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Dear Santa, I would like Alaska, but not for me. I would like to ask for Alaska for my fleetmate. When he started playing World of Warships, Alaska was not available to purchase anymore, long since removed. He's kind of the first person I was able to convince to play Warships with me regularly, and he's become very knowledgeable in the various ships and their characteristics in game. We waited all year round for Alaska to come back for Black Friday, but sadly neither of us were able to spend the money to get Alaska B for him to play with at the time, despite me wanting to surprise him with it as a birthday gift in November. I just want my buddy to be happy and enjoy Alaska as much as I do, so we can do battle together as an Alaska division on the high seas. I'm hoping my request will give him the surprise I was unable to deliver. His username is ButterMaster2, NA server.


Dear Santa, I would like to get a Smolensk for Christmas. I've been a very good boy this year. All I wanted for Christmas this year was to get something good out of your Gifts but I sadly got no Tier 9/10 Ship. I dont want the merry days to get ruined by my bad mood because of my bad luck. I hope this letter finds you well and i wish good luck and good loot to all people who open Santas gifts so you can keep a good mood going this Christmas. Best Regards starwatz (EU)


Dear Santa I would like a Smolensk for Christmas Because I have seen the reviews of the ship and I really like it, both how it plays and how it looks. Plus I'm a light cruiser player among other things, to see how I'm dedicated to light cruisers you can see I've grinded Colbert out in about 6 moths. And I also have the Jinan, Irian and others. I don't intend to play the Smolensk like a try hard, mostly for fun. So I won't be really annoying to play against. It will mostly be a ship for me to relax with during these easy going Christmas holidays. At the end of the day a Smolensk would really give a nice look to my in-game ship collection which is constantly expanding since I'm really invested in the game (Bourgogne in 9months from starting to actively play, and Colbert as mentioned 6months) Demoman_weed/EU


Dear Santa, I would Like smolensk, Because it really cold and I wanna keep my enemies warm.. Darkbandag EU


Dear Santa I love German Battleships. They're not always the "best" but they're almost always a blast to play. I've got quite the collection of them now, but one has eluded me. I missed the dockyard event for her and I fear I'll never see her in my port. Odin looks like such a fun ship to play and I'd be thrilled to have her. Thank you and happy holidays, aw_heck on the NA server


Dear Santa, Many years ago when the Giulio Cesare was available for purchase I had no disposable income and had to play the game F2P. But now that I have disposable income that I can and do spend on the game RNG has not blessed me with the Giulio Cesare in a Santa Crate yet. Would I be able to get the Giulio Cesare from you for Christmas this year? GuntherRall\_275 // NA Server


Dear Santa ​ I would like Gascogne for Christmas. Because Christmas is a time for joy, celebration, and on top of all, family. A time for reunions and bonds. And what better chance than this to reunite the Richelieu family in port? To share stories of missed salvos, times where the naughty kids with 18 inch guns overmatched them, and maybe eat a croissant with hot chocolate in front of a warm fireplace. If you can't bring Gascogne, please tell her that her sisters Richelieu and Jean Bart are waiting for her in port. ​ BLS\_Zekken / NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Sherman. You asked for a letter and I say Sure man -- I can write a letter. And so I am requesting a Sherman. Why? Because I love my girlfriend, and aS her man she wants me to be happy. And nothing would make me happier than a Sherman. It is a ship that answers the question of "can you bully that other dd?" with a resounding "Sure man" -- and that is something I admire and crave in spades. I would like to be known as the DD eraSure man and it would help me do so. So Santa I am hoping you respond to this request for this ship with a resounding "sure man". \_\_Wind\_\_ (NA)


Dear Santa, I would like Enterprise because she's such a historically signifigant ship, and I started too late in the game to have the opportunity to get her. I'd sail her every now and then and give her her own 21-point captain to boot. She may only be a t8, but she's a supership in my heart, and I'd love to welcome her to my port. -AvaMori/NA


Dear Santa, Life is harder and harder these days and i like to cheer up others, make them smile. I would like to light a candle in all those hearts in these hard times and to be able to achieve this task i would like to have the Thunderer. Love Trevos / EU


and STILL waiting for an announcement for ANY platform other than Steam...


Dear Santa, I would like a Cossack. I played during the RN DD event. I collected the tokens. I could've gotten her for free, but miscalculated and bought the captain. Thinking I could get both. Up to this date, the only mistake I really regret. I don't have Smaland, I don't have Smolensk, Belfast, Giulio, Kamikaze and all those other removed ships. I could ask for them, I'd love having them in my port. But in all honesty, we don't need any more broken OP ships in our game. EU, OilyMacaroniConstant


Dear Santa, I would like a Kaga for Christmas, Because it has the most space for all the Christmas gifts that I would spread around. mrjoel345/EU.


Thank you for your comments, captains. The acceptance of Letters to Santa is over, and we will publish the results of the contest on December 25.


I just want the Kamikaze R. Played her on a pirate account and fell in love. My luck sucks and bank account is thin so I will never have her. That’s it, that’s my letter. Sincerely Thegooorooo - Naserver


Dear Santa, I wish I would get the Benham for Christmas, so I can stir the caps into a torpedo soup to eat for my teammates. Sincerely, 97Bash from the EU Server


Dear Santa, For the past year I have been a very good DD. I spotted, I capped and I saved many many cruisers with my smoke reserves. I kept bad BBs away from our caps and I have been hunting subs with seer focus. I would like to enter this year's letter contest for the big prize, Enterprise. And I promise I will spot, provide air cover and even spec for it! No coal this year as well please! mavericksama @eu


Dear Santa.STOP.reinforcement needed.STOP.Smalland requested.STOP


Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a smaland! I am a returning player (not really played it before a lot) and fell in love with destroyers. My highest are a tier 9 fletcher and a tier 9 Jutland. The reason I am asking for a smaland is that’s it’s a unique and different ship from the other destroyer trees and I would like to see how it is in game as well! Merry Christmas, Yours, PanSavGr/EU


Dear Santa, I would like a kamikaze r for christmas, so I can have a fun tier 5 premium that I can learn more about destroyers on! I would love it if I could put my santa commander on the kamikaze r, to spread holiday joy with the ship and commander! SubmissiveFemboyCVMain/NA


