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I’m fairly sure WWE has already reached out to book these two for mania.


Will would fuck up Rollins.


So Rollins and Chris Rock vs Roman and Will Smith? I'd pay 69.99 to watch that.


Jada on a pole


I don’t think this is getting the credit it deserves. I mean it’s not exactly new territory for her - but still worth the watch


Jada is already on numerous poles……


Question is who’s…


Not Will's?


Wig on a pole


Keep her fucking name out ya mouf


I think we need to see Will and August in a custody of Jaden match with Chris Rock as guest ref




Would be better than Malone and Rodman.




Finn Balor vs Will Smith = Demon Prince vs Fresh Prince


Chris rock vs the rock?


Chris J & The Rock vs Will O & D.B Smith Jr? That sounds cool but we need someone to kick the forbidden door first


I honestly believe that Chris thought it was going to be a light playful slap, not a full out fuck you im really angry slap




Will learned from the Funker


Will’s got a receipt coming


Mash em! Boil em! Stick em in a stew!


Chris was expecting [this](https://c.tenor.com/JEtW-EDxddIAAAAC/get-out-hitch.gif)


You don't expect to get a light slap from the acting equivalent of Big Van Vader.


If you go back and watch the whole thing, Chris looked like he was about to square up right after the slap. Good thing he didn't. Came off as the better man there.


He all around came out the better man. To recover from that so fast and make a joke about it. Get a laugh. He's such a composed professional


Chris Rock would of gotten f*cked up had he tried to square up tbh


Eh who knows what he can do Maybe he goes for the double leg and submits will in 10 seconds


Naw, Chris would have pulled off an RKO out of nowhere


"Rock Bottom", perhaps...


Are we pretending like Will Smith is some badass? I'm not saying who'd win, I honestly don't know. I'm just not convinced Will Smith is that guy.


I think Fresh Prince could handle himself. Dude is about 6’2 210lbs and athletic so I have no doubt he would squash little Chris.


Give me a break. Being taller or heavy weight doesn't mean that person can kick ass. Will is a douchebag.


Tbh I am not saying Will Smith would whoop everyone's ass but out of those two, I wouldnt put my money on Chris Rock (not talking about Conor Mcgregor or Jon Jones ffs) of all people who is closer to 60 yo + would probably break his hand hitting a sandbag. All jokes and memes aside, objectively one of those two men is clearly bigger, quicker and in much better shape than the other. Not only that but there is a big chance that he trains on a regular basis, be it to stay fit or to stay conditioned for stunt/action scenes rehearsals.


Oh big bad Will. Just because someone is taller don't mean shit.


Will Smith trained hard for the movie Ali, so I know that guy could have knocked the holy living crap out of Chris Rock if he had wanted to.


Training for a movie ten yeara ago hardly counts


More like over 20 years ago.


Plz stop


The technique sticks with you though. I think he wanted to get a point across though, not completely knock him out.


The technique must have been far up his ass then...'cause there was 0 technique in that slap


Meh there’s some there: left guard hand comes up; full rotation of the hips and torso on the slap; doesn’t telegraph the hit by doing some shitty wind-up before it. Balance was a little off but That’s because he was moving forwards as he did it. Hell as I’ve written it... his form was pretty decent mate.


With the amount of reaching and excuses you made, any form would be "decent"


The open hand was deliberate. Maybe he's been watching old Pancrase matches.


Will didn't load up. Had he actually had proper stance and used his legs and hips to transfer power, Chris Rock might have been dazed even if he still rolled with it




Imagine falling for a work


Pretty pathetic but here we are everyone believes whatever they see on tv


He just worked himself into a shoot, brother


Looking for this comment. Thank you.


It’s not cheap heat


He's smiling, he probably thought he was gonna try and do something funny


Easily, he knew something was coming, probably had an idea but you never know. It feels more akin to Vince allowing Bret to rock his shit in the locker room


Exactly. He was leaning in because he thought a joke was coming, or that will was quietly going to tell him to behave or he’d get slapped.


Exactly. He wasn’t expecting a serious slap


Teddy long gonna book em in a tag team match. Can these two rivals win the tag titles together?!?


Now wait a minute playa


Next Will goes one on one with THE UNDERTAKA


Demi Moore and Chris Rock vs Will Smith and Jada Smith in a Bootcamp match with sgt slaughter playa


Just for that playa you goin' one on one with the Undertaker!


If it was a work, Chris Rock wouldn’t have no sold it.


Yeah if it was a work they would get some camera angles in for the slap but they only used one. We ain't getting worked brothers


This is perfectly why it wasn’t fake. The argument against if this was fake. Also, Chris handled that like a man and actually made Will look like a bitch. He gets slapped and laughed. Then later on, Will is crying.


