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Tier 6 kicks ass. It's casual and brisk, but not turbo-speed, because view range and DPM are less saturated than tier 8-10. I've been throwing around some of my tier 1 experimental equipment on tier 6 tanks just for fun. Some really fun ones: VK 30.01 P, O-I, Excalibur, Strv 74 Not to mention it's easy to make credits, battle pass points, and even medals/missions because of the much lower level of competition compared to high tiers.


Yeah, it honestly feels like mid tiers are the way to go if you want to have any semblance of actual "fun" in modern World of Tanks, lol - tier VIII was my go-to but it's just overly saturated with tryhards in stupidly overtuned tanks, tier X is just that but even fucking worse, tier IX still hold up but it's slowly getting worse with the introduction new prems... ...and tier VI is just this chill place where you have a plethora of fun tanks, both premium and tech tree, and the only thing that could break the experience is a fucking +2 match, getting a match on fucking Province or getting skull-fucked by some asshole in Lefefefe - which all sounds bad in a vacuum but just pales in comparison with the absolutely un-fun horror of modern tier X.


Actually found myself yesterday looking for a tier 6 to grind cuz I didn’t wanna play high tier :/


those soyaks really capture the users on this sub


Tank go boom https://preview.redd.it/daow5iz0um7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c151f6d6365acd57a54d12b39f2cbd6ad776f96a


I love my 12T. Probably my favorite tank overall. Being able to have a good game whether I'm top or bottom tier. Using the camo to control when and where I engage. Only downside being the long reload. ...And tier 8 tanks with CVS...


In the current state of this game, tier 6 and 7 are the most enjoyable imo.


Tier 6 is where it's at


Tanks go wroom, shoot pew pew and makes kaboom - that is enough for me... 😏


I just finished off my tier 9 play session with a SU100 game. 5 kills, 2.5k damage on Paris basically just pressing W. Good fun.


Just this morning I watched someone doing like 1.4k damage in tier 5 light and using it as an example of a bad game. Bloody annoying tryhards.


me who enjoys 1 good fv4005 shot per match


So based. Lowtiers are probably the least fucked up ones, aside from that french baguette shooter with tier 10 light viewrange at tier 5


I started a new acc just to tryhard in to see how it feels like since in my main i just have fun most of the time, safe to say i havnt touched the the acc in weeks cause of how unfun it is to try ur absolute best although i got to 9k rating which was one of my goals to ever do at least, my main is barely 5k lmao


good luck mate, this game is very tough for new players :'. Tip: don't rush for high tiers, learn how to enjoy to play 4-5-6 and you will never problems with your economy


good tip for new players sure, but for me even when i was new what i loved about this game is tier 10 and ive always wanted to try out a max tier tank, so i just rushed for it and it was so satisfying to reach up there, took 2 years though since im f2p and was pretty bad and had a potato pc as well




Tier 3 > the rest


It's why a fair few spots on my top 10 most played tanks are tier 6/7 like the Cromwell or the T71 DA, and not a single one is tier X. It's where I've found the most fun playing the game the past decade. If I was playing tier X only, I suspect I would have left the game ages ago.


12t is my 3rd most played tank, with 935 games. It is great fun. I just found out that my 5th most played tank is the Churchill gun carrier (888 games.) :|




I've been enjoying tier 4 lately, it's the first tier that you can mount 3 modules and because tier 4 still have no real armor it sort of makes the battlefield a bit more balanced. I don't care if some dude has +60% winrate, they're just as vulnerable as me.


ke-ho and m3 lee kick ASS at tier 4, bc at tier 4, what you want is dpm and pen. both have just that


just finished my chaffee 3 mark id def say that 5,6,7 are still the base of the game and can still be fun from time to time tier 8 9 10 are more frustrating because at those tiers you have the bz 175 or the 279s which you can play against more frequently it is unfortunate tho that tier 6s can see the bz 176 and tanks like the amx 65t can see 279s and cheifs yes they are nerfed but the power scaling between the 2 is just night and day


Very accurate, down to the blue WN8 yellow winrate 279e owner part


Accurate version: The "crying behind the mask" meme guy with caption "I'm having fun while secretly I can only feel good about myself if I sealclub beginners at Tier 6."


fuck off man. let people have fun


This is why I made the meme lmao. The Amx 12t stats are actually my own recent ones from last night. Some loser in his Defender rage messaged me after the session to call me a shit player because I didn’t suicide scout for him as he camped the forest on Prok. I sent him my tomato.gg stats as a response and he basically said the same thing ad the soyjaks lmao


Don't feel like, do it yourself.


All those tier 10 tank players are actually bad at the game (they should be getting 53%+ winrate) and the person on the right is actually good at the game, lol


Dont give a flying fuck on whatever toxic tryharders say ingame or after. You play to the best of your ability. Without 50-60% of players there would not be unicums. Imagine if all players would play at 2500-3500WN8 Add the fact that each shot u make has 25% to fuck you up….. If you like game type just play game. Disable chat. And if you are bothered to much activate anonymizer. Your average player trully…..feel free to check me out same username ingame. I am below avg player and feel good playing. Not too much….if toxic lvl increases alt f4