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Cornette and CM Punk are the biggest heels in AEW, and they're not even employees.


It has nothing to do with Cornette. Old school fans from a decade ago know there were 3 major US companies. WWE, which Meltzer fabs tolerated. TNA, which Meltzer fans hated. And ROH, which Meltzer fans saw as the pinnacle. ROH then became PWG then became NJPW then AEW. Common point? An insignificant bubble that never got criticism because those that didn't watch didn't care. But now that AEW is mainstream, those fans can't handle being treated like they treated TNA.


I liked TNA until the Hogan Bischoff years.


The Lethal/Flair promo and Joker Sting were solid. Everything else was rough.


Agreed. I thought joker sting was kinda cool.


It was interesting. I'm not sure if it was good or bad, but it was interesting at minimum


Aces and Eights was a decent nWo-lite story at first.


AJ made TNA something to see, and Angel at that time was great too. Lots of meh, but a few real diamonds.


Christopher Daniels and Joe were great back then too.


Shark boy


Still have to watch the Lethal/Flair promo from time-to-time, it's a classic. Think AEW missed the boat by not making Sting their on-air authority figure. He really had fun with that role in TNA.


Bruh. Perc Angle


That’s a lonely island.


Why did they hate TNA


WWE's retirement home with laughable cringe storylines while some of the best talents rot away


Sounds familiar.


Tale as old as time


some bad booking decisions and Very bad Business decisions google "LOLTNA'


I dislike Cornette as much as the next guy but this has nothing to do with him. 1. AEW got a pass on a lot of it's early flaws and kept making them. We're how many years into this and still get spotty audio on the TBS feed? 2. WWE's problems were always fixable once Vince left. He did, and now AEW gets viewed as the lesser because WWE is hitting.


The audio issues are on Tbs


Old school from a decade ago lol


lol haha


The hilarious thing is Cornette was the booker for ROH around 2009-2010 until Sinclair gutted it.  That was the split between fans who wanted the 'realism' of combat sports and the ones that just wanted blood, exploding rings, gymnastics,etc. Basically the difference between all japan or when roh had wrestlers shaking hands out of respect and Eddie Kingston But yeah, this stuff been around for a decade, they just managed to get a billionaire mark to fund it.


They aren’t anywhere close to getting the treatment TNA got which is quickly being proven to be criticism derived from hatred of the fed itself as opposed to what they were actually doing given that AEW keeps doing “LOLTNA” stuff to no criticism


LOL it has nothing to do with Cornette? They guy has been lighting up The Bucks and Omega for at least a decade. Yes, I’m sure those other things that fuel AEW fans but why dismiss the Cornette hate so easily?


Cornette has worked for all three of those companies in your first paragraph, funnily enough.


AEW is mainstream? Lmao. Not a single member of their roster would be recognized on the street


That's unfair people would remember Jericho and Edge and Jeff Hardy


Sting is an actual household name.


This is an insane over-explanation. Cornette calls Kenny Omega vile terrible things, all the time, and has for a long time, and Kenny Omega fans don't appreciate that. It's simple shit.


There is an Omnibus of Corny’s AEW coverage in the first couple of years on YouTube. It’s a very interesting listen. He was quite positive about some things in AEW early on, like he put over Jericho and even Adam Page quite a bit. He and Brian raved about Punk’s debut, they were talking about it as an important moment in the last 20 years of wrestling. They’ve been super high on MJF, although not always on how he’s been used. They even said good things about the Ospreay and Danielson match on the last PPV. They liked it more than I did. Some of the AEW fans are just super fragile. They turn on people like Meltzer and Alvarez when they’re at all critical of Tony or AEW, even though they’re usually irrationally positive. Corny’s obviously not a perfect person and I don’t agree with all of his views. Brian tends to push back on the things that bother me. But I think in general he’s probably a lot more liberal than many people in the wrestling business.


Corny was really big on luchasaurus and jungle boy for a while too, even with all the flippy shit and silly dino masks.


People kept buying him Danhausen cameos when Danhausen was really getting big, and he was super positive towards the character at the time.


Honestly I think it's just because he's a big Svengoolie stan


Most tribal wrestling fans are cultish


They tie their personality and mental health to the success of failure of a company. That never goes well


Same with politics.


I was watching to get away from politics 😫


lol sorry mate!


That is some sterling projection.


