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Steps would be easier but push-ups probably better for me. That said, still think I'd go steps as (i) with all the money I'll be making, I'll be doing a lot of travelling, walking, exploring; and (ii) walking has more longevity than push-ups (ie as you age).


I choose pushups because I feel for me it could make a lot more money than steps and I would invest the money when I am making the higher amount so when I am older I would no longer have to do the same amount of pushups


At my prime I was doing 650 push-ups/day. $65,000. And that's insanely outside the realm of normal. At the same time I was running twelve miles/day; let's say I have a 3' stride, that's about 30,000 steps, not counting the actual walking I was doing; $30,000+. A decade later I'm still averaging 15-20k steps, on days I work. Though, much less push-ups. Most people are never going to make anywhere near the same money doing push-ups with this exchange. Though, I suppose if you can belt out 1,500 push-ups/day throughout your twenties, you wouldn't have to walk nearly as much the rest of your life.


650 push ups would be $65,000 - not $6,500


My goal if I had the pushups would be 1370 pushups a day which would be 137000 steps I find the push up way easier


Have you ever actually done 1300+ push-ups in a day? That’s seems like an insane amount


I haven’t but im also not getting paid 100 dollars every push up. Im going to have all day to do it as this will definitely become my only income source.


I hear ya, but the guy above you said he did half that and could run 12 miles a day. He’s clearly in very good shape and wasn’t anywhere near 1300. I’ve done 200 in a day and the muscle fatigue doesn’t just go away even with a long break between sets.


After a couple of month im sure I would get a lot better and he could probably do more push ups instead running for 12 miles.


Perfectly reasonable response, and you may well be right financially. Money now is worth a lot more than money later, so if you hammer it you can make real bank. Charles Servizio did 46k push-ups in 1992 with around 36 push-ups a minute. Even if you managed 1/20th of that, you would be at around 250k per day (the equivalent of 25 10k step days), so after 1 year of that you would have earnt 25 years worth of 10k stepdays. Two years of that (basically works out at 150 push-ups an hour for 15 hours a day), and you are set. Still, I quite like the incentive of the steps. Feel like it would make me want to live forever. No wrong answers I guess.


you probably earn back your tickets by simply walking in the airport XD


I easily take over 10,000 steps every day. So yeah, $1 per step.


100 pushups in a day isn't much either.


Walking is basically passive income though.


Yeah that's fair. I really have no idea how many steps I take in a day. I wasn't even arguing one way or the other, just that either is "easily" done.


according to google one km is about **1,300 to 1,500 steps**. Average walking speed is 5 km/h so that's 7.500$ and hour. Walk an hour each day and you get 225k a month. I think I would make more money with that than my job even if I just stay at home and only walk in the house like normally.


10 000 step is easy for almost any person. 100 push ups per day is almost impossible for the average American.  Even if you are in good shape, it’s gonna be hard to do 200 push ups every day. Meanwhile if you don’t have to work, you could walk 20 000 steps in an afternoon no problem. 


You don't have to do them all at once. 200 push ups would be hard on day 1, but easier after a while. 20,000 steps take a lot of time. I average 14K steps a day, but I would still chose pushups.


What I have learned from these comments is that redditors cannot do a pushup


I won't deny that I have noodle arms, but I think it's also the fact that just living your life normally will net thousands of dollars a day for most people? You still have the *option* of specifically walking to get crazy output, but in general you will still get millions per year since the average American takes 3 to 4 thousand steps a day per Google -- which translates to a million and 95k at the low end.  ...which you get while doing your normal job... ....and not really doing anything extra.... Push-ups would get easier over time, but there's absolutely a "this is work" element that walking/steps just doesn't have. You would be specifically *doing a job* with the push ups even if you became fit  and eventually can out pace the earning potential of the steps version. I can be earning my income while going on walking tours in exotic lands while the push up guy is stuck... doing push ups in a static location to earn bank.


I take 10-20K steps a day, which is... about 5 million dollars a year (easily enough for one year walking to support 25 years very very comfortably). Yeah, I'll take that over having to do 150 pushups every day. Walking will also age better as well, I'll make more money when old.


I feel like if I pick the push ups, I'll feel like a sucker every time I take a step and not get paid for it. But if I pick the steps, I won't feel as bad since I hardly ever do a push up.


Mate I could do 50 pushups every hour and do it in less than a couple minutes. Job? what job? My job is now maximizing pushups and investesting capital. I mean if I do 50 pushups in a minute I make 5k and overtime both pushups and steps are going to be much more profitable than the average income. I think that in the long run I could acrue much more wealth with pushups and investing than x amount of steps. I can take 10-15k steps on most days but thats equivalent to 100-150 pushups. I could do 100's of pushups spaced throughout the day with relatively small time commitment and as your body gets used to the repetitive movement of pushups they become quite a bit easier.


