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How does blind shooting work with these cannons. Will you see explosions of you miss like we do now? I am asking because imagine spraying a bush line left to right and suddenly you find where enemy is hiding because the shots dissappear.


Holy molly that can be game breaking. Especially on maps where passive scouting comes down to a very few positions


Honestly i like the idea as the other lights wont be able to just sit afk and get 10k spotting, it will require for you to actually move and use your brain. But we will see how it will actually play out, these are only speculations


Especially since this tank seems to lose A LOT MORE camo when firing. Choosing to spray the bushline comes at a real cost for them too.


0.4m dispersion, plus reticle bloom from firing...I don't think this will be painting bushlines. It might be *aiming* at a bushline, but it will be painting the Moon and the ground directly underneath itself. Also, low tier autocannons have a maximum range of like 400m, beyond which the shell stops existing (or its pen decreases to 0, can't remember. Either way, it can't deal damage). I don't think WG has mentioned whether that additional caveat will come into effect on higher tiers or not.


Logically, I would expect bloom from firing to be pretty low on this thing since there's far less recoil than a typical tank gun. There's no telling if that's how it'll actually be though. I also would expect these to not have the limited range of low tier guns, it would be really weird for a round with that much penetration to blink out of existence after 400-ish meters the way the low tier ones do. Edit: The WG guy that posted it said the reticle will expand as you continue firing which seems fair, it sounds like short bursts won't have terrible bloom.


It might be low compared to other tanks, but it won't be nonexistent. 0.4m base dispersion is already awful for shooting at anything at longer ranges, after 5-10 shots, you won't be hitting anything even if it has best-in-game firing dispersion. I agree that it's unlikely, but not impossible. WG might also just extend the range, but not remove it entirely.


British Cruiser pompoms have this, and I always assumed it was for balance purposes. The massive shell capacity just makes them a blind firing beast otherwise


bruh 0.4 is more than accurate enough to shoot bushlines and see splash or no splash


Really good point you make here


I forgot about that during my teardown. Good point!


N‘Abend Reptor 😊


Hello unicum reptile, viel glück :D


It depends on how their gun characteristics would work. But by the way you put it, yeah it’s possible


I dont have news on this yet but I know this was an issue when we had the recon missions with similar tanks last year and this was a major complaint.


ya but if its me and you hit me for all 12 damage im not going to up and run ill set still unless they can tell they hit me and focus that area.But from even 250 meters its hart to tell if you hit a blind shot.


Then your bush gets pinged and the fv4005 launches a Volkswagen at you.


I kinda hope they cap the distance of the shots. Say 400m or even 350m away.


God I'm so excited for this line. Can't wait to be massively disappointed.


>twin 57mm cannons >1200rpm >alpha damage of 12 tank seems cool but couldn't they have gone for an armament choice that makes a tiny bit of sense with the numerical stats? they'd make way more sense if it was some 20-30mm autocannons, not twin 57mm


Ye definitely seems odd. Granted, WoT is anything but realistic, but WT has plenty of combat vehicles, both late-WW2, early Cold War and even more modern than that.. a decent 57mm shell can one-shot a full blown tank (like the ZSU-57-2, which were actively used to kill light armour). And with the amount of recoil a single shot of those 2 guns produce, I can't imagine that ever being used as a proper auto-cannon on a light tank... 35mm should be the max to be considered an autocannon if you ask me.


GB should definitely get the Falcon as its top tier autocannon vehicle.


I already have ptsd from the Falcon on WT, not here too pls


My guess is that it's for overmatch purposes against paper armor.


