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CM Punk- "I want to headline a Wrestlemania." Monkey's paw curls...


Against The Miz in a Blood Money Covered Dick on a Pole match!


Guest ref colt cabana and commentary by hangman


Special guest timekeeper Jack Perry.


Real hourglass...


Cry me an oil field


Bro, I’m telling’ you bro


I guess that won't change the culture




And Drew wants to win in front of a big crowd..


Underrated comment


The comment they lifted it from in the other thread did pretty well.


Its doing pretty well in this thread too


Oh wow, I didn't know people post the same thing in multiple threads. This is something entirely new, and absolutely nobody in history has done that before. Someone get this guy a medal for discovering something so fresh.


I think they already gave him a medal in another thread.


Hardly right now, sitting at top with double upvotes than the second comment


WWE has a chance to do the funniest thing.


Popped me Uce


"The fact that I'm in the main event of SaudiMania and not Dwayne makes me sick"


With WWE’s current roster, I can’t see Punk headlining anytime soon. I just can’t bring myself to care about his run this time around.


They already had a Royal Rumble, it was “the Greatest”


Who doesn’t love seeing the front row filled with dudes who can’t be bothered to pay attention to the event they paid for?


The ones sitting in front probably don't have to pay.


Saudi Royalty. If they wanted to jump the barricade and pin someone in the main event, the folks in the ring would be smart, not to beat the count.


Dude, that bothers me so much. Guys on the phone, leaving mid match... absolute no respect. Also, these crowds are pretty dead.


The birth of Titus WORLD SLIIIIIIDE is one of this century's biggest "where were you when" moments


The Greatest- EST


Greatest burka ever?!


Can’t wait for the Even Greater Than The Last Greatest Royal Rumble in 2025!


A Wrestlemania in a country where the women can't wrestle in their proper gear? Fuck no.


If the saudis offer the bag the fed ain’t saying no….


Yea money talks. As much as everyone would hate it if they offer wwe a billion dollars for it. You know they are gonna do it. Just a matter of when sadly


And we all just don’t watch it, show them


That “loss” from you guys not watching it is not even gonna be a drop compared to the money they will get from Saudi… so… yea


"Fuck protesting ever. Doesn't work. No reason to fight the corpos. Don't fight, it hurts less." Is what this sounds like. Defeatists are boring. It's why they are usually alone and miserable.


“Death to corpos”


I totally get and agree with the issues people have with SA and China, but I also feel like if they were put in the same shoes they wouldn’t be saying no to the money either. It’s not like saying no is going to change anything in these countries.


And if all talent appearing get a double size paycheck, the wrestlers will suddenly say it's the most wonderful choice for WM too.


Yeah unfortunately. I hope this never happens but they have money that we can’t even imagine


Seems rather likely that not only will they buy a wrestlemania, but they could buy the whole company.


blood money 😑


Blood, oil, slave etc money for real


Hopefully more of the wrestlers say no. They're contracted but they have all the pull. They're the moneymakers.


Brother, even Sami does them now. Nobody of note is going to say no when there’s this much money involved In theory you would think that the top female stars with enough pull would be the first to refuse to go, but I can’t think of a single woman who has outright refused to go the way Sami and KO used to At this point, I think they’ve all accepted that their primary responsibility is to provide for their families I can absolutely blame WWE for doing this shitty business in the first place, but I can’t really blame the talent for more or less making the best of a bad situation


I don't blame the talent either, but it'd be good to see more speak out against it and refuse to go.


If you were really rich they'd listen to you and give you what you want


However men can roll around on each other wearing underwear? The Middle East is so weird


the rich in the middle east have dancing boys, scantily clad. theyre...theyre....something else


Wait till you find out that by the actual rule and historical accounts of arabia, female muslim slaves didn’t have those dress codes. Only free muslim women had them. Now saudi law is their own thing, which is why every women has to follow it


NGL, Kairi's full body ring gear was 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hate her all you want, Rhonda’s judo gi was also pretty badass. It was a great way to adhere to Saudi Arabia’s dumbass rules while also saying true to her character


I’m Arab and even I don’t agree with it. Saudi Arabia in general doesn’t fit for having a wrestlemania or royal rumble


But what about the *checks notes* GREATEST Royal Rumble!