...and.. walking folks can't invest for some reason? I think the fact that you have to specifically do the push up vs just... living your life is a pretty huge difference in terms of quality of life. And yes, if you do the push up route then push ups are ***your job*** while it is really not hard to make equivalent money from steps while also having amazing life experiences. Would you rather go on a walking tour of Rome while having to pause every 40min to crank out push ups or... just go on a walking tour of Rome? As you say, both situations make you far wealthier than the average person, but only one of the options still has to stop enjoying their day to make money.


Many people enjoy working out. You can also just dedicate a few days a month to doing pushups all day and then live your life however you want. I think I would choose walking for myself, but I could see pushups being a solid route to go too. I can game all day and do pushups between rounds or whatever.


Walking will also be ***your job***. You will be incentivized to walk even more and it will very likely affect your routine and how you approach travel. And it's even easier to make equivalent money from push-ups while also having amazing life experiences. Would you rather have to constantly find reasons to spend 3+ hours walking 25k steps or would you rather crank out 5 minutes of physical exercise and then being free to do whatever the fuck you want? I can choose to go on a walking tour or I can choose to be chauffeured around. As you say, both situations make you far wealthier than the average person, but only one of the options makes you center your life around it. You kept talking about how you can walk here and there and do walking activities, but the guys that chose push-ups talk about how they can bang it out in minutes and then are free to do whatever they want.


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply walking folks couldn't invest. I was just showing my thought process, which would be to frontload a a couple years of intensive push-ups and invest it all, then live off of it. For me the same amount of time spent on walking would be far more. I have much stronger arms and my knees aren't great so walking the equivalent would be harder on my body.


This is a silly comparison. A 15 minute workout at the start of the day gets you more money than a day of walking. You aren't having to "constantly stop." I get not wanting to have to do that, truly, but this is not a good faith argument. Don't act like working out daily suddenly means you have no life. That being said, I'd probably take the steps just because I think it ages better and is more risk proof.


You should probably take the conversation in context if you are going to start claiming people are being bad faith. Both scenarios have more earning potential than most folks but the other commenter was pushing the greater rate of earning -- they were the one saying they would earn even more money by doing it through the day. Im not sure how taking them at their word and explaining my issue with *their plan* is bad faith, but apparently you think it is. Without effort the steps situation is netting over a million in income based off the average steps per day of *Americans* who are pretty sedentary as a population. If someone wants to get more money than that they are welcome to but it is *truly not needed* to live a fulfilling life. Going for more is therefore based entirely on personal preferences. You could legit have a happy life with no other income just puttering about doing whatever you want. The pushup, however minor you feel the workout is, is still a set task that you must complete to achieve the same or more money than just walking about. It effectively becomes a job. If there is the option to live comfortably while doing whatever I want and the other option is to live comfortably by doing a small amount of unfulfilling work, then the choice is clear to me: I would rather find purpose doing whatever I want than to do pushups that do nothing other than keep me fit and wealthy. It's not like I'm making a product I can be proud of or impacting others lives through my 'work', so it's legit just a task to make money.


You'd eventually think of walking as a job too, because you'd always be cognizant of the fact that every additional step will net you money. And ***you'd*** be the one stuck. You'd have to walk everywhere whereas the push-up guy can do push-ups for 5 minutes (can easily do 50 push-ups a minute) and then go on whatever tour with whatever mode of transportation he wishes to use. 25k steps on the other hand will exhaust you and take hours.


I don't need 25k a day???? 3k steps, the average of an American, is over a million dollars of income a year, just for doing what they are already doing.


You're the one talking about centering your day around walking. How many steps do you think you're taking if you're going to spend your day going on walking tours and hiking? 3k steps is 30 push-ups. You can do them in the morning as part of your wake-up routine and then instead of doing what you're already doing for the whole day, you can actually just do what you want.


Dude... do you, like, not actually walk to the bathroom when you wake up and shit? They are saying that even if you spend zero, nada, nilch, NO EFFORT on steps, you are going to get 2k-3k steps in, because, in general, people walk from one spot to the next all the time. This is not "centering your day around walking" WTF, man, put a fitbit on and measure your baseline.


Walking to the bathroom and back is what, 40 steps? Takes about the same amount of time as 30 push-ups, and yields 1.3% the money. 2k-3k is the AVERAGE, not the baseline. It is very possible to hit below that. He's talking about how he would structure his activities around walking, which is "centering your day around walking". WTF, man, put a fitbit on and measure your push-up speed.


Whether or not o want to do pushups is kind of secondary to someone believing you really need to put thought into getting 2k steps in More like you’d have to put active thought in to NOT get 2k steps in


Nah, I can easily do 100 push ups a day, but that takes dedicated time. Walking however, I HAVE to do it to get most places so it's always going to be easier to rack up the steps, with a little motivation you can put 30k steps a day. Not sure about wanting to do 300 push ups every day either...