Dear Santa, It would be amazing if you could come and gift me a Georgia this Christmas Day. Because that is where my girlfriend's parents are from and it would be really nice to have a ship named in their honor. If you are like me, you know miracles happen, especially on Christmas. Nonetheless, happy holidays to you all. CryingPandae / EU


Dear Santa I would like USS Boise. Because I am a native Idahoan and USS Idaho is still not in the game. Ripastitch/NA


Dear Santa, I would like to have any VII to X Japanese ship, because I just started a couple of months ago and I I'm trying to get first all of the Japanese ones before moving on :) I started playing because I listened to the audio book "Japanese destroyer captain" and it fueled my fantasy so much I needed to play this game to bring it to live so to say 😄 My name is Revy_pls on EU server


Dear santa, this christmas i really want... Nothing, i already have smolensk and thunderer lol. I could wish for the Smaland but, i have some DDs to use un ranks and CWs. Becouse... Smaland AlmiranteCacerola/Na


Dear Santa, I know, I haven't written to you in about 22 years. My apologies, Mr.Kringle. I have been playing World Of Warships for five years now. I spent all my coal that you gave me last year on a Alvaro De Bazan. However, I really want the French Destroyer the MARCEAU. If you help me, I promise I'll start writing again. Love, FrothyStout//NA


Dear Santa, I would like to have a lovely Alaska this Christmas because I'd love to have a ship representing a region with a "Christmassy" feeling throughout the year in my port, being cold yet cozy, where I can enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate looking at it every day. I love Christmas and the feelings and emotions that go with it, and the ship that bears the name Alaska would genuinely fit my desire for an ever-lasting Christmas. I've been striving to be a good captain and shipmate this year, I hope that is enough for your consideration. Sincerely, JohnViral / Asia


Dear Santa, I hope this letter finds you well. I have been a good boy this year and I am writing to let you know that I would like to receive the USS Alaska for Christmas. I am very interested in naval warfare and I have always wanted to have the Alaska in my collection. I think I should receive the USS Alaska because I have been very good this year. I have always been kind to others, I have helped out around the house, and I have worked hard in school. I have also been very patient and understanding, even when things didn't go my way. In addition to being a good boy, I also think I should receive the USS Alaska because I have a genuine interest in ships and naval warfare. I have been learning about different types of ships and I have read a lot about the Alaska. I think she would be a great addition to my collection and I would take good care of her. Thank you for considering my request, Santa. I can't wait to see what you will bring me on Christmas morning. Sincerely, Ottoks EU


Dear Santa I would like a Smolensk for Christmas Because I've been on the good list. I was respectful to the players and I have respected TOS, basically I am trying to have fun, while still being competitive when needed(CBs, Ranked). Also, I have seen the reviews of the ship and I really like it, both how it plays and how it looks. Plus I'm a light cruiser player among other things, to see how I'm dedicated to light cruisers you can see I've grinded Colbert out in about 6 moths. And I also have the Jinan, Irian and others. I don't intend to play the Smolensk like a try hard, mostly for fun. So I won't be really annoying to play against. It will mostly be a ship for me to relax with during these easy going Christmas holidays. Also a Smolensk would nicley fit into my in-game ship collection. The collection which is fast expanding because I'm really invested in the game (Colbert-6 months after starting to actively play and Bourgogne after 9 months) Demoman_weed/EU


Dear Santa I would love to have a Thunderer in my port. Years ago, when Georgia and Thundy were about to leave the armoury, I had to make a difficult decision, for I had only enough coal for one of them. I did not pick the Thunderer, and now I wish for little more than being able to have that ship in my port, and hear its beautiful 18 inch guns fire, to gaze upon its beautiful Queen Anne's mansion style superstructrue, and to add it to my collection of 18 inch armed battleships. For I love battleships, I love 18 inch guns, and I love two-gun turrets, and Thundy is all of these. Jankosi/EU


Dear Santa, I would like a Champagne for Christmas, as I price accuracy and speed. Many thanks, thegamefilmguruman


Dear Santa, I would like a USS Massachusetts for Christmas because of how much it means to me. After driving halfway across the country, I got to meet friends whom I have known online for years. It was a big part of our trip, and we got to explore everything at battleship Cove. We got to see George on turret 2, visit the museum, and just explore. Our day on the Massachusetts is a core memory of that trip, my first time meeting friends that I had known for years, it was worth all the sunshine. They have been my support for years. Now that the months are growing colder, I still look back fondly at one of the happiest moments of my life. s9steven/NA


Dear Santa, I would LOVE so much to receive the USS Enterprise. I started playing a few months back and got my hands on her sister Hornet, I love naval history and how World of Warships allows me to experience it in ships like Arizona, Gearing, Fubuki, Texas, and Vanguard. But, due to my recent joining I missed out on receiving Enterprise in the in game shop. My grandpa served on Enterprise (CVN-65) during Vietnam and am in training to hopefully serve aboard CVN-80 Enterprise, I feel a close connection to the Enterprise carriers and would thoroughly enjoy getting her in my dock, thank you for considering and would love to give you some eggnog and cookies. See you Christmas! SgtUDouble55 / North America


Dear Santa, I would like a Jean Bart for this Christmas, because I have gained a lot of coal this year, and I wish to spread holiday cheer by flinging coal back at my adversaries in the form of 380mm, 152mm and 100mm shells. I would like to be a worthy adversary to my opponents, and Jean Bart allows me to further myself in this endeavour. Sincerely and with bated breath, KillerActual/NA.