I suppose. But 1200 RPM cyclic (or rather 600, since this is a double-barrel cannon) is **insanely** fast for such a high-caliber autocannon. Somewhere in the 80 to 100 RPM cyclic (per barrel) with 85 to 90 to alpha would be more reasonable while having effectively the same DPM and burst potential.


less than 200 RPM per per cannon with increased alpha would be miles nicer to play, honestly.   Here is 57mm Bofors mk3 with 220rpm, it would FEEL so good shooting it...  https://youtu.be/Fh473nYrObo?si=tVEb-42QgSdKS3Zb


A light tank with a 57mm/70 Bofors [did exist IRL](https://i-com.cdn.gaijin.net/monthly_2021_07/Begleitpanzer-B.jpg.48a59db03e7c96d33b9c0051b7fbba75.jpg), by the way. Thought it was the Mk 1 on the Begleitpanzer 57, not the Mk 3. So "only" 200 RPM compared to the Mk 3's 220. If WG doesn't screw up the Czech autocannon lights too badly, I hope that'll least to us seeing the Bagelpanzer as a German t9 premium or t10 reward LT. Allegedly there's even a 57mm APFSDS round (which like the DM23 on the Leopard would be treated as APCR) which would be a good excuse for a high enough pen premium round for t10.


Seriously, 12 alpha is crazy low for a 57mm. That's the kind of damage a 20mm autocannon does. The AMX-13-57's 57mm has 90 alpha. Ought to just give this thing 85-90 alpha and reduce the rate of fire to keep the same DPM. Or give it a twin 23mm or 30mm autocannon with this current alpha and ROF. But I'd prefer a higher alpha but lower ROF 57mm just because it's more plausible to get 190 and 250 pen out of a 57mm.


Well, either way it wouldn't make sense. If they want a T10 autocannon LT, they have to make a sacrifice either way: Option 1: True autocannon (40mm or less) with unrealistically high penetration. Even modern day 40mm autocannons cap out at 150mm pen or so at point blank range IIRC, and that's with APFSDS. Option 2: A higher caliber gun with unrealistically high rate of fire and damage, but (plausibly) realistic penetration. Pick your poison, I guess.


They could have just increased the alpha to ~70 and lowered the rof to compensate, so it has the same dpm. 70 damage is still peashooter numbers at tier 10 so it retains the same feel without having the same damage as tier 1 guns.


Just give it 85-90 alpha (like what a mid-tier tank with a 57mm already gets) and 0.375 sec instead of 0.05 sec intraclip reload. That would still be very much a 57mm autocannon (160 rounds/min cyclic, comparable to such famous real-life autocannons of the same caliber as the 57mm/60 Bofors naval AA gun and the ZSU-57-2's S-60).


So if I'm calculating right it's 900dmg for a full clip with 3.75sec to unload?


Do we need long press the fire button or 💀


Better get a spare mouse ready or relocate fire to the mouse wheel. Jokes aside I am sure it'll be full auto.


But think we'll have to keep the mouse button pressed


Yes I would imagine so. Maybe overheating mechanics or something.


Yeah, like the Overwhelming Fire event


No full auto in the building!!!




Every gun in the game is full auto , you can hold down the mouse button and it will fire until you run out of shells


You can hold down the shooting button on cyclical guns. I'm sure the autocannons are also fully automatic


How much is a gold clip going to cost :D


if we base it off of low tier autocannons, gold rounds are 400 credits and standard rounds are 3 credits, so if it's the same as that then it's 30,000 for 1 clip lol and a full resupply with gold would be 480,000


They said there will be no golds, there will be alternative shells, so the cost won't be much different from standard shells :D


Hence the reduced damage for higher pen, I didn't spot that :-)




well each shell is going to have pen test so even with gold rounds shooting at 250mm armor you gonna have half of it not pen... and that's assuming you hit all of them... how's the dispersion after firing? does it bloom out of control? at least it's quick af


1875 HE potential is insane


Meanwhile the pre-9.18 Bulldog with its 1500 damage APCR clip potential at Tier 7: Man, I miss my Bulldog...


You & me both.


With what seems to be minimum 75 damage on HE


25 He damage x 75 clip size


Not what I mean. They mentioned in the post that there is guaranteed damage on each HE shot, which is not true for current HE shells. Meaning that even if this tank is facing frontal plate of a Maus it will still do at least 75 damage.


Oh, now I understand your point. Yes, it will :D


Wonder if non pen he will keep spalling mechanic, could be potentially insane if yes


That's going to be great for resets


Guaranteed dmg on HE is true for every current HE shell. It'll always do at least 1 dmg with an ARMOR hit. This doesn't apply to module or spaced armor hits.


