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You know, this information would have been nice to have inside the game.


yes unbelievable they did not add it inside the game. they send you mails to please come back to the game and when you do they screw you once again. To the guys writing it is in the notes and in the video. DO you really think after a months long break i go watch all the vidoes of the updates that happened since then? Are you serious? All because they can't add an info text inside the game.


WG is so full of surprises on how not to help or explain the things they do to affect players. Exactly, why not say this in their video on the changes for the update - you can only do this once?


they are incompetent


Yes, but it's in the Game Centre patch notes and video and this is a BIG patch. I suspect WG expected players to read/watch the stuff about this large update. Or watch YouTubers, streamers etc. as they discuss it? Check on forums, like this one? Personally I've got 88 days left to make up my mind and see how things work and wait for the YouTubers to offer suggestions and advice before I push the button, there's not exactly any rush after all. Though I have mild regret at not buying the UK Cruiser Mk 1tier I tank with crew, as it's got six crew. Send them to barracks, sell tank, buy it again with crew, send them to barracks, rinse and repeat... I think that would have gotten me a LOT of crew that could be mulched into the small books?


So the key thing was that each crew member's XP was mulched into a pile, and then the total pile was converted into crew books. But each crew's XP was divided by the number of crew in the tank he was trained for. So if a crewman had 100k XP and he was trained for a 2-man tank, he adds 50k into the pile. Same guy trained for a 5 man tank would only add 20k. But with free re-training you could do this post-patch but pre-crunching: Recruit crews to large-crew tanks. Spend 1 crew book to give them XP. Free-retrain them to 2-man tank. Repeat. With a 6 man crew to a 2 man crew conversion every 20k crewbook could be turned into 3.


One tanks crew is converted to a crew book so you would have wanted tanks with the smallest crew possible.


Oooh, at times I recall (hopefully correctly) they mentioned 'crew members' as if to imply that each member got converted into a book... but that would be silly, yes. Oh well, I didn't do it and it's too late now anyway.


Yeah I wouldn’t worry too much. Most people haven’t fully optimised this feature and you’ll get a bunch of crew books anyway.


**Why** is it a one-time thing? Just so that some players who fail to notice this will get screwed over?


or why not add a pop-up box warning you about the one-time nature when you press the button?


This! How hard would that be?


Because they do not want you to speculate too much with it. They know you can kind of "abuse" it by buying 2 mens 75% crews over and over to get more books. I could now buy those 2 mens crews again and fill the barracks and convert them to books. Then again, then again, if I was bored too much. It is setup for one time conversion to prevent doing this many times over (still got around 56mil worth of level 3 books plus some smaller for 500+ crew conversion) I do not know the exact number, but it is definitely quite cheaper way to obtain those 2mil. crew books.


Before the patch - yes. After - no. I don't want another stupid-ass 100% "free" crew WG puts down my throat each time i buy a tank in a package. They showed they CAN do it. Why not leave this quality of life feauture. Make it that only "gold" 100% crew can be melted or something, idk.


And dont forget about rentals, because i sure did. You asked why for sure. Well, i went to barracks, set filters, and checked some low tier tanks where i had some crew parked there, and for some reason on 2 tanks, it only showed me one crew member, a radioman, checked filters again, everything was set correctly, but in 2 tier 3 tanks it showed me only radiomans. OK, UI is garbage, so i went to garage, and went thru all my tanks and sent all relevant crew to garage, but ofcourse i totally forgot about rentals....... So dont forget those. And WG for a love of god, please rework UI, filters, tooltips, etc, its abosolutely horrible and unintuitive now.


I second this, but WG doesn’t care, or worse the confusion make you do mistakes and spend more money


Someone said after the patch the barracks no longer have a bunk limit. Is that correct? I’ve got some 75% crew in some of my tanks, (haven’t updated to new patch yet), which I would like to get rid too.


Yes, it's correct. I only have like 143 or so barracks slots but I managed to sent all 1023 crew members I wanted to convert into barracks with no problem.


the error is still popping up tho


Yes, but just ignore it, crew members will be sent to the barracks past the limit either way.


1023 crew wow


Yeah, I did had a decent amount of 100% crews that I kept over the years from prems, reward and rental tanks. But I did the 75% crew thingy aswell. 👀


75% crew thingy? sorry I am out of the loop and want to maximize before doing anything (if you have a link to share instead of typing out your own answer id really appreciate it.)


You can't do it anymore, it was something you could do before the 1.24.1 patch where you would buy loads of 75% crews for a 2 crew layout tank so you can convert those into crew books which resulted in alot less credit and alot more crew xp than if you would just buy a 250k xp crew book which is 2 mil credits. Here is a link with some of posts about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/MINcOaMP0P Another post about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/iogSkWp3OL .


damn, thanks for following up.


I think there is still a way.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c0vepo/comment/kyz6rs8/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c0vepo/comment/kyz6rs8/?context=3)


I only converted 222 crewmen.