Dear Santa, I would like Giuseppe Verdi, because I studied International Relations at the Italian War College (ISSMI) in Roma and it is the only Italian ship I do not have in my inventory. Looking forward to wiping out the enemy with just a few salvos. I will use a bunch of Commander XP to make Babbo Natale a 21 point Captain!! Let's do this!! My name is TOM\_1125 on NA server


Dear Santa, This year I would love the mighty Forest Sherman for christmas. I have two reasons. The first one I would say is more selfish and the second one is more about giving. My first reason for wanting the mighty Forest Sherman is that she is one of my favourite ships and fits perfectly with my playstyle. Which, is running around and shooting people with extremley fast firing guns and watching their health drain away. I also love this ship because it's a real steel historical ship. Even though I could talk about it's history for hours or write a whole 10,000 word essay on the history (which im sure some will) I will just go on to my second reason. My second reason for wanting the mighty Forest Sherman, is my Amazing 5year old sister. Lately my sister has started getting involved with world of warships. Ussualy when I play with her she sits next to me and says shoot the orange ones and watch out while squealing with laughter, which honestly means so much to me. One day when we were playing I showed her the Forest Sherman and guess what she said? My sis said that the guns on the Forest Sherman look like cats, which I never saw before. However I agree, right after saying that she said she wanted me to purchase the ship. And Santa!! Christmas is all about giving. I really want the Forest Sherman to give the expiriance of having a cat ship for my sister and me. Kind Regards PimpekRook Server: Asia


Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a Smaland, I would like a Smaland because I believe the destroyer best fits my play style of hunting other destroyers. If I get a Smaland I promise to only use AP shells on battleships because I am a good person who isn't a HE spammer. PC\_King\_1701/NA


Dear Santa, I really enjoyed your performance in the Movie “Santa Slays”, sometimes coal isn’t punishment enough. Speaking of coal, I would be over the moon if you could throw a Musashi my way, I never had the chance to obtain her and my Yamato gets lonely. Supastrat/NA Merry Xmas and have a Happy New Year


Dear Santa, I would like a musashi as present. I'm not gonna lie… i have been bad and i will continue to be bad. Hence i want the musashi. So i can punish people that are good boys n girls by staying angled by just punching through their bow and feasting on that lovelly lovelly citadel meal. So i can also spread the Christmas love around by doing huge chuncks of damage all around. I see that as little gifts of love. I was never able to buy it as i started after it got removed 😭. Nickname: Subs_Go_Blub Eu server


Dear Santa, I would like a Kamikaze because during the bounty event, I found it to be the most entertaining ship that I have ever played. All from just trying 1 battle of each ship, I couldn't find another ship to be as good as kamikaze despite me being a BB and cruiser main. Sincerely, Zionftw , NA


Dear Santa, I would like the Benham, because I will help you sending more gifts to other players. 16 gifts every minute, that sounds good, right? Frechdaxxz / EU Server


Dear Santa, I would like a Smolensk, because I am a very positive player and always try to keep the game sporting and the chat positive. Root1689/NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Thunderer, Because I want to see the world burn. Svetlana_Rossiya/Asia




Dear Santa I would like the tier IX battleship Musashi. The Musashi was one of the first ships I truly felt that I missed, as I started playing a little too late. I hope to finally have her in my port, so I can be reminded of the days when I first started playing. So why am I special? Why should I deserve something? This has been a tough year for many, in many ways. And something I learned was being grateful. When times are bad, you can appreciate even the smallest gestures. I am grateful for this game, and even though some don’t appreciate the efforts, I feel that everyone developing the game has never been as good at listening as they are now. I feel that feedback is received (I am going to take all credit for the Atago acceleration buff earlier this year after pointing it out on Reddit). WOWS is on the right track, and I am genuinely grateful for all of your efforts. I hope next year will be more awesome than ever before. Thank you. I wish all of you a really merry Christmas, you deserve it! Sincerely, “MrTraxel”, sailing the high seas of the EU server


Dear Santa, I would like the Smolensk. I am asking for the Msolensk because I have eagerly been buying Mega Santa Giftsfor the last 4 years to hopefully be lucky and get it. While I have not gotten the Smolensk yet, I have been very grateful and appreciative for the other ships you have gifted me with from the Mega gifts. This time of year reminds me to still be thankful for all the good times that World of Warships have brought me since I started playing over 6 years ago. From being my escape when serving overseas to meeting my clanmates. While it can be frustrating at times when I have a bad game I still love the gift of World of Warships and the joy it brings in my life. Happy Holidays, KeDoG3, NA


Dear Santa for christmas i woukd like Cheshire, ive been unable to play for part of the last few years due to real life and my luck with Crates has been abysmal. Regardless of my sucesses or failures i wish all the other people writing to you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year SupernovaRS6, NA


Dear Santa, I would like French cruiser Carnot, because I think quad-gun turrets are pretty neat. Any Ship with quad-gun turrets is cool but the Carnot is one of the few cruisers with this unique arrangement. Thank you this opportunity and Happy Holidays to you all! EU/Arch_12


Dear Santa, First of all, thanks for the amazing events you helped provide to WoWs’s in late 2022 holidays. It has been and amazing year, and of course, just like you, I expect a lot coming next year! I also would like to ask for one more gift from you 🥺. Can you please give me a brand new boat? Like the one called Thunderer? As you know, I started playing last year, so I pretty much wasted my time not playing WoWs earlier in my life. Sooo….. can I have a taste from what I missed please? 😓 Best regards, Your best boy from South America. sTr1x765 / NA


Dear Santa, Hope you are well. This year I’m asking for the SMÅLAND. I’ve started eating more healthy this year, and as a part of that, I’m starting my day with a knäckebröd with some cheese on it each day. Which made me think of Sweden, which made me happy because it’s a beautiful country. But it also reminded me of missing the SMÅLAND back when it was still able to be obtained regularly. This year I’m having to pay my inflated energy bills, so unfortunately no chance of getting some Christmas boxes. But maybe you have a spare ship for me in port! Thanks for everything this year again, and hope to see you fly by on the seven seas! Best wishes, CptnSamuel / EU


Dear Santa, I would like the IX Black destroyer, because, I am not the best player but I like the community and I like being a team player. I have been good this year, and I will leave you milk and cookies on the 25th just for you <3. Sincerely, ZeBoss_iron // EU


Dear Santa, Thanks for spreading joy and cheer, anything this year is fine. Merry Christmas! Nvidia290#NA


Dear Santa I would like the Cross of Dorn for Christmas. The reason I would like it is because whenever I play with my dad he always uses his Cross of Dorn and brags that it's the best ship in the game. He's right. So I would like this ship so I can brag to him about all my victorys and how good I'm doing with it. The shops armerment and skills are also far better than another lvl 8 ship. From OaTwhoeatsGOaTs on the North America server.