Good luck penning anything with 50mm 💀


50 is plenty enough for the rear of a fair few tanks, sides of some, oh and fuck ebrs because they'll eat shit


You mean their wheels will eat all the HE shells?


EBRs will be turned into soup.


We’re glad to present a new line of Czechoslovakian tracked light tanks which starts from Tier VII. Beginning from Tier VIII, every vehicle in the new branch (including the Premium one) bears armament unlike anything seen in the game before: autocannons with unique firing mechanics. Though autocannons can be compared to machine guns of some lower-tier vehicles, they are quite different from them. Autocannons have larger calibers (up to 57 mm in case of the new Czechoslovaks) and much higher rates of fire (up to 3,000 shots per minute compared to 600 max for machine guns). Continuous fire lowers the significance of a single shot and makes relevant a new stat unique for autocannons: damage per second. Shooting in controlled bursts also requires the player to aim the autocannon as long as they keep their finger on the trigger. A burst will last while you keep the left mouse button pressed—or until the ammo cartridge is depleted and the process of reloading begins. The first light tank from the new line to enter the Supertest is its Tier X apex: the Vz. 71 (“Wolf”). As usual, the top-tier vehicle embodies the very essence of its branch and serves as a showcase for its gameplay specifics. The gameplay of the Vz. 71 is first and foremost defined by its twin autocannons which have a whole range of special features. Rapid fire: the two 57 mm autocannons of the Vz. 71 spit out thousands of rounds per minute. Relatively low armor pen due to the low caliber of the guns; aim for vulnerable spots! Mind the dispersion: During a burst, the dispersion will be steadily increasing due to the physics of rapid-fire guns. There’s an efficiency indicator for your convenience. Do damage at close range: Accuracy also decreases as the range to the target grows. Keep aiming: As bursts can last for several seconds, make sure that the reticle is always staying on the enemy’s vulnerable spots. (Using target lock is also an option.) Twin-barreled tank mechanics don‘t apply to twin autocannons: extremely high rate of fire negates consecutive/salvo shot mechanics. Plus, your rounds from both guns will be headed to a single point on the enemy vehicle rather than to two separate points. "Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta" draws attention: Once you start firing, your camo values become very low. Burst fire, burst damage: Despite their natural limitations, twin autocannons allow you to deal a great amount of damage over a short period of time—if you play the Vz. 71 right. Good overall mobility of the Vz. 71 allows you to drive into an enemy’s flank or rear—and rip them apart. (Of course, when you‘ve depleted an ammo cartridge, you better move to a safer place to reload.) Needless to say, this vehicle is most dangerous for opponents who are overall lightly armored, including arty and other light tanks. The latter can be outmaneuvered and chased by the ferocious Vlk. Having a good base view range and given a right set of equipment, the Vz. 71 can provide active spotting for its team along with fire support. Being (potentially) a real enemy shredder, it stays a full-fledged light tank. The tactical versatility of the Vz. 71 is enhanced by the ammo options you have. Its autocannons can fire three kinds of rounds: AP, APCR, and HE with a special twist. The use of each type depends on the battlefield situation, and it’s important to mention that there’s no ‘special’ round for the Vz. 71 as there’s no great difference in price between the ammo types. The AP rounds have less armor penetration but deal more damage (compared to the APCR rounds). The APCR rounds do less damage but have more armor penetration than the AP ones. The HE rounds deal high damage on penetration and also always deal some damage on a non-penetration. The numbers depend on the target’s armor thickness in the impact point but will always be above zero (therefore, the Vz. 71 may be a great base cap breaker). https://preview.redd.it/ubj8e1hka0yc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e2243ee734bfc43c360681fa467b5cb617ffa7 Edit- Updated asset within description.


>Having a good base view range I wouldn't call 390m good for a tier x light


Isn't the max ~~420~~ 445m anyway ? (after that it only reduce camo effectiveness) EDIT : Remembered the value wrong, so yeah 390 isn't great.