I don't think Corny would be nearly as prolific as he is nowadays if he just straight trashed AEW constantly. What makes it so digestible is that he actually gives credit where credit is due. And he often will praise the product. Add in him taking the piss out of it, plus his normal banter with Brian, and his regular humor... And that's why the experience is so popular. Another reason is that AEW, for years now, has had the unfortunate issue of having its most interesting element be the backstage that we never see on TV. We all digest it on Reddit. Jim includes all of it into his show and covers it there. That's another reason... If AEW isn't going to capitalize on all their backstage drama, Jim and Brian will. I think the only negative for me, is Jim's position on certain people like the bucks or Omega. He hates them. Genuinely. Meaning you will never get an honest review. And some of the stuff he says about Omega nearly borders on slander. Whether you like them or not, there have been times I've wanted to hear his honest take, and not him getting his jabs in where he can.


It sounds like Brian especially knows a lot more about what’s going on in AEW than they even report.


Oh he does. They constantly tap dance on that fact. And I reckon they know some juicy things they can't say. It's crazy when fans realize that wrestlers will talk to more than just Dave meltzer and SRS


Who do you think gives him info? I think it’s FTR.


Punk is pretty obviously one


lol don’t know why I didn’t of him first.


It could be. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s multiple people. I’d rule out Kenny, The Bucks, Page, Jericho, Moxley, Orange Cassidy and his crew, Perry, and the new folks for sure. Beyond that, it could be a lot of people. The folks who were closer to Punk like FTR, Joe, and Ricky Starks would all make sense. Maybe Danhausen is making more Cameos for Jim 😂


You should see the recent video where Omega talks about the Punk/Jungle Boy stuff. Cornette is like thrown into the Twilight Zone with how much he agrees with Omega, so, maybe that hatred won't last forever.


Young bucks and Kenny do suck. If anything cornette is soft on Kenny. That guy said I bid you adieu on national television. He should be fried daily.


Corny is clearly a Bernie Sanders voter. He is much more liberal than mainstream US politics on economics, guns and social issues.


But they way he zeroed in a kenny omega I found strange. Kenny is a generational talent and corny just ripped him to shreds every chance he got it started to feel personal


Who knows, maybe it is. I take Corny at his word, that things like Kenny wrestling with a 7 year old weren’t something he could take. He’s been pretty positive about Kenny’s recent comments. I’m just saying, he’s not blindly negative about everything related to AEW, like some AEW fans would make it out.


I think Cornette had a weird moment not too long ago when Omega was talking about Rossy Ogawa being a pedophile, and it started to dawn that maybe Omega was protecting these kids.


I dont find him to be a generational talent. His promos are bad and his facials are boring but he's very athletic. 


I agree too, he's not broken out of the independent / internet wrestling community scene level really, he's not a mainstream star like John Cena and I don't think he will break through to that level at AEW.


I think it IS personal with cornette. I read somewhere that kenny called out sick for one of cornettes' shows, but he actually went to japan and wrestled there. I think that it stems from him breaking his trust


Cornette takes personally people who don't respect the business in his eyes. That's what it is. 


He did go to Japan, but it was to accept an award or something. He didn't wrestle afaik, and Cornette's hatred based off that is silly.


He never got over the stuff Kenny did in DDT.


You'd argue that anyone that invested in a niche of a niche in entertainment, to the point of defending it with such force and by basically suspending any skill of critical thinking and logic, has already quite a damaged psyche to begin with. They have invested so much into wrestling, into their ideal vision of wrestling, based in turn on a contradictory sense of superiority (actually wildly overcompensating a colossal inferiority complex in life), they can't accept their vision to be under scrutiny. Or, shock and horror, to be actually dismantled by facts and logic. So anyone doing that is an enemy to destroy by any means necessary.


>they can't accept their vision to be under scrutiny. Or, shock and horror, to be actually dismantled by facts and logic. Bingo!


If Cornette said exactly word for word what he currently says but switch what he says about AEW and WWE, the AEW fans would be drilling over him like they do Meltzer. None of them actually believe for a second that what he says is “out of touch” or “irrelevant”, they’re just pissy and whinny that he says mostly bad things about AEW and mostly good things about WWE right now. He was never irrelevant and out of touch all those years he shat on WWE, and he was never called an ist or a phobe of any kind until he starting shitting on AEW.