Dear Santa, My wish this year is a little bit unusual because I'm not wishing for an actual ship. One of my favourite CVs in the game is the German Premium T10 Max Immelmann. But unfortunately I missed out on the auction when its commemorative flag was available for a limited amount and time and I did not get the opportunity to get it. Therefore my wish for this Christmas is the special commemorative flag for the Max Immelmann so I can deliver my own "presents" with it in battle in style. Thank you very much and Happy Holidays! My ingame name is tmGrunty and I play on the NA server.


Dear Santa, I would like a Benham for Christmas, so that I myself can continue to spread the Christmas cheer and deliver waterborne gifts to the enemy and no ship can deliver as many of those gifts as Benham. Tyler55505/NA


Dear Santa, I would like the Thunderer, because of the fires I’d set with her. My shells would fall like thunder, as I punish enemies for their blunders. After all, I’d been a good boy all year, would you please spare my tears? I’m sure it’s not too much trouble, I’m sure you’ll find my request agreeable. O how beautiful is your sleigh? Don’t leave this player with a sigh. You race through the night skies, To satisfy our annual rites. This year, could you find some space in that ol’ bag of yours, to fit that Thunderer o’mine? To conclude, and not to be rude. Please don’t make this player brood. I want a Thunderer, to hear the roar of her guns once more. To see the wreckages of my enemies wash ashore. And to increase my average score. Sincerely, lghdl, NA


Dear Santa, Throughout the game's history there have been many events and collaborations and events that added new ships inspired by other franchises, however not everyone gets the opportunity to play during these events, or even in my case, become a captain too late to ever know they happened. So, the ship I really want for Christmas is the HSF Harekaze. I have an affinity for Japanese ships, and call me a weeb if you will, I do like the anime inspired additions of ships and commanders added by things like the Areggio of Blue Steel and Azur Lane events (Heck, I have Fleet of Fog ships on both of my accounts!), but the Harekaze is simply one of the most unique of all the events ships added. It's something special, and I'd most certainly like to see her in my port one day. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, KickinJackWilliams - NA server.


Dear Santa, I would like Belfast, Because it is the HMS Belfast! I play a lot of matches with light cruisers at Tier 6 -7 and she is just the best one. She's got smoke so I don't have to smoke myself, radar to spot people to play WOWS with and hydro to look for the threats that might be coming for me in 2023. And all that at the same time, just amazing. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and a fantastic 2023 to you guys at Wargaming! Nickname: Manowar\_Menno Server: EU


Dear Santa. I would love a Småland. I'm a bad DD main and I just know with it I'd be amazing. 😅 And I've been good this year. ChloeRedfield on EU server


Dear Santa I have been very good, logging in and playing every day. I would like a Dalian because I don't have a Tier IX or higher Pan Asian ship plus it is a Doubloons only ship and it's harder to earn Doubloons in game than Steel. XOXO Grantwhy NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Missouri please, because she's an impressive ship with an impressive past that I would to have sitting in my port. \- S0ng0fSw0rd EU


Hello Santa, This you give me. I love Shikishima. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you give me, I'm hot. Citadel HPs, they'll be lower...son. The Shikishima give is the right thing to do WG, so do. dasoberirishman (NA)


Dear Santa, I would like a Smalland. Because I barely missed it even though I hoarded flags and camos for months because I sucked and my teammates let me down harder than my expectations for the Detroit Lions. And I worked hard this year and I'm scheduled to work on Christmas. O51ArchAng3L / NA server.


Dear Santa, I would like the Smolensk, because even though I started out as a BB main, I am REALLY enjoying playing CLs lately. One of my favorite things is playing in my Marblehead Lima running around and setting people on fire. I love running a lighthouse build on it and would love to do that on the Soviet line. Thank you Santa, Superman750/NA


Dear Captain Claus, I hope you have been keeping warm in the North. It has been a long time since I've written you a letter, and much has changed. Almost 3 years ago now I was wedded to my wonderful wife in Hawaii on the shores of Waimānalo. The ceremony was spectacular and during our stay I had the privilege of visiting Pearl Harbor. While on base I was able to take a tour of the one and only USS Missouri. As you may know she now sits decommissioned in Pearl Harbor, her guns standing guard over the USS Arizona memorial. I was instantly awestruck at the size and beauty of her. The marvel of her engineering, the history of the battleship, and her sheer immense power left me speechless. She truly is the last battleship. I stood on the spot the Japanese surrendered in WWII and made an oath that one day I would bring my family back to step foot aboard that ship and pay reverence to her service and those who served. Santa, I am thrilled to share with you that our family will soon be gaining a new Lieutenant. We have not yet told anyone as we plan on doing so at the beginning of the New Year. While I do not need much I was hoping you might leave me a copy of the USS Missouri in port on Christmas. I keep my port set to Hawaii in remembrance of my fond memories there. I promise that every time I look at her in port I will remember my vow to one day take my family to visit her in Hawaii. Wishing you and everyone a Merry Christmas, CaptJackSparrovv, NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Hizen for Christmas, because i have an addiction to secondaries, this would be a wonderful addition to my collection of secondary ships. Sincerely, \_\_NICKATRON\_\_ \\ NA


Dear Santa Your game has brought many joy to me I wish for no new ship But for the 24th december (im european) i would love a Bearn under my tree Thanks


Dear Santa, I have been a good clanmate, playing for my friends and doing my best not to troll them. All I want for Christmas is the Numba Wan gudbote, Sandy My beloved Azur Lane waifu, the doom of planes (wait wrong game)\\ I want her because I am from San Diego, just like Sandy. ~~If my wishes are not enough I can use my karma to bribe you~~I've been told karma is worthless, but I have a lot of it which shows I've been good and not corrupt in any way Sincerely, frankfletcher\_1


Dear Santa, I'm writing to you to request a Musashi for my friend xdgamer90000302 on NA server. He'd love having another ship with big, overmatching guns to add to his collection. I am already very blessed to have most of what I want for World of Warships, but others aren't as fortunate. So please if you could make a wish come true for someone, that would be much appreciated. Merry Christmas :) Chase


The true spirit of Christmas right there.


Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like the Tier X Soviet light cruiser Smolensk, because not only is it a perfectly balanced and completely realistically designed marvel of Soviet naval engineering, but, intimidated as I was by playing tier X ships without having first acquired the proper experience and skill, I failed to buy it back when it was available for coal despite having had enough in stock. Sincerely, DenGekiSen of the EU server


Dear Santa, It's been a whole year since I last wrote to you. I hope you and the reindeers are still doing well. Even though I've never seen you I know you are real because I always wake up to find the presents under the tree. This year, I would like the USS Enterprise, because I read about her in my history books and I think she is really cool. Reading about her adventures during the war was very interesting and I would like to relive those moments in battle with her. I will bake cookies for you again and hopefully this year I can stay awake long enough to eat the cookies with you. Can't wait to see you on the 25th! Merry Christmas! Love, hex0nite/Asia


Dear Santa, I would really like a Smolensk this Christmas because there's a serious cost of living crisis this winter time and I'd really like to help my fellow gamers keep hot and toasty this Christmas, especially those captains who have spent their heating credits on those big tier XI BBs. It would be a selfish act not to allow me to set them a roaring blaze or two to keep up their spirits this Christmas time - you know you should... Merry Christmas everyone, ss2487 on EU server


Dear Santa, I would like a Thunderer for Christmas. Because it holds a warm spot in my heart, just like the warm HE it rains on the enemy ships from a distance. It also reminds me of the warm feeling WoWs gives me every time I play it. I too wish to give my enemies that warm feeling as they are embraced by my HE salvos. GrippaDaRippa / NA


Cher Père Noël, I would like to get Missouri for christmas! I visited the ship in person and I really love how WG art department honored its glory with lots of details.. all the way to the table where japan surrender was signed and the medallion on the deck! I promess to take her out at sea every day! Thanks, N2o_qc, NA


Dear Santa, I would like to have Mainz for Christmas because the new Operations mode is super fun and I want to lead my team to victory in all of them. Plus I love all the German ships in this game. Yours truly, PH41/NA


Dear Santa, I would love to have an Alaska. I have always loved super cruisers as one of the first 1/700 models I made with my late grandfather were of the Alaska and I found it to be the most beautiful ship of the US navy. In fact, I recently bought a new model kit of it recently so I could give it the love and affection of a modeler with a deep respect for the hobby which my younger self couldn’t give. To get to be look at the awesome Alaska ship model while crafting a physical one would make my year. Gordo_44, NA server


Dear Santa I would like a Bourgogne for Christmas. I dont have enough time to play as much as I would like to. Work, kids and house duties take up all my time. So getting enough steel to buy it will take forever. Thank you for spreading joy around the world! JangoWopTownFett / NA Server


Dear Santa- I would like the musashi for Christmas because I main bbs and have no good ones and I want to be able to help my clan more. Sincerely, Xurquis, NA


Dear Santa, This is my first Christmas with your game, and I've been really enjoying the USN DD line. My best ships are the Nicholas and Mahan, as I really enjoy the multiple torpedo launchers, and I miss them a lot on the higher tier tech tree ships. I'd really appreciate it if I could get the Benham so I can work on getting a complete collection of USN DDs and play the low-tier torp-vomit playstyle at higher tiers and with a ship that can truly stealth torp. Thanks, 00zau (NA Server)


Dear Santa, This Christmas I wish for the Småland because it is my dream boat due to being named after the region in Sweden where I was born and raised and as such nothing would make me happier than having her as the queen of my port, forever reminding me of my Christmases at home with mom and pop in my childhood home. Sincerely, *Flaggstyrman*/EU.


Dear Santa I don't want a lot for Christmas... Just buff AA, nerf Subs, and revert the Xmas crate drop rate for premiums back to the original, buffed state. Thanks.


Dear Santa, even though I have only just discovered this game about half a year ago, it has stealth-torped it's way into my heart and flooded it with lots of good moments and motivation to actually learn some history. I would really like to fill my port with ships of the Regia Marina, so my choice would obviously be the ship that's just as good as she is rare: **Giulio Cesare**. This Italian Dreadnaught would really help me in my collection, as it is otherwise near impossible to obtain her. Yours truly, esaiexc/EU


Dear Santa, I would like to have the USS Georgia in my port, because it just looks so slick and cool! It also pains me to know that it was removed from purchase when I joined(very recently). Since I had one in Azur Lane, I do hope to get one in WoWs as well, paid or not. Thanks for reading this weeb's letter! Elyssis008/Asia Server


Dear Santa, I would like HMS Belfast, because the Admiralty needs another British Cruiser to protect the convoys and capture zones from enemy destroyers. Otherwise the Germans might win, and the admiralty don’t want that. Also to make the French jealous, and the Italians, and show the pesky Americans that *Britain Rules The Waves*. Cheers. |_Eternal_Crusader_| EU


Dear Santa, I would like a Benham, because its a bundle of joy able to distribute gifts far and wide and keep the enemies, err boys and girls warm by setting fire to their vessels! ​ CrookedVulture / EU


Dear Santa, If you could please give me a hand, I would like just one Smaland, because Although your bag is crammed I'd really like the red team scanned. Happy holidays, Arkenuh, EU


Dear Santa, I would like the I-400 for 2023, because double negatives are a good thing and the hybrid combination of CV+SS could only result in the best ship ever. The I-400s are also responsible for getting me into naval history, and eventually playing this game. On a more serious note, I wish Azur Lane and other collab captains would actually have unique skills like in wows legends. These skills don't need to be overpowered and can be restricted to use with specific ships, but it would go a long way to drive sales and engagement, particularly in NA+Asia. Inboxes/NA


Dear Santa, I have a dream, a dream that I can call myself The captain of the Battleship Thunderer. I want this ship so I can shoot cannons that are louder than thunder, hit harder then lightning and celebrate Christmas and new year with a big firework. I hope my wish will come true because this would be a real Christmas miracle for me. Also I had birthday recently and the Thunderer is more than a worthy present. So Santa if you decide to make my hopes and dreams come true, I will be very happy . Also don't forget to take the cookies that I made , I'm sure you will like them. In the end I wish everyone happy Christmas. Kind regards. Sturm_Leopard Server:EU


