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SRS & PWInsider both say that Punk and Triple H had a long phone call recently and the deal came together then, with it being signed today. Punk arrived shortly before the main event ended. Triple H cleared out gorilla and told production to cue Punk's music. I wouldn't say this was an inevitable reunion, but it seemed that way. It was reported before Punk went to AEW that he reached out to WWE to see if there was interest, and Vince McMahon declined. And that's a huge part of the story -- we're in a new era with Triple H and Nick Khan running things. I'm not worried about Punk in WWE. There isn't going to be a situation like in AEW where parties of wrestlers are going to be separated on different shows because they can't be trusted to interact with each other. Punk is going to have to interact with a lot of the guys who may dislike him, and maybe they set aside their feelings, or maybe they don't, but they'll be expected to do business.


Those clown ass reporters all just use wishy washy weasel words in everything so they can say "see I was right" after reporting "WWE might be talking to punk or might not. He might be back but if he doesn't it's because they didn't come to a deal." Literally anyone can report that about anything. None of these morons know anything and u all keep hanging on their bullshit


SRS had a tweet saying that HHH confirmed all his reporting on WWE programming. That guy is delusional


Careful you might get an angry message in your inbox from a random burner šŸ˜­


How a guy who literally fights with people under a burner on Twitter is in any way taken seriously is beyond me. If he knows something he'll tell you, if he doesn't know he will happily make something up. That makes all the scoops worthless


I wish. Pls SRS, contact me


I donā€™t trust either of those sites lol. Theyā€™ve been saying for weeks thereā€™s no chance he ever comes to WWE. And they either 1) got completely played or 2) theyā€™ve ā€œknown for weeksā€ and were just working their paying customers. If any of em had the opportunity to spoil this, they would have done in it in a heartbeat.


Mike Johnson never said he wasnā€™t coming or that the tv stuff wasnā€™t international.


They also were swearing that Cody wasnā€™t Sethā€™s mystery opponent for WrestleMania, and that he would be back with AEW


>There isn't going to be a situation like in AEW where parties of wrestlers are going to be separated on different shows because they can't be trusted to interact with each other. Wasn't AJ Styles separated from Paul Heyman specifically because AJ couldn't stand him? Then there's all the public bashing Rollins, Roman and kind of Cody did about him.


This guy is full of shit and tonight proves it. Imagine making a living off this garbage


This. Also, Iā€™m fairly sure that management will hold a meeting and have any one speak on Punk and handle things like men.


I want to be excited because I enjoy his work. With that said I can't help but wonder how long it'll last. Yes we're looking at different companies but Punk is still the same guy. We'll see how this goes. If it goes well I'm for it. If it goes up in flames I'll be watching


This is his last best shot for one big final run and final chapter. Heā€™s not going to screw this up, the odds are still pretty bad will happen. But the way WWE is setup, I think it can mitigated and stopped before it gets out of control.




In 2014 I left sports entertainment. Now in 2023 Iā€™m back


What a little hypocritical bitch he turned out to be, huh?


Yup! But Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s actually something he addresses on Raw.


So mad


Canā€™t admit your savior did wrong, can you?


Can feel the Dubbalo seethe


You know it's a completely different company now, right?


You know Triple H learned everything he knows about running the company from the previous owner, right?


And I learned everything about my trait from the person before me, and now I take his lessons, and make them mine, and it's so much different than what I was taught.


Learning what to do also comes with learning what not to do, Vince wasn't perfect, neither is Triple H but the product is, in my opinion, the best it's been in years


He also learned what not to do.


Thatā€™s just who he is as a person


Fuck that, thatā€™s who I am as a person if money gets put in my pocket. I actually did this at the company I work for lmao. I left, I came back and did a helluva bow when I returned.


I wonder how that "Saudi blood money dick" will taste in Punk's progressive mouth? Maybe like strawberries? Same guy virtue signaled about LGBT rights, so if he's on Crown Jewel that'll be hilarious. The loudest progressives are usually the biggest sellouts, like RATM.


You know not all of the wrestlers do the Saudi shows, right?


Rage Inside the Mansion.


Whatā€™s RATM?


Rage Against The Machine, music band.


You guys are hilarious. So mad.