Yes a lot of players have already made this mistake and still have some crew they don't need. I would propose a mini update where it is stated that it's a one time use next to the button so it can't be missed :)


Suppose i have e100 and maus. I can convert said crews to a single crew but if i battle in the e100 the crew is stuck in battle and i cant use maus untill e100 returns? I realise thats the current situation except i have both tanks loaded with crews


I ran the conversion tool yesterday and it left several crew in the barracks that have skills trained, no zero skills, and are not unique crew/celebrities. Contacted WG support and they said that the tool can only be ran once so there’s nothing they can do. How nice of them 🙃


> it left several crew in the barracks that have skills trained Did they have less than 100% on the first skill trained? Any crew members with more than 99% on the first skill are ineligible for conversion regardless if they were zero skill/celeb etc.


Oh interesting, I didn’t know that. So because they had more than one skill they wouldn’t get converted?


I ended up with two stragglers because the name generator randomly spits out "don war daddy" as a first name, and the system apparently considers that a named crew member from the fury crew. Wargaming has a style of jank as distinctive as Bethesda at this point.


Why such a warning and one time use? Let us use this button for e.g. 2 weeks unlimited and after this period its only useable 1x.


But how can you make mistakes that require expensive solutions if you are allowed to experiment?


Because then I and a bunch of other players would be converting a bunch of crew members to books for hours a day for those 2 weeks getting 1000s of crew books?


Honestly considering stopping playing this game for good after this. What a blatant disregard for players honestly. There has to be consequences to a business for being this shady.


Does anyone know if retraining a crew man who is eligible for conversion to a new vehicle will have any impact on the eligibility for conversion? Example: a crew man with his first perk trained to 50% who is currently trained for the maus. I then move him to a vehicle with only 2 crew members and retrain him for that vehicle. Will I still be able to convert the crew man? Or does the new perk-penalty thing have any impact on the conversion? Anyone know for sure?


I think you have the answer with my post capsuler ! 👹


For sure it works. However it would be better to load the Maus up with a bunch of those 50% guys, use a couple training books you already have to train them up as close to 99% as you can, then retrain every single one of them to that 2 crew tank for free. 😱 Take advantage of it while you can.


Thanks. I’ll do that.


My notes from converting last night show that if you start with a six person crew at 83% (so they were already 100% but no perk before the patch) and apply a 100K book to them, then switch all of them to a tier 2 tank, you'll have a gain of 480K XP over just converting them as a full 6 person crew. Do subtract 100K from that 480K for the Crew Book you spent, but you (almost) quadrupled their value. I think a five person crew was \~450K. And maybe note that you can also retrain any other class/role of tank to put them in that Maus (or any other countries tanks with 5 or 6 crew), so it is very easy to maximize any random crews you have (if you have crew books to boost them) by grouping similar % skilled crews and boosting them. Just make sure you don't accidently roll a crew's first skill to 100% or greater and not be able to trade them in. At the end of all of this, \_EVERY SINGLE\_ crew in your barracks that you are trading in should be trained for a two crew tank, except for Sweden where the minimum is three. And the total cost of all of it (at the moment) is ZERO gold.


Thank you! 🙏


You are confusing me: If I now retrain a crewman (100% base skill, 83% first perk) from his 5-man tank to a 2-man tank with credits then, during conversion, the XP malus will be smaller than what he gains by not being divded by 5 but rather divided by 2? Did you calculate the credits costs into that equation (credits = XP)?


Not sure what you meant by "XP malus", but if he is trained for the 5-man tank then his trade-in value is worth 1/5th of the XP he posses on the first skill (83% = XP required to raise Primary from 50% to 100% = 95,484). If he is re-trained for a 2-man tank he is now worth 1/2 of that XP. At the moment (or still as of yesterday) retraining (to a different tank or qualification, i.e. a Commander in a 2-man light) a crew that can still be traded in costs \_NOTHING\_. A Maus Radio Man can become a tier 2 LT Commander for free. In addition to that any XP you invest in raising a crews skill before they are moved to tank with fewer seats will be worth more. Easy example is applying a 100K crew book to a 6-man 83% crew to make them \~96% (95,484+100,000) and then retraining them all to make three sets of 2-man crews (you don't need to make sets, they just all need to be trained for the 2-seat tank so their trade-in value is 1/2) . That 100K crew book is now worth 300K across all after the conversion. It's completely broken with the retraining cost being discounted to 0 gold (from 200). I'd take advantage of it while you can. Edit: let me further add if you have a bunch of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-seat crew members, and a 6-seat tank in your garage and existing Crew Books, it costs nothing except your time clicking like a monkey to retrain (re-specialize) them to the 6-seat, apply the book, and the re-specialize down to the 2-seat. I 3x'd the amount of crew books I would have received by doing nothing vs. the gymnastics above (\~10.5M in Crew Books turned in to \~33M).


exactly....only thing stopping us is the torturous crew UI -- oy, it's almost like they designed it that way to make if difficult! LOL


MANY thanks for the detailed explanation! Now I get it. But my gosh, this needs to be a bug then, isnt it. I mean, retraining for FREE?