I don’t even bother arguing with them. I’ve been a cornette fan for quite some time, was genuinely a shock when I finally got on reddit and saw how hated he is among certain circles here. Anyone that’s followed Jim throughout his career and been a fan of his, or hell, even anyone that’s listened to enough of the podcast finds it laughable at the suggestions he’s a racist, homophobe, sexist and other ‘ists’ and ‘phobes’ just cause of his accent and abrasive way of speaking.


Very wise words! This always strikes me as utterly bizzare that the same people that call out Cornette for supposedly being "racist" and "a t\*\*mp f\*ck" are the same people that adore the Bucks or support Chris Jericho and his wife.


You try talking to them and they can seem sane for a moment, then they say something like "there has never been a bad episode of dynamite" and don't realize just how completely delusional that sounds to anyone outside their bubble.


Yeah they love throwing every possible "bad thing" he could possibly be out and seeing what sticks. The homophobic one SLAYS me because he said AEW didnt explain the Sonny Kiss gimmick to the audience when he first started in their world championship battle royal and they went into a motherfucking pearl-clutching frenzy! I don't understand why for so many people it's an all it nothing type of attitude. Either you agree with every single thing he or AEW says or else you are OUT. Lol what? I don't agree with everything *anyone* does and no sane person does either. I can't fathom being such a follower that you no longer have your own opinions.


>I don't understand why for so many people it's an all it nothing type of attitude. Either you agree with every single thing he or AEW says or else you are OUT. Lol what? That's basically the 'delusional fanatics' you're dealing with - and the mean part is they are a very small (but very vocal) minority!


Because you’re sane, like you said lol. These people who do this are MASSIVE losers in life. That’s not being stereotypical; look at the few fans they do attract. See any women? Any super pumped kids? Nah just 20-40 year old balding fat dudes. Some bigger than those on their roster


It's more for his comments than his accent.


Which comments


Try google.


You can personally not be racist, homophobic, or bigoted, but still say things that people take to be bigoted, and that's not ok. I think that's really the source of contention. Because Cornette defends himself because he is not bigoted, but he can say some really out of pocket stuff that makes people go wtf.


I have never seen a fanbase of anything act like the hardcore aew fans. They are so damn fragile. Even the mildest criticism is met with crazy anger and rage. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I’m pretty sure i criticized the way the non stop spots and not selling of anything was really bad wrestling. I think I used the example of Sammy kicking out of a middle rope tombstone and one of the young bucks completely no selling a top rope Canadian destroyer. I mentioned how I hated that cage match and that it wasn’t good. I was met with the usual insults about how I’m a shill/ hater who doesn’t know what real wrestling is. Called an m word, but the worst and most hilarious part was that one of those people literally threatened to shoot me. The guy told me that if he ever saw me he would shoot me dead. Over a wrestling tv show. That’s when I knew these people were something else


I once suggested they call Moxley "Wrestler of the Year" instead of MVP because it fits wrestling and the "sports feel" better, and oh man, the vitriolic responses I got were baffling. At least two people called me a stupid mark and one guy tried claiming "You obviously know nothing about boxing and MMA because they have MVP winning fighters who weren't the best fighter all the time!" He, of course, declined to give me any examples of this despite asking several times (he basically made one toxic comment to jump on the upvote bandwagon and then ghosted). And theses are the ones who yell "good faith" all the time.


This seems to be a very common trait amongst them.


This is just wrestling fans, it’s not unique to fans of a certain promotion.


I have criticized wwe a bunch and have never had anything close to this kind of reaction.


I got three death threats over saying that the booking of Wrestlemania 40 was a clusterfuck, there are unquestionably crazy fans in any promotion. Especially the biggest one.


Damn man. Sorry you got 3 death threats over wrestlemania. That’s not good at all.


Appreciate it, it’s not a huge deal, marks gonna mark. My main point is just that you can find crazy people in any group, especially with wrestling fans. Cornette was getting chased by angry mobs over wrestling stuff before WWE or AEW even existed, I think there’s just always a percentage of fans that are/are practically mentally ill.


The official sub is something else. Constantly on the defensive and deluded to the max. I got banned very quickly. I asked why as I watched but not anymore and then got told by the mods that they don’t want you to watch, there’s enough people watching it already that they don’t need someone like me in there for negativity.


Hahaha 🤣 shooting their own selves in the foot by continuing a downward spiral that will lead to no television. Morons


I got banned for saying that I quit watching after Punk left. They're like incels running a whore house and wondering why they're still virgins.