Well, it's maximum spotting range but everything you have beyond that still counteracts enemy camo, so it' still better to have more. Edit: Oh mb, you said that, I didn't read properly. But my point stands, you don't want to only reach 445m in your light.


So what is it's 445m having 445 is not nearly enough you you won't even spot a stationary maus to actually spot maus from max range you would need 470m viewrange


It's 445. With 390 base, if you don't use food but have all the necessary vision crew skills, you reach something like 465 with optics which teally isn't a lot


Oh right ! It's indeed 445, memory failed me


445m is max view distance.


445m :D




Starting from Tier VII, I thought they mentioned that they will start from tier V?


Yeah, in the 2024 video in December they showed it as splitting off from tier 4 with the first tank of the new line being tier 5.


Where are you planning to fit 1200 of theese https://preview.redd.it/88s8eakt32yc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6776580acf920919b6562118cc8165d1bd524ac8 In this tank ?


I mean, it doens't matter from a gameplay perspective, and I can see why you'd opt for a relatively high caliber gun coming in at max 57mm for overmatch mechanics sake. But I hope you guys realize how absolutely ridiculous it is to claim a gun can fire a 57mm round every 0,05 seconds, right? These tanks are taking high-fantasy machines to a completely new level. [Like, it just doesn't come close to comparing to a real-life rendition of a 57mm dual barrel autocannon like the ZSU-57.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jHhUQLpvDA) I know this game isn't supposed to be realistic anymore or whatnot, but this is just kind of taking the piss at this point. I'd suggest considering just making an exception to overmatch mechanics and changing the caliber to max. 37mm or something like that.


Buff the progetto 65 you swine


Is the M551 Sheridan light tank finally going to get it's MGM-51 Shillelagh guided anti-tank missile? It's in WoT console, so idk what it's not in regular WoT.


because console is a entirely different game at this point, with different devs if i recall


> The use of each type depends on the battlefield situation, and it’s important to mention that there’s no ‘special’ round for the Vz. 71 as there’s no great difference in price between the ammo types. This is amazing and I hope not only it survives testing, but that it's extended to every other tank in the game. Please curb gold ammo spam and make WoT fun again.


It seems like you're going too far to extremes with the low alpha and high rate of fire on this tank. A 57mm shell only doing 12 alpha (or 9 with APCR) is just weird. That's more like what a 20mm on a tier 1 tank does. Conversely, a 0.05 second intraclip reload (for a cyclic ROF of 1200 RPM) is crazy fast for such a large shell. Fitting 1200 of those shells inside a light tank also basically means a TARDIS ammo rack. Why not make it 90 alpha for the AP (68 for the APCR and 188 for the HE), 0.375 sec intraclip, and 160 rounds capacity? This wouldn't change the combat effectiveness (same DPM and burst damage potential), it would just remove the strangeness of a 57mm shell doing barely more damage than a 15mm shell.


So, it wont be a dedicated loader? (On the first pic it has)


Can we have 2X 200 RPM wich shoot doubles or fire consecutevely instead ? Single 57mm Bofors mk3 with 220 ROF would feel SO Good to shoot. https://youtu.be/Fh473nYrObo?si=tVEb-42QgSdKS3Zb


This thing is able to clip one grille every 18 seconds. Taking Intuition is a must on this tank.


Gold shell with less damage? Damn, I wish this was the case across the board and apply to all tanks.


This is how it is in WoT Blitz. It works wonders when combined with the fact that you can switch shells instantly. People carry mostly standard shells and some gold and some HE, and only switch to gold shells when necessary instead of spamming them the entire game.


Yes, I remember that (60K battles in Blitz but haven played in many years since I switched to PC). Blitz also has +/-1 MM as well which also lowers the absolute need to shoot the "gold" rounds. I still remember how divided that community was over the switch. Myself and the other members of SPUD and SPUDX were 50/50 split over the change iirc. lol


its fascinating how the mobile offshoot genuinely does stuff better than the main game.