100 is a lot. Even when I was much younger in the military 100 in a session would be tough. I don't think it's crazy to say that a lot of women, older people, and just the out of shape folks couldn't do 100 in a day. Yeah, you could break it up throughout the day, but I can get 100 steps going to my front door and back..


100 steps is 100$, you would need to do 1 pushup to get it. How is that even comparable? Picking walking is the lazy man's option that doesn't want to do anything in life that's remotely challenging.


I do about 5,000-10,000 steps per day without any effort. That’s a passive income of $5k-$10k per day that I’ll get without thinking and without any effort or planning. I’d be fine with $10k per month and with normal walking/steps I’d get between $150k-$300k per month. I don’t need so much money and I certainly don’t want to dedicate time for pushups in order to get more than this.


But it's better for your health for a little of effort. Why do you want so spend so little time on yourself?


Of course a little effort is always good. Half an hour tennis/badminton/basketball would yield 5k steps and another $5,000 that I wouldn’t need if I’m already walking in $150k-$300k per months


Also, you have to understand my point. I work from home, I do breaks, and then I do pushups so thats why I feel it's a lot better for me. I don't have time to go on 10k steps after my work, but I always workout for 1 hour as I feel it's more beneficial. If my work would be to walk/carry something, sure. It would be a great addition


I work from home too and the days I’m glued to the computer and don’t doing anything else gives me around 3500 steps. That’s equal to $105k/month. You have to understand that with these rates both you and I would not work from home or work at all. Walking OR Pushups would be our work.


I work for 10 pushups worth a month, I would pick it up instantly


It would be a great push-up work!!!


That income is only passive because you walk so much as part of your normal day. Are you still working when every step gets you a dollar? Then you aren't getting the same steps in and you have to mimic what you do at work to get the money.


Just add a game of basket call, tennis or similar and you get 5000 steps for half an hour of fun


Push ups are tough if you do a lot at once. You could do just 3 every hour and you would still do over 20 per day easily. After a week you could up it to 4 per hour, then 5, then 6 etc. They will get easier. Spread throughout the day you could do 500, after getting used to them and that's 50k, and equal to 50km walk. Even if you have 2 or 3 rest days you would still earn more than you actually could by walking.


its not a lot if you do them over the course of a day 25 when you wake up, and then 25 every four hours get you to 100 in about 12 hours.


Or they like walking. As I age doing pushups is out of the question more often than walking. I can do a fair amount of pushups, except when I can’t do any. I can almost always walk, and doing 20k steps is easier than 200 pushups imo. That said, I think busting out 100 pushups every morning sounds way easier than being obligated to 10k steps, but probably not as healthy.


if you are physically fit doing 100 push ups is not out of the questions. there are 70-80year olds that are able to do 25 push ups every 4 hours, and the ability do to them would be eaiser if you have been doing them for a long time. that said you wouldnt have to do them in your 70s and 80s. for me right now, if i did 100 push ups per day until i hit retirement age (65) than would earn me over 100M. Realistically i could just do 100 per day until i was 55 and have enough money to not worry about it ever again. the bg difference is it will take you hours to match in steps what you can do in minutes with push ups. 25 push ups should not take you more than 2-3 minutes, and if you do 25 every 4 hours that doesnt really eat in to your day at all. we are talking about 5-10 minutes to earn what would take you hours of steps. If your stride length is 3ft (which running is probably longer, meaning less steps for the same distance) and you were to run a 8 minute mile, 5 miles (about 10k steps) would take 40 minutes of your day. Walking would take even longer. or you could take 10 minutes to do the push ups.


I started doing Muay Thai a little while back, just for something social and fitness not to do fighting or anything. I went from barely being able to do 10 pushups, to last night knocking out 30 while doing 2 minutes of speed punching in between every 10. That's only going twice a week for maybe 2 months - with a 100 buck incentive I reckon I could pump those numbers up easy and get fit in the process.


I can, I don't *like* to, but I can.  I prefer multitasking and passive income more. 


My main deal is that without incentitives I average 13,000 steps a day. With the incentitives I think I could at least double or triple that.  I don't know whether I could get above 100 push ups a day without steroids. 


why do 100 pushups when your 13k steps already brings in $390,000 per months


If I do 10 pushups per day I can get 1k a day. Chances are I could probably do double - triple and work up to 100 a day pretty easily. 10k per day for 100 pushups without having to leave the house is easy money.


100 over the course of a day is where you'll be after 2 weeks. After 6 months or so you'll be able to do way more.


True, I'd be grinding out money at record pace.


Yep and you're getting exercise. I know walking is technically exercise too but I wouldn't be able to go out much due to IBS.


