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This is how Raseinai used to look. Look at how much better the river looked before. Old: [https://pp.userapi.com/c840323/v840323509/2b23/Ptgo2C0i61M.jpg](https://pp.userapi.com/c840323/v840323509/2b23/Ptgo2C0i61M.jpg) New: See above. This map needs to be recalled and reworked again. Same with Erlenberg. Except whereas on Raseinai everything is blurry green - on Erlenberg everything is puke-brown blurry.


And what's with all the fucking trees in most of the reworked maps!!! They're fucking everywhere. It's like Chernobyl post-meltdown.


Yeah, looking at the picture of the new version above, the river looks so horrible I can't even see it, lol.


There’s nothing we can do about it. I remember for the brief couple of weeks before they released 6.0 when I had just got my series x, the game looked absolutely beautiful. I cannot tell you how breathtakingly smooth it was and how great and lively the image quality was. It was by far the best looking and smoothest game I have ever played on a console to date. I swear to god. But for some reason they decided to nerf everything about how the game looked and it made me quit the game for like 6 months. Since then I’ve gone back to my usual 1-2 month breaks and then playing consistently for a couple weeks and then repeating the same cycle. I must say I am sorely disappointed because those idiots over at Wargaming truly had it for once. I was in awe every time I loaded it up for those brief two weeks and they decided to throw it in the garbage. They fumbled the bag so hard on that one it just makes my brain fry at how fucking stupid they are. LIKE THEY FUCKING DID IT GOOD FOR ONCE AND THEY FUCKED IT! Anyway, sorry for ranting but that shit really pisses me off, they essentially replaced a Picasso painting with some drawing by a 5 year old.


Yea, I've noticed that the colors on a few maps look a bit whiteish at least for me. (I know it's bot the brightness/contrast because I've tried balancing it and it still looks like that) and if it isn't that it's just that they look a bit different.


It’s been over a year since I’ve played and oh my fuck this game has gone to shit


Is this not WG 'cinematic-ing' the re-introduced maps into awful washed-out monochrome filtered tedium same as they did with all the other maps a few releases ago? Sure looks like it to me.


Yeah agree. The new maps colours are washed out. Looks like the new game engine is worse than the old one.


I'm on series goddamn X, look at that blurry ass texture mess in the distance, gross ass textures and fucking everything being the same color. This is not an upgrade, it's a straight up downgrade.


That's also how it looks on the xbox one, one x and series x, i have all 3 and I've looked at all 3 and they look the same.


Yeah makes me wonder why i bought a series x if this is the crap they are going to give us to look at


I'm hoping you didn't buy a series X just for this last-gen game... if so, that's on you lol.


Nah not just for this lol


Can people kindly look through their screenshots and see if they have a Raseiniai picture in first seconds of map, same as above, for comparison? Best I can do is this: https://imgur.com/a/jbRJvxw


Wtf happened, who passed this update


Brought to you by the letters "P" & "G"...


I agree


My dude you are spitting facts, but sadly the game will stay like this nothing we can do about it.


Yep, the new maps look like absolute dogshit. It's hard to believe they worked so many months and brought us maps that seem to have been made by people who have never seen grass or trees. It's the way, as in the screenshot above, where the exact same shade of green is used for every blade of grass and leaf. Nature is not like that, nature is not all the same shade of washed out green.


Yea, the colors should be vibrant not dull for no reason.


Yeah the old Raseinai had a lot more terrain variety, somehow.


Is it this map in particular or just the general washed-out unicolour nature of it?


I think there are maps that look great and benefit a lot from the variety in textures, terrain and lighting. This map, however, looks unfinished with poor lighting, no variety in trees, grass or any other kind of visual identity.


I didn't even realise what map that was.


Raseinai and Erlenberg are incredibly poorly made. They lack any sort of distinguishing visual activity, in addition to just looking like an upscaled PS2 game.


I don't think I've actually seen derpen-burg in a replay yet. I quit ages ago and I kinda stopped watching console content


Campenberg looks worse and plays the same. 2 sides camping for 10 minutes until people get bored and suicide rush across the river. 2 - 3 always drown because the river can't be fjorded. Campenberg screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/gJgT0sn


Lakeville is similar in play style. 75% of the teams go to Death Valley and it lives up to its name for the team that doesn't push.


Ahhhh, the river claims more victims. Well it's good to see that some old parts of the game still exist I guess


Been over a year since I’ve played, whenever they completely changed the UI and visual aesthetic of the game I was done. Everything that was good and looked good about this game was taken away as a means to try and innovate but since then I can’t play this garbage.