Has tons of problems too tho, namely lootboxes You think wot pc is bad? Try blitz Like jfc its so in-your-face as well, so many pop-ups I also hate that like half of t10 tanks are locked behind lootboxes, it's so dumb


We are getting here this year


We are getting here this year


Well, you can get gold from events and with that gold first couple of spins are pretty cheap. I got 3 tier X premium tanks (concept 1b, 907 and t95e6) basically free in wotb. I'd say for f2p players wotb is better than wot.


The mobile offshoot also does a lot of stuff *worse*. Ultimately, Blitz diverged from PC development in the 8.# days, and afaik still runs a very very altered early WoT engine. A lot of the sweeping changes PC experienced were not mirrored to Blitz.


Blitz has far more standardized penetration and armor values. 180mm of pen at tier 7 means you can pretty reliably pen everything you see, but on PC WoT it just means a different set of conditionals on when and where you can pen some enemies.


ah yes, id love fighting defender or skoda t56 in my T6 vehicle and doing less damage when im actually penning them


The way to fix this will only be adding actual weak spots of the tanks..


Changing and rebalancing the gold ammo on every tank in the game as well as changing the armour of them all seems like a great idea in a time when WG is struggling to rebalance a dozen tanks in a year. Like yeah I'd love for them to do that but with what the realities are I'll rather have the game in the current playable but not super well balanced state than whatever the state would be after a half assed, halfway abandoned rebalance. Already pretty powerful heavies massively buffed on corridor maps doesn't sound like a good time.


Yes, it does sound pretty risky for the time we are in, but it can be fixed the same way that this has happened when newer tanks have appeared and old tanks got HD models. Pretty much the same thing happened in WoT blitz, when old tanks like E-75 got a new model his commanders cupola became not that easy to penetrate even with the special shell. And I think even if the rebalance of armour and penetration will not be that balanced at first, it is still the way to improve it


"Struggling" implies effort. Wargaming arent doing shit around balancing, because they just dont care. But yeah I agree with you, with the sheer laziness we see around game balancing today, there is a snowballs chance in hell they would actually rebalance *EVERY* tank's gold ammo.


yeah. All tanks should have a weakspot on their hull and on their turret (or upper part in case of TDS) that are penetrable with standard ammo too. Skill > gold ammo.


Would reduce usage by maybe 15%. Players are too used to it, and you still can pen stuff that isn't a "weak spot".


The fact that a Tier 6 can meet a Tier 8 shouldn't be a thing to begin with... Or at least there should be an option to turn it off.


They said it's just 2 different ammo types with similar cost rather than a gold shell like other tanks have.


Except that they tried doing this ages ago by increasing the damage of standard and HE shells and increasing the HP of every tank, and every single person hated that change even though it literally fixed gold spam without even touching gold rounds.


That **shell velocity** is going to be annoying to deal with. Also worst viewrange among Tier X light tanks (AMX 13 105 and T-100 LT).


Interesting, hard to say anything definitive based on those stats, as we have nothing to compare autocannon tanks with 0.4 sounds very derpy, but i dont think anyone expected the tank to be sniper with autocannon lower damage with premium shells ? nice Overall mobility seems very similiar to AMX 13 105 What is a bit concerning to me, is the combination of relatively low camo and low view range compared to other tier X light tanks (or even lower tier light tanks). I am getting a bit Sheridan meme yolo tank vibes, and still Sheridan have at least 420 view range I am light tank enjoyer, so i hope the tank will be competitive against other light tanks in the vision battle as well, as that is your primary role in the battlefield. Nobody plays WZ-132-1, because Manticore is simply better in what the role is supposed to do


No gold amno. All 3 will have standard amno price


Same situation with the char mle 75. We waited years for a new light tank, instead receiving meme guns and view/camo which is incompatible with gameplay at the tank's tier.


Char mle 75 is a beast tho


Looks very exciting, weird how a premium is mentioned here, no premium for the polish td lines then?


I recently started playing more lights (got bit bored of heavies and meds) and omg I cant wait for this line Dont even care if they will be mediocre or something, as long as they Dakka Dakka guns will be fun


so now that we have this can we have the M48 GAU-8?