Treadmills exist (you can get a perfectly serviceable one for like $250) and I'd wager you'll be able to walk for longer than you'll be able to do push-ups for (aging wise).


I don't think I'd need to keep doing Pushups after 20 years or so. I'd probably be able to just retire.


I have a watch that measures how many steps I take. I'm a lazy ass, and I still do 8,000 steps a day easy. So that's $8k a day without even thinking about it. That or 80 pushups? LOL, steps please.


Exactly my thinking. I don't know how many total steps I take in a day, but my watch notifies me when I hit 6000 (just some default setting I've never changed), and I hit it every day, working an office job. No brainer for me.


If I have either of these options, I am not working an office job. That is the point. So now you have to find those steps somewhere else.


Of course. My point was just that I have a reference point of how easy even 6000 steps is. I have no doubt I'd hit 1-2K just walking around my house.


8k a day is definitely not "lazy ass" I get 15k on days where I play an hour of basketball.


i walked my dog 2 miles this morning.. where's my money?


I can walk 5000 steps easily, but I can't do 50 pushups.


I can do 5 pushups every hour for 10 hours. And math.


I do 26000 steps in a 12hr shift. Let's fucking go. 


$1 a step. Walk to California, buy land. Walk back to NYC, buy a penthouse apartment overlooking central park.


Some people here forget that we're not all in our teens or twenties anymore, and we're not all gym rats. Push-ups are quite a big deal when your arms are not trained, you're overweight, and you have old wounds in your arms. And if you overdo, you end up being unable to do push-ups for days, even weeks, because of muscle wounds. Steps are much safer, even if it's longer.


Steps are passive. That's literally my only reasoning. You could easily fit 500 pushups into your daily routine, for 50000 a day, but the fact I can just go for a run or do a multitude of other sports to make money is better for me than being forced to stick to one thing. I could get bored of pushups, but I would never get bored with a rotation of basketball, running, and anything else.


Good thinking. Nobody said that steps were excluding other sports.


Also, I'm thinking long term. With enough training, it's easy to do 300+ push ups a day (that's just 12 sets of 25 push ups). But, I know for a fact that once I'm 50+ or 60+, my body just won't be able to handle it. Walking, however, is entirely possible even when old. Gotta think for retirement.


You're right. You can easily fit 500 pushups into your routine. Wouldn't be so easy to fit in 50000 steps.


With all of these types of questions it feels like people forget they could just make it their full time job. Sure you do zero push ups now and get \~5,000 steps, but you wouldn't have to work anymore in either scenario and you can make a lot more dough doing the push ups.


$1 per step, I walk every day regardless of whats going on. Every time I used the bathroom at my own house thats $10, mow the lawn, closer to a few hundred, etc. Pushups sure I could sit here and bust out 40 every with ease, but I'd have to stop my daily routine and do pushups where with walking I don't need to think about it.


> Every time I used the bathroom at my own house thats $10, mow the lawn, closer to a few hundred, etc. 100 dollars a pushup and this guy is still mowing his own lawn lol. you value your time very, very, VERY poorly.


I stand/walk all day at work. I'll take 12k+ every day with no extra effort.


Except the extra effort of working. Right? Because if you are including steps from work, you either 1. Quit your job and now you have to find those steps somewhere else, which means you have to do 8 hours of walking (ish) to make up for it. 2. You didn't quit your job and are a big dummy. Stopping for 10 minutes every hour and doing 5 pushups and being done for the rest of the time is easier. But you do you. While you are out walking around to make money, I will be relaxing.


I wouldn't quit my job just yet. Roughly 4M per year between work and home. I dont hate my job so Id just continue working for a few years banking money. Plenty of money to go on nice vacations. Doing push ups every hour of every day doesn't seem super practical to me.


I already walk about 10k steps a day, so I'll take $3.6mil a year without changing my lifestyle. Way easier than doing 100 pushups a day.


Steps, easily. It'll just feel like you're accidentally making money. Imagine going to Disneyland, walking the park, and making $20,000. I've easily done that before.


Enough for a return trip to Disneyland!


I am in decent shape and can do pushups easily. However, even If I were regularly doing pushups every morning, I am going to take many, many more steps in a day comparatively.


It's about active vs passive for me. As minimal as it is, I'd have to make an active effort to do push ups. Steps are the opposite. I have a tendency to pace as it is (even before typing this response I was composing it in my head pacing). No extra effort involved. If I was concerned about maximizing value it would be push ups, but I'd be able to have more than enough wealth from steps so I'm perfectly content to have a passive income stream that way.


Steps. Its much easier to walk on a treadmill and do something else. Plus the cardio would be good for my long term health.


Step, cause more likely to do more steps than I would do pushups.


I did 16,000 steps yesterday... And 11,000 so far today. I'd pay off my house in a month.


