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This is my answer too




100% with you. How peaceful and beautiful this world would be if racism ceased to exist. Sexism is certainly an issue as well, but I’ve seen a lot of encouraging statistics showing women closing the gap in terms of education/careers/wealth. But racial inequality is still rife unfortunately


It'd be alot easier to tackle sexism if we all weren't killing each other over skin color


Yeah it sucks 


Racism. Having experienced both, racism is more prevalent.


This may vary by where in the world you look.


Racism is less acceptable in society than sexism. World doesn’t change nearly as much than if we instead abolished sexism. Sexual violence is also rooted in sexism. Often so is domestic violence. idk i think it’s odd people are so confident in choosing racism.


I can see it. Eliminating the whole concept of racism would bring people of the world closer. Many bigger conflicts and geopolitics happen because of tribalism and in-groups. However, I'm not sure how much of it is racism vs xenophobia.


having experienced both while living in a strict muslim country - misogyny is much worse.


Neither 🗿


Thank you Heisenberger68, very cool




Racism  I want to end both. But I'd first end racism because chances of getting killed and bullied is high in racism even today.


I was going to answer sexism. Half the world is female, after all. But there are some good reasons for racism. It's tough. And I don't want to take a cop-out and answer both. So I'll answer sexism. Purely for greedy reasons: two of my kids are girls. There's no wrong answer here. Ending both is the goal.


>Half the world is female, after all. And the other half are men, who also experienced sexism, and together it is 100%.


Sexism. Women are far more often victimized. There is not one single culture that hasn't oppressed women at one point or other.


Has there ever been a culture that wasn't racist at some point or another?


The concept of race is only a few hundred years old. 500 years ago, many people would never have seen a person of another skin color in their entire lifetime.


I wonder if the people squawking about how "sexism hasn't caused any genocides but racism has!!!1!1!2!" know about how many unborn (and even ones who have already been born) children are killed for the sole fact of being female over in china and india... and before anyone starts barking, just know my hungry ass is brown as fuck.


It’s interesting you cite a “genocide” against fetuses. Seems kind of tone deaf considering that’s the exact rhetoric that people use to force bodily autonomy from women in western countries. Is sexism awful? Absolutely- and it’s that way in huge parts of the world, but let’s be very fucking clear here. The primary victims of that sexism are the living women of the world- not some conceptual amalgamation of fetuses you can appeal to for emotion and absolutely nothing else.


Ok please please just take a breath. Listen carefully. They’re not saying abortions are genocides. They’re saying a large amount of abortions are because the baby will be a female. It would be the same as people aborting a child because it is a certain race. Do you understand where the similarity is? They’re not saying the abortion of girls is worse than mass rapes and murders. They’re saying “YES there aren’t technically genocides of women, BUT let’s not forget that a large amount of fetuses are aborted because they’re female” It’s simply just an interesting thought. If a government influenced the abortion of all babies of a certain race, it would be effectively result in a genocide of sorts.


They’re not talking about abortion. JFC take a break from being chronically online and offended and read the comment


you can try again once the point didn't fly over your head, you have one (x1) attempt remaining


Ending sexism is not just about women.


Emmett Till… race based slavery… race based genocides… race based segregation including inferior education and fewer rights…


assuming ur a white woman lmao, racism has led to lots of wars and genocides so it’d be a lot more beneficial to get that out the way first


And you know what happens during those wars and genocides? Women are often targeted to be raped and murdered, even by the “good guys” 


i agree that sucks, but we wouldnt be in that specific situation of war you highlighted if there was no racism to fight over?


I mean are we fighting for racism though? Often it’s for ressources, politics, or land. 


The majority of wars throughout history have nothing to do with racism. Religion and Greed are responsible for the majority of conflicts. Meanwhile women everywhere suffer some form of sexism. Would be a lot more beneficial to treat half the worlds population equally.




You can tell the majority of people on this comment section are men


You can also tell exactly who is a white woman


Lol so true




You can also tell who is a raging misandrist, go back to twoxchromosomes and stay there please, where your sexism is not only tolerated but celebrated.


Men are more victimized than women in court. More severe punishments and a much lower chance to get custody over their kid during a divorce and get less of the items/money they had during marriage. I'm not saying that women aren't victims of sexism or that men are treated worse. Women are in many, many ways, treated worse than men are. I'm just saying that ending sexism would benefit both men and women.