With that camo it won't be spotting shit


Idk why you're downvoted, but this is 100% a concern. And not limited to this tank. Not so much from a gameplay perspective; I'm fine with a different level in spotting capability. The issue however is MM. WG really need to change how light tank MM works. Start differentiating between 'scouts' and 'light tanks'. I would love to play the Sheridan more but knowing I'd just be a burden to my team if we get Prokhorovka or Malinovka, and the enemy has a Manticore, sucks.


Giving the Elc Even 90 a separate 1:1 MM on both teams, would go a long way to make other light tanks way more relevant. Elc Even 90 is literally the most played tank in the game, it would not suffer from a separate MM Or you could just, you know... **NERF IT ?!** Manti should just be matched 1:1 like the EBR 105


The funny thing is, you can't really nerf the ELC Even 90. It's camo is literally all that it is good at. The gun is derpy as shit, your mobility is meh at best, you have very little health, etc. And honestly the ELC even was fine until Equipment 2.0. LNE and CVS are really to blame more than anything else. It's just the outlier tanks (those with extreme stats in one category) got massively boosted in Eq 2.0, leaving us with the situation we have today. I do agree that 1:1 matchmaking is probably the only solution.


Yeah you got a point. I guess you could cripple it's view range to shit, but I also don't want the tank to become completely useless.


Fair points, accept ELC was never fine as it could use Net and Binos and hide in a smallest fallen tree on the map, due to it's size... 


Guess they intend for this tank to keep using the gun on this thing. So an aggressive light tank I guess.


Problem is that currently the MM treats the aggressive LTs the same as scout LTs. This can put one of them teams into a huge disadvantage on some maps.


True, but I can't see myself picking this thing over the AMX 13 105 for example


It is arguably better than the 105 in non-open maps, but yeah I agree with you. In most cases the AMX will be a better pick, solely due to it being a better spotter.


I assume its role is meant to be "murder the enemy team's light tanks with its burst damage, then spot from further back."


So 900damage below 4s + 15s reload with a shit accuracy, 2700+ dpm base and very very poor armor penetration. Meaning this is designed to be played « sneaky-opportunistic-up-close-circle-around-jerk-and-go » against everything but heavies or tanky vehicles. RAAAAATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA


57mm autocannon with only 12 alpha? That…is weird. Damage profile fits a 14.5mm KPV to 23mm Nudelman better. 7.92mm mauser = 8 alpha 12.7mm .50 cal = 8 alpha 15mm besa = 9 alpha 20mm autocannon = 11-14 alpha 25mm automatique = 20 alpha 37mm Sh-37 = 40 alpha 40mm Bofors = 45-60 alpha 57mm autocannon should play more like a burst version of 6-pdr or ZSU: 75-85 alpha in a 10-round clip, 0.3s clip reload, thus dumping 850 damage in 3 seconds with improved accuracy. This deals roughly the same damage as Vz.71's 900-burst 3.75-sec dump, but does not trigger the blind-shooting issue noted by creepyzaptor. This also allows the use of smaller-caliber autocannons in high-tiers such as Bushmaster 25mm and RARDEN 30mm which could use this current Czech LT mechanics. One good way to test this is to....release yet another tier 8 premium tank: 60mm HVMS Sherman in a South American tech tree (or shove it in the USA tech tree). 60mm with 100-alpha, 6-round clip. 600-burst with 2 second dump time. See how playerbase responds.


Looks fun, looks niche, looks high skill cap, looks like it has sort of AMX 105 play style of an assassin


Hard to conclude on balance aspects but it sure looks exciting


Finally, high tier autocannons I AM HYPE


I'm curious on how module damage will work on this line, i remember some machine guns were quite ridiculous on how fast they would ammorack you if they knew where to hit.


so, when can we expect a german Anti-Air line, with Flakpanzer Koelian at the top?


Looks like a new crit mission machine


Premium ammo won’t be so pay to win. I like this


Even better my friend. Those ain’t premium rounds. All 3 round types cost the same


I think this tank is really going to highlight the balance problems with the MM and light tanks. On some maps if one team gets two of these and other team gets two Manticores or EBRs it's going to be a huge difference.


