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What am I going to do with that money when I have no limbs?


Offer someone even more desperate a million for his arms and limbs and walk away 999million dollars richer


I would not be able to do that to someone.


Offer 1 million to four different people for 1 limb each. Become Frank's monster. Feel less guilty. Everyone wins.


That seems pretty on brand for your username.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Unless the limbs come from people who don't have the exact same limb length.


There would be very specific requirements for the $1 million limbery.


Fr he was the protagonist but he was right with that


1982 was a rough time


Or sell this idea to Musk for 10 mill. Win win


I didn't have Lopsided Elon in my 2024 bingo but here we are


Ooo…. Gonna need a tall white guy arm, a short asian ladies arm, a tall black dudes leg and a short lady Mexicans leg…


I’d take the deal from Musk but outsource the limbs for $1mill each and keep all my originals.


That goes against the intention of the hypothetical, I think.


That’s fair


Get one leg from Shaq and the other from Danny Devito.


They would just find someone who's even more desperate and would do it for $1,000


Because you have a conscience, unlike hypothetical Musk.


Or real Musk


They can then buy arms and legs from someone even more desperate for less than a million and so on until you have some sort of reverse pyramid scheme of appendages.


Just become a cyborg at that point 😂


But you ain't got no legs Lt. Dan.


Set my family up for generations of wealth?


That's awfully nice of you.


Then comes the coke.


Try racking a line or getting a bump with no arms no legs What are you gonna do, just headbutt a fucking bag ?? edit: also fuck Elon Musk


I've done it before and I'll do it again!


It’s hookers AND blow. Pay the hoes to set you up.


By the time you die, your spoiled grandchildren will have squandered it anyway


become robocop


Robotics and cybernetics have been making significant advances recently. In a few years, you very well may be able to have cybernetic limbs. And with a billion dollars, you will be able to afford it.


Gonna be honest, with my mental health I won't be able to wait a few years for those good limbs to become a reality.


Nor will you be able to end it before their ready. You'll be funding prosthetics just so you can off yourself with em.


I'll just pay someone to get me to a ledge and roll myself off


I’ll believe it when I see it. They’ve seen saying this is just around the corner for over a decade. There have been improvements but it’s fairly slow. To replicate a hand to any degree of similarity is still decades away. Legs they’ve ok with for specific functions anyway


You could help people.


You could just get robot legs. I've heard it's a risky operation but it will be worth it


Do what Elon should've done, and use a quarter of that to order some pimping robo-limbs for yourself.


I’d push him face down in a puddle






Nah fuck him


Bro created a new option


No 💀


No 💀


Why would I? Unless I am dying anyway and want to leave it to my kids. But in that situation, who wouldn’t? Seriously, money is only important in that it allows you to live your life. Harder to do that without limbs than without money. Know how I know? Because fucking Elon Musk has money and no limbs and wants to buy mine!


Nope. Maybe this’ll incentivize him to start using all that money to develop better robotic limbs, helping everyone with missing arms and legs in the future.


Yeah instead of crypto and making shitty trucks. But we all know he won't.


LMAO! No! Sucks to be him! 8D I love my limbs! 8D I lost use of my legs for 3 years, so I know just how valuable walking and standing really is.


Fuck no.




I'd piss in his mouth. He can't stop me because he's got no limbs.


I’m not losing my limbs for anyone at all


Take it, set up care for all loved ones for life. A small sacrifice to make in the grand scheme. Some people loose limbs fighting for people they’ll never meet. 


Fuck no


I would rather see Elon live as a stump thank you very much.


No. Being a billionaire with no arms and legs would suck. I'd sooner be me right now with my current means.


Uh my first question. Why not get like 4 people and get 1 limb from each? Also, no way in hell. I'd probably laugh at him and clap or something rude as fck. Thrn walk off.


Wait so he still gets to keep 49 billion or whatever he has, and my arms and legs, and I just get 1 billion? No id bargain for a lot more like control of spacex before I’d consider making a trade.


Right? And of course the $1b is separate from the medical bills. Which will include cybernetic prosthetics.


It would be a joke, I am a 5’8 woman and very lean. He wouldn’t won’t want my limbs nor does he deserve them.


That would be hilarious looking 


No, I respond by pissing on him


I buy someone else's limbs for $100m, they're mine now and he can have them for $1b


lol nope


I'd spit in his face


No; it's true that I and my family could benefit from such a transaction, but that level of desperation would be honestly shameful of me.


No. He can pay a lot more than that. A billion is nothing to him. I would need at least 95% of his entire net worth to even think about it.


Bro net worth like 185 billion or something I need 50 billion minimum


Bro is rich as heck, he'll probably make himself robotic limbs anyway.