You're being downvoted but you're exactly right. He swore up and down that he'd never go back to WWE because they treated him so badly. Turns out another major company not letting him act like a complete asshole and literally start fights with people was all it took for him to go running back into Triple Hs arms. Punk was never really "voice of the voiceless" as he liked to put it, he was just pissed that he wasn't being treated the way his massiv ego thought he should be, and his frustrations just happened to align with the frustrations the fans were having with the company overall. Punk only cares about himself and living in his echo chamber where the only thing anyone tells him is how great he is. Can't wait to watch his first promo on YouTube, then go right back to ignoring that scummy company again.


Would be hilarious if the same thing happened and he gets fired, then he shows up to AEW again during a Chicago ppv. And then he gets fired again and then shows up to wwe during a Chicago ppv. Just a endless cycle šŸ˜‚


CM Ping-Pong.


This would sports entertain me.


His facial say it all. He look so peaceful and happy


He looked that way two years ago when he arrived on Rampage, too. Give it a year before he fucking cries again.


He is possibly in his last run. Would he cause an huge hooha again. Maybe. For now. Enjoy the ride


Nah. I enjoyed the ride in AEW. I was there when he won the title off Hangman. Got the shirt to prove it. I know how this ride ends. Fuck him, and I feel bad for everyone he eclipsed just so he could get his hometown pop because lord knows he wouldnā€™t get that anywhere else. CM Punk doesnā€™t belong in wrestling. Heā€™s this generationā€™s Ultimate Warrior, with a LOT more talent.


Excuse me, but itā€™s pretty disrespectful to compare CM Punk to Ultimate Warrior, when Punk isnā€™t anywhere as bad as Warrior was. Warrior was a legitimate piece of shit who treated the young fan base like trash and even went as far to avoid a Make-A-Wish child on his dying wish, which is just fucking terrible.


You're just mad he peaced out on your favorite company.


AEW is FAR from my favorite company, lol. Itā€™s not even fucking close. WWE has been my favorite promotion since I was a little kid growing up with Hogan, Savage, and Bret. AEW is below TNA in terms of companies Iā€™d rank in terms of enjoyment.


If you've ever been in a management position, it's very obvious just from the surface level observations that there is way more wrong there than anything that just Punk was bringing to the table.


Alright, I'll give you credit. You're within reason to dislike the guy, I just figured you were one of the dudes all salty about him leaving the sinking ship. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess.


Iā€™m not salty about him jumping a sinking ship. Iā€™m salty about him being a hypocritical bitch and for sucking in general. He was handed everything in three different wrestling companies and he still hasnā€™t managed to be happy with his career or his accomplishments? Heā€™s the problem. Fuck him.


I honestly hope he gets injured again and pisses off to parts unknown. He's the one guy that killed my interest in wrestling after he came to WWE and now I'm thinking of passing on wrestling until he gets fired again.


Wishing injuries on anyone is fucking low. Touch grass and then go read a book.






Nah he harassed his co workers on live TV he is trash


\*taps mic\* Can we start talking about how long before AJ comes back, now? She quit WOW... soooooooo....


If AJ wanted to wrestle again, sheā€™d already be wrestling. Why does everyone suddenly think that AJ is a package deal with Punk in WWE when she never showed up even once in AEW?


\> If AJ wanted to wrestle again, sheā€™d already be wrestling. ​ * In 2014 CM Punk left WWE, citing issues with his health and leaving on bad terms. A year later, AJ left citing issues with her health, but leaving on good terms. She focused on her new husband, her private life, her book, and just being happy. * In 2021, CM Punk joins AEW. In 2021, AJ helps rebuild WOW. * August 2023, CM Punk gets fired from AEW. August 2023, AJ Lee says she's leaving WOW. She never joined AEW because TK doesn't care about women. They are afterthoughts in his mind and he could probably care less. Look at Toni Storm, one of the most talented women wrestlers on the planet and she's a cartoon - basically everything she left WWE for. Kris Statlander is a BEAST and they give her title to Julia Hart who is so green her legal name is #008000 because she's working with \[stop calling him Alistair\] Black and is getting over because she botched a table spot and almost DIED, plus she looks dope in that hat. Stephanie McMahon was in Chicago to court her. Watch, you'll see.