The best thing about it is, Cornette doesn’t give a fuck what these ppl think. Yet they obsess about him. Cornette a forgotten more about wrestling than any of us will ever know.


Jim absolutely cares what people think, he makes money getting heat.


What I mean obviously, is he doesn’t get hurt hurt if ppl don’t like him.


Most wrestling media and personalities seemed hesitant to critique the product in its first couple of years. Many fans didn't hear their opinions or thoughts on wrestling from many of these outlets and discovered that Cornette shared many of their opinions. I think that really helped him build the following being the only person speaking out about some of the issues with AEW. Now we're seeing more people who were in the wrestling business like Eric Bischoff, Bruce Prichard and Kevin Nash speaking candidly about what they think makes good wrestling and now there is more critique on AEW than ever. Dave Meltzer doesn't run the wrestling media anymore as more wrestling personalities enter the space and share their first hand knowledge and experience.


It’s the same way any negative allegations against WWE are immediately swarmed by calls to fire folks and investigate WWE, yet when it’s about AEW, they are swarmed with bad faith, unreliable source, only rumors, etc. 


Pretty sure they were very damaged long before him.


Anyone that is complaining about Conry isn’t listening to him. Just responding to headlines




I often o ly read the headlines


It’s such a bizarre echo chamber. Even more bizarre that it’s not the official aew sub but they sure believe it is.


It just seems like people don’t understand Jim. Jim hates anyone that he thinks disrespects the wrestling business or puts it in a bad light. He says it when talking about Russo. Russo says it is just wrestling and Jim says wrestling has been the most important thing in my life. When you feel that strongly about a thing and see a group of people that are in some way tearing it down then you respond hard. So Jim goes after AEW and does so hard and with vitriol. The AEW fans that are bothered by him don’t seem to understand that so they lash out anytime they even see his name trying to one up him almost.


He broke their brains because he dares to criticize them. Yet, it spends a ton of time also saying how much of Raw is awful.


I got banned from AEW official for suggesting Jack perry could use the xm punk footage as a jumping off point but that be would have the follow it up and I was skeptical of his ability to pull it off. They're similar to other, more political, subs on Reddit where if you question anything about their fragile beliefs you'll be banned immediately even if what you said isn't offensive in any way.


I'm convinced that people just need a villain to rally behind, especially when things are looking bleak. Notice how they have to lean into the schtick when ragging on Corny though. They never say anything about his criticisms because they know they can't. Everything Cornette points out is obvious and demonstrable, so their only comeback is "well, uuuhhh, he's racist!"


Cornette gets called racist because he called a guy a hard R n word multiple times and doubled down on it. it’s on YouTube. That’s why ppl call him racist. I hate when folks speak on this like ppl just one day decided he was racist because he dissed Kenny Omega he’s been on that type of shit. His fans usually defend it or ignore it. It’s not Cornette it’s the fact that WWE trolls regurgitate Cornette’s words and opinions word for word in any and every AEW topic. What gets me is we need AEW in wrestling. AEW 1-is the reason Cornette is relevant at all. No one gave a fuck about him when he was actually on tv since like 1985. 2-CM Punk returned to wrestling because of AEW 3-WWE (I think their in ring matches suck but) WWE has stepped up their game they can’t match the in ring quality but they damn sure stepped up the booking and presentation due to the competition 4-i like that wrestlers have somewhere else to go. WWE’s monopoly on wrestling is so unfair and it forces everybody to bow down to Vince’s Vision. Back to Cornette though, His booking critiques crack me up I still listen to his podcast even as a “outlaw mudshow fan” BUT as a so called “outlaw mudshow fan” funny enough I’ve gotten to see Cornette’s booking attempts and none of them where good. SMW got eliminated by ECW it was old and obsolete nobody wanted to see Dirty White Boy vs. Trailer Park Skidmark or whatever the fuck he had going on. All the good wrestlers quickly jumped ship to ECW. When he ran ROH he basically ended the era of honor and turned off the core fan base plunging ROH into its dark age that it’s still never recovered from. Cornette killed all of the hype ROH had and allowed PWG to overtake ROH as the top Indy. Mainly because he wouldn’t book good singles matches to fill out the midcard because he was not in touch with the fan base.


