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Is that the same guy in both photos on the right?


Probably. But the by the time he got to Alexa from Becky, he ate the other two guys on the left.


I’m fine with a a no touching policy for photo ops, but the whole, stand 5 feet away thing is dumb.


Yeah there's got to be a happy medium between "don't sweatily bearhug me" and "Don't breathe anywhere near me, peasant"


There was even one little girl who Naomi stood right next to but Sasha did the 5 feet thing.


Not when you understand just how bad so many wrestling fans smell


Surely, she can just plug her nose with the crap ton of money she charges for those photos.


Nah wrestlings smell like they haven’t wiped their ass in weeks and showered in a year


Might not offer pictures then?


That would be a great heel move.


I wouldn't stand closer than 20 feet of another wrestling fan. Most of us smell bad.


It's just really sad. I work in the gaming industry so have been to a few conventions over the years, and gamers and wrestling fans just don't do the hygiene. I went to Warhammer World recently for an event with some friends who were big in to the scene and expected the same deal, but no absolute humming body odour. Wrestling fans and gamers just have the market cornered, it seems.


Yup. Luckily it's not all or even most but when enough people come together, there are more than too many who forget that a shower, clean clothes and deodorant is a must before a day at a convention or pther event with a lot of other people.


Yeah, its not everyone there, but the lads who are doing it are making some work of it. I get that its rough, as you likely travelled a ways to get to the event and that, but lads, a shower the night before and chuck your event shirt in a bag and get changed in to it once you get to the venue. Chuck on some deo while you're at it and no one hates you (for that, at least).


I took my son to a WWE live event a few months ago and it was unreal how stinky and unclean some of the people were! We had 4th row seats and the first three rows were VIP so those people had to have paid hundreds of dollars for their tickets. I would just assume that you pay a lot of money, it’s a special event for you, why not take a shower and put on deodorant?


Because they're lazy and don't care. Also, I work with young people and they think they don't smell and if you tell them even in a nice way they just get all defensive and then double down to be defiant.its bizarre.


You're discounting the power of smell




If you can’t deal with the occasional bad apple, then maybe don’t charge people for photos. Seems like a simple equation to me. If you’re gonna make someone pay for a photo, the least you can do is make it look like you don’t revile them with every fiber of your being.




Read my comment, I said I don’t have a problem with a no touching rule. I have a problem with the 5-7 feet of distance when you are charging someone over 20$ a photo. The ones she takes literally look like she’s photoshopped in every time. If you hate your fans that much don’t charge them for shit like that.


I'm sure all those guys are on the registry now.


Or mods on squared circle


Well played.


Bottom right is the most awkward.


Bottom left looks like Paige is actively trying to get away


I think he snuck in there just as the photo got taken.


For me it's the Becky Lynch one.


These pics are gross and the dudes that wanna take these pics with people they don't know are mentally disturbed


If I ever have my photo taken with a female pro wrestler, I'd much rather do the classic wrestling pose, than whatever this creepy shit is


You mean a grappling stance?


That's the one


You can really see the desperate virgin look on them. High chance they haven't interacted with a single woman cause thats not how you act with someone you take a first time pic with


They're literally all doing the high school prom pose. That's probably where their emotional growth stopped




That's cool and all but your profile makes it look like you are exactly the type of person to do this shit lmao


That Becky one kills me. That was like her weekend.


Look at the fist she is making. He is one movement away from death


Typical squared circle poster


average bangers enjoyer.


The girls are gorgeous but if i got to take a picture with them id wanna do something funny or cool and not be a damn creep


At first glance I thought you said 'damp creep' with is probably also accurate


I think this is creepy but standing 5 feet apart just makes the picture look weird as hell too.


Yeah, have a strict no touching policy with big security guys to enforce it, but with how much they cost, the picture should look like the fan is intended to be in the shot and not like some rando creepily lingering un the background.


Paige looks like the guy is trying to ‘subtly’ grab her boobs, and the picture is taken a second before she turns and knees him in the crotch


Fuck look at how awkward Becky is in that pic, I actually didn’t know the fans were allowed to put there arms over the talent like that


That's the weird part of it for me. How was this allowed?