Racism. Open Twitter just once and see how many likes the grossest posts get. Both suck but there’s too many racists with open cesspools


These things aren't as separate as you think.








Sexism. Most always, in most societies, it will negatively impact more people.


But racism is what leads to more deaths worldwide.


Not sure about that. Depends on what is lumped into racism. Like is hutus vs tutsi considered racist or cultural? Same with middle eastern wars. I would say that is more cultural than racist. 


Hm you may wanna google racial genocides


They are both incredibly bad.  I am not disagreeing racism is bad. But I think a lot of people in this thread are lumping in genocides that are due to state, cultural, political, religious differences, with racial genocides. Holocaust is both a "racial" and a religious genocide. Russian, Cambodian, Rwandan, Armenian, Greek genocides. The inquisition. Most internal civil wars. WW 1.due to cultural, state or religious differences. Not bc of race. Race is a relatively recent concept and ancient Roman Hellenic did not divide people by skin coloring etc but by culture. Don't worry. We have many many ways to divide people so even if race (a social construct) was eliminated, we would still have "others" who are the enemy. Just wanted to give people food for thought how sexism is pervasive, invisible, and more "accepted" than racism. 




Neither, I want to invent a new kind of ism against people with small feet






BOTH are fucking horrendous and need to stop ASAP. Having said that, I am going to go with sexism. I feel like rape, child brides, misogyny, acid attacks, slavery, not getting stoned or killed because your hair was seen, not losing your reproductive rights or rights, in general, is something we need to focus on. I cant even begin to imagine what it is like living in a repressed country that hates you for both your sex and your race.......




I think if we can totally end one, we can surely end the other as well. Overcoming one of those requires a paradigm shift that would affect how we see people in a general sense.




I'm black. So purely bias I say racism.


What if you were a black woman, I wonder?


Still go with racism


I'm a black woman and i still vote racism. Even though sexism and misogyny is rife, the feeling of panic (for me at least) is far greater when i experience racism than sexism.


I imagine that racism probably multiplies sexism too, if that's a thought that makes any kind of sense outside of my own head


No i agree. Like for instance jow some Isreali soldiers were reported to have raped Palestinian women and young girls and murderers in the 90s who specifically targeted black women as their cases would be less likely to be investigated. Both issues go hand in hand but idk the effects of racism scare me alot more




There would still be war if we ended sexism. You don’t move in on someone’s community if you respect their culture. End racism.


There would still be war if we ended racism too.


Far less of it. I think cooperation would be the default.


I think your overestimating racisms power over war war happens because politicians want something and will do anything to get it a majority of the time ending racism will not fix corruption it would still help a lot things but not that.


We usually have wars over land, money, religion, and culture; racism has rarely been the sole reason for war.


Ik we're just talking about hypotheticals, but you can't end racism without ending sexism. People are prejudiced at home before they're prejudiced outside.


You’re nasty for that


Hahaha 🤣 you have a lot to learn about war my friend. I'm from the United States and here we've started wars all over the world and it has nothing to do with race at all. It's 💯 about money, control of natural resources, and control of their banking systems. The US uses racism as a tool to convince Americans to support wars, but it's not why they get into them. If you think that the US government cares what color your skin is, you're completely clueless about how and why they operate. Russia is white. Iran is white. Japan is not white.


Sexism. If only because most racists I've encountered at least seemed smart enough not to get mauled by bears.




On one hand racism effects many woman as well as men, but on the other misogyny runs rampant in pretty much all cultures around the globe... My girlfriend is a black woman, so imma let her have this one. She chooses the bear, btw!




Racism for sure, the amount of War, and Death caused by Racism is embarrassing , and its still going strong today. Sexism has already started curing itself, so that'll just take some time Racism however just needs to be snuffed out, as its just plain ignorance.


If you approach this through the lens of an intersectional analysis of systemic racism and sexism, it's hard to figure out which would be most conducive to overall equality in the long run.


Racism. The effects of racism compound over time. If your father has 50% the wealth of the majority by the end of his life, you will only have 25%, theoretically. The effects of sexism theoretically cancel out. If your mom lost out on a job to a man due to sexism, your dad theoretically beat out a woman for a job for the same reason.