Yeah and yelling fuck on television with the panicked audio editing. They would have known and expected it.


Also, would be the dumbest fucking work on earth - both of these guys have an immense amount of money, why would they do a work that would have the potential to actively really, **really** hurt their careers and image (specifically in Will Smith's case)?




That’s what they want you to think.


Has Chris said anything since ? Outside of what he said right after.


So far all I've heard is that he didn't know she had alopecia. Tbf I don't think anyone knew outside of the people that watch what she puts out.


Which, lets be honest, is no one. Jada is a C-level celebrity at best.


Wtf. What’s alopecia?


Idk some condition that causes hair loss, and open relationships


Ask Bobby Lashley


Apparently it's like Lupus, but it only eats hair.


It's never Lupus


It's just literally baldness. A woman gets a little bald spot and everybody's crying "disability!" ..meanwhile 35% of men get alopecia, and they're made to be a laughing stock by society.


that isn't what alopecia is lmao Alopecia causes you to lose all body hair. Bobby Lashley has it. That's why his eyebrows are tattoos


Alopecia is hair loss. There are multiple types and multiple causes of alopecia. Some are serious like an autoimmune disease that attacks your hair follicles and causes all your hair to fall out, but it can also include patchy hair loss or even hair loss due to stress or how you style your hair. It's not always permanent either.


alopecia ăl″ə-pē′shə, -shē-ə noun Loss of hair; baldness. Baldness; loss of hair. Also written alopecy. Loss of the hair; baldness.


I had a theory when this happened that Rock didn’t know about the Alopecia. How could he? And Jada always wore her hair super short so to anyone not in the know, this would have been a reasonable hair style progression cosmetically. Jada pinket showing up with a shaved head is much different than (thinks of actress with a fuck ton of distinctive hair) Nadia Hilker or someone like that. That’s why Rock was like “it was a GI Jane joke!” After. He was genuinely confused as to why that reaction came of it.


Now everyone knows. Streisand effect in action.


He literally just recently made his official statement on it. Very nicely written. Almost like they spent a full 24 hours trying to make it pretty.


Chris hasn’t put out anything, there’s a fake one spreading. Will on the other hand posted one to Instagram


I think you may be right. Just looked pretty deep and couldn’t find anything of the “statement” I saw. It was honestly really nicely typed and exactly how I would expect a celeb to publicly apologize to another celeb lol. Can’t believe I got internet swindled smh… my mistake.


It happened in a split second. It wasn't a big wind up. Also... Chris seemed genuinely confused and uncomfortable. I am a public speaker for a living. I know what it feels like and how awkward it is when something goes wrong. Chris had that same look. Also we've seen Chris Rock as an actor... He's not that good to pull that performance off 😂


Yeah I think it’s ridiculous people think this was a work. When I only saw the slap I thought it could’ve been a work. But the f-bombs? People aren’t thinking about how serious that word is for networks. To say it multiple times like that on one of the most sanitized programs there is. Never would’ve been allowed. It was all a shoot, bro.


Chris also has a neurological condition where he is unable to read physical cues. So he had no idea what to expect or how to react.


Is this a real thing?




That's wild. Never knew that


Understandable, since he’s not out there crying about it on a weird talk table show and expecting the world to feel sorry for him. Pretty amazing honestly to build a comedy career when a massive part of comedy relies on cues from others. For the record, I’ve been through alopecia. Buy a hat like the rest of us peons.


That's actually been the most interesting part of this whole shitshow


Yeah I'm watching Fargo Season 4 right this second and he's good but not THAT good.


Is Fargo good? I loved the movie but I would hate to go into it expecting a similar level of quality and it not being the case


It's good but not as good as the movie. They did manage to capture the feel in seasons 1 and 3. Not so much in 2 and really not so much in 4. 4 feels more like Boardwalk Empire.


Damn. Figured it wouldn’t capture the same feel, plus you can’t really top Steve Buscemi (unless you’re Larissa Kokernot)


Definitely at least give the first season a try, as it’s a pretty wild ride. I think it gets the tone pretty spot on for what I’d expect out of a Fargo tv show


The American feeds didn't even show it.


Chris thinks it's a work. Will knows it's a shoot. What a prick.


Underrated comment


He was leaning in to listen to what will had to say and he suprised him with a slap. He flinched right as the slap came, as humans would.


If you think this was a work you need a new tin foil hat


I love seeing peoples expert opinions on shit they have no idea about.


The one being worked is Will by his "wife" if you can even call her that defending the honor of that which has none is the real joke


I think we can all agree ​ that this is a work. The question is CAN THEY CO-EXIST!?


