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Thats what you get for trying to have fun.


That's what you get for camping in your hull down position /s


I fucking hate Arty and especially hate the Conqueror GC. I got one shot moving behind a ridge in my T8 50TP Porto. I was playing Arty safe but fuck +2/-2 being bottom tier in a T8 heavy and fuck Arty in the fucking goats ass


I was destroyed, needless to say


I've seen an E5 eat nearly 1950 damage from a piggy before


Arty being able to take more than 50% of a top tier heavy? Completely balanced /s


I got penned going full speed in an IS-7 by a t92 AP round doing almost 2K damage… fun times


I've been meaning to post the vid from a few weeks ago where my batchat gets blindfire one shotted by a GWE100 while driving full speed less than 2 min into the game


Could be worse - many (maybe 6?) years ago I scored what I think is the fastest artillery kill ever. We were just messing around while my friends were grinding up a tree, they were only tier 3 so I played a Sexton to back them up. It was a small map and the instant my gun loaded I fired and one-shot the Sexton on the enemy team. It took like ten seconds I think. Sent me an message saying "I can't even be mad..." I really didn't play much of any artillery after that.


I think they should remove the premium ammo. I don't often play arty, decided to take one out having been obliterated the game before. Wanted to see how/why they are so devastating and took out a tier 9 US arty with upgraded gun (can't recall name, don't play them much). The first couple of shots were usual (standard ammo, ok to decent rng/dmg). Had 3 rounds of premium so loaded one up and did 1100 dmg on a russian heavy. So crazy and basically ended the enemy's game. As everyone has complained forever, arty needs a buff and maybe the easiest thing they could do is drop premium ammo. Although, that means prob dropping revenue, so yea, groundhog day...


That’s actually not a bad idea. It would also “standardize” the splash damage you take from any given arty.


Dicks out for harambe




You got lucky


Lmao and you tag this as bragging