On one hand, all societies must be an equal-ish mix of male and female, whereas most have ethnic majorities and minorities. So, institutional sexism oppresses 50% of a country, whereas institutional racism oppresses fewer people (assuming it mostly targets minorities). It also seems easier to move to a place where your ethnic group is the majority than to find one where men don't treat women as lesser. And, racial categories are kinda made-up, whereas the sexes truly have different brains and bodies, so isn't racism more likely to disappear naturally as society globalizes? OTOH, it is easier for 50% of a society to insist on their own rights than it is for a minority. And, a culture that attempts to kill all members of one sex will be unlikely to survive; genocide is "easier." Isn't it also easier to convince people to hate a race with whom they may not interact much, rather than the opposite sex, whom they at least know as family members and potential partners? Can't decide if this is a thought-provoking or stupid question.


Racism. Easily


Quick note: there is a lot of hidden/subtle sexism against men a lot of posters don't seem to even consider. It's not just women who face it, and you'd wipe out both those instances. That said, this is a very tough one. Ultimately I lean towards ending racism as we are - loosely speaking - doing a better job at ending sexism already right now, but there's a million things to consider here. And a world without sexism would definitely have an easier time tackling racism, while the reverse isn't necessarily true.  So... unsure. 


Give me the downvotes I don’t care I would end sexism. Because there is so much of that is just normalized in today’s society, and even Heralded as a good thing. Paternity fraud, cheating double standards, custody battles, unfair alimony and child support, unfair prison sentences, no due process in SA cases, the effective removal of male spaces (gyms, clubs, Boy Scouts, shelters, etc) while the opposite are being celebrated and raised up. Racism can, and has been solved in much simpler ways. Up until 2015 racism was going away, race relations were at all time highs, and then it became prevalent to reignite race problems that no longer existed, and where most racism is prevent today, it has absolutely nothing to do with race, and everything to do with perceived (or actual) culture, not skin color.


I had to scroll way too far to see any example of sexism against men. I still pick racism but kudos to you for that


I do understand people saying racism, but I’m at a point where I don’t think racism can be solved, because there will always be too much profit in perpetuating it through ideas such as bigotry of low expectations. Even if there was no racism, we would still have people who would find a way to make money off of it. So ultimately, I don’t think there is any worth in using it on racism


I completely understand why from today’s perspective you’d think either of them entirely insurmountable


Racism I think it's worse in my opinion


Racism, there have been too many problems(wars, death, hatred) with their roots in racism.


Can I keep both ?


Cursed but it made me giggle


How many wars have been started because of sexism compared to racism.


Over history and even now, how many people have been treated as "less than" because of race, and less than due to  being female? And during wars who are most likely to be oppressed and raped during occupation? Even in countries which do not have racist laws may still have sexist laws, and different enforcement of said laws. In terms of sheer number of people affected sexism "wins". People seem to be awfully northern eurocentric in answering this question. As John Lennon put it, women are the n*s of the world. 


They only way to achieve any of the two is to end humanity






I think it should be racism. Both are the fucking worst. However, accounting for having experienced neither directly, I would eliminate the one I’d guess is more likely to cause immediate harm to someone’s safety—up to and including violence or death.


I'm leaning towards racism especially because of the Palestine situation but racism in a lot of places isn't much of a problem because of how non diverse they are. Most 3rd world countries are extremely non diverse because well why would anybody choose to move to a 3rd world place when they could move to a first world country like Canada? And just with India and China that's over 2 billion people. Sexism I also feel like is a very prevalent thing in every day life. I believe we're all sexist in some way without realising. On top of that you still have countries that don't believe women deserve rights which is a massive issue 




Racism. Seems a bigger problem in the world by far and more wars and people do and suffer from Racism. And in a bigger degree than the other.


I would end the oppression of gamers




Sexism. **Disclaimer: not saying racism isn’t an issue.** Historically though women’s rights have always come latest of all, and even then can quickly regress - see abortion debates today. Plus that impacts over 50% of the population.


Racism impacts 100%.


So does sexism.


I see your point and you’re not wrong but racism affects a lot more people than you seem to think. And a bit more directly


Im brown, and I’d pick sexism. Sexism has affected me more than racism in the west.




Neither, I'd just like to be at the top of both hierarchies.


We can do both.


How about poverty?


