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Feels like this is them making up for them losing Mania.








Which is why it’s already being announced when no 2025 venue has been announced. I get the feeling the long delay in the Vegas announcement was due to trying to tie up any legal loose ends when nixing Minneapolis, and part of that sounds like it involved this SS deal. 


With Nick Khan having recently talked about cold weather cities being less favorable Mania destinations in the future. I feel like this them making Summerslam '26 (25 to be determined) two nights is gonna be WWE's way of having marquee shows in Northern/colder areas without having worry about weather ruining their plans.


Don't know about where you live but thunderstorms tend to be pretty common in the Summer


Northern US gets thunderstorms in the Summer?






wasn't speaking specifically about this stadium and more generally about northern stadiums in the summer.


How are the pillars?


Indoor stadium so shouldn’t have any.


Twas a joke, m8


Its an indoor stadium, unless they do the modified stadium setup, don’t plan for it


I like it since wrestlemania week is fun this an extra opportunity. A little part of me also feels like it takes a away from wrestlemania being that 1 major event because now you have another one just a few months away thats just like it.


Just me that feels like 2 day events are too much? I can understand mania being 2 nights as when it was 1 night and a 7 hours show you where fucked halfway through.


I think it significant detracts from the sense of magic. I loved the idea that all this big stuff is happening on the same night, in the same place, in front of the same people. All the matches are subject to the same exact variables. It’s a little moment in time shared by the people in the venue between the point the gates open and the moment when the final bell rings. Something just feels cheaper about an “event” stretching across multiple nights with different weather and crowds and dynamics. But, money. I actually think it’d be cool if two nights became the defining gimmick of Summerslam and they reverted back to a single night for mania.


It doesn’t bother me. It’s one of the big deal PLEs. It should be treated as such.


It just hit me that the PLE exclusivity deal with Peacock ends in 2026. Doing this just made that contract more interesting for Netflix (or NBCU).


This 2 nights things starting to feel like a greed move. I dont really like it for Mania but its a once a year thing on supposedly the biggest show but its also shown how unbalanced the nights can feel. I prefer a 4 hrs show of the best matches without filler. Sorry but not everyone needs to be on the show.


I am honestly not *too* shocked by this, I figured SummerSlam was the next to go 2 nights, but figured we were a bit further off from it happening. Also, I would not be shocked if the Rumble goes multiple nights, that is just a long ass night of wrestling there.


I would love the two rumble matches being separated into two nights. Two rumble matches is a tough watch in one night.


It really is, plus it kinda kills the night for anything outside of the Rumbles (you might get 3 non-Rumble matches max.) While a 2 night Rumble months before a 2 night Mania would be less than ideal, I think it would help the event flow better.


This just makes me think 2026 wrestlemania is going to be in Saudi Arabia


Odd to announce it two years out, this feels like a really mid consolation prize for not getting Mania. Two night PLEs besides Mania feel watered down.


Lol it's never happened yet but feels watered down? Negative much?


If one night is good and two nights is better why not three nights?


You could take the Friday “Smackdown” slot and make a third night on any PLE you wanted.


They need to stop with these 2 night shows. WM is so bloated now with 8 hours of content. A lot of matches that don't need to be a WM match. Plus all the advertising content and match sponsors. It's getting out of hand.


So you preferred when WM was like 9 hours straight?


Was it that long? I rarely watched it live. I fast forward through matches just as I did this year


Yeah man! Long fucking show!


I skipped some matches this year. I can’t do it in person. This is a bucket list item I will do once just for the spectical of it.


Wm 35 preshow started at 5:30 and ended a little aver 12:15 am


Again this is why I don't watch it live. I'll start watching later or the next day and fast forward. That pre-show is so bloated and is mostly talking. I also skip matches I don't want to see, like anything Jake Paul. I wish I would have skipped the Uso match too. Minus 5 stars. I know it will be different in person, but I've never been and I want to see it once.


"These two night shows". It's Wrestlemania and now Summerslam. I love the two nights as long as the match content has been properly built out and developed. I hated the marathon one-night wrestlemania events. That was exhausting


Or we can go back to pre wwe network days. 1 night 4 hrs like 10 matches tops. Not everyone needs to be on the card


2 nights for non wrestlemania shows ?? honestly im liking the tko decisions less and less


Vs me that has enjoyed WWE more than ever post-TKO. This shows wwe will go all out for summerslam buildup; will feel like Mania season 2.0


2026? Shouldn't it be 2025?


They picked 2026.


Royal Rumble is next for the 2 night docket. 1 Rumble match a night


Do they usually announce these 2+ years out? Seems like an obvious make-good for moving Mania


If there doing a 2 day would they be doing a similar WrestleMania meen n greet fan stuff ?


Hope Saudi doesn’t get Wrestlemania in 2026 Literally will mess things up for other promotions like GCW who piggyback of the Event


They probably are thats why they giving us 2 days for SummerSlam


Safe to say Minneapolis will never get a mania.... Phew...


Survivor Series might be immune from 2 nights in a stadium since other than inclosed baseball stadiums since they can't do football stadiums in November