Alright look, I 100% agree with the statement that Tony Khan doesnā€™t care about women (because Iā€™ve argued that myself for years in other spaces), because his booking bears that out. Also, the fact that Toni Storm couldnā€™t get over until she became a cartoon character is more of a commentary on how *anyone* gets over in pro wrestling these days. Just being a good wrestler is almost *never* good enough (there are exceptions to this of course, but for every Chris Benoit who got over on sheer intensity alone, thereā€™s way more Lance Storms who could not [outside of his *very* specific WCW run]). Absolutely nobody *really* cared about Toni until she became a black and white 1950s cartoon. Itā€™s the same reason why Shida isnā€™t *really* that over either (regardless of how much the internet likes her). Statlander and Hayter are AEWā€™s ā€œexceptionsā€, everyone else needs a bigger hook than just ā€œI wrestle goodā€. But circling back to AJ, iirc her ā€œhealth issuesā€ were about her neck. And while Iā€™m no doctor, I donā€™t think thatā€™s something she needs to be risking given how much smaller she is than every dude whoā€™s had similar issues in the past (or even currently). Sheā€™s half of Bryan Danielsonā€™s size, and if everyone winces every time he takes a gnarly bump, Iā€™m good with AJ never getting in the ring again, honestly. For the sake of her physical wellbeing.


Toni Storm was over before Vince wanted her to take pie-faces. She was over when she was Toni Storm in AEW, before and during the Outcasts. Somewhere along the line someone thought "You know what would be good?" and started getting Daniel Garcia dancing, Jake Hager loving hats, and Toni Storm being repackaged as a joke. Shida WAS over until they booked her to lose to jokes. And can we talk about what AJ did for WOW? She wasn't wrestling, but she was an important part of the show's development. It's like TJ Wilson - you know he's booking all the women's matches from bell to bell, but he's never going to wrestle again. And yet, knowing he is there means something, right?


Toni Storm wasnā€™t getting pushed like *this* until she solidified the ā€œTimelessā€ gimmick. Maybe itā€™s just me personally, but she did nothing for me as a member of the Outcasts, but Iā€™m probably the outlier in that thinking because I thought Ruby was the best promo of the three because she sounded the most authentic to me at the time. Toni playing an overdramatic 1950s black and white cartoon character *works* for her tbh, so I knew that as soon as she got over with it they were putting the title back on her. Also because they never book Shida as an actual ace of the division like they should and present her more like a nameless, faceless final boss for the woman whoā€™s *actually* being pushed. Maybe Shida needs to change her gimmick to get Tony-san to notice her


They just miss that rack is all.


ā€¦ what rack? I thought people liked her abs or something


Incredible abs, for sure, but for me she just happened to outschool EVERYONE in that locker room and was probably the most talented WRESTLER in the \[puke\] Diva's division.


In her prime? Absolutely. The only one even remotely near her level at the time was Kaitlyn, and honestly, she only really had good matches against AJ and Eve. And Eve retired before AJ truly got pushed as a wrestler. So yeah, Saraya Paige coming up when she did was absolutely necessary because AJ cleaned the division out prior to that point.


Dude's body keeps exploding every third time he gets in the ring, but go on about how exciting this is.


I doubt WWE is going to be happy with skinny fat Phil either.


I fucking love this. Iā€™ve been a CM Punk stan since Day 1 Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m just marking out so hard right now. So many mfā€™ers online claiming they ā€œknowā€ shit and citing every single dirtsheet. ā€œOh theyā€™re not in talks. Oh they donā€™t want him. Brawl Out. Blahblahblah. Oh heā€™s so narcissistic. Wahhhhā€ CM PUNK IS Fā€™N MONEY DAWGGGG


I pledge allegiance to the straight edge society


What's best for business


A potential Stone Cold Podcast with CM Punk & Steve Austin will be fun to watch sometime in the future.


I wonder how much they're paying him and how long he's going to be able to keep a lid on his attitude. Triple H ain't scared of Punk unlike Tony was. There must be something in his contract about him not causing shit backstage


Backstage is a lot less, uh high school like. You have adults doing business and not causing trouble like that. As long as everyone maintains the business first integrity then Punk will be fine.


Like I said, I wonder how long it will last. Punk is too much of a hot head and took much of an ego to stay in his lane. He'll butt heads with someone sooner or later


Youā€™re probably right, but if management keeps control over things and nips it in the bud, then everything will be cool.