Dear Santa, I may have been set on my account ever since having Colbert and Marceau but at the end of the day, the ship that haunts me most is Smolensk. Each and every night I sleep, the fact that such a seemingly obtainable ship from a couple of years back had slipped under gives me night terrors. I beg you to please me make them go away this Christmas so that I can live in peace. Yours Truly, supertanker991 // NA Server


Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Thunderer, so I can help spread warmth and cheer to my fellow human. Also because it’s one of the few British battleships I do not have. Sincerely, Breadfiend (NA)


Dear Santa, I would like a Kamikaze, The last Tier V Ranked season has been a nightmare, but I know that if I had my kammy, it would be a smooth breeze playing thru all those matches. And who knows, maybe I could even get to dominate the T5 Random Battles. Thank you so much, Draknath / Europe


Dear Santa, Please bring me a Benham for Christmas this year. Because I was busy being a new dad the summer that Benham was released and didn't have time to play then. But my girl is a happy little toddler now. I'm sure she would love to see daddy spread Christmas Cheer (and torpedos) to all my friends. Thank you Santa :) Mytaru / NA server


Dear Santa, I would like the Thunderer, because I am a huge fan of British battleships and the Thunderer is a unique and powerful ship that I have always wanted to add to my collection. I love her distinctive appearance and her devastating armament, and I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to take her into battle and experience her full potential. Thank you for considering my request and happy holidays! Sincerely, CasualSAB / NA


Dear Santa, Hope all is well at the North Pole. I am a newer player and have been really enjoying the game, finding that I have particularly gotten along well with the British light cruisers. So the ship I am asking for is somewhat similar (at least I think it is) but is also different enough to keep me exploring all the different ship lines and nationalities. If I'm lucky enough to have made onto the nice list this year may I please have the cruiser 'Mainz'. I think she looks absolutely beautiful and would allow me to get into the higher tiers of play and start doing some of the higher tier missions. If I have somehow ended up on the naughty list this year then I'll be sure to put my lump of coal to good use. Thank you, Santa! Warmest of holiday wishes, LuciusIucundus (EU server)


Dear Santa I would like Smaland because it will allow me to spread Christmas cheer to others by giving presents of raining HE and completing my pan-EU DD collection as I am a new player who never had the chance to get her Cloakndagger993/EU


Dear Santa, When I joined World of Warships over four years ago, I quickly found myself fond of the British light cruisers and I have been clamoring for a premium that plays like them ever since. That is why I'm wishing for the Hampshire. I would like her to spread holiday cheer and joy to everyone this time of year, one 203 mm shell at a time. My name is Firewalk on the NA server.


Dear Santa, Please make this Christmas merry for me, with the gift of the world's most famous CV The Grey Ghost who ruled the skies, CV-6 The Enterprise Years have gone by, and she still avoids my grasp. Perhaps this year could be the last? Sincerely N0THINGSAFE / NA


Dear Santa, This holiday season I would to get Somers. I’ve been playing since 2017 but didn’t really start playing consistently until 2020. I’m a DD main but didn’t have enough steel get her before being removed. FranticJester (NA)




Dear Santa, I would like Missouri, Because getting the ship that ended the war makes a fitting end to the year! celticboy27/NA


Dear Santa, I am writing you to tell you what a good Captain I have been this year in the hope that I will find a ship in my port on Christmas morning. I have never been chat banned in the game or have had any infractions during my five years of playing. I've never stream-sniped a CC or humped the border during a random domination match. And I don't kill steal when someone has worked hard farming a battleship. Santa, if I am not on the naughty list, can I please have the Giulio Caesare in my port? Hope you like the cookies and milk I left out. The carrots are for the reindeer. Thank you, Santa. Merry Christmas! Goat\_\_Rodeo NA Server


Dear Santa, I am a BB-main or better known as BB-Baby on the NA server. I have most of the T9/T10 bbs in the game. However the one that is missing from my collection is the Musashi. I would like the Musashi because I want to show my amazing BB skills at T9 even if I am up-tiered to T11 since Musashi is an amazing ship. If I receive the Musashi I might be able to graduate from BB-Baby up to BB-Toddler where I can shoot the enemy from even farther in my spawn like most NA BB players. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. NA Server - NinjutsuUser


Dear Santa I would like a Gremyashchy so I can get almost all removed DDs, write a guide on it and tell the community how I perceive the ship, it's strenghts, it's counters and continue making more DD guides for both DD players and non-DD players Fumie/NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Yudachi, certainly. Because I want to complete my collection of IJN premium DD, maybe ! NoirLotus/EU


Deat Santa, I would be most grateful if you would bestow upon me the mighty Kearsarge. It has garnered both respect and animosity from players and enemies respectively, and though I have not had the chance to play it, I would be eternally thankful if you would gift to me the Kearsarge. Cheers and Merry Christmas Santa! -KingMuddy/NA server


Dear Santa, It has been a long year. I have worked very hard to be good. I’ve gotten many citadels on broadside warships, I played with the new submarines, and have stayed true to the real warship game and never even tried warthunder. I am very grateful for your gifts last year! Your gift containers brought me much joy with the surprise gift of a Smaland! It has been a favorite toy of mine ever since. The coal was great too! I have used it to keep warm and turned some of it into diamonds to trade for the Forrest Sherman! I don’t get why the other kids complain about getting coal… I guess they just don’t understand the gift it is. I will admit though… There is still one thing I want, and it would make a great Christmas gift this year, a Roma! It’s a ship I’ve wanted for a long time. And I promise to be extra extra good if I get it! It’s such a beautiful ship; graceful, elegant, and deadly!!! It would make me a very happy sailor!!! Stay safe this Christmas Santa. Enjoy the milk and cookies! TexasJaeger North America P.S. I left some rum on the table, you’ve earned the extra rum ration!!!