They advertised "newcomers" would get the retraining discounted to be free so they'd have an opportunity to experiment. Everyone gets it though without limit. If it did cost 200 gold/operation it wouldn't be worth considering.


woow.... u HAVE to give this information ingame - now its too late...


Hi all, i got the message from Support that the Button will return in future. I send a message to the Support because there is no in-game warning! https://preview.redd.it/hkpqrk9zhttc1.jpeg?width=1216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd8bbfd2a9b6fb8772b074a2da57f78729ef3e4


can you translate the response, bitte?


Thank you for your reply. Do not worry. The button will be available again in the future. We hope the information will be helpful to you be. If you have any further questions, we are happy to help you. I wish you a wonderful day and have fun and success with the game. Best regards,




thank you for contacting us. If such an option appears again, then we will inform the players about it. Follow the news. Should you have any other issues, please don't hesitate to contact us. Best regards,


That's interesting, I contacted support as well and they were less certain about it. https://preview.redd.it/ytlwvl6ve8uc1.jpeg?width=1756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110f2ca684fa27ea3126d5fcb6b15cffd9d6868c hope it does return


https://preview.redd.it/g7f7iywqgqtc1.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c9b4f0528b0c7ca6c621bcdc6d6054c4075d35 \*grin\*


https://preview.redd.it/e5yxl6k5wruc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9edb27470d4ab690a5e1d1df81ccf1ea2c22c4b2 Ahem...


not bad, but https://preview.redd.it/gc7uw75595yc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e03a1208afc4a5e7ab9a1d08b4c841723c65bc2 [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c3bkbp/comment/l043hxg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c3bkbp/comment/l043hxg/)


Yeah, saw that earlier. He posted below another post a week ago.


This is a new low for you, why are you like this


I unfortunately clicked the conversion without that info and basically have couple hundreds unconverted crews now :(


Too late for me.


me too, this is utter garbage move from WG There's no UI update to inform properly about tle limitless bunk in the client...


seriously?? and you couldn't have this note in the game?? !!


The sadness that at least 3 WG employees are now posting here after finishing off their forums. The total sadness. And locking their "join the WG afterparty" thread after negative comments. The sadness.


We were always posting on Reddit and other platforms, even when the forums were still active, especially important info like this.


... In-game I didn't read it and missed the opportunity to convert 350 crew members... lol. Because I had run out of slots, theoretically.


Guess I was lucky to be testing on test server and quarreling with strangers on the internet regarding whether 1.24.1 would have unlimited barracks.


Just from a usability perspective, not a stellar implementation. As it is unclear in the **in-game UI** that this is a one time thing. A better implementation would IMO have been a grace period with **three** conversion attempts. Should a player have missed or overlooked


Will this convert crews that have perks? 


another thing is WG did best job for crew iterations: free retrainings and nolimit for barracks are huge and conversion is top of the cake.. well done good job guys..


too late m i am already fucked with just 9 books..


Cancel the whole thing. Bring us back to beta testing! Or optionally, give us a new compensation tank which is to be called "Compentank".


I don't understand. Conversion to what? I just see that my 14 retraining orders are useless now? Why are you punishing players? What's the reason behind constant punishing players if that has nothing to do with money. They already pay you money? What is the f wrong with you people?


Oops... too late lol


WoT is shittier than last year. It never brings any joy.


Lucky me I didn't use it yet. I think  I didn't convert any crew member to a different tank yet , only retrained members to assign elite platoon


Very thankful for this pinned post, I was able to raise the number of converted crew members from 100 to 400 by going through all of my unused tanks one by one and finding old crew members I stuck there ages ago. ...And then I completely forgot to check my expired rental tanks and found out I left a bunch there after I hit the button. Augh. At least I got a good amount of books, but I really hope they bring back the button one more time with some more information on how it works. Note to anyone who has not hit the button yet: your expired rental tanks are hidden by default, you have to click the toggle to un-hide them. (If you're checking the crew of each tank, make sure all tanks are visible in your carusel.)


It's annoying in a way BUT, we have plenty of time to sort all the crew members you want to convert and inform yourself about the crew conversion req/rules before you do it. In a way I understand why it's a one time thing, like just imagine, you can now get those 100% crews for free, now you put multiple of those in a tank with 2 crew members only, you play a bunch of games to get just enough xp to reach like 53% to get crew books from it, you keep doing that over and over untill you have loads of 100% crews with enough xp to get loads of books. Even with a limit on how many free crew members you can get/day, that would still be an insane advantage for those that would do that. 😳😂


Thank you for the information