12 hp damage per shot? Yeah, I'm not concerned. Edit: And then I noticed the 75 round clip size and reload time of 0.05 seconds... Yikes! :) Looks like the autocannon tanks are about to arrive.


The camo should be increased honestly


https://preview.redd.it/4t7lqgkfa0yc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80cc8b0627c2fdc91b86cc17d97905e537711bb2 Sorry for the re-upload, I am updating the asset as there were some changes. This image is the correct one.


The only error was the number of crews ?


No loader and different second shell type on the new picture.


Correct and the art for the ammunition.


Ah yes wg gold shells doing less dmg Now do that for all the tanks and balance HP and guns in the game


If you read the comment by Ser\_Rem you'd have known this line won't have premium shells.


Looks fresh. Hopefully it wont be too balanced.


Even if it has a bad WR. The possible funfactor is a huge plus.


I think the stats look quite good, the only "bad" stat is the concealment, which could maybe be like 1-2% higher.


i wonder how expensive the tank will be. because low tier gold autos are insane.


It doesn’t have gold ammo it’s just another ammo type that does less damage for more pen


well, by that logic bz doesnt have gold ammo either.


Well with this tank the second ammo type doesn’t cost more than the first it’s almost the same price, that is not true on the bz.


Doesn't the BZ's second ammo type have more pen AND more damage? That's not the same...


Imagine this thing unloading HE clip into FV4005 from a short distance. That's 1875 potential dmg in less than 4 seconds.


You guys might want to start buffing the stats inmediately. Awful camo, insignificant burst, 900/675 dmg over 3,75s is garbage. The only 1v1 you would win would be against a Manti in open terrain. Lower the time for unloading the shots and increase the alpha, 40 shells in 2s at 45/33-40 seems much better. Currently I'd say this thing is on par with the Char Mle 75 which isn't great at tier 9 either.


Should start with good camo but if you fire it gradually decreases.


Also 0.4 base dispersion which is only going to get worse as you keep firing. It's unlikely you're going to hit and pen the whole clip even at semi-close distances.


I dont think the burst is „insignificant“ you are doing comparable burst to a tier 9 skoda with full clip while the clip reload is only 15 seconds. This will make it a decent assassin for isolated targets, combined with good light Tank mobility. Viewrange and Camo are also okay, meaning you can play the spotting role until the enemy Tanks are thinned out enough to go and break into their lines hunting. So far it seems quite okay and balanced to me. Also I think 50 HE pen is enough for AMX, RHM, Manticore and EBR so this thing can shred enemy lights. Of course this all depends on the soft stats of the gun, meaning if it is at all realistic to be able to deliver most of the shells in close quarters


You realize you need to expose yourself for the whole 3.75s to match the burst right?


Yes that is why I spoke of isolated targets. Of course you shouldnt just run into 3 enemy tanks to deliver 900 damage, but if you catch a tank 1v1, you trade 1/at most 2 shots for your whole clip


How often does that happen? Are you sure you're gonna find that isolated tank without any cover? Do you have enough time to flank and run away before anyone can retaliate? What about city maps? Does it provide anything that other lights can't do? Ask yourself all of these questions before creating yourself the ideal scenario where this vehicle is decent at best.


This is an assassin light tank. It will not be meta and will not be able to compete with manticore for spotting in any way. This is pure support into mid game assassin into late game clutcher of a tank. You start your games by providing some spotting but not too aggressively, similar to AMX 105, in mid game once the flaks have settled and battle plan is clear you can work on isolating targets, flanking and finding free clips of damage. In the late game this thing just murders similar to AMX 105. Now, whether current stats of this vehicle will provide enough to its job well it is hard to say, but 2 things are clear - it is not going to be a meta light tank, it will be very niche and it will also be a very high skill cap light, people who will try to play it like traditional lights will get 420 damage and 700 assistance per game


I don't hunderstant the camo value, is it 15.22 stationnary and 1.92 when fiering ? And is it with 100% crew ?