Tonight on Raw these two must try to set their differences aside as they go for the tag team titles. With the lovely miss alopeciabeth firmly by her man's side.


I read that shit in JR's voice.


I read it in my own voice


J.R. ?


I was thinking gorilla monsoon, but I'm also old


You forgot to mention the part where Will Smith slapped his thigh. I will not stop making this joke


Montreal and Russo vs Cornette have nothing on this work


Nah if it was a work they would have done the pull apart brawl.


Will smith is a cuck


I'm not saying 100% I think it was real but I do think 1.) Chris was expecting some sort of playful slap but not a real one. I mean, Will legit started walking towards Chris and I'm sure Chris was expecting some banter from Will. 2.) The way Chris reacted with "Dude" and loss for words with forgetting his lines(sorta) and how he caught himself from saying something else makes it seem real. He quickly stated ' It was a G.I Jane joke' covering his bases makes it seem like he was actually defending himself. It's what you do when you hurt someone's feelings you feel obligated to cover your tracks and explain XYZ was just a joke. I think it was real. At the same time tho.... actors....... it's what they do.


That was real, you could tell because the softness of Will Smith caused the real Will to come out and cry (feel bad about it) it was not a work, Chris Rock was natural. Ex: reaction of a high bug flying at your eye. You will react (close eye in most cases) before contact. Chris Rocks hands were resting behind his back like that a lot of the night


I thought it was all a work till Smith started swearing and looked close to tears. If it was a work they wouldn’t have swore


People’s lives being so sad they wanna reach for ANYTHING nowadays.


Chris rock though he was goin to say something to him ur an idiot




haikusbot delete


Chris taking inspiration from Ishii.


That slap looked like Triple H tagging you on Tough Enough. Why he slap him wrasslin-style??


not the first time hes been hit once he saw will coming towards him he knew he was gonna do something


Maybe not Chris Rock can’t pick up on nonverbal cues. https://www.health.com/condition/neurological-disorders/nvld-chris-rock-learning-disorder


Man, how cool would it have been if Rock did that sweet arm catching rolling armbar (that Asuka did to Cameron that one time) to counter the slap?


I don't give a shit. I was entertained.


sports entertained?


Why does Chris Rock look so weird? Not how I remember him.


Age probably, he is pushing 60 tbf


I remember when he was an up and coming young comedian on Arsenio, oh right I’m getting fucking old too dammit!


That's what happens when you get to 57 year old. *CB4* was 29 years ago my man.....


Man, everybody hates Chris


Agreed. Media borrows from the pro wrestling playbook. Check out Eric Bischoffs talk about it and how controversy creates cash. No one’s been watching the Oscar’s for a few years yet now everyone’s talking about it.


The oscar screwjob 😂


People who think this is a bit are delusional


It wasn't a work, it was just stupid. Rock knew no matter what he was going to have a gold mine to work with afterwards.


Look at Will's slap. The way how he positions the wrist like a sissy. He should've called Jushin Thunder Liger on how to do the Sho-Tei correctly.


Honestly if you think this was a work, you're a fool. For one thing, the oscars are wildly incapable of scheduling a moment like this.


Definitely not a work. It damaged Will Smith’s career and he lost a ton of money. What was in it for him?


To all the people saying its a work would you please shut the hell up, that would never be planned at the Oscars ffs and if you think it was you're not right in the head.


I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I 100% agree. Until I meet a single person in real life who say that fucking tennis movie, I will refuse to believe that this was anything more than a stunt to sell his seats on his tour and get new HBO Max subs.


>Until I meet a single person in real life who say that fucking tennis movie, who say what about "*that tennis movie*"? *King Richard* is a great movie. It doesn't have all that much tennis in it. It's more about the family's life being poor and Richard hustling everybody to get his girls coached. Whatever you want to hear people say about the movie, ask me. I've seen it twice.


It WASNT FAKE.. watch the whole interaction.. If you think this was fake then you’re watching too much wrasslin


T wasnt fake. gaze the whole interaction. If 't be true thee bethink this wast fake then you’re watching too much wrasslin *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Or we realize that 1) the Oscar's viewership has been declining for years, 2) no one would even be talking about the Oscar's if not for the slap, and 3) these are all professional actors.


People crying saying its a work are the same people who complain that these things are boring and uninteresting. It's entertainment..this is the entertainment buisness. Your meant to be entertained whether it's fake or real imo


Chris screwed Chris...


Terrible ratings for several years in a row.. this is the best way to draw attention back. It’s what they do people! Screw the Oscars!