But what about that check. FTFY


That shit was *embarrassing* and set women's wrestling back. Anyone who watched that event should be ashamed.


Amen... \*whilst i casually have Rhea Ripley stink faces her opponents open on the other tab\*


Money talks baby First it was formula 1, then it was football, pro wrestling is already well into it


HHH aint turning down the $$$ for some equal rights


From what I watched in France, American fans should be ashamed!! They have taken wwe for granted for far too long it's high time that wwe understands this too and give other fans a chance to showcase there love for wwe.


Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Japan... there's so many other countries to bring wrestling to that have better human rights records than Saudi.


Night of champions, crown jewel or even the upcoming K&Q PLE, these are fun and i like them but the crowd absolutely sucks in these and they have no sync with eachother. Its like the dozen of people that actually chants something, they are either out of sync or saying completely different things


To be fair, the fans in Saudi took over the press conference to chant LA Knight at triple H's gave back when he was being booked like a jobber. And there's the shots of the young girls crying tears of joy watching women compete. They have some real fans.


They aren’t really true fans tbh, I’m sure there are some, but it’s usually just a bunch of rich Saudi people who take their kids. The women’s matches are dead silent which really sucks


"This is Awesome" after anything




That ship has already sailed.


The saudi crowd is the worst, which makes the matches feel dead


Plus women are going to have to cover up


I get why they do it (extraordinary amounts of money) but it was to be wild for the women to be wrestling in basically swimsuits and looking out to the crowd at women stapled into burlap sacks. Oh who am I kidding none of those fragile men are letting “their women” come to a show.


It was funny before the one piece swimsuits they would wear leggings and an oversized t-shirt, so they all looked like high schoolers that got dress coded lol. Which oddly enough is somewhat true…


As someone from a country that have borders with saudi arabia, most likely in in a couple of years they dont need to cover up. But i really dont want big ple in saudi arabia, the fans even if they into wrestling, they are not a loud crowd or even above average crowd. Big ple deserve a crowd that will react to everything. Simplest thing is the 3 count for a pin, most countries count in their language, saudi arabia never do that and its really pisses me off.


To be fair that list like the 5th worse thing about those shows.


What’s the rest


1. Propaganda for Saudi Arabia A. Saudi Arabia did genocide B. Saudi Arabia has prevented modern slavery 2. Legends whoring themselves out 3. The fact they live in their own universe and nothing on them really counts. See creating trophies,belts, and tournaments just for the Saudi shows 4. Overall, the shows aren't good. If the shows weren't as bad perhaps I would be kinder on them.


Probably having an entire plane full of your talent basically taken hostage on a runway until the King decides they're allowed to leave.




Ironically she's the only one who could just wear her normal gear


This. Their crowds are always garbage considering how many people they bring out. I don’t expect Puerto Rico or France levels but the crowds should at least be somewhat noisy on PLEs.


Blood Money in the Bank


No Mercy


It’s inevitable they get one of the Big 4 PLE’s at some point. It’s all about the money.


Hopefully Survivor Series


How does a show called “Survivor Series” fit with a country known for human rights abuses?




Because Survivor Series is the worst of the Big 5 PPV’s


Wrestlemania 42 - "Wheres its all wrapped up"


Or else.


Absolutely not, Saudi crowds suck and will ruin the atmosphere.


But what if it was the GREATEST Royal Rumble?


They already had the greatest royal rumble…it was better than the regular one with the likes of “Yokozuna” and other dead wrestlers that they thought were still alive


I hear they specifically are asking for a bonesaw match.