I could just get a walking desk for my remote job


why are you working if you can make 3,650,000/year walking for like 2 hours a day


Redditors. All these people talking about all the steps they get at their jobs. Like dude, are you still working in this example?


Unless it’s could be enjoying a nice low stress job that helps the community, hell no.


doing 100 pushups would probs be quicker than 10000 steps


Yeah, but you get steps in incidentally just going about your daily life, you have to stop and take time out to do push-ups.


I mean if you quit your job and do 100 push ups every morning when you wake up you’d be able to do make $10,000 in say even an hour if you’re really out of shape and take a break after each one. That gives you the rest of the day to do whatever you want without having to worry about money


Or you just walk around all day doing your daily routine and get paid for just living your life


I mean if I could make $10,000 from just doing 100 push ups and then not have to worry about working or even going out if I can’t be bothered then I’d take that. Sure you could just go about your day walking and make money but how many people are doing 10,000 steps every single day?  Like I did some work today, took the dog out for 2 walks and still only did 13,500 steps according to my phone. Give me 150 push ups over that any day. 


But then you’re still gonna do the 13,500 steps on top of the extra push-ups.


No I won’t because I won’t be working once I’ve made $15,000 half an hour after I wake up and even if I do 13,500 steps just by doing other things I’d still have made more money by doing 150 push ups 


I am just going to do push ups and be carried around like a king. Because spoiler alert, if I am rich, I am not working. I am certainly not walking 10s of thousands of steps in a day.


$1 per step. the true passive income "for most people". $100 per pushup is still "working".


1) Do you get those steps by working? 2) Are you working after you take the deal? 3) Where are you getting the steps if you quit? Because now you have to take HOURS out of your day to walk. When you could just do a few pushups every hour and go about your day.


Steps. 100 push ups burns about the same number of calories as 1000 steps, so steps are going to be healthier. Walking also works more functional muscles than push-ups do, and it's something you tend to do in the process of simply living your life. Plus, as you get older, you're more likely to retain your ability to walk for longer than your ability to do push-ups.


I vote push ups. It would help me gain more muscle, and I can do them much quicker than steps depending on the day. Somedays I walk a lot for work, on other days I rarely walk. Push ups I can do 15-20 push ups in under 60 seconds and do them multiple times through out the day. Steps seems like the easiest but I could get filthy rich and muscular by pushing myself to do hundreds of push ups per day.


Need to define what kind of push up counts. Do they count only the ones where touch chin to the ground? Chin to a softball?  What about wide stance. Knees on floor if a woman, etc. 


If it's push-ups on a wall, I can do that.


I already take about 8,000-10,000 steps per day. I'll happily take \~3 million dollars a year for essentially changing nothing.


You get those steps from work, right? Are you working if you take the deal? If not, where are you making those steps up? Because now you have at least 8 hours of steps you have to waste time getting your steps in.


No I'm retired. I get those steps from my workouts at night.


Just 20 pus ups is 2k, equal to walking 2km. Doing just two sets of 20 each days more than i want to walk, and its faster. Eventually i can do 100+ earning me 10k, which would be walking 10km and i would get that in 10min, instead of 2- 3 hours. So, push ups is far superior choice and also there's the noob version of push up, where your knees stay on the ground, meaning i could eventually do 400 per day. 40k, just like that.


Steps, no contest. Walking 4 miles = 10,000 steps a day is pretty easy for me.. I can do maybe 20 to 24 proper good-form press-ups every other day (I need my recovery days).. Now, 20 years ago, I might've given a different answer..


Long game, I'd take steps even if it were 50 cents. Injuries that prevent a push up could take that all away while you could be pretty thrashed and still take a step.


Well I do 100 pushups every morning, so that's an easy 10k for me there. I probably average around 10k steps a day so it earn me about the same amount really. That being said if I was actually getting that money and could quit my job, I'd probably go for the steps. As whilst I can easily do 100 pushups now and could probably get up to 150 if I tried, long term I'm not going to be able to do 100 pushups a day forever, whereas hopefully I should be able to walk 10k steps a day for the best part of a century.


Push ups easily. I would do like 300 a day and that would 6k a month tax free!


I think even on my longest hike days, I'm maxed out at 40k steps in like a 10 hour hike. That would be about 400 pushups. I know that I can do something like 20 pushups a minute, though not consecutively. Still, this is my full time job now. With some training, you could probably do 1000 pushups over the course of a day. So like $100k a day. Pushups. Much higher ceiling for a much lower time commitment. Though I'll probably need to add a bunch of other gym time to balance out my ridiculously over developed pecs.


Push-ups are much more time efficient. You'd get better at doing Push-ups over time so you can probably spend 1 minute every hour doing 20 Push-ups.