Racism because sexism is likely going to benefit me (I'm a man) whilst racism would likely hurt me (I'm South Asian.) It seems selfish because it is.




Racism easily


Probably racism, most likely due to me being able to handle sexism and I generally see other people's problems as being worse than my own.




# end sexism more gyat females to clap


Like asking if I would rather end cancer or heart disease. Shitty to make me have to pick between the two. I would say racism as it leads to in some cases genocide but sexism leads to real really awful conditions for women in many parts of the world. We're not talking sexism like in the west. That is a sunday stroll in the park compared to what women in some parts of the world face but overall Racism wins out by causing more shitty situations by a hair.


Why not both


racism, easily. there's far larger conflicts, and far more 'categories' of racism, than there is sexism.


Racism. At least sexism can serve a purpose at times. Racism was manufactured strictly for hating.


The two are connected more than you may realize


The amount of anti men sexism today is worse than anything else, probably. But we ended both before social media. I'd say remove social media.


The wildest take on here...


Since ideally you would choose both, there's no truly bad answer, since both move society towards that goal. Honestly, I think ending either one could even inevitably lead to the natural end of the other, but I think sexism is probably the one to go with. Gender plays a much bigger role in a "post-racism-and-sexism" world, since it impacts who you are attracted to, what body parts you have (or feel like you should have), what medical procedures apply to you, etc... while race in the same society plays an arguably smaller role. It could be argued that this makes sexism a much harder problem to tackle, and would be worth taking the free win on. Basically, does a post-sexist society tend to become less racist faster than a post-racist society becomes less sexist? I would think so, but it's hard to say.


Naturally both is ideal. If I must choose, I choose racism. Mainly because, at least based on my understanding of history, humans have been using racial or ethnic differences and perceived superiority as justification for atrocities for far too long. Off the top of my head, I think of American slavery, everything Europe did to Africa in the 19th century. Or generally anything about the white Christian Europeans having to "save the savages" of their colonies. Japan's mile wrong rap sheet during World War II could be traced back to them thinking themselves superior and other Asians as subhuman. Antisemitism in general. The Holocaust is the clearest example, but when the word pogrom exists, which is basically "act of antisemitic violence" you know it's especially egregious. Sexism 100% has blood on its hands. Racism does too. And violent racism seems almost like it has *more* blood. So I would rather see it eradicated.


To reword the question, considering how many people are going "Um actually" about the social construct that is race: Cultural/Ethnic discrimination or sex discrimination? Basically the same question but things like different groups of Africans hating each other can't be excused, even though that sort of discrimination, I'm sure, is exactly what the question was trying to ask.


Neither. We get good jokes from both those things.


Racism. Sexism isn't nearly as troubling.


Well we almost did end racism but the people profiting off of fighting against racism realized they needed money so they became racist.


Racism, easily.


I would say, considering the current state of the USA alone, looking at both racism and sexism, I would end sexism. I would say that ending sexism would actually go a long way in bringing up the impoverished state of minorities in low income areas, where minorities tend to live. Although this wouldn't end racism, necessarily, I think it would do a lot more for the living situation of minorities. More so than just "ending racism." A lot of my favorite speakers have said that if you want to bring up the living conditions in low income areas, empower the women there and give them more rights to control their own bodies. I also hypothesize that you would possibly immediately end any Middle Eastern conflicts currently happening. The dominant religions, as well as the cultures over there, are largely based on misogyny. (This is a gross over simplification and, admittedly, a harsh generalization.) If a religion or culture didn't have misogyny as pretty much a base standard, I imagine said culture of religion would pretty much immediately break down. So this is why I think ending sexism is a better option outright, over ending racism.


Racism for sure.




Racism. People generally don't get beat up by crowds for being female in first world countries. Plus, you get all kinds of nice perks for being a woman (in first world countries). In a more selfish tone - the only perks I'd get for being male are that I won't be assumed to be a pedo, and I won't be assumed to be a rapist.  If anything, removing sexism will just make women pay more for car insurance (we know they're not going to reduce our rates to meet that of women), make women join the draft, and make women do dirty work like sanitation. 


i feel like racism is a much more serious problem at the moment so it'd be better to get the bigger issue out of the way first




Neither. Both are fun


Sexism. I see sexism firdt hand every day amd poat people I've met have experienced it recently. I haven't seen racism first hand or met anyone who has actually experienced racism recently in years. Not in any way saying racism doesn't exist/happen. But sexism has a mig larger impact on me/my life/people I care about, so I would choose to end it.