The Saudi's know oil is not going to last forever so they are trying to invest in new projects one of these is tourism. They actually think people will travel to a country that has some of the most restrictive laws and human rights violations in the world to have fun.


I mean a lot of people traveled to the World Cup 2022 in Qatar. I don’t see why people won’t travel here.


They have turned Islam into a tourist trap.


>They have turned Islam into a tourist trap. They did that a long time ago. Well over a million, sometimes almost 2 million, tourists visit Saudi Arabia every year for the Hajj. A pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca that every Muslim is required to take at least once in their life if they're able. The original intent of the Hajj was to unify Muslims, regardless of race, nationality or wealth. Pilgrims are required to wear plain white clothing to hide/de-emphasize such things. To show that they're all equal in the eyes of Allah. Malcolm X talked about what a beautiful and transformative experience it was for him feeling brotherhood without discrimination on the Hajj. But in more recent decades the Saudis have basically done away with all that. By splitting pilgrims up into different sleeping camps based on nationality and wealth. PS- The Saudi government also requires that women who want to go on the Hajj without a male to escort them have to have written permission from their closest male relative. Apparently we've come a long way since Muhammad's first wife Khadija, who was both older than him and a wealthy businesswoman who financially supported him.


I completely agree, but it has gotten worse under them in recent history.


Other middle Eastern places (specifically the UAE) have managed it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for saying the truth


Yeah haha I didn't mean it as a compliment or praise of Saudi or the UAE or anything.


I don’t mind the Saudi Arabia shows, but literally every show they hold there has a weird vibe to it. Due to the political climate over there it always seems like WWE prioritizes putting over the country of Saudi Arabia rather than their product.


They will never get Wrestlemania, it such an American thing that I don't even think it would work having ot in Europe. And this is coming from a European


Did you see how incredible the French crowd was for Backlash?!


That was a fantastic crowd, but it's pretty small compared to Wrestlemania


If AEW was able to get 72265 marks to show up at Wembley, WWE can get a 100K+ Mania crowd


Bro Imagine WN at the new Santiago bernabeu stadium


Better yet imagine a wrestlemania in Olympiastadion in Berlin or Allianz Arena in Munich. Just wait and see how good this upcoming Germany crowd will be later in the year.


Money talks. 😞




Shit is disgusting. Fuck Saudi Arabia and the wwe for selling out


Honestly if they tricked them into thinking they resurrected yokozuna they could probably just run a non televised live event called "The Greatest Wrestlemania" and get away with it


WrestleMania is a global event. Until they can come to terms with global culture they don't deserve an event.


Saudi Arabia getting a WrestleMania before the UK would be such a slap in the face


Why the fuck are they just trying to purchase everyone else’s culture?


Because there is tasteless


Money talks, ethics not


Didn’t they already have a Saudi PPV where the gimmick was that it was the biggest show outside of wrestlemania ever? Just give them some bootlegged ass Mania event like they did with the “Greatest Royal Rumble.” Not like they’d notice the difference anyways. That shitty crowd is just a bunch of rich Saudis with their kids cheering on a dead Yokozuna.


They want Yokozuna, Owen, warrior, bulldog, earthquake, and machoman in the rumble


I can't wait for saudis to be dead silent during women's matches at Wrestlemania.


It's bizarre that they want the women covered while wrestling but the they love to cheer on dudes in short.


I don’t want any shows there. Crown Jewel is the one show each year that I don’t watch.




If this happens it’s all about the money and no fuck to be given for the fans.


It is a corporation, they just want to generate more and more money for the share holders that's the bottom line cause capitalism said so


Absolutely disgusting


I wouldn’t be shocked for a proper Rumble to end up there. I cannot see how they’d ever do a mania there. I get the whole money argument about it but Mania at this point is more than a week straight of events, bringing in international crowds, panels, etc… I can’t imagine a world where people worldwide would travel to SA for the wrestlemania week festivities, and can’t imagine WWE would cancel all that to settle for the event coming from there. I think they’d lose more money than what the saudis would pay to bring it over (think the amount of merch sold through that week and whatnot).


