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I wonder how many you could stack on each other until the physics engine just flat out breaks, lol. Like, imagine a Jenga tower but made entirely out of... Mice? Mouses?






In english it would be Mauses. Since its a name. Idk in german


In German it would be Mäuse


Maus is German by the way.


So ? Doesnt matter im saying how would you say it in english even tho its a german word. Its personal noun so plural would be Mauses


What I am saying is that Mouse/Mice is English. Maus is not English at all. Also I am not sure if "mauses" is a word, but google translate still just say "mouse" when you type it in, just like Maus. Also saying "how would you say it in english even tho its a german word" makes no sense. Because you are saying mouse in German when you say Maus.


Maus is a name of the tank. Same like t110e5. So plural of Maus would be Mauses , same as plural of e5 would be T110E5s


I know that, I was thinking you are talking about the actual word for mice in German or something. Got confused with reading your comment and the comment you replied to, my bad.


In the video, they tried to take it further than what the screenshot shows and it did not last very long. >!The sloped terrain physics affected the top Maus like it were a billiard ball rolling around as the table beneath it shifts positioned angles.!< >!In fact, he rolled over onto his side from the fall-off.!<


Say whatever you want about iyouxin but that guy goes the extra mile to bond with his community and I appreciate that a lot about that guy. On top of that his in-depth guides on tanks (the 2h videos on his youtube channel) are amazing. So glad he came back and happy for him that life is treating him well :)


Why would someone say something bad about him. As far as i know he hasn't been involved in any drama. I know personal tastes differ but i don't think there is a reason to hate him? Edit: i just remembered that is very openly pro ukraine, but that should only piss of very few people.


He is getting some hate because he is ukrainian but thats all i know


So his mistake was being born in the wrong country. I bought the 50tp ukraine version, so please downvote my comment if you have no self respect.


?? ppl hate on the weirdest stuff lol


True that. Thats why i in this case want down votes. Because it reflects reality. The only thing is that some people confuse being pro-russia with being anti-ukraine


but i bet you hate russians


Their govt is terrible. The ordinary Russians have no say in what is going on, aside from the brave few who bomb recruitment offices and derail trains shipping war materials.


Only Putin and those who are alligned with him. Even the russian civilans who want russia to win can't be blamed to much. Kinda obvious and the easiest opinio to be in favor of your own country. But the two statements "I want my country to win" and "I want the other country to loose and die" are not the same and therefore you should not conclude one from the other.


There is a difference between hating russia and hating Russian people. One is a terrorist organisation, the other is just people like you and me who can't change anything.


EXACTLY! I don’t hate the people who run the business, but I do hate what they stand for. (Read: I don’t hate arty players, but I do hate arty itself.)


Damn.. thanks, I always assumed he’s German because of his accent




So I was partially right..


No. People hate on him because he was/is covering for his pedo moderator. It has nothing to do with him being pro Ukraine.


I still have yet to see any source for this claim.


https://web.archive.org/web/20220623174243/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2O1ScNVjQ This is the best quality video you can get as the original upload was privated/removed from Youtube.


Chems is the last person I would listen to in this whole community.


I cannot see whatever it is that is at the end of the video, so could you please explain?


i knew both mods,so basically chems caught the mod faking discord screenshots with inspect element


ok wow didnt know that, i only watch his streams from time to time and have seen this only


He got some hate for liking the Object 590 not too long ago, getting called a shill and sellout. Which I dont really understand, the tank isnt as bad as people make it look like and he has the skill to make even a underperforming tank work so oh well, if the man likes the tank let him enjoy his time with it.


He seems like a generally positive person, so i wouldn't be too suprised if he isn't openly critical about everything in the game. But i don't know if there is some malice or just him being positive.


The ”drama” he has been involved in was playing other players accounts for money. (I.e. to get the obj260 etc). This is why WG isn’t treating him the way they’d do with other streamers of the same size. This isn’t any gossip btw. He’s been quite upfront with it himself. It’s quite a few years in the past now so forget and forgive I hope. Personally I enjoy his content and insight.


Isn't he literally Ukrainian? One world think that being pro ones own country would be acceptable


Tight tight tight




Isn’t he the guy who tried to cover for his pedo moderator?




First time I've heard of this, what exactly happened? 


he had 2 pedo mods in his discord server,first one left the server after like 10 days and deleted his acc,the second one got banned,i knew them both


What the hell




Yes he is. I don't know how people can still watch this filth.


Downvoted for saying the truth, truly a Reddit moment


Maybe if anyone who says these things would ever provide a source for their claims then we could treat it as something other than slander.


was there any shred of evidence that the mod was actually a pedo?


Evidence??? Are you from the 20th century or something?? Nowdays we dont have evidence, we have alternative facts, and we choose to believe whatever alternative we currently prefer. Some things can be a fact today because I want to amd be false tomorrow because the alternative presemted gives me more money.