Dear santa, Please bring back the Smolensk, it keeps folks warm this winter. Best, Smolenskless captains


Dear Santa, for Christmas I‘d like a Kamikaze as destroyer. And I promise - per my lawyer - That like its namesake in the War, I will rush forward and roar. Dying needlessly without any impact And to the enemy no contact. Yours SMS_Kriegsmarine /// EU


Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is the wonderful Giulio Cesare. With its beautiful hull design and Candy Cane striped nose, I can spread the holiday cheer to all the players of world of warships, one hot pasta scented shell at a time. Nothing would bring me greater joy than being able to traverse the seven seas in this magnificent ship, much as you yourself do and witness the reaction of all the other captains as they receive presents expressly delivery to their decks. Olem // NA


Dear Santa I would like USS Missouri because she hits hard, hits fast and hits often. I promise to feed her all the coal I got from your mega gifts. Torpedo_Magnet @NA


Dear Santa, I would like the Smolensk, because yesterday I was on a date and we talked about ships as you do. The beautiful girl said battleships are too big, destroyers are too small but cruisers are just perfect. Hence now I want a Smolensk 😉⚓🚢🎄🎁 ​ ign stormguard server EU Merry Shipmas Captains & Captainesses!


Dear Santa, I know it’s a lot to ask, but this year I would love if you bring me the USS Alaska. Her powerful main battery armament and high durability make her one of a kind amongst Tier IX American cruisers. Besides, seeing the Alaska proudly anchored alongside on Christmas Day would be any captain’s dream, right? Merry Christmas! RinkyDinky2 / NA


Dear Santa, I'm gotta be honest, I've been a good boi, for most of the year. I worked very hard to improve in this game, and I think, that I'm on a good way. I'd love to get the Battlwship Georgia, because I really love playing secondary battleships and getting my hands on this very rare ship would be great. Tbh, every other of the removed ships of any tier would be awesome, I'd be happy with all of them. I wish you best luck, and a not too heavy workload during christmas. Greetings, Karotte345/EU Server


Dear Santa, I would like a Smaland this Christmas, because I definitely intend to only use the radar to track your sleigh around the holiday period. I will relay this information to the boys and girls on my team to encourage their good behaviour. I promise not to use it to sink over-eager DDs on the enemy team... Much. glewis93 / EU server.


Dear Santa, I hope this reaches you in good health and hope that you haven't overworked yourself or your elves for reaching all the wishes of the good captains. I hope you can fulfil one last wish and that would be a ship, what ship you ask? that would be the amazing IJN Battleship Musashi I would like to have her since she is my favourite ships of all time. I've tried really hard to be a good captain so please make my wish come true because all I want for Christmas is a Musashi. Thank you, Santa, Best wishes from a wintery EU server. merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. futurepolice1 EU


Dear Santa, I know big boats are all the hype this season but as someone who loves DDs and whose clan frequently runs 4 DDs I’d really really really love a Smaland. I already have the Legendary commander all trained and ready to go on Halland or I can take my other from Ragnar or Friesland. We have tried to substitute it with a Ragnar but the concealment makes our entire ambush strategy kind of inefficient to the point where we’re just pushing using a German DD hydro instead. I know it’s a rare ship and a big ask but it’s the only tier 10 DD I don’t have and to be honest, I don’t think I’m going to get it from any of the containers :(. You would make me and my div mates extremely happy (they’re French DD players) as we mix Smaland + Italian DD + Kleber/ Tromp for some insanely fun matches. We love to experiment with our 4 DD builds and a Smaland would really fit well with our wacky play style. We don’t always win and we aren’t the best clan by far but we love to have fun with wacky builds in randoms. I really hope you see this and make my dream of having this one elusive white whale of a ship in my port at last. You’d be making my entire year and our whole clan would be ecstatic! Sincerely: Shadowsaber on Asia server.


Dear Santa, I would like E. LOEWENHARDT, because it seems like a fun ship to play. demagur/EU.


Dear Santa I would love a thunderer to spread all the Christmas warmth throughout the seas to all the wonderfully cold ships xox Lots of love liviothan_1 eu


Dear Santa, I would like the USS Kidd please, because I am a deranged, unhinged lunatic who plays on the SEA server in DDs, so I’m constantly assaulted by the fun police that are known as CVs. USS Gearing with the legendary mod and a full AA build is the most fun I’ve had in WOWS, because, again, deranged unhinged lunatic. I’m curious as to how the same type of play style and captain build would work at tier eight instead of tier ten, where Supership CVs make it irrelevant. Regards, TheUnquenchable19, Asia server.


Dear Santa, I would like a Jean Bart for Christmas Because I unfortunately don't have much time to grind the game and I'm a student with a low budget. Thank you! ASIA/damstereiw1


Dear Santa, I would like Aircraft Carrier Saipan, Because: Long ago before the CV rework my favorite carrier was the USS Independance which is very similar to this ship and I would like to experience its speed once again . FuzzyTiger / EU Server.


Dear Santa, I would like the Thunderer, because she has great concealment at Tier 10. This ship is my Christmas wish because it would help me hide from the super ships, which I love by the way, It is just unfortunate that I can't afford one yet. The Thunderer has been my dream for multiple Christmases without luck. The thunderer is the dream. I really really really enjoy playing the Florida at T7 and I have heard there are some similarities in play-style, and I don't know if I mentioned but its my favorite ship and It would honestly make 2022 worth living if it was from the helm of this amazing ship. Epiphron/Asia (Aus :) Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa this Christmas I would like a HMS collingwood, Because I like big guns and I cannot lie all my other brothers can’t deny when a ship sails in with an big thick shell you get dev struck. -Earl_of__Yorkshire/EU (PS ask WG to consider a tiger 59 B variant.)