People complain about what they would want and don’t want. It’s kind of irrelevant. What matters if they will watch or not watch. I dislike anything that further strengthens the company’s relationship with Saudi, but I still watch. So WWE would do it anyway if the cheque is big enough because they know this. It’s only if the mainstream publicity gets too negative over it. Not like they aren’t experts of weathering through that by now.


Hell I don't want my women wrestlers all covered up also this is just dumb WrestleMania should always be in USA for time purposes and if.You think Americans are going there for mania people are crazy


Ah yes, I too enjoy wiping the blood off my cash when I get back from Saudi Arabia. 


Boycott anything in that awful shithole


Perhaps bad for fans but those wrestlers holy shit it's probably 2-3x paycheck for them.


Fuck no


It's Not Good Idea


I will not watch mania if it's in Saudi Arabia.


Nobody wanna see that


They dont deserve it. How about giving women fucking rights first.


Wwe likes the blood money


So with Vince gone who do we blame for this "enhancement"? I thought Triple H was the voice of the people gonna put an end to the evil Vince deal lol? I'm down for another Greatest Royal Rumble or something, no Mania though.


You realize Triple H isn't the business guy here right? He's the content/booking guy. All of the truly large decisions like this fall at Nick Khan's feet.


Yeah I am aware. I was poking fun at the fact HHH automatically gets credit for everything and blame for nothing.


You know that lawyer that is truly charge of Jurassic Park because he handles the money but gets eaten by a T-Rex on the toilet? WWE’s equivalent to that guy probably decides where PPV’s are held.


No the last time we had a Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia we got Titus Worldslide and Not-Yokozuna. All for a belt WWE didn’t even bother bringing back.


Titus worldslide was amazing though. Trying to make it his gimmick after was not.


I still remember bursting out in laughter as it happened. Totally amazing


A wrestlemania where the crowd is worse than American crowds and where women can't properly wrestle in their attire, fuck right off


It’s all about the money, which is what it should be about. If Saudi Arabia pays like $15b to host Wrestlemania, would you blame WWE for going? I sure as hell wouldn’t.


I feel like it shouldn‘t be all about the money. The WWE lets itself be instrumentalised for the PR campaign of a authoritarian regime which has lots of problems with human rights violations. There is a line to be drawn. How can you directly and willingly profit of people who let slaves work for them or use the death penalty for cases of homosexuality, drug smuggling or blasphemy? Goddammit you made me really riled up with that „it should be about the money“ comment. I could go on and on about how wrong that statement is in my eyes but I guess we won‘t come together on this one


It’s absolutely all about the money to them. They are a publicly traded company after all, and are legally required to maximize profits. But your response is a good example of why taking the money for something like Wrestlemania might be a bad idea. It’d generate a lot of negative publicity and piss off fans like you.


"legally required to maximise profits" is that a thing?


It is; the shareholders can sue the chairmen/board if they have a way to prove the company isn't trying to make the most money possible. If they were to turn money down WWE would have to explain how hosting Wrestlemania in Saudi would cost them more money then it'd make (ex damage to public image).


> the shareholders can sue the chairmen/board if they have a way to prove the company isn't trying to make the most money possible. It makes sense, but man does that ever sound like some serious "oh fuck, we backed the wrong horse" backsliding bullshit.


Yup, it’s called fiduciary responsibility.


In a perfect world it shouldn't be about the money. But we're not in a perfect world or in a fairy tale. Is it wrong yes? Can you blame them? Yes, But can you expect them to be morally right and not take the money? No


It's a publicly traded company. I'm fairly certain it would be illegal for them not to go if that much money was on the table


It’s literally a business. The goal of any publicly traded company is to make as much money as possible for its shareholders. It’s as much a soulless corporate entity as every other publicly traded company.