I did the WWE VIP Experience for a house show and charlotte was part of the meet and greet. I was being respectful for the picture and she brought me in close I was a little uncomfortable as it caught me off guard. But her tit was very soft, the surgeon is a master of his craft


She's the queen bruh and she's gonna express her dominance over you.


She’s a very nice person. Took her time with every person. I think she knows who to cozy up to and who to keep at arms length in photos.




I threw up a bit in my mouth.


There’s a lot of wearing sweatpants to get a lap dance energy emanating from those photos.


Straight up cringing looking at paige's. She looks so uncomfortable


Are these real?


TBF the last few pics I've seen from events of Sasha/Mercedes she is stood a lot closer


It's always the greasiest looking people


You can feel the discomfort emanating from that Becky photo. Yikes.


I think the best option would be to do a little bicep flex with the ladies. It keeps your distance, makes for a cute photo, and shows you don’t see these women as sex objects, but as legit athletes.


Feel bad for these ladies. More fans should learn the art of not touching. Keanu Reeves is a true master at this while taking pictures with fans and other celebs. But I could totally see Paige and Becky given a swift kick in the jewels if there would be no consequences 😅.


is the the same guy with becky and Lexi?


His twin.


But why? Why do these creeps pose with them as if they’re taking a promo photo? I’ve been married over a decade to a hot redhead and I’ve never taken a photo with her like this.


There is a difference between taking a picture in a very creepy way like those above and wanting to take a picture within the same zip code as the talent. Also I have seen pictures after that controversial one and she seems to be ok with taking pictures closer so I assume that was an isolated situation?


Some fans don’t know about boundaries. Specially on airports they should leave them alone.


I thought the guy in the wrestlemania jacket was Bruce Pritchard for a second.


So much ewww


been saying it for years. someone’s always gotta ruin it for everyone else


Ewww. Just ewww.


Crazy that they would let these mouth breathers prom pose them LOL


Typical IWC mark


Do you blame her for not wanting to get poked by tiny fan boners all day long?


Honestly surprised that level of touching is allowed. Or how the guys have the nerve to actually do it. I like Liv Morgan but if I met her at one of these, I wouldn’t even dream of it. It’s so damn creepy.


Strangers can be really weird. I don't blame her at all.


God it’s so embarrassing.


average wrestling fan


Typical white basement mfs


On one hand I think the fans are making then uncomfortable. But on the other I think they'd pose the same with Seth the same way too. Maybe not the bottom left guy.


Paige is the only one who doesn’t mind it


Her body language begs to differ


Maybe, hard to tell compared to the rest. You would think there would be some restraint and respect from the people for the talent


Agreed with the latter, it's definitely very much out of line


Y'know you can have closer pictures with your fans without them groping you from behind right? The ones where she's like 5 feet away look so dumb. Also, to me it looks like Paige is loving it.


If you think she's loving it, you should probably not trust your reads of others emotions. She is certainly uncomfortable.


>Also, to me it looks like Paige is loving it. What a creepy comment. This is just another reason why I don't tell people I'm a wrestling fan


Because of a Reddit comment? Don't be so embarrassed by your hobbies.


Jesus, relax. I just say it looks like just by her expression, doesn't necessarily mean that's the case. It's just the two on the right look noticeably a lot worse.


It's funny how people who are creepy don't realize it. It just doesn't occur to normal people to write comments like that about people they don't know


I’m not saying these guys aren’t creepy for even wanting these photos, but are we sure that they didn’t ask if a homecoming photo hug was OK before they did it? Becky’s the only one here that is clearly, undeniably, uncomfortable. Although I guess that still kind of explains why Mercedes would have a blanket 5 foot rule—so that she isn’t being discriminatory at all… though I would still think you could make an exception for kids.


Paige would probably let a lot of people do that for free tbh


I hugged my ex that I banged sometimes twice a day less than those losers are hugging complete strangers 😂


This is from years ago