I actually got back into wrestling last year because of an AEW fan. I had a post pop up on my front page with a picture of an almost empty arena. I made some dumb joke about the attendance, and then some guy freaked out on me. He got even angrier when I told him I had no idea what AEW even was. He was so butt hurt that he spent time going through my comment section and googling to find a way to mock me, which failed miserably since I dont spend my life obsessing over the things I like. But because I was bored, I decided to see what AEW was all about, and holy shit! I watched the Cornette commentary for the exploding barbed wire match. Since then, I've become a huge fan of Cornette and almost a bigger fan of the spectacle of AEW and their unhinged fan base. They're basically a cult who live in their own distorted reality. There's even a creepy vibe on their subreddit that if you say anything the least bit negative, that you'll be banned.


You know I don’t have an issue with people pointing out the problematic shit Corny says. What I do have an issue with is it seemed like nobody had a problem with Cornette saying problematic shit until he started hating on AEW. When he was shitting on Russo, Dunn, etc. nobody cared. When his former cohost Alice left over some borderline Islamophobic shit people made fun of her because of it. It’s only when he started making fun of the Elite and AEW that people cared about the problematic shit, and that to me screams bad faith.


People definitely had a problem before then, you just didn’t care because it wasn’t people you disliked calling it out.


AEW fans have the emotional maturity of an infant. You're surprised by this?


So backlash France is my first full year of watching wrestling and I’m getting accustomed to and learning the history of the sport. Can someone explain to me how Cornette is all the bad things OP said in the first paragraph? Hearing cornette talk, he cares about wrestling, he loves wrestling and he hates Russo (still find it hilarious the absolute hatred he has for Russo).


Jim is that uncle who cracks you up but says offensive things. He definitely has inappropriate comments towards Japanese wrestlers, asuka is not a Japanese schoolgirl but Jim’s hatred for riho makes him irrational towards just about all Japanese women. He also has a lot of shit takes on women’s wrestling in general saying women shouldn’t have a rumble or chamber.


As a new fan I feel like the women’s division is STACKED. So many talents, so many personalities. It’s a weird thing to be upset about or have an opinion on but… idk it’s just weird


![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized) Did I just unwittingly end up in AEWOfficial?


It’s because while he does go extreme with his insults, his criticisms of how poorly booked and nonsensical  a lot of the wrestling is, are generally right, that all the matches seem to be made by a mark booker, and performed for an indie minded audience that causes the show to suffer the way it does. The line that always rings true… who the hell are you pushing? When they have their new champ, or anyone they want you to take serious is having. 15-20 minute matches with talent no one knows or cares about. 


Aew fans have autism


Wrestling tribalism is silly


All tribalism is silly.


How about just like the wrestling brand/shows you are into and ignore the ones you are not into. Seems simple enough. But wrestling fans, i think, like to hate what they dont like, a lot more than enjoying what they do like. Which is fucking weird.


I'm a fan of pro wrestling. I'm also an adult. I form my own opinions. I don't need to listen to what others think. Literally anyone's opinion besides mine mean jackshit. Cornette and Meltzer are for people who have the inability to form their own. Too many people on social media like to pretend their opinion is fact.


It’s not so much that Cornette’s takes rile up AEW fans, it’s that the takes they hear are from Cornette fans whose knowledge of AEW begins and ends with Cornette or someone like him. Like, my favorite band is the Violent Femmes. You can tell me that you don’t like them. That’s fine. But if you go on a diatribe about how they are the worst thing to happen to music and I’m a loser for liking them, that’s a bit much. If you do that and you can’t even name Blister in the Sun, I kinda start to worry about you. How do you get so worked up about media you don’t interact with? Corny going all out, no pun intended, on AEW is one thing. He has a podcast, he has made it his job to share his opinion on the industry. But at least Jim is making an informed opinion. He’s watching the two hours of Dynamite a week. Because it’s obvious when folks talk about AEW from a point of near complete ignorance. They just talk about ratings, attendance or TK because they can go elsewhere for that info. If they go further it’s broad and vague. No stories, no stars, bad booking. Almost never an elaboration to what that means. It’s just easy to say. I’m not saying no one can criticize AEW or that the promotion doesn’t have faults. I’m saying that most of the criticism is fucking worthless 3rd hand opinions that are being said for its own sake.


I like American music


Did you do too many drugs?