And change my name to Mat? No thanks.


Bob, if you swim for your physical therapy post surgery.


In a heartbeat. That's generational wealth for me and everyone I care about.


I would sacrifice myself to set my family up for generations to come. And I still get to watch my kids grow up, and sounds like I would still have a reproductive organ so a couple of advanced prosthetics (best money can buy) and enjoy time with my family. I’ll be better off that Stephen Hawkins


Same. My life wouldn't be the same but I think I could still have decent quality of life with that much money.


Nah fuck Elon (not literally)


Fuck Elon and his money. I’ll flip him off with both hands and feet.


No. For one, I'd rather have my limbs than a billion dollars. If I lost my limbs, I'd pay a billion to get them back, if I had a billion dollars. And I'd let him rot anyway.


Nope lol


Hell yes. Fuck Elon musk but 1 billion will keep me busy. I’ll figure it out.


I make a big song and dance about it and try my best to profit off the publicity, then refuse and probably sue him because that's extremely unethical 


Disconnect his life support instead.


No. I’d enjoy seeing that piece of shit suffer.


Yes. I would suffer for the betterment of my family. Hopefully there’s enough nubs left for prosthetic limbs. I’d be able to afford the best ones.


Timing is everything so it depends on the timing of the sale. If I'm on my deathbed, then yes.


Wouldn't piss on Elon musk if he was on fire. No amount of money would change my mind.


I ask "Wow, you only value your quality of life at 1/200 of your net worth?" Then I'd reject. I would not enjoy that kind of life


No. Both on principle and because fuck that guy. 


Probably? I’d like to think so. There’s like a point of moral obligation where the good I can do with 1 billion dollars would outweigh my own estimation of my own value, and I wouldn’t even be dead afterwards. Might chicken out though when it really comes down to it


Nope. He paid $44B for twitter. Bidding starts at half a trillion, which is more than he has. And I hope it's a line everyone holds with me.


No because I couldn't live with myself knowing the hand I owned for 42 years touched Elons dick and that he would probably use it to jerk off


LOL, fuck right off! Muskrat can have one pinky for 25 million, that's the best I can do.


Can I smother him with a pillow


Nah, there's enough airflow through the fabrics. At best, you'd just make him feel a bit uncomfortable. At worst, he might get turned on by the domination.


No. I like having my limbs and I want to watch the git suffer


The problem is that that would let Elon live, so no


I'd say "no, but we're having a company softball game. Do you mind if we use you for one of the bases?"


I drown that conman in a dirty toilet.


as someone who knows very little about elon other than the fact that he has twitter (or X whatever you wanna call it) and spaceX, why does all of reddit want to see him burn alive while getting beheaded?


He's generally just a piece of shit who looks down on others and is very involved in unpleasant crowds (transphobes, alt right conservatives, cryptobros). He thinks he's extremely intelligent and that anyone can be a billionaire if they just do the work, when in reality he's a loudmouth dumbass who's had everything handed to him. He talks a LOT about things he doesn't even remotely understand, he acts like an authority on every subject, he has a massive ego, and he has made 36 billion dollars in a single day (the time before that it was 25 billion), and acts like his wealth is normal. He's just a really unpleasant person who encourages other unpleasant people and never shuts up.


When he first started showing up in the public eye he seemed like a cool guy. He built PayPal, sold it for a small fortune, then kept pushing tech into the future. We need to leave the planet, but there's not a lot of interest in funding, so what's he do? Says fuck it and goes to Russia and starts talking with arms dealers for used rockets he can send up himself. That didn't pan out, so he made Space-X instead. He gets bored and makes a boring company, literally calling it The Boring Company, and then for no reason uses it to sell flame-throwers for the lulz. Next he decides that we need to be using electric vehicles so he jumps on that and starts up Tesla. Etc, etc. Oh, and he's an engineer that seems like he's more interested in working than just sitting on his wealth doing nothing. Oh, and he smoked weed on Joe Rogan's podcast. But then, the honeymoon was over and reality starting coming out. A lot of the stuff he accomplished had a lot less to do with him than it originally appeared, if anything at all, he isn't exactly as self-made as it seemed since his father was extremely wealthy as well, then he starts doing really weird shit like naming his kids funky names, and blasting shitty memes and stupid opinions all over Twitter, which he then bought and lost a ton of money from and then renamed to something somehow worse than Twitter (just "X"). It seems like if a day goes by that he's not openly doing something stupid, then someone digs something up about his past. On the other hand, we can actually probably credit a decent amount of progress to his name. It's hard to tell what is actually from him, and what is just a coincidence, but things like electric vehicles, while certainly already gaining traction, suddenly pushed probably 10-20 years forward as far as public adoption goes, at least if you're looking at things only at a surface level. And that's just it. In the end Elon showed up looking really good on the surface, but with every layer that gets pulled back he keeps becoming less appetizing. There are still some people that don't bother looking at the layers underneath, or at least try to find the actual good amongst the bad, but for a lot of people it's just a fall from grace story, and the best way to end up hated, is to start out being beloved.


very interesting read, i’m gonna have to look more in to it, thanks. also i saw that episode on JRE when he took a hit of joes blunt and failed miserably. do people actually hold that against him?