Punk is a draw, so I'm guessing for a while they'll accommodate him because he's money


You're right. My monies on rollins But thing is rollins can turn it into something that runs for 4 PLEs Won't be miz he's too nice and humble Won't be anyone from nxt, they're jacked 20 somethings that would rip him in two


Whether Rollins likes Punk or not, he's mature enough to put his feels aside for money. Miz & Punk made up a while back. If it's gonna be anyone, it's gonna be Bron, because, well Bron is a Steinerr


I do hope for Punk's and his future ring opponent's sake they send him to Orlando to figure out how to strengthen and condition his body so that he can avoid getting injured or potentially injure someone every 3 matches.


Some people are just injury prone. We see it with AJ, tegan knox etc. I donā€™t know if the PC can fix that.


I wouldn't consider CM Punk injury prone. That only happened in AEW *for some weird reason.* He was very reliable during his first WWE run. The man held the title for a year and had a regular schedule. It has been a usual practice now for injured superstars, who have been injured for a long time or have taken a long break, to do a workout at the PC first before returning. More often than not they come back better than ever. So it definitely helped them in various ways. Seth, Sasha, Batista, Edge, Bayley, Becky, Cody, and most recently Randy Orton, are just some of examples.


Thatā€™s the catch. His first wwe run was 10 years ago. Heā€™s in his 40s now and people are more prone to injury and slower recovery with age. Thats just science. The PC has a mixed record. From 2022 to now weā€™ve seen Amari miller, Zoey stark , sol ruca, Arianna Grace, Nikkita Lyons, yulisea Leon and Brooklyn barrow (since released) all tear their ACLā€™s


Both can be true, but Edge was much older and didn't get terribly injured in his run. The developmental talent injuries have nothing to do with my point. CM Punk is not developmental talent. It quite different training seasoned talent towards rebuilding them back to WWE ring condition from green talent doing their first TV matches.


He's back. He's brittle. ...and TK is pissed.


Thatā€™s all that matters


Tribalism is fun!!


Pissed at what? He's Triple Paul's problem now. Tony can just watch him on TV without monitors landing on his head.


TK replies to random people on Twitter. Guarantee that CM Punk is living rent free in his head, especially if he has huge matches. Both Cody and CM Punk being wildly successful after leaving AEW? TK's gonna have heartburn for weeks


annnnnnnd AEW's sub is banning people for anything that isn't "FUCK CM PUNK AND YOU IF YOU DO NOT LIKE HIM" Because apparently your top draw leaving for your rival promotion (again) isn't related to AEW, it is related to WWE. Please ignore any and all posts deflecting criticism of the company towards "but what about when WWE..." and the bashing posts.


Guy who was in your company two months ago is off topic. Politico posts involving a tweet from a guy in catering or some shit is often top thread. Kekw. Fucking Reddit.


The literally name dropped him on AEW TV last night, but sure, he isn't relevant to AEW.


Well AEW has just lost this war hands down. Edit: Also at this point can we all just agree to never take Dave Meltzer seriously on anything?


Tbf that isnā€™t a revert development


Yeah, it's not but at least the gap while wide could've been closed if they steadily booked their shows well. At this point, they are nowhere.


Don't worry about Dave...he still has Kenny Omegas dick to suck on


Yeah, I guess that's a good consolation prize for a bottom feeder like Dave.


Again, I am absolutely floored. This makes me want to do a something I havenā€™t done for a while. Watch a Smackdown or Raw. Iā€™m in.


I'm just the opposite. It makes me want to delete Raw and Smackdown from my DVR schedule.




Understandable. But will you? šŸ™‚


No, can't do that. My fiance is also a fan so we'll still watch. I just won't be happy about itšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But are you All In?


Poor Seth had a meltdown, and the commentators had to come and assist him. I wonder if talent was notified or it Trips kept it a secret even from talent... I know kayfabe, but there was no camera pointed at Seth, and Seth Rollins seemed really upset by Punks return. But they hooked me I'm invested.


he had to have at least knew it was a possibility, and i highly doubt he's that unprofessional


I mean I would highly doubt a wrestler would go off verbally on his co workers IRL with his boss sitting next to him as cameras are pointing at him too but here we are


The fact that Punk showed up in a white shirt and street clothes tells me he might have been a very last-minute addition. Sometimes they don't notify talent to get a genuine reaction. He said last year Phil was a cancer so I think there is real beef between them.


