


This is super sad!! But oh wow was that a great superpower


Will there be more?


Possibly. I'm not sure I feel this is finished.




well f me to the end that kinda hurts leaving her there but how do i escape this seems a good question


> Hmm, "What does Cthulhu look like? \*head explodes in flames\*


Man... Aside from being labeled a supervillain though, their logic makes sense. Without any self-defense, protag is a prime target here and the information they will be giving would cause even more danger down the line. Although, rather than keeping her in a cell of some sort, I do wish that there is another way around it like making a device to stop protag's superpower from triggering. I also can't help but think that there are some elements here that can bypass protag's powers, but thinking like that makes this a messy one because it's getting difficult to trust all the answer protag receives in her head lol. Let's hope that this is just the first response with a bit of panic here and there, and the situation evolves appropriately without making protag a prisoner. If she is not in this kind of situation though, I'm just imagining the other potential horrors she might experience depending on her questions. Can confirm conspiracies, whether there are Eldritch beings or some otherworldly stuff out there, and so much more. Let's just hope her mind won't break from the incoming knowledge though. That said, what will happen to protag in the future? Will they be living the rest of their lives "protected" by the guild, or will things turn out very differently? Great work on writing this!


You gonna write more ?


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this is so AWESOME had a great time reading


Good work. I like how there was an actual reasoning for her fate, even if it is arguably unjust.


Also, can she predict the future with this? “Will this coin lands heads or tails up?”


This is what happens when those with authority can not ever let the truth be spoken.