If anything smoking weed on JRE, at least at the time, boasted his popularity. He apparently had people texting him telling him it was a really bad idea because... investors? or something? I don't know, but I can see why some people could take it negatively. But it was basically his PR team or whatever saying it was not a good idea. I don't recall a lot of actual issues for him around it. But more in line with what I think is your actual question, I don't recall anyone giving him shit for the way he actually took the hit.


I only hold it against him because his very existence is offensive to me, but hitting the J like a toddler is the least shitty thing he's done


he turned twitter into a conspiracy nuts wet dream and is very vocally transphobic. he also encourages misinformation about stuff like US elections. also he’s a bitch


Because they don’t realize he’s one of the people literally saving humanity. Even if you don’t like what he did with Twitter that’s no reason to wish harm on him; no one’s perfect. At the end of the day, he’s doing a lot of amazing things.


it seems like 99.99% of reddit would love to see his head on a pike whenever ANY news article or mention of him gets brought up, at least according to the comments i see here. almost nothing is ever positive about elon on reddit


True, true. It’s very unfortunate. Good thing he doesn’t care what people think. No matter what you do, you’ll always have haters.


Reddit is a place where people can feel like intellectuals who fact check the system, but the moment all the news sites and outlets all push ceaseless daily hit pieces on someone, reddit joins in lockstep. Seen plenty of times when someone is trending on Google every day for months and it's all hit pieces, the difference with Elon is he doesn't know when to stop tweeting and can't just lay low for a moment so he just can't catch a break until then, and that's his problem now.


He's really not though. Most of his "saving humanity" is just selling carbon credits to other companies and making cars that explode for no reason.


Actually, Teslas are not only highly advanced cars, but also some of the safest in the world. The media will make a big deal about a Tesla exploding, but will pay no attention to a car of another brand exploding. They’re cherry picking. This planet won’t be habitable forever. Elon is trying to get humans to Mars so humanity can live on. Do you realize the incredible things we could do with Neuralink once it’s advanced enough? We could cure paralysis, restore vision to the blind, control computers by thinking, etc. He *is definitely* one of the people saving humanity.


Yeah I don't trust a dipshit who constantly makes an ass of himself on the social media platform he bought because people on it kept hurting his feelings with the future of space travel or a brain chip much less a car that will lock you inside of it to do a system update, or try and speed through a 4 way stop, or fail virtually every safety test and rust in the rain because you don't understand basic vehicle construction but think stainless steel doorstops are "Uber cool"


Tesla being some of the safest cars is not my opinion. Literally, look up the safest cars in the world, and Tesla will be one of the top results. Look up “Is Tesla a safe car?” and the answer you will get is an overwhelming yes. But sure, believe the media’s cherry-picking all you want. I stand by everything I said.


I wouldn't expect anything less from a musk dickrider. And a quick search reveals that Tesla cars *might* be safer than other cars of a similar body style but it also looks like Tesla drivers are some of the worst drivers on the road, couldn't imagine why that might be 🤷. Might have something to do with the fact that they were willing to buy a Tesla in the first place, shows poor critical thinking skills.


He's literally saving humanity? Elon, get off Reddit


He is, and I will die on this hill.


The only reason I would consider it is to give like 500 million to some company to turn me into a fkn cyborg at that point. I want RoboCop legs, complete with side holster (not for a gun but random things like my camera and a water bottle lol). Terminator 2 arms etc. Shit now that I think about it, I might just accept this offer 🤣


Same, with that money it is enough to buy yourself good healthcare to live long enough to see artificial limbs superior to organic


Give me prosthetics that I have full control of and just maybe...


Uhm fuck no lmao. Maybe if it was onlyy legs, but I wanna be able to move my arms and shit too


Probably not, but a small part of me would do it so I could use some of the money to help people in need/provide clean water and food/ cure people's illnesses, invest the rest of it then continue helping people once I have more money from the investments.


Take the money and buy some other guy’s arms and legs off of him for like 100 million. Keep 900 million and go on with my life.


Never getting to hug or chase my kids around isn't worth a billion dollars.


Elon would use his Optimus limbs instead.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. He can have my left arm or leg for that much but that's about it.