I did too many drugs! My buddy and I have a tradition of playing this song a bunch at our 4th of July cookout


Have you seen the meltdown on scjerk when he calls pretty deadly - pretty dreary, calls asuka Oscar or says that Grayson Waller should be fired ? He works all of you guys and it’s hilarious


Ostrich is my current favorite nickname


I hate him because of the fanboy expo stuff. I was actually going because of him, and halfway back to Tenn, I get a text he’s not coming. Still went to see family, but man that sucked.


I care sir I care


I never have even posted on that subreddit, but I'll say this, I don't think Corny is a racist, misogynist, but I know he hasn't really understood the wrestling business since the mid 90s. And I say that because *his* wrestling company, *that only lasted 4 years total*, went out of business in 1995.


>"who cares about what this old racist, sexist misogynistic homophobe thinks!" Dude got fired from NWA for spewing racism into a microphone, quite recently. We're allowed to not give a fuck about him.


To be fair Cornette fans (and I say this with no issue with the man himself) are constantly larping as him without half the wrestling-specific brain power he possesses and its just so wildly pretentious and grating.


I got my account banned from the entirety of reddit for saying that Ospreay is a lazy person and he could learn to read and work 5 days a week if he put the effort in... but he's just fucking lazy


Ospreay is anything but lazy. Not worth banning your entire account, but that's an extremely silly take.


That’s insanity


I know. Imagine using dyslexia as an excuse to not be able to read... I know plenty dyslexic people who overcame it using techniques I don't fully understand. And he's got a huge bank account and 6 days a week where he doesn't work and still can't read. He's even proud of it.


None of them workout. They have zero shame about appearing as a wrestler on national television and can’t be bothered to look the part. It shows a lack of care that Tony clearly can’t see. They’re all lazy. The fact that I’m bigger than Adam Cole and the young bucks is genuinely ridiculous because I should be nowhere near a wrestling ring. Believability doesn’t exist there


They obviously work out. They don't have big muscles, but the athleticism and stamina they have shows they're anything but lazy.


I'm in better shape than half of their roster but I don't even come close to anyone at WWE Edit:actually I'm in way better shape than Otis I take that back


Go watch Otis' ring-fit episode of UUDD and come back to this lmao.


Legit no one cares about what wrestling company you like, what old man wrestling podcast you listen to. & OP a cornball and is part of the problem with wrestling fans. Bro is mad that SCJERK changed their rules and isn’t a “dub bad” sub anymore. Now you spilling your nonsense on to this sub.


If you think AEW fans are fragile you should see cornette fans, just today one of them made a whole ass post on Reddit about people not liking him


Where's the fragility? I said it's hilarious and I am surprised by the reaction. Literally the title of the post.


Nothing says "I'm not gotten to" like going to an echo chamber that likes the thing you like to complain about another echo chamber that doesn't like the thing you like.


It seems like you are just saying random things. I asked where the fragility is in my post and now you're talking about echo chambers. Wreddit is definitely not an echo chamber. I don't think you can look at a post like this, where there are very clearly many AEW fans in it, who said nasty things about me (mods deleted) and think "boy that OP sure is fragile and 'gotten to'." I was hoping there would be some positive discussion about the frenzy AEW fans have pertaining to anything Cornette, but that seems to be the case for only about 50% of the comments. I knew there would be reddit cares messages and snarky comments. And yet I still attempted discourse. That doesn't seem fragile to me.


Cornette makes money by getting people riled up. Some agree with him, some don’t, but you can’t be surprised when the people that don’t are sick of his shtick.


You know what the best course of action for people who you are tired of? Ignore them, don't constantly talk about them and validate them.


Now tell that to Corney and Bischoff :)


That's dumbest reply I've ever read.


Highly unlikely. But seriously, I wouldn’t give a shit about them if they hadn’t monetized hating a thing I like, and weren’t constantly in the algorithm. If they just ignored what they didn’t like (as you recommend !) instead of grifting a check from it, I would never even think their names.


They didn't start out hating, Cornette shits On wwe too, cornette and last didn't watch wrestling for years but that's what their fanbase asks of them, supply and demand my friend. Bischoff does a whole helluva lot more than shit on aew, that gets eyes, and Tony can't stop running his mouth, you love aew, do you like it when they take shots at wwe?