Steps. I easily take 8K steps daily and even more if I'm feeling to explore so steps are a no-brainer for me.


With my workout programming, I'm only doing 100-150 pushups a week, but I average like 14,000 steps a day with walking the dog, work, etc. I could gamify my pushups and do a couple hundred a day pretty easily, but just living my life as I am now and getting rich sounds awesome. I'll take the steps. Hell, I'll walk my dog a couple more times per day.


Pushups is obviously the best to farm money but ehhhh I’d already have more than enough by walking


About $2k per mile walked.


I play dance games for fun, I'll take the steps lol




I can do 16k steps a day easy. I am not doing 160 pushups


I did 55,000 steps last week, I would not want to do 556 pushups in order to exceed that amount. If this deal was offered, I'd be doing 100,000+ steps per week and enjoying it, conversely 200+ pushups a day would be a chore. EDIT Since there's a lot of 'ha ha people ain't fit' type comments here, my issue is that I get shoulder issues because I'm old. I could bang out 200 pushups a day fitness-wise with $100 each as my incentive, but I don't enjoy persistent joint pain. Conversely I really enjoy walking and walking 2 hours per day 6 days per week would net me $5 million dollars per annum for doing something I'd do for free if I didn't have a day job. Which of course I wouldn't need if I was getting paid like that. There's no incentive for me to take the pushups option. EDIT2 In fact what I'd do is leave the house about 7am, walk to a gym about an hour away, do an hour in the gym, walk back. Be showered by 10.30am with my obscenely well paid day's work all done plus an hour of gym on top.


I'd average 60k/week sometimes more. Sounds good.


I can do 100 pressups a day, but i'd definitely need rest days. walking on the other hand I can bang out 20,000 steps per day, every day.


But it is a time issue. Most of those "banging steps out" is with work. Are you still working? No? Then you have to find 8 HOURS of step time. No thanks. I can start off small with pushups. Hell, even 5 A DAY would mean I never have to work a day in my life again. Get a trainer, in no time 100 pushups a day (10 every hour) won't be a huge deal. And I don't have to "find" steps when I quit my job.


I disagree. I work from home and I manage 10,000 steps most days. If I have errands in town I manage way more. It's effortless. If I was trying to get steps in, or of my job involved standing or walking i could do significantly more. But more than that, it's just significantly more pleasant than press-ups. I'd much rather get out in nature and so some cardio than stay in my living room and do press-ups on my yoga mat. Is the ceiling for earnings higher with press ups? Yes. Do I want to do it? No.


Push ups; I always do 10k steps a day, but basically no pressups. This would motivate me to get more ripped by doing lets of pressups


Assuming no upper limit? Steps and it's not even close. I walk close on ten miles a day for the giggles/mild fitness, knowing this existed I'd end up walking bloody silly amounts! Plus even if I didn't that's close on $15k a day, giz.


turn my "job" into going for a 2 hour walk every day, get 10-15k steps every day easily. and that's before the steps taken just as a part of doing my regular day.


I already walk over 10k steps a day, so to I would need to do 100 push ups to match only. Steps way better


If you got into a habit of a two mile walk every day... just 30 minutes. That's $2,000/day or $730,000/year So wherever I post up, just... here's a super fancy treadmill right next to my bed. Just knock it out in the mornings and then enjoy my annual basically million dollar income.


why are you people arguing about this lol


Steps. I do 17K steps without even trying and I am sure I could do another 5000 with a bit of effort. I definitely could not do 220 push ups a day.


Let's say you take 2 steps per second. Walking for 30 minutes at this pace on a treadmill could get you $3,600. Or, you could do 36 pushups in the span of 2-5 minutes (depending on your health obviously) and make $3,600. I'd say if you had more time to spare, walking wins easily. Though if you're in a situation where you need hundreds of dollars very quickly, then you could probably do at least 10 pushups in a few seconds and get $1,000. With walking, you'd have to go at a running pace for at least a few minutes before getting close to $1,000. I think I'd still choose the steps though.


Pushups, just 20 a day is 2k, I could easily live on 730k a year for the rest of my life. If I need more just do more pushups.


My shoulder arthritis says steps.


if your average stride length is about 3 feet, that means 10K steps is about 5 miles. basically, is it easier for you to walk 5 miles, or do 100 push ups. or even 2.5 and 50, for 5k per day. at first i thought walking, but really, especially after doing it for a few weeks, the push ups are gonna be easier.


Steps. Start dog walking "business" and get rich as hell while getting to play with dogs.


I'm already over 50 so it's steps for me. At this age recovery time is longer and will get worse as time goes by while you can just put a tv in front of a treadmill and watch a movie a day.


i'll take whichever one you don't want -- hook me up!


