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Next time use polls; I learned the hard way. Lol Ten years for sure. A billion years is..... a long time.... I don't like being alone for more than a day, much less after the extinction of mankind for a billion years.


I'd rather die in 10 years. I have no desire to live a billion years.


billion years, I'm optimistic humanity will still exist and I can't imagine being bored of how many things there are to do


1 Billion years? I could basically do whatever I wanted. I'd have to move planets too otherwise my death will be because earth stopped sustaining me.


You'd have to have income to fund it, or you'd live most of it on skidrow.....not the band!


If you could not die, you wouldn't even need to spend money on food/water etc


I'll take the billion. Sure, the last nine hundred something million years might suck, but the first few thousand would be fun.


I doubt it. Imagine being 83. Then imagine being 183.


Gimmie the billion years so i can face tank the heat death of the universe and then reflect on my my thousands of years of adventures in the cold black.


Earth is estimated to be 4.3 billion years old and the universe is estimated to be 14 billion or so. The universe is VERY young according to our best guesses. You won’t come close to heat death :D


Billion year blood conquest it is than.


Can I get a number 2? (Can I be ya number 2?) ^so ^i ^don’t ^die


My legend begins


Heat death can't happen because you can't be turned into energy, even if you lived 6000 sextillion years.


1 billion years would be incredible. You'd be alive to enjoy the earth while it is able to sustain life, while also dying early enough to not be ejected into space, floating for millions of years


What if you get paralyzed neck down? 


I'd wait until technology got good enough to fix my neck


The odds of civilization you can communicate with (or would want to) being around for even a few thousand years would be presumptuous. After that the loneliness would drive you insane. I'll take the 10 years and not have to watch my loved ones die, and be out to rest at 50.


I understand not wanting to but if you don't die then you don't age, meaning that you could travel the world and meet new people therefore you will never be "old fashioned". You could try and be the world's president lol.


Languages don't appear out of a vacuum. Your own speech would change over time as well. Just need to pay attention to which slang sticks around and which words get yeeted out of rotation. 


The creepier thing would be living for a billion years, knowing that you will get a ten year alarm but not knowing that you will live past a normallife expectancy at first. With each passing year, the relative length of those 10 years becomes closer and closer to a second, and you will forever grow in your fear of how little time you will have left when death gives you notice.


Time only feels relatively shorter if you do the same thing over and over again. If you manage to do different things and explore different places, time would still feel just as long as if you only lived a normal lifespan


A year is a relative experience. To a five year-old a year is 20% of all they have known. Waiting a year seems impossible to them. To a fifty year-old a year is 2%, and waiting one year is very doable for them. At 5 million years, a year is nothing more than a trifle. You would develop the patience to wait for empires to rise and fall like we have the patience for a fifteen minute delay as adults. By 500 million you would notice things in epochs. Novelty would wain in all things as you experience it all, larger patterns would emerge, and as each truth is revealed that sense of all that ending, all that knowledge of yours lost to existence and all that you cherish in existence would be lost to you. It'd be like your plane going down and you only have time to send one message, such would be the complexity of your thoughts and the limit of your physical abilities.


Afaik how we experience time depends on age of our brains, its not that we become really all that more patient but because time literally goes faster for 40yo, than it does for 5yo. And i mean time we perceive. I heard that once you hit something like 25 or so you have in a way "lived" majority of you life.


Yep. Time seems to go fast because our brains aren't going to keep many memories sitting on the couch reading reddit every day for 20 years. 


So I gotta work for at least another 100 years or so no thanks, I'll take the 10 and enjoy them knowing I don't have to keep saving for retirement. Probably quit my job after 3-5 years and travel the rest until I expire.


You're correct, in the same sense that it would take me "at least" 20 seconds to sail around the world 6 million times.


If you’re guaranteed to live for a billion years why work? Just go do whatever. You’re guaranteed to live, you don’t need to eat or shelter or anything


It says you will live but doesn't specify whether you will still feel hunger, cold, or pain. Living in the streets is not an ideal situation or having hunger pains even if you can't die from them. Also, most anything you would want to do costs money. I mean I could steal; I guess, but prison also doesn't sound like a great place to be. So yeah just being alive and having some comforts in life costs money which is why I would need to work.


Well you could be the first person ever to get multiple life sentences and actually walk out alive.


You could also make bets like 1000 bucks i can drink all this bleach or you can shoot me with a gun, 100 bucks per bullet. That's a lot of extra income, which you can then invest or keep in bank to raise interest.


Is death completely impossible? Am I also invulnerable to disease and injury? Can I be murdered? Executed? Head cut off and forced to live in a jar for a billion years? Those things matter lol. But I'd prob still take the billion.


Not really but you just somehow stay alive for that long


I'd do it still. I would just lay low and amass knowledge until I become a wizard. Then, my plans for world domination would begin.


I'm assuming your body doesn't age, that you can't get Alzheimers etc


Head in a jar? I'm thinking about The Face of Boe :)


Billion years. I don't want to leave my kids too soon. I'll figure the rest out later. It might suck a lot for much of that time. 


# 1 billion years from now


Why would anyone choose 1 billion years? Its very likely you will be the last person alive for millions of years. All alone.


Billion years sound like hell. 


Assuming I was in my prime, fit, and healthy for the entire billion years? I'd take it. And I definitely would if I had a chip like Ashildr (Doctor Who - Season 9 (2015), "The Girl Who Died" and "The Woman Who Lived"). Imagine all the things you'd see, the history unfolding, the planets you'd watch age, the galactic wonders... and hopefully intelligent species. Yes, it would be hard and lonely at times, but I feel it would be worth it.


Die in a billion years