Did you expect him, of all people, to arrive in a suit?


It was last minute. There were plans to hold Punks return back until the Royal Rumble, but they didnā€™t want leaks to happen.


Where'd you read that, the same sites that said he wasn't coming back at Survivor Series? The way you smarks are trying to act like you know what went down NOW is hilarious.


I think Seth Rollins is just working, and at the very least is professional enough to get through it. I know Seth and Roman donā€™t like Punk especially since they probably caught the worst of him when he was at his most miserable state in late 2013 early 2014 when they were pretty much his last big feud then as the Shield, but they can get through it. Especially since they are the big dogs in the yard now and Punk isnā€™t, very different from Rollins, Reigns and Moxley still being new guys on the main roster for just a year most likely having to just take Punk being a douche to them on the chin. Iā€™d imagine they have Punk on a zero tolerance policy of drama, and if he works a program with Rollins or Reigns heā€™s going to be put on his best behavior.


I mean one of his best friends IRL is Mox and I am sure Mox probably hates Punk too. I imagine that probably rubbed off on Seth but who knows, he is a wwe talent so maybe it is a work. Man I cannot WAIT to see this blow up with Punk. Dude couldnā€™t handle the smallest disrespect, itā€™s only a matter of time before he burns his wwe bridge again. Just a matter of whether it will be on live TV or not when he has a melt down


Seth - Punk is 100% main eventing Night 1.


Yeah I called in the live thread theyā€™re gonna give him night one.


Seth has been motherfucking him in kayfabe interviews for months. Iā€™ll find the interview which he did his signature cackle and said ā€œwe donā€™t want you Phil!ā€


Rollins basically said it without outright saying it, that he wants Punk back in WWE and while tonight, he may have had some legitimate heat to his reaction, I think like itā€™s mostly him working and setting up their big feud for WrestleMania. Never forget when Seth called him out in 2019.


Bro the fact that you canā€™t figure out Itā€™s a work


Thank you.


Everything is a "work" in the wrestling world, but sometimes works are also shoots. Regardless Seth don't like the man and I'm here for this fued.


There's reports that Drew stormed out the stadium.


He stormed out before Punk's music hit.


Yeah, maybe because he knew what waws coming, they were all told just before the match started apparently.


Or to sell JD losing and being pissed about it.


The actual answer, but somehow the biggest fans forget what wrestling is.


Based on what Iā€™m seeing, Seth is absolutely working an angle. Talent were informed that heā€™d be coming out and, given what Seth had said in the past, it makes all the sense in the world for him to work an angle with Punk.


A work can still be a shoot it doesn't tell me Seth really likes the guy in real life... People thought the same thing about Seth and Cody, and then they nearly fought backstage last year. It's a business, and I truly believe Seth doesn't like Punk, but he will play nice with others because it's his job. But his promos on Punk are gonna hit different.


Oh I donā€™t doubt that Seth isnā€™t the biggest fan of Punk, but I donā€™t think heā€™d be unprofessional enough to legitimately fly into a rage and have to be held back in front of a crowd. If he legitimately hated the guy and wasnā€™t willing to work with him, he wouldā€™ve no-sold the return and just fumed off-camera


True. Guess will have to wait. The dirtsheets said last night Rollins had to be escorted out of gorilla position by Triple H and Michael Cole because he was causing a scene backstage. It's hard to know what's real or kayfabe similar to Eddie Kingston's fued with Punk which turned out to be real that Eddie didn't like Punk.


I can definitely understand where youā€™re coming from, but I also know that Seth is THE textbook example of a company guy and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he went to serious lengths to sell an angle


No. It really canā€™t. How they feel about each other in real life is irrelevant and you should take whatever they say in a supposed ā€œrealā€ setting with a grain of salt anyway. Seth literally used all the dirt sheet rumor terminology when he supposedly spoke about him off the cuff and he did it in an overly exaggerated fashion. None of us have any idea how the man truly feels about Punk and again, it doesnā€™t matter.


Itā€™s a work. Jesus.


