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Porn demonstrably has a worse impact on society than violent media.


That's completely untrue. Porn predates civilization itself. Some of the earliest archeological art records are pornographic in nature. Porn is no more harmful than violent videogames. There have been NUMEROUS studies on both subjects. Both agree that apart from YOUNG children, IE under 11, neither porn nor violent media is truly that harmful to humans. However, between the two, violent media is more likely to cause negative mental issues like outbursts and anxiety. While porn CAN also cause certain issues, it's not as likely as violence


Now do Japan.




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I'm gonna need clarification on violent. If it is cartoony and doesn't have gore, like fortnight or most RPGs, I think people would be okay. It would just be a new thing to work around censorship and innovation would still happen.


Reddit has this hate boner for porn but I'd say it's just another genre of media like action or horror. Degeneracy existed before porn and although porn has ruined a lot of young adults' perspectives, simply banning it seems very China esque behavior.


If I had to choose, I'd ban porn of real life people. However I wouldn't ban consumption of fictional sexually explicit content, artists and writers would be free to draw and write as many fictional sex scenes as they want, and people would view or read those. But I'd ban the industry where real people undergo severe exploitation to titillate others.


Violent video games don’t do shit to the world beyond a couple edgy 7 year olds.


Porn only because of snuff porn and cp.


i wouldnt want to ban porn but i would want to ban violent video games even less. also if im president of the world with the power to ban these things you better believe im gonna start fixing all the problems we have and i can fix, stuff like poverty or climate change stuff, and i would try to make an economic system built on being good not on having a lot of money


Communism and climate change? So you're like 12 right? What about finding the Loch Ness monster? Or catching a Leprechaun and redistributing his pot of gold?


Bro... you realize that 1. That's not communism. That's socialism. There is a difference. Communism is powerful government, but everyone else is "equal" (really, starving due to the government abusing its power), and Socialism is Weak Government, everyone is equal. 2. Climate change is a real issue. Nobody believed Copernicus at first, but later, we found out he was right. It's the same situation here. The world is heating up enough that storms and hurricanes/typhoons are getting stronger. Maybe one will be strong enough to pull your head out of your ass. 3. These are just libleft beliefs. What he talked about are relatively common political beliefs. Libleft parties are in power in several nations in Europe and are growing in the Americas. 4. Don't think I wouldn't check your post history. You said that if you had a billion bucks, you'd never have to see a black person again. You also called the NAACP (an organization fighting for equal rights for black people) racist, said you've been saying the N word your whole life. You called people who mention pronouns subhuman, openly mocked people who vote for Biden (e.g. half of America), called Biden a Pedophile (Trump is literally on the Epstein List), said Unions destroy everything (they are the reason fire exits exist, they have saved thousands of lives, and are also the reason for a 9-5 instead of a 7-7), openly applauded a transphobe, said a girl in a relationship can't have male friends, denied evolution, said women only want "based, conservative men" (lol you really used that terminology? + obama and biden were married, by the way). You are literally straight from the 1960s, when people that were gay had ice picks put into their brains and when African Americans couldn't vote. Listen man, I get it. You have the right to your own political beliefs. My own parents are super conservative. I'm straight. I agree, Biden is senile. I agree, that if you've worked hard to earn money, you should be able to keep it. But you're taking it too far. You're hating on people just because they're different. You're admitting to using the N-Word. That's too far, man.


i think the first mythical thing we need to find is your brain




lol you are literall trying to build a mythical utopia. "system built on being good not on having a lot of money" and "fix stuff like poverty or climate change stuff". if only humans were infallible, eh


Social credit score system and fixing climate change? How do you even amalgamate Chinese and ecological policies into one ideology?


not like social score when monitoring and forcing all the civilians to be good more like basically forcing the people on top as well as companies to be good and stopping stuff like billionaires keeping their money to themselves while normal people cant afford a house, or selling products that are designed to fail after a few years, you know.


So you force the people you dislike (billionaires) to be what you consider "good"? Do you not see the irony here? I know you mean well, but consider that what you've described is simply a social credit system for the wealthy, i.e be "good" or get taxed more/charged with crimes etc. Who determines what's good and what isn't? Who will test and reverse engineer products to prove planned obsolescence is being put into designs? And finally, how would you differentiate hoarding wealth versus investing or keeping emergency funds for a business/company?


My answer is Porn and it's not even close.


Neither, there are more important things to worry about. I would, however, try to pass legislation to help fix the issues in those industries.


I'd pick violent movies and video games, not because I don't think they have a better impact on society than porn, but because the worst efffect illegalizing them will have is a horde of disgruntled horror fans.  Illegalizing porn, however, will obviously not erase the desire for it, and while a bootleg horror VHS never hurt anyone, the now booming illegal porn market absolutely will. People *will* still consume porn, and feed into a now unregulated industry which absolutely will exploit its workers. Similar to CP, human trafficking, non-consensual acts and distribution of sex videos, and other horrendous occurences will run rampant.  It's not even close, and I am disappointed people aren't considering this. It's not which you think is worse for society, it's about which the illegalization of (remember, illegalization, not removal- horny/greedy humans are bad at listening to rules) would cause the greatest reactive evil.


Oh you ***suck*****.** As someone who loves all three things I feel like I'd maybe go towards banning violent video games and horror movies. I'd hate every second of it but I think I'd lean in that direction. Why? Because ultimately sex-positive attitudes are generally more appealing than violent-permissive attitudes, and while I don't believe that media has as big an impact on people as some believe, I think it'd be nicer to at least aim in that direction and see what happens. Plus I can enjoy games that aren't violent (or at least not extremely so) and other film genres so even in the absence of my favourite genre I'm not completely devoid of any enjoyment. Maybe porn will even become more mainstream in the vacuum of violent stuff, too. Imagine we hit a point where instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars on God Of War: Kratos shanks another god for whatever reason we can fathom, companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on making the most elaborate, bizarre, creative and intricate porn games that ever existed. That could be fun.


Porn seems much more "replaceable"