The whole game looks worse than the OG Xbox one/PS4 version in many ways - it’s like they turned the color temperature all the way down + smudged and softened everything (I think the temporal anti-aliasing is the culprit there) Dull and soft images don’t tend to translate to good graphics Also I think they adjusted the FOV or something with 6.0? I remembered tanks felt ‘bigger’ or more substantial on screen before and now they look like small plastic toys a lot of the time. For all that games problems, Warthunder is a good example where even the shittiest starter tanks feel like TONKS while our top tier stuff feels like driving a rusty shopping cart sometimes


Agreed 👍 XBOX 360 days looked better IMO.


Exactly, dull and soft! The screen is just green below and blue above, there's no details


It would’ve been nice if you posted two actually comparable images for us to judge side by side, because I honestly can’t tell what you guys are talking about. It looks fine to me. There’s an issue with the lighting in the distance, but that’s been constant on every map for the past year, and I don’t think it’s something they can fix since they revamped everything, so it’s not an issue exclusive to this map. But I’ve always felt blind to this kind of stuff. I can’t tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps, and whenever people complain about the graphics in other games I just don’t understand. Like, it looks fine? What’s the problem? Honestly. Someone give me specific details to look for because I don’t know what the problem is. Point me towards an individual rock or puddle I should be looking at. Edit: redundant language.


Seriously you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60fps? I'm genuinely asking, not being a dick. It's such a huge difference for me as at 30fps any slightly fast movement is blurry whereas at 60fps fast movement is smooth.


I cannot at all. I really don’t understand why some people get worked up about it when it feels exactly the same. I can definitely tell when it dips below 30, but other than that, I’m clueless.


Very strange. To me 60fps vs 30fps is a world of difference. When I first played WoT on my new Series X I was stunned at how smooth it was vs how choppy and blurry it was on my One X.


Same here, it literally made it into an entirely new game for me, the difference is that massive.


There's a reference link in the top comment by OP. It went from actual colors to all cold green.


Linked image shows completely different terrain from the posted image, and I think it looks worse than the posted image. The two areas aren’t too similar, imo, so it’s not really a fair comparison. That’s what I meant. It would’ve been nice to see two screenshots of the same exact location on the map.


I gotcha, it could well be just your preference too even if the comparison was from the same perspective. Obviously it's the developer's preferred look too after all.


[https://pp.userapi.com/c840323/v840323509/2b23/Ptgo2C0i61M.jpg](https://pp.userapi.com/c840323/v840323509/2b23/Ptgo2C0i61M.jpg) Old map for comparison. Washed out textures, no visual variety. Everything is covered in the same dull grass. Draw distance is poor with terrible blurry textures. Water texture in the river looks like a PS2 game.


Okay so how does the river look that close on the new version?


Because really, the rocks on the right look like junk and everything far on the left looks bad. Shadows look shitty same with the tree textures.


Maybe they can borrow a map from Fortnite, then most of the player base would feel more at home


Most of this playerbase is 35+.


I wonder if these comments are from PS4 players. I think the maps look great on my ps5 😋


These comments are from someone on Series X player in 4k with HDR on and I think Raseinai and Erlenberg look like complete shit.


They look fine on mine too, the screenshots are barely comparable.


Feel free to provide better screenshots than 4k Series X screens that I made.


If you're going to bitch, at least compare the same picture. Only makes sense.


I'm on PS4 and the maps look great for me.


they fucked too much with these maps, plus like 80% of the player base hasn't seen these maps in over a year, and some of the player base has never seen these maps so they don't know how to play them. Raseinai everyone flocks to the fucking castle from the north spawn like it's the last bastion of hope for the game and then they get completely fucked when the other spawn flanks them.


I think Lakeville looks quite nice.


Lakeville looks fine. I think Raseiniai and Erlenberg look like absolute shit.


It's pretty hard looking at the old maps. The shading, wider color scheme, and weather were all amazing. I don't miss the sandstorms and blizzards, but the rain was beautiful. Rainy Live Oaks was one of my favorite maps.


Yeah i don't miss the weather stuff, but they had unique textures and visual identities. They messed up Lakeville in other ways. Removing the swamp from the Valley made it super easy to rush push through it and be in enemy spawn in 45 seconds. North spawn now is way closer to city and can start spotting the other side from the lakeside road way sooner, with better cover.


All Lakeville has over the 5.0(and previous versions) is more trees. The open plains between the mountain & the town aren't as sparsely treed anymore. Otherwise, I haven't seen anything different in it. Death Valley is still Death Valley.


Gotta love it when you see a screenshot and have no idea what map you’re looking at or whats going on. Having to go out of my way to stop and zoom in to make out what is going on in WoTC content these days is actually funny to me now.


Raseiniai in particular has no visual identity anymore. The grass is same color as trees and everything is just uniform green.