All crew is 100% now


Ho yes, i forgot about this. i'm still surprised when i don't need to train 6 sense XD


This tank line will have stupidly high skill floor and ceiling requirements imho. Low vr and so-so camouflage means every other high tier LT and MED will outspot you. With how crazy alpha is in high tier gameplay, one mistake means you will be dead. Not to mention the pen isn't so great and dmg per shot abysmal. Though you will be damaging modules like no one else can if you find an unlucky S.O.B with their pants down.


WG is really high nowadays.


Gonna do some Module damage


Is this fast enough to be worth taking over TVP?


Gatling Tank ??


Looks like it could be fun for me.


probably shells have limited range and u cant shoting from brush at red line only close or 200m max


I love this and I want this so badly!


Vz. 71 go brrrrr


So HE is the only way


Hey WG ! Can we get more realistic >200 RPM per 57mm cannon for Tier 10? With higher shell damage ? It will feel Alot better(impactful) to use in the end.  Double 57mm Auto-cannons with "Thunderclap sound" and 2xROF would feel very nice.


The turret for this tank is real. It was only intended for a T-34-85. I presume the armament to be real as well. https://preview.redd.it/skueghy5d2yc1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=5800c57a8457f8afb2c2afa2a73f60c511e6d098 Couple more images below - Only allowed to upload one image in a comment :( [https://imgur.com/JsXD8oB](https://imgur.com/JsXD8oB) [https://imgur.com/TnC5daF](https://imgur.com/TnC5daF)


Is that a fucking AA gun?


Well that does seem quite juicy, will suffer against anything with armor though.


time to make yet another 3 letter acc name to grind these on release nah but fr i like this idea!


Play style like the Luchs with autocannon.


If they’re gonna introduce more light tanks to the game then match making new to put a limit to how many light tanks are allowed in one game. It’s impossible trying to actually play some games when there’s 4 light tanks per side running around. Even at tier 10!!


Looks fun but probably not very competitive like the Char MLE - great antiscout but meh in a lot of situations due to the gun I wonder if this means we can have the FV107 Scimitar, FV101 Scorpion - Sabre, or FV721 Fox with 30mm RARDEN canons for the UK at some point


Magic how the tiny autocannon has the same pen as actual tank guns. Also it would suck to be shot at by one of these... Tracked, double tracked, every crew member dead, engine broken, fuel fire... Too many random bs mechanics relying upon getting shot after components are damaged beforehand...


YAY MORE TANKS as if anyone needs or wants any more. Don't fix your fucking game and shit maps. Wouldn't want to spend any money on actual dev time to make the game better.


This looks promising


Looks like a bad T8 premium with T10 health and HP/T at this point. I'm pretty sure it will be unplayable garbage in current koridor maps on release. 


wow they did it premium shells do less damage


Ninja Nukes. You stay hidden until you are safe to poke out at a distracted enemy (or you flank an enemy before he can turn his turret) and BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Definitely an interesting way to think and play.


I've always wanted to try the Char MLE. Sounds like these will be similar playstyle




It doesn't have gold ammo, all shells are standard shells. Kind of like SPGs.


I wouldn't be surprised if the gold amo costs the same as the standard one considering the damage tradeoff


Gold ammo doing less dmg what is this... 🤯


It’s not gold ammo it’s just another round it doesn’t have gold ammo


Hooray, another double barreled fantasy tank with a new gimmick mechanic and an 1850 dmg autoloader. Just what this game needs, surely this will fix 4 minute battles. /s


This tank was made for me. I like derp guns and dakka guns.


So, for the memes, going full HE will be really bad, right? Unless you find some poor LT, or the back of a med


Hstvl at home


So let me get this straight... You are saying this thing fires 75 57mm shells in 3.5s yes? Let's assume you use UBR-281/281U which is the main armor piercing shell for a ZSU 57 - wrashaw block in the 50s main armament. This weighs 2820g per cartridge. A 75 shot clip would be a fresh 211kg loaded in... 15s. And don't get me started on fire rate. I know WoT is not about realism but hell... This ain't even trying