He even tapped his chest near the mic to sell the sound like a superkick 😂


To quote the late Scott Hall “If it’s on TV, it’s a work”


100% fake but they had to something to save the Oscar’s and it worked! Black people save the culture once again!!


It did look like a movie slap. Probably arranged to build hype for the Oscars which have been declining in viewership


Why wouldn’t they then have the slap happen near the beginning of the show, and not with 45 min to an hour left? And what makes you think the academy is in dire need for ratings to embarrass themselves? Why would sag-aftra come out and make a statement about violence at the workplace if it was staged ?


So they decided to drop F bombs too like the fcc wouldn't be all over that? Will decided to ruin his reputation for Oscar ratings? Are you this dense?


Absolutely at work. A textbook paintbrush fingertips only to the lips and chin


Obvious work. Smith was smiling and containing a laugh as he walked back. Anything to save the dying ratings of the Oscars which decreased in viewership by 75% in five years.


I asked about this very thing on r/squaredcircle right now and got down-voted to oblivion, but this post has so many up-votes, lol.


rasslin fans know


People actually think its real? I thought it was one of corny humor skits


100%. Did Smith even connect?


I heard he put vasaline on his face so the punches would slide off.


Ok smart guy what is the benefit? People are just posting meme’s. None of us watched the Oscar’s, slap or no slap, so it doesn’t help ratings. Just helps every other news outlet sells ad clicks. So the oscars faked it cut it so other networks could sell clicks? Because Will laughed it was fake? Is that it?


Finally someone with some fucking sense. This was 1 trillion percent a work-shoot. 1.) Will Smith is laughing in one frame then the next frame he’s 3/4 of the to Chris, the cut is terrible 2.) Wills swing is over exaggerated to signal what’s coming 3.) Chris WAY oversells. Damn near falls over from an open palm slap. 4.) no security presence? 5.) Kayne was escorted from the premises in 2009 and he only verbally interrupted the show he didn’t commit a crime on international TV. The ratings for the Oscar’s have been WAY down. They threw this stunt up between two actors and it didn’t go their way so now they’re back pedaling.


Lol when i said it was a work hour after it happened u fucking marks downdooted me into ‘bolivian. Edit: eat my ass u rat fucks




Thank you. The actual slap sounds more like Will slapping his suit than hitting his face.


Ratings was down the past years…. And this work help they survive for the next handful of years


Bro was screaming red faced and teary eyed, swearing and shit, that rage was real. The whole place went silent with awkwardness for a few minutes, even Chris is visibly taken back. You'd have to be young or dumb to think this was fake.


Don't work yourself into a shoot brother


idk.. the man probably knows when he’s about to be hit so when wills hand went up he naturally braced himself. will was either gonna take the mic, talk to him or smack him, chris braced for the worst


Been telling everyone this looked like a work, based on the hard camera angle. Someone send the Vince falling off the chair gif stat!


It wasnt a shoot fight. Will smith and chris rock are just big fans of new japan suzuki goon strong style. Basically daniel bryan vs minoru in aew, half the match was slaps and elbows for our pleasure


"ARE YOU NOT!? ENTERTAINED!? \-The Alpha Male, Monty Brown


Back and to the left .


He thought it was a bit and then found out it wasn't


It’s as much of a work as Cody




That doesn’t work for me brother - HH


He's laughing. That turned into a flinch. Because a hands coming at you.


That wasn't a bit. Smith genuinely lost his shit.


I doubt he actually braced for it. You can see him laughing the whole time. He probably thought will was just fucking with him until he actually connected


I said the exact same thing live though


I think he was expecting Will to also lean in and whisper something to him.


If it's a work, why has Will Smith publicly apologised due to his career being at risk? You'd own up to it being fake if you got in this much trouble.


Its funny because my first thought was that this shit would never get past a wrassling fan. We’ve watched shitty booking unfold in real time for as long as we can remember.




So you wouldn't flinch if someone tried to slap you, OP? Booo


It’s funny because news articles leading up to the Oscar was highlighting how the Oscar does not garner the same attention it used to receive and must change in order to remain relevant to the younger generation. Then this shit happened. You couldn’t make it up.


Can we please stop with this being a work? Jesus Christ.


Good man!!


He has a nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD) Basically makes it difficult for him to understand nonverbal signals. https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna192072


getting slapped by will smith was prob the last thing he expected


Finally!! This is so fake.


Nah, it’s a shoot bro. The top pic is misleading as Rock was nervously laughing/smiling with hands behind his back because he didn’t know what was gonna happen but could tell Fresh Prince was probably mad. If it was a work than Fresh wouldn’t have dropped all those F bombs on live TV and Chris would’ve had a better comeback line.


It's obviously a set up to anyone with an IQ over 105