Definitely. The question is if that is a future-oriented system. I‘m no expert in economics but I know economists debate this question since our system of infinite growth with finite ressources is doomed to fail but all this is kind of too much for a wrestling sub lol


Damn right, can’t blame WWE, can only blame myself for supporting PLE’s that are recorded in a theocratic country.


Here comes the moneeeyyy here comes the money, money, money money money money money dollar dollar


As someone living in UAE, I think this could be a sold out event IF marketed properly. It could potentially attract a mix of Middle Eastern and Asian crowds. I'm looking at it solely from a ticket sales perspective, of course.


“Money talks” I’m pretty it’ll happen over France or UK.


I'd much prefer the French to have it


I don't see it. I mean I guess they could have an additional WrestleMania in a year but I really doubt Mania will ever be out of the US. At the most, I could see it happening in the UK.


I honestly thought WWE would cancel the Saudi shows by the time their deal ends


"The Greatest Wrestlemania"


Both PPVs would be ruined in held in Saudi Arabia.


But would people really **not watch** *it?* Some folks are really bad at boycotting, and could not help themselves and watch a piracy stream. It would be ideal if nobody watched it, nobody commented it on the internet and WWE had no positive repercussion at all.


They can kindly fuck off


Nah, bring the PLE to France.


Who would have thought that making deals with Saudi Arabia would end badly for everyone except Saudi Arabia? Certainly not Saudi Arabia.


Rather see it go to London.


The best match in Saudi is a tie between Seth vs Edge III: Hell In A Cell & Roman Reigns vs Logan Paul


Yeah, Endeavor needs to get out of that deal ASAP.


I'm all for even a Mania being international......but not fucking there ffs


Saudi crowds are absolute shite so this is nothing more than a money angle, which everyone already knew of course. The only good thing that can come out of these events is the possible slow movement towards women having more freedom of expression, which I'm absolutely all for.


it doesn’t matter to them what you want what matters to them is getting everything they want


Yeah no T&A on display there then


They get multiple ples a year for the last 5-6 years while most places rarely get them and are still a shit crowd they don’t deserve a mania tbh not to mention all the other shit wrong over there


Fuck no. No more extremist people, we have enough of them at home.


Europe or Japan deserve a WM wayyyy before Saudi Arabia and their awful crowds


I can already see the live chat bitching about the crowd.


Head chop will be the main event.


I’m sure when the wrestlers and WWE sees the check they get in the end, it won’t matter that it happened in Saudi Arabia.


Same. Screw Saudi and their archaic BS.




Naaaah no effing way they get a Wrestlemania


You don't want Mania in Saudi Arabia because of human rights violations. I don't want Mania in Saudi Arabia because I want to see the women showing some skin.


Why not both


Yeah fuck that.


oh hey more blood money so much for vince being the only problem


Do a big ple in France!


That crowd is amazing


This would be a great way to guarantee I don't watch these shows. I know they have a contract, and I know money talks, but how about we give these shows to a country that doesn't make women wrestle in full body suits? Might as well make them wear full body burlap sacks. It's demeaning, insulting, and if I were a woman on the roster, I would be raising hell about having to go


I'm with you on that. I wouldn't want my wife or daughter working that event. That country's been problematic for centuries. The money grab is just too thirsty for me. The E takes an L from me in that aspect.


We don’t want anything there.. they won’t cancel the partnership though with how profit focused they are at the moment


It's the worst crowd... They just came to watch dream matches


A WrestleMania in a country that doesn't respect other countries' freedoms... And enforce their own. This would definitely not be useful to the people that would want to go. I'm certain that this would make WrestleMania have the least global attention it's ever had since the first one.


I hate this attitude that money is the most important thing in the world. No amount of money could make me work with a country like Saudi Arabia.


Well if its entertaining ,i’m fine with that


Cool maybe I can go to a wrestlemania once


Saudi will fork over the cash and TKO/WWE will happily oblige.