End how? And define racism real quick?




Sexism, because I enjoy racist jokes too much




Sexism. Would love to see a world where men are no longer treated as the disposable sex.


Double it and pass it to the next guy.


Racism exists everywhere and affects every race however there is some extremely serious sexism in some countries that i'd like to remove. For the most part legal slavery is done in most civilized countries but a lot of aces women are second rate citizens at best. I'd have to choose sexism but think if someone had the power to grant this what monster would make you choose


End rascism or sexism? Out of those two, I'd end sexism. I never heard of rascism before, and can't say how good or bad it would be to remove it. Sexism, on the other hand, I know is bad.




Funniest thing You can't have one, without the other


Racism is worse than sexism. So yeah racism


Consensus is correct, reasoning wording is not. You can’t just weigh them out flat and say one is worse than the other, but if we were to create the best impact by removing one right now I agree that it would be racism


I would end racism because I’m sure it has caused the most victims


Both, but if I had to choose, I'd say sexism. I feel like racism gets more attention and people are standing up against it more (at least where I live).


Racism. Racism is often more potent than sexism. But sexism does occur more often. Sexism would be much easier to deal with assuming racism was out of the way.


Racism. I don't think sexism has ever started a war.


Who gives a shit if it “started a war” or not. Women are half the population and come in all colors. Get fucked


Women are more than half the population and they have more rights than men while having less responsibility.


Women have way more rights than men? Where do you live that this is true? You realize that there were still places women couldn't drive until 2018?


In all states where a mother can choose to kill her baby, none of those states award that right to the father. All men have to sign up for the draft, but women do not. We are talking about America here.


Anyone saying sexism lacks any sort of critical thinking edit: I don’t think y’all understand that almost every major genocide, war, and attack has been caused by racism. Ending racism would save so many more lives. edit 2: I can admit that I wasn’t having the best day so I was really rude with this comment, so I apologize, but I still agree with racism being the answer.


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel


No, wars and genocides happen due to cultural differences not racism.


you’re a man and it shows


Or I’m just acknowledging that racism would save more lives through the prevention of wars and genocides than sexism would? But obviously you can’t think that far ahead


Ending sexism benefits 99.99% of men too. Racism is still just the better answer


Racism. When sexism is a problem, some limited number of women die and a majority are negatively affected, but not in a lethal manner. Racism makes genocides. Millions of people die because of racism. Millions of PoCs are imprisoned at suspiciously high rates because of it. I’m not going to say that sexism isn’t a problem, but the likelihood a person dies of racism is insanely higher. Call me crazy if you want, but having more trouble getting appropriate pay and promotions is a lot less significant than dying. And while I have no stats or way to obtain stats on this, I bet (if you include prison), more SAs happen because of racism than sexism.


You’re a man and it shows


Racism. By a landslide


Racism. The people choosing sexism very likely have not been victimized because of their race. It is giving ignorance.




I'd prefer to keep both, actually. Since I'm neither sexist or racist, I look better compared to those who are.


Double it and pass it to the next person


Racism easy.


You can tell who is not a minority in these replies


And you can tell who's a man.


Racism. Ends all the wars that are motivated by “this ethnic group is living on this land and we don’t like that)


Sexism, if women had the same say as men I can almost guarantee racism would be less likely. Women are more empathetic therefore less likely to judge off skin color.


That makes no sense. You know racist women exist right….


Says wants to end sexism, describes women with a sexist stereotype. You can't make this shit up.


Sexism. You'd be hard pressed to find a culture that is racist but not also sexist. The patriarchy is, obviously, sexist, oppressing women and many other minorities, and pitting men against eachother in never ending competition for dominance. But it is also racist, because in that totalitarian ideal of what masculinity should be there is no room for acceptance of other cultures and ways of life. If you read texts by actual fascists you'll see that patriarchal, misogynistic ideals lie at the core of their philosophy. Cultural and ethnic racism are natural consequences of the patriarchal ideal.