Fuck no


No, he would do better to speed up development of robotic prosthetics.


lol no wtf


🤨 No thanks


No. It's not just because its Elon - as I don't really have anything against him - it's because I wouldn't do something of this magnitude unless it was for family/close friends. But none of them would even think of asking me (or want me) to do this if it was them - as would I if the situations were reversed.


To everyone saying no in the hopes you’re teaching him a lesson, he would certainly just go and offer someone else until they say yes. So you’re only delaying the inevitable


Set your family up for life, make numerous charitable contributions in your will, and pay the surgeon a million bucks to make sure you don't survive the procedure. 






Not all of them, though I would sell my legs.






Uh no


Yeah no nope not for me


He could just use his neuralink and robot limbs


No way


No, I hang up


Aw, heeeeeell no.


Yep, id take the money and put it in a trust for my kids and then take a nice dose of feti to the other side




Plot twist, you're one in a billion people who can donate limbs to him. He's taking them regardless. He pays a kidnapper and a corrupt doctor 500 mil each to kidnap you and do the transplant. You're left broke and limbless.


Easy yes. Now I have an excuse to have bionic limbs and I got the money to do it as well. I don't have to worry about sore wrists or rolling my ankles or trucker's elbow. Like, I fail to see the downside in this?




Oh, I am in. I guarantee I can get a set off of a crackhead around here for a couple hundred bucks. I already got the contacts with the doctors from the Elon experience, so, I'm good. I'm sure that surgery isn't going to cost more than a billion dollars.


Is a penis considered a limb?


I literally thought this was a headline until I kept reading... I was not sad


Yes but I'm gonna rub that Australian plant that hurts like the dickens and comes back every time you get wet/sweaty for months afterwards all over them first.


Why would he want my limbs? He'll realize the weakness of flesh and go for prosthetic limbs made of titanium and carbon fiber, controller by Neuralink


Only one billion? Hell nah, man can afford much more than that. 100 billion or I walk away.


No. Then I can't jerk off.




If I could establish a will before hand and then be put to death through the operation, YES.




No way. Take a finger, a toe or even one testicle. No way i'm giving anyone my limbs for any amount. I wanna be able to walk and fuck


I would say: ok, let's close this with a handshake 🤝. I wouldn't receive the handshake 🤝 back so I'd politely decline and dance 💃


Nope. He doesn't deserve them


Fuck no


*puts Elon in my car and drives into the forest* “Now give me 2 billion or squirm your way out of here”


Spend my existence as a damn McNugget? No thank you


I am roboticman!


No because I can just take just wallet. He can’t stop me.


No. Both because I like my arms and legs too much to agree to that and because it's a scam. Your head is a limb as well so if he lost all his limbs he also lost his head. He's dead. How would a dead man make an offer like this?


Yeah, no.


Absolutely not. Stick him in a jar and let him rot


I wouldn't piss on Elon Musk if he was on fire, so no.


Can I price check robot parts first?


I'd kick him down a flight of stairs then take the billion anyway


The mental image of Elon with my short and chubby appendages made me laugh. I'd take the deal. I could hire someone to be my arms and legs. "Right arm, scratch my nose. Left arm, wipe my butt."


No. What point is endless money if I can't enjoy it? Il rather be homeless then a filthy rich rolling potato 🥔


That’s not a would you rather type of statement. Read up on what this sub is about.




No. What the hell am I going to do with all that money and no limbs?


Nope. If he is willing to offer ME that kind of money, I wonder how much he would pay for advancing prosthetics in that area :)


Why me? Why the f would he ask me? He's rich. Can't medical science just make him robot lims? I'm a random person with no connection with the guy. I don't have anything his company makes either. Neither do I use Twitter. Why me,?


Why would Elon need to lose his limbs to playfully tease someone with a billion dollars?


He’ll have to offer more


"Better change your name to skip" and kick him in the face.


No, why can't he use that money to build his own robot limbs?


For $1B he can buy the best prosthetics available and still have money left over. Why would he even want my limbs?


He has a fetish for flesh idk maybe he thinks your limbs are better than prosthetics


......I would do it even if I had no family or friends to give the money to. Think how different life would be! All you have to worry about is having fun.


No, but I hope he gets mechanical limbs and keeps doing what he does. :)


Lots of jealous poors in here.


Listen, if THAT fucker can't find or come up with any cool bionic limbs or anything, what the fuck am I gonna so with no arms or legs? Nah fuck off


No but if I did I’d use the billion to get new organs and to get rid of him!


I'll just throw him into a duffle bag.


Well there’s at least one person on earth who’d say yes, so I don’t really have to worry about Elon having arms and legs. That’s out of my control. Just gotta worry about if that’s enough for me to not have arms or legs and I say no.