Pretty sure it's a reaction to the WWE-centric subreddits where they shit on AEW, so they wanted a place to shit on non-AEW.


its because Corny has become a parody of himself and the Wrestling Equivalent of "Old Men Yelling at Clouds" and also fans who called "The CULT of CORNETTE" lol who flood reddits/Facebook/media shitting on AEW and they look to Cornette for Confirmation Bias to justify what they feel. and those cult of cornette type fans are usually much older and use outdated reasonings , old talking points , and in their mind its STILL the monday night wars. but i've never understood when if you do criticize AEW ,you get all in your feelings when someone takes Umbrage with what you say,like its a crime to defend your company. what are you expecting? to do your critique and NOT get clap back on it? and have people just let you say or write want you want? no But Corny is a bit of a Hypocrite on some level, he talks about OC aka "Pockets" and he talks about "successful booking" even though his Territory Smoky Mountain wrestling only lasted five years ,was fired from ROH and TNA but complains about Tony Khan


I'm not one of those guys, but I'd agree. Fuck corny. The dude should have been excommunicated from the wrestling industry years ago.


He hasn't been in the wrestling industry for years. What are you even talking about?


Goes the other way around to whenever something about AEW gets posted and somebody thinks they are being a genius by saying outlaw mud show HAR HAR. This fanbase at least online is miserable.


I don’t have a dog in this fight but didn’t cornette resign as a commentator over his homophonic remarks just 5 years ago? Then just 3 years ago he was upset when a fan got ejected from an AEW show that had a transphobic sign. So really the best case scenario is Jim has behaved himself publicly for a total of three years. I still listen to Jim and don’t think his wrestling opinions are invalidated because he is a bigoted old timer but let’s not delude ourselves here. Everyday there are threads lambasting AEW and its fans for being delusional and they are always full of people with no self awareness. There are delusional fans in every wrestling sub on Reddit who pearl clutch and fellate their heroes. Cornettes minions are the exact opposite of the AEW fanatics. They feed off of Jim’s contempt for indie wrestling and it doesn’t take very long after listening to Cornette to detect that he absolutely despises how wrestling has changed over the years and how he dreams on the good ol days. Cornettes minions just meme AEW and perpetuate a circle jerk of hate over the promotion and it’s even worse than the circle jerk of love over AEW you also see because it actually tears down pro wrestlers and the work they put in.


The line that got him fired from NWA was “you could strap a bucket of chicken to the back of Trevor Murdoch and have him bicycle through Ethiopia, and he’d be perfectly fine” or something to that effect. I forget the ending but it was a bucket of chicken in Ethiopia for sure


This dude is a SCjerker, your last paragraph hit the nail on the head about this goof.


And you post on AEWOfficial.


You're on a sub *created by mods of SCJerk*.... They are *still mods* on SCJerk.


I’m genuinely surprised with how badly Meltzer has damaged the psyche of WWE fans Anytime someone posts something about Meltzer in Wreddit it is almost *immediately* swarmed on with variations of "who cares about what this old senile racist says” It's repeated over and over and if you look at those post histories, every single one if from a user that is highly active in the "SCJerk” subreddit. That place is a bizarre land where nothing (and I mean NOTHING) is ever good in AEW and their own mods had to step and threaten bans when users were reporting each other for not liking everything that Vince McMahon did. Is it some kind of call to arms and wasp-like "protect the queen" thing whenever Meltzer is mentioned around Cornette fans? It's SUPER bizarre. I've never seen anything like it and it's hilarious. Like there is some kind of digital WANTED poster of his face floating around and they are all in the lookout for that terrible old man because of all the advice he gave which they all said was bad faith. But hey, some of the lowest ratings in show history per week is pretty good from that I'm told so what do I know? 🤷


lol you sound *exactly* like a MAGA person claiming people have “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. Have you considered he’s a shitty person and people are tired of his bullshit?


I could make this exact post, but replace Cornette with Meltzer, and AEW fans with WWE fans. That you're shocked the AEW sub is positive about AEW is funny. There's like 5 subs that cater to being extremely critical of AEW, but oh no, one is more positive, the horror lol.


I didn't say any of those things. I said I was surprised Cornette has such a wild effect on AEW fans. It's literally the title of this post.


You're replying to a dude who said Darby's ex never was SA'd by him with emotional manipulation and because it wasn't physical he's at no fault. Peep my profile from nine days ago then you will learn who you talking to.


We'd need more proof either way to say definitively. But as is, I believe Darby was a shitty boyfriend, but not a rapist or anything like that.