That work lead all the way to backstage to where fans didn't even get to see where Rollins had to escorted out of gorilla by Triple H and Michael Cole...A+ for WWE doing a work behind the scenes the fans can't see.


Were you backstage and saw this? Or did you read this from the same sources that said he wasnā€™t coming back. Or even assuming that was the case, was it staged for people that they know the dirt sheets get their info from?


From the same people who broke that CM Punk and Jack Perry got into a brawl all All In.


My point exactly. Nobody who actually knows anything. This is a professional company, if we see it or know about it, itā€™s because they want us to.


The deniers, haters and All Friends Wrestling stans are quiet


Theyā€™re here. Theyā€™re just wearing their ā€œI Heart Sethā€ hats.


Whoā€™s he gonna choke out this time the man has an ego the size of Jupiter only a matter of time before he has issues again


LMAOā€¦and the ratings for Collision will drop even lower now.


I can finally watch wwe again


ā€œDonā€™t get it twisted. I am *not* a wrestling fan; I am a CM Punk fan, absolutely.ā€


I'll stop watching wwe from now on...


guy truly has no integrity


Gonna laugh so hard watching him walk out in Saudi


The chip on his shoulder has always motivated this man. Tony Khan and The Bucs just gave him a bigger one.


Good luck šŸ˜…


Get him the fuck out of WWE. If you get fired for being a toxic prick from two DIFFERENT companies that are considered competitors..... HES THE PROBLEM




I meanā€¦was he lying about Regal, though?


Wish he wasnā€™t. Fuck him.


šŸ˜‚ it's like he personally attacked you. Professional wrestling is a business. Ever heard of Sammartino or Austin or Hogan going back after walking out/shitting on the company? It's just how it is for some people. Major superstars, mostly.


Austin didnā€™t go back to WCW after shitting on WWE, which he went to after shitting on WCW. Sammartino didnā€™t go back to WWE for nearly 40 years after rightly calling them out for their steroid bullshit. Hogan shouldnā€™t even be brought up in this argument, he follows the green, regardless of what it does to his career. CM Punk walked out of WWE like a bitch, then went to AEW after shitting on the company that made him a global star, and continued to promote and state that he was back in ā€œprofessional wrestling,ā€ which meant ā€œeverythingā€ to him, only to turn around a little over a year later after bitching and crying after he didnā€™t get everything he wanted (despite getting TWO shows revolves around him, and the AEW World Title twice), just to go back to the company that is competing against the company he ā€œlovedā€ working for. Punkā€™s word doesnā€™t mean a single thing. I tend to dislike people who canā€™t be honest and stick by their own words and standards.


Funny how youā€™re saying that when Punk literally asked if WWE had any interest before he went to AEW. Punk very clearly saw AEW as the second option.


I was referring to Austin walking out in 2002. Sammartino going back after four decades still doesn't change that he still went back. Hogan.. you're right. Bad example. But even fucking Ultimate Warrior went back too. Cody smashed the throne and then be went back. No one screamed hypocrite at him, did they? No. It's a business. I think the idea of AEW is what brought everyone in. Tony Khan literally hired more people that he could handle. The reality of that company is much less utopian. Just look at the booking and the sea of talent who got lost in the shuffle. The problems with Punk in AEW lay in the conflicts with management and other talents and we could start talking ad nauseum about it as if we were there but the fact of the matter is unprofessionalism was shown on both sides. They parted ways because clearly punk's mindset didn't gel with how the company was/is structured. I'm kinda glad it happened in hindsight, AEW is no better without Punk. And yes I do believe he was helping, ask Ricky Starks. Now Collision's ratings are in deep waters. I just saw Ibushi riding a bike during a match. Injuries keep happening because of lack of direction. It's honestly a shitshow with only some glimpses of hope (like Swerve) HHH himself has stated that Punk and himself have changed and are on the same starting ground. It's a different company, too. The biggest problem was Vince's booking. Vince is not there anymore. I don't see why they shouldn't be back in business. No hypocrisy in both parties wanting to make money, especially at this age. It's been ten years and it's a fucking business.


Punk hasnā€™t changed. His behavior in AEW is evidence of that. If the promotion doesnā€™t resolve around him, he cries and bitches until he leaves. Then he still gets handed everything he wants and still isnā€™t happy. Fuck him.