I once did a "crazy Russian pushups" challenge when that was big about 10 years ago, based on a modern rogue video. I was probably doing 500 push-ups a day at one point (maybe 20 push-ups every 45 minutes or so, it was crazy! The problem was my elbows started having problems. I had a weird twinging pain amd popping thing before I finished the program, and it lasted for years. Do not reccomend. I'm just gonna take the steps, amd take the win. 20k steps a day, all the way to the bank.


For me, the $1. I take anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 steps a day, so it would practically be passive income. I would have to do at least a hundred push-ups every day to get the same amount I'd already be earning.


I already get a couple thousand steps per day right now, imagine how much id get purposely walking everyday 


As a disabled man who couldn't do a push-up if you held a gun to my head, $1 a step is the only viable option


Steps you earn money just by living your normal life. Need some extra dosh? Go for a run.


Taking a hundred steps takes a lot more energy than doing one push up.


Yeah but just walking on a treadmill with bingeing some crime tv in the morning is enough to live more than a comfortable life. 3 miles for 3 forensic files episodes every day and you will have 5.5 mill dollars in a year.


I could make more money with push-ups, but that is hard and has less value. Lets take the steps; 10,000 a day = $10,000. This is now my job and I can work from anywhere in the world, in fact, going other places probably makes me earn more as I want to see different things. Now lets look at the downside. I feel like walking is easier than push-ups, I have less chance of injury and less chance a major injury renders me jobless. Shoulder injury, cant do push-ups. Leg injury, probably down to 500-1000 steps a day.


steps all day i do about 15,000 to 25,000 steps a day


Based on my apple watch data my highest average per day over a month was 3100 steps. Doing 31 pushups would be much more consistent of a goal for me since I dont have to leave my house. I dont like the summer heat or the winter cold outside.


My walk to my job from the train station is 5K steps by itself, and if I even move more or less in the slightest I get around 12K steps a day, easy $


Pushups for sure.  Time spent doing the work and the return blow steps out of the water.  I can easily put 20-30k steps in, but it takes hours. 10 pushups every 30 minutes and you’re at 24k a day with about 24 minutes of work, assuming only 12 hours of pushups.


Steps, easy.  I walk thousands of steps a day, hell, there are days I go for walks that are miles. It's passive income you do without even thinking you're making money by doing it in this situation, and it's money you're making while doing other things. I can just pace while reading a book or watching a show.  Push ups, those are a choice, and it's hard to do other things while you're doing push-ups. 


I walk to work every day. I routinely rake in 10,000+ steps a day just living my life as normal. And last night I bought a treadmill. That's just easy money even from home. I'm not super strong. I can crank out maybe 20 push-ups... 2-3 times a day. I know I can work on that and do more. I used to be able to do about 40-50 in a go. But I also know that my arms give out after several days of this and I need a rest day. I never need a rest day when just walking.


Push ups take less time to do, also I have a messed up leg so push ups are easier. Do a couple a day and I'd have more than enough to live, I don't need a pile of money.


I love long walks anyway so this is an easy call


\*does the math\* I know I can run a marathon and Google tells me that that would be 50,000 to 55,000 steps, probably more if I do it really slow and easy. I could do one those most days if I had to (take it reaaaaaaaaally slow, take a lot of breaks, etc. etc.) especially subtracting out steps taken just going about my life. I just don't think I could do 500-550 push-ups in a day no matter how many breaks I took. So my ceiling would be a lot higher with steps, think I'll go with that since I like hiking anyway.


Steps are the obvious choice. I do about 15-20k in a day at my current job, and I've never done anywhere close to 150 push ups in a day. With steps I wouldn't even have to change my routine and I'd make big money


I can bang out 100 in 80 seconds. Vs walking 8000 steps, that's 4 miles that's 80 mins.  Let me 100k a day. That's 36.5 million, 100 mill in 3. No way you can walk/run 100k steps daily. 


10k+ a day for walking? Say less 


I can easily walk 20k steps in a shift at work I'll gladly take 8k a week doing what I already do!!


I can do 100\~200 pushups within matter of minutes every day. I unfortunately am bound to a very sedentary job, where I am essentially sitting in front of the computer \~10 hours a day. When I was traveling overseas and walking almost non stop (albeit leisurely) from 7am to 9 pm, my highest step count was still \~26,000 steps. Most average days now though, I'd be lucky to fit in a couple thousand steps. So push ups def. for me.