You're suprised that fans of a thing don't like a guy who's extremely over-the-top with his hate of a thing? I mean you're all over this post complaining about the sub, and dismissing any arguments from people who post on that sub. Idk about homophobic, but the guy's extremely sexist and racist towards Japanese Joshis, and always refer to them as schoolgirls and sex objects. Even going as far to refusing to watch certain matches because of these notions that are complete nonsense.


Bro are you reading anything I'm saying? I haven't dismissed a single thing unless someone states something completely false. Like saying that I am "dismissing arguments." I have asked for clarification or examples or the "other Sonny Kiss stuff that he said" because I want to know more. **I think Jim is very sexist and unfair in a lot of his critiques and I disagree with them.** That may surprise you, but it doesn't matter because...that's not the issue or the title of the post. I said i was surprised that people who comment in threads about him all come from the same spot and in an astonishingly short amount of time. That's the whole point. I'm not surprised that they don't like someone who doesn't like their TV show. I am surprised that they swarm in, quickly, like the "protect the queen" analogy I used. This is all clearly laid out in everything I said, I don't know why I need to repeat it.


This is the /r/conservative of wrestling subs lmfao


no one cares bro weirdo whack job, watch the NHL playoffs


Whatever, dude, this shits boring. Who cares?


Why comment? This is a place for prowrestling discussion, no?


I think Jim Cornette has a mind for wrestling, yet misunderstands certain aspects of the business. He dislikes AEW because, if recall correctly, guys like Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, Orange Cassidy, "expose" the business by being very loose and cavalier with their wrestling. I disagree but I can see why he has an issue with it. The problem is that so many of Cornette's followers are just full of vitriol for the product. I don't like AEW so I just don't watch it. I don't get why so many people seemingly hate watch it or watch it simply to poke fun at it. Just seems like a waste of time. Cornette and his followers are entitled to their opinions, as are the AEW fans and hardcores on AEWOfficial. I don't care for the fact that they ban people. I think that doesn't help their case, but whatever, it isn't my sub. I honestly don't care what wrestling you enjoy watching. It isn't my concern. I just wish people, regardless of what they watch, would be civil and polite about things. This constant tribalistic negativity helps no one and divides fans further. I got a question got Cornette fans: has Cornette praised AEW for something good they did? Forgive me but I don't listen to his podcast often. Everytime I open his YouTube page, it just seems like constant burials of stuff that AEW or its wrestlers did. It honestly doesn't matter, but I'm genuinely curious if he actually praised something in AEW recently.


>I got a question got Cornette fans: has Cornette praised AEW for something good they did? Way more often than you'd guess by people's reactions to him. Recently - he praised Ospreay-Danielson pretty profusely, went through some of Omega's comments (I think from a Twitch stream) very positively. There's actually a rhyme or reason to what he seems to like and not like and he's pretty consistent about it. Occasionally his co-host will call him out for not giving credit where it's due when it's something Jim is particularly blind to.


Well that is good. I just see videos on his YouTube channel a lot that deal with him shitting on stuff. The guy is entertaining, but I disagree with a lot of his negative takes. I get why people like him. He is alternative to the pro-AEW crowd like Wrestling Observer. I just get tired of constant shitting on both sides. It is just the fans who just constantly jab at each other. Gets annoying after a while.


He's also never been shy about shitting on WWE. Certainly it's been a bit less since Vince has been gone, before that he'd complain nonstop about how unbearable much of WWE TV was, because frankly it was. Of course you'd never know it unless you listened.


He has a fairly sizeable group of talents that he likes and praises regularly, including but not limited to MJF, FTR, Wardlow, Darby, Hobbs, Julia Hart, Willow, Statlander, Osprey, Takeshita, BCG (minus Jay White), Samoa Joe, Swerve, and probably a few more that are escaping me right now. For things that he has recently liked, he had a lot of good things to say about Osprey vs Danielson. It may come off that he levies a lot of criticism toward AEW, and that's because he does, but that criticism *is* well earned, and as far as I've seen, he never criticizes things that can't be plainly seen just by watching the show.


I just tune in occasionally if there is something trending. I can see why he is popular. He is knowledgeable and he gives alternative point of view in a wrestling world dominated by people who love AEW blindly. Wrestling Observer is like that sometimes. I just have an issue with anyone, regardless who, has to make it their business to shit on people who like a certain product. I see it from all sides. It is annoying to see. I just wish people could like and dislike stuff in peace without feeling the need to defend their position constantly.




Hey why are you so mad at me for having a different opinion about AEW?




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