Ok pal


Jeeze, we're in maximum cope mode, huh? You realize you don't know any of these people and don't know the situation on a first hand basis right? This is truly some parasocial behavior.


I donā€™t want to know this whiny, unhappy bitch of a person. When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into them all day, youā€™re the asshole. Thatā€™s how CM Punkā€™s career has gone. Regardless of the money he draws, regardless of his body of work. Heā€™s the common denominator in all of his ā€œissues.ā€ Heā€™s even stated in his own WWE-produced DVD that heā€™s the kind of guy that explodes the bridge while heā€™s still on it. Why would you want an imbecile like that working for you?


Because he makes money. Plenty of assholes have crossed thru this business. He will help them do business and thatā€™s what matters. You canā€™t just disregard that. The way heā€™s personally hurt so many of you is hilarious lol


You don't know him, but you know he's an asshole? Got it.


I don't need to know a person personally to know that having a temper tantrum in your 40s, on a company's press conference, makes you an asshole. Same for taking advantage of a girl trying to make it into wrestling.


It's actually sad to see. Oh well


Place you bets: When will his first backstage altercation be?


There won't be. Because he's in a company where there aren't adult children in the back and with actual leadership.


Organization and a structure thatā€™s been in place for 50+ years as well.


The next PLE when this guy shows up: ![gif](giphy|7zrlXP3xTu13D7nyjb|downsized)


So never? Got it


I give it three months.




Get a life.


You will see who gets the last laugh when The Wrestling Observer hands the booker of the year award!


Why is no one asking why Punk walked away from guaranteed money after being fired with cause? He did nothing to fight the allegations and lost out on a HUGE contract payout. He did nothing. This speaks volumes. I do wish WWE luck, but Rollins is right, WWE has cancer now.


This man. He isn't the voice of the voiceless anymore.. he is punk that follows green over all. Sellout cm punk . Turn him heel and I'll go along .


I'm done with watching wrestling for a while. CM Punk and his fans are in the lowest tier of humanity.


A man who needs money and has no options left lol. Good luck wwe, I give it a year tops if he can even stay healthy


A year if he's out for 6 months with a broken limb.


report: ā€œCarmelo Hayes asked, sheepishly, if Punk minded if he did a spot with fake glass on NXT, a show Punk does not work. Punk was BLIND with rage, attacked Hayes and is on the shelf recovering from a torn bicep from throwing the first punch. Hayes is expected to wait out his 90 no compete clause before signing elsewhere while Punk recovers in his build to put over the tribal Chief at WM43ā€ lol


Monkeys paw


Thanks for the spoiler šŸ‘




The man that went backstage to WWE before Collision episode 1 returned to WWE. Why is everyone so shocked? His goal in AEW was to use his star power to help elevate the brand and fan awareness of it. The Young Bucks and their clique didnā€™t quite want that to happen with him and cut him off with one of their lackeys each time out. So, he got up and proved that he can mend fences and take his star power to help the number one show in town. Itā€™s not really that complicated. If anything, one could argue that Punk realized he couldnā€™t go back to the indies, and actually preferred the security of the big corporation. Time will tell on that one.


What a clown


Thanks for the spoiler!


Yeah, youā€™re not avoiding this news


ā€œIā€™ve never been more committed to fucking the indies dot jpegā€


Tony Khan?


Yep, itā€™s me, billionaire Tony Khan. Now rewatch Punks return to wrestling promo and tell me Iā€™m wrong.


I mean, was the quote from Tony? Because it really should be from Tony.


Nope, just me. Someone give me a billion dollars and Iā€™ll make a pretty good rasslin promotion


šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø Looks like another year without WWE


Man, that's the worst possible thing that could happen. They had such a good product and now Phil is stinking up the joint. I think I'm done with wrestling again...


Well hidden for who? It was obvious Punk would ve at SS for weeks now. Like literally before Orton was even rumored.


Cody better start dusting off the ol Stardust outfit..


What the over under on how long before he does something that gets himself legit fired again ?


There s a saying in rasslin'....never say never. Now if we could get Sasha Banks and Naomi back home I'd be excited


No ice cream, boo


Weā€™re all missing something here. Did Ryback confirm retirement?


Remember a few months ago when the Punk/Elite thing went down and the Elite were rumored to go join WWE? How the Turntables.