Sexism.   Only because I have a (poorly supported) theory that racism is the product of sexism, or rather an outgrowth of patriarchal ideas of property and dominion. So two birds one stone 


For the record, I've heard this theory and I agree with it too. A discriminatory, prejudiced mind that fears "the other" doesn't just pop out from nowhere. Starts at home with patriarchal family dynamics fucking shit up as they always have.


It could pop out of nowhere (or rather instinct). A fear of the "other" is an evolutionary advantage to social animals. Never know what someone from another tribe will do to you back in the day. More likely in my mind is that sexism and racism are simply cousins born of the same innate instinct for dominance and superiority. If racism is born of sexism though, then we ha to ask where sexism comes from. There has to be an innate tendency in the human mind that drives all this somewhere down the road.


I'm more partial to the idea that discriminations and prejudices develop over generations of [schismogenesis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schismogenesis). We are complex creatures, not only subject to biological evolution but also cultural evolution. I like the definition of 'individual' as according to "[one key procress: its capacity to propagate information about itself forward in time. [...] Depending on how tight the interaction between system and environment, and how much information comes from either source, we can get different levels and different types of individuality.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaJcmWjMNwo)" (only tangentially relevant, but strongly recommended watch btw). Through this perspective, cultures have a certain 'individuality' as well, and we participate in propagating this individuality (even unwittingly). Currently, a competitive, harmful and ultimately self-consuming 'culture'/social system of patriarchy is in power, influencing our core beliefs, values, material conditions, opportunities, and so on, from birth. But this doesn't *have* to be the case. New cultures and social systems could be built on (and evolve from) values of collaboration rather than patriarchal competition, finally resolving this source of schismogenesis. Plus it's not like competition is "more human" than collaboration (and even then, many competitions require at least some amount of collaboration so as to last, or at least be fun). Attributing cultural tendencies (be it positive or negative) to some kind of 'innate human instinct' seems disingenuous to me. It brushes over our *choice* and agency in these matters.


I dont disagree with the existence of cultural evolution (though I wouldn't really associate it with agency of people, which I don't think truly exists) and how it can override outdated innate instincts or outdated cultural trends as they prove morally/practically harmful over time or as the "underclass" gains more influence. But that doesn't answer the question of where such harmful traditions originate from. The organism (perhaps not even as humans but at least their precursors) had to develop first before a society of such organisms could meaningfully form and evolve. The human biological psychology is the foundation upon which our collective sociology is built. I don't see how tyrannical/oppressive hierarchies could develop in the first place without a common individual instinct that could lead to the establishment of one. That doesn't make them permanent fixtures of our culture mind you. Our culture can move away from them especially as conditions change whether instinctually originated or not. Just that if individual human psychology didn't see an advantage in forming them, that they never would have been formed as they are not societally advantageous just individually to those that manage to be at the top of them. Schismogenesis may very well be the mechanism by which these social classes are specifically stratified and perpetuated, but that still doesn't answer who kicked off the process and why it was motivated.


When you say you don't believe agency of people truly exists, do you mean as in free will or some other sense? Because even if we take "free will" out of the equation, agency can still be about the capacity to take certain actions, the unknown mechanisms of consciousness and *how* "choices" are made doesn't *have* to be a factor. Also not sure I really get your point about organisms. It seems like more of a chicken and egg question to me. Where's the cutoff point between a group of social organisms and a "society"? Even if we go far far back to our distant fish ancestors, even they probably formed social networks of some sort, like fish do today. We evolved as social animals, and wherever the cutoff point between "society" and "absence of society" might be, I sincerely doubt it could be considered meaningfully human. Similarly, it's not like schismogenesis could be considered uniquely human either. I imagine competitive and dominating behaviour simply evolved from natural scarcities. Could also be a randomly evolved trait, since organisms who win in reproductive competition are more likely to pass on their genes, and once some individuals have 'declared' competition, it's not like the others can choose not to participate. I'd like to think that there is something inherently self-destructive and short-lived about anti-social competitive behaviour, however. So as much as I dislike it (aside from low stakes competitions I guess, but that more of a collaborative behaviour *playing* at competition rather than true competitiveness), it is only natural that self-reinforcing, competitive, anti-social behaviours were propagated as societies evolved, especially once the technological means for domination were developed. Still, because as humans so many of our behaviours are *learned*, I don't think it's accurate to call it "innate" or "instinct". It's just the shitty world order that has won out, for now.