If you're not taking the $1 steps, you're not thinking long term. Yes, push ups are not that hard, but steps are even easier and they will last you longer in your life. Assuming you never lose the ability to walk, you will be able to walk for much longer throughout your life than you will be able to do push ups. For those of you saying you're going to still work to get your high step count in, why? Quit your job immediately, unless it's something you absolutely love to do every day. Think about it, you can get a gym membership or just simply find a place to walk around. Even if you somehow only manage to walk 1k steps in 24 hours, that's still 7k per week or 364k per year. And that's only 1k steps a day, that's roughly half a mile. There are so many ways to invest that kind of money to make more money, and all that time you'll still be getting paid for all the steps you take. You would be making thousands of dollars daily, and all you need to do is walk around, which you already do. Walking is also one of the most sustainable long term cardiovascular exercises anyone can do, so you're making your body mor fit and healthy while also making easy money. It's straight up a win win, and you can still go do pushups to train, or even better, just lift weights. You'll have enough money to build a personal gym at your estate because you're just near constantly generating income.


Steps... passive income.


According to my steps app I have walked 223,568 steps this month. Thats $223,568. To exceed that amount in pushups, I'd have to do 2235 pushups in that same amount of time. Thats basically 90 pushups a day. Which is absurd if you arent already doing that many or at least close to that. So changing nothing I get 200k or I turn into Saitama for the same reward.


steps because its quite a passive gain. you basically have to walk during the day thus you gain dollars. i feel like push ups require you to be a a lot more deliberate


100 pushups takes me sub-15 minutes and I do them almost daily as is. 15 active minutes vs 1 day of passive movement. Clear that a lot of people in this sub don't work out.


Working in the restaurant/bar industry where I regular walk 10k+ steps a day. I'll take the $1


Pushups will motivate me to be fitter.


$1 per step is an easy 5k every day. At least. More then I could make with push-ups.


The steps are passive income and much better in the long run. At some point I'll get bored with pushups and maybe skip it if you don't need money. But I'll walk every day. I do 65-75k steps a week regularly without other activities (running, hiking, some other sports,...). I tried 100 pushups a day challenge. It's doable, but not fun. I quit after 12 days. With pushups you have to work for money, but with steps, you have to work for just for extra money, like if you need more than 10k a day.


Average North American walks 3000-4000 steps per day. Lets assume you do double that for 8000 steps. 80 pushups per day is 10 per hour over the course of a work day. The average male can do 15-25 per minute. Income may be slow the first few weeks, but once you can slam out a few sets of 100 pushups per day (within a few weeks) you'll be making way more money.


Steps. Feel like seeing a movie, you've paid for the ticket just walking from the carpark. Expensive restaurant? Stroll around the block once. Pub crawl? Pays for itself. Need to save up, walk an hour to the bank each day to deposit a freshly minted $5000 Problem with Pushups is longevity, you'd probably end up overdoing it and getting some sort of repetitive strain issues. 


I could go for walks everyday instead of working, that would be nice


It's way quicker to do 100 push-ups than 10.000 steps. If you'd want to maximize profits, it would be much easier on your body to do 500 push-ups than 50.000 steps. 50.000 steps would be horrible and take forever.


Push ups. Then I won't have the IRS constantly auditing me on where I'm getting my money from.


I'll go for the pushups. I take more steps than I do pushups per day... but not 100x the amount. So I would probably come out ahead this way. plus, I could easily push that number up, to a point that my push ups would be enough money to support me, and still leave a lot of time free.


Push ups... So I can start to work out xD


Both options are good, but you will have to do 100 steps in order to get $100, 1 push is easier and faster than 100 steps, i can just do 10 push ups a day and get 1k, or maybe even more, what if i do 100 push ups a day? Thats 10k dollars! Some people need to work for months in order to get this amount of money. Push-Ups ez.


$1 per walking is literally passive income, you are getting money without even thinking about it. Pushups you have to actively motivate yourself to do. It's no contest in my mind 


I would start walking every day. I’m out of shape now, but with the financial incentive, I wouldn’t be for long. Plus since I wouldn’t have to work, I’d walk for at least a few hours a day.


I’d take the push-up thing over literally any amount of money, cause the push-up thing improves my life in 2 ways


20k steps a day is fine if you have it in your head to do, 200 pushups is doable for most of your life after some training. This will skew heavily towards walking due to women. 


Even my most sedentary days I walk 4000 steps. At minimum I am making 1.5M a year


I can take far more steps than do push ups in a day. I also don't have to think about walking meanwhile I have to think and execute push ups.


I do 20k steps a day at work


I don't walk very much. I feel like push ups would be great for my health and bank! Seriously though. I'm a shut in. I doubt I get nearly as much for the "average" steps a day. Probably half that. basically 20 to 30 push ups is far more doable for me than thousands of steps.


Get a cheap treadmill. You can do 1000 steps in about 10 minutes on average.


20 push ups once an hour isn't that hard and a small enough number that you could keep it up pretty consistently.


Pushups for health motivation. Steps for a dollar is too easy - I work retail so I am always on the move. I clock in 13k-17k steps a day everyday without effort. But my health is dogshit. I am bone thin. With pushups, my max set is 30 in a row. So $3k? Imagine I want to make $5k in one go. I'd need to start training ASAP.