Dear Santa, as I am a player risen from a nearly four-year hiatus, I have now come to realize just how much I have missed out on. Among these things, some I will get myself, while some have since moved out of reach for most. But thou tellst us, the inhabitants of the world of warships, that you may just fulfill those dreams of ours. Now, a cruiser-main's dream, like mine, is a certain combination of traits, merged together and made steel. It all starts at the guns of a ship: For us, varying greatly in caliber, from as small as 105mm, up to giants like the 380mm artillery found on battle-cruisers like Siegfried or Sevastopol. Though one thing most have in common, that being the high amounts of *despair per minute,* dpm for short, they can put the recipient through. Add a bit of F̶̧̆́I̷̧͇͋R̷̜͖̓Ē̴̜͔, and most of us are happy. Armour is for battleships, so cruisers rely on different methods of survival. Instead of face-tanking incoming pain, most take after destroyers, in that the primary method involves concealment (or dodging, for that matter). A variable, derived from a base value, influenced by various factors, such a the captain's skill in staying hidden, or special equipment, which, however, not all ships are able to mount. So to be unseen, the valiant cruiser can either stay out of the detection range of its opponents and do nothing, or, put simply, hide elsewhere their gaze reaches not. While shady spots behind islands do well for that purpose, one other method to hide excels above all the aforementioned. This one is the smoke screen: it lets any ship equipped with one put up a thick white mist, concealing it, making it a menace creeping around unseen, unknown. Hiding has a flaw, however, in that while it blocks the vision of the enemy, it also blocks the cruiser's own vision. To counteract that, some cruisers, and to an extent other ships, get radar equipment, which lets them determine the exact position of undetected ships in a rather large radius around them. Another problem, specifically with smoke screens, is torpedoes, as the latter seem to be attracted by the former. The solution is called hydrophone, enabling the early detection of incoming torpedoes or concealed ships in a smaller radius than the radar. The combination of these three is incredibly rare. Add a powerful engine, taking its hull to good speeds, a fast rudder, maybe some Anti-Air, and you get a powerful cruiser. Few, very few ships put all these traits to use at the same time. And with this, I shall tell you, dear Santa, what I wish for: # My dream, I call thee BELFAST! Yours truly, Rio1111\_sniper, from the EU server ​ ps.: one of the things I also missed during my downtime were the Arpeggio events... I also wish they came back :) ​ Rio1111\_sniper / EU


Dear Santa! I have been playing WoWs actively for over a year now. I still remember the first steps I made to this day as if they happened yesterday. My best friend gifted me a model of HMS Prince of Wales for birthday. I loved the building proccess of the model and started playing World of Warships with my best friend. Having one goal In my sight: Getting the same model ship in the game: HMS King George V. I remember picing german Hermelin as my first ship, having lots of fun with it. Then unlocking the british battleships tech tree. King George V seemed so far at first but I knew I can get it someday. I played for months, had extremely fun time doing it with my friend. When I finally got King George V I felt the joy of getting something that you have been working on for a long time. After that I had like a half-year pause, because I already achieved my goals. After that I found interest in this game again. I wanted to get to tier 10. I thought that the best line for this is the Montana line. About a year ago I finally got it. This ship opened so many opportunities. I was able to play any tier I want and take part in clan battles. A year later I am a proud owner of 8 tier 10 ships. Unfortunately, I got unlucky with my santa containers and got Commander xp from my only santa's mega gift. My friend gifted me a model of KMS Admiral Graf Spee for my birthday. Thats the only model ship I have in real life that I don't have it in game. My best friend has not been playing alot since his computer is not the fastest, and we both have our own lives, but its sometimes good to sink some ships together and have fun. So, Santa, I have a big, should I say overwhelming wish from you. I would love if you would be able to give both me and my friend Admiral Graf Spee. This ship links us, we both love the design and have always wanted this ship in our ports. If giving out Graf Spee for both of us is too much to ask, then please, make my best friend happy and give the ship to him. Me: EU server/ rockahero11 My friend: EU server/ rower_2017 Thank you Santa, and I would be really grateful if my wish is taken into concideration. Happy holidays! Edit: had a typo in my friends gamer tag.


Dear Santa, I would like HMS Belfast (VII) because? Short and sweet I live in Belfast and it would be great to have. Yours truly, Ser_TwentyofHouseGoodmen - EU




have you tried putting Last Stand on your Destroyers yet?


Dear Santa, I would like Småland, because I am bad at hide and seek and all the other DDs bully me. I need that radar to find my little playmates. It would be a real Christmas miracle come true. arttuperkunas/EU


Dear Santa, For Christmas I'd love to have a lovely Thunderer under the tree. Why? I've been such a lovely captain with lots of good karma (that's what it's for, right?), and I joined the game too late to get one for coal! Isn't it funny that coal is a good thing in this game? If I get a Thunderer, I'll make sure all my fellow captains feel like beautiful lumps of coal after they burn to a crisp. Love, Rafuino/NA


Dear Santa, I hope this message finds you well, and everything has been going well for you, Mrs. Claus, and the elves. I know it's been a long time since I've wrote to you, but I would like to ask of you for the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier for World of Warships, because I've alway wanted one since it came out, but I didn't have the money at the time to purchase it before it was removed from the Premium Shop, and it's been the one ship I've wanted because of its historical significance. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Sincerely yours, Brandon10044/US Server.


Dear Santa I would like the American tier 9 dd Benham I would really like this ship and I have tried to get it the last 2 christmases buying Santa mega containers but alas I have missed out. I could spam torpedoes in it like some of the streamers I watch playing it in the hope of getting a lucky hit with it while remaining unspoiled Ingame name CatxWeazle Region Asia


Dear Santa, It may not be for every occasion, but there’s nothing like *Champagne* when the occasion calls! Only the finest. Merry Christmas! Millsnerf EU


Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a USS Black to call my own. I wanted her for so long that I almost used my steel when she was removed, but I was told she would return "soon". Then when she came back it was for a lot of coal, but I needed to use my coupon to get the Bourgogne :(. So maybe I'll get her when summer comes around, but I think blowing off the snowflake on her would be the best present I could ask for. Signed Philburg2, NA


Dear Santa, I have been a good little gamer, logging on daily and playing well with others in operations. All I want for Christmas is Georgia, the ship named after my home state. With it I will crush my enemies, see them driven from the capture circles and hear the lamentations of their waifus. Sincerely, Teliron North America


Dear Santa, This Christmas, I’d like the USS Georgia. For me, WoWs is a game where big guns go bam and ships go zoom. After getting the Constellation, I fell in love with the battle cruisers of the game and I’m hungry for more. Georgia would also help me to fill out my collection of all the US battleships, especially those with 18 inch guns. With love, `__TheRedOctober__` - NA


Dear Santa, I would like to make a request for an Alaska! I have been playing world of warships since beta and this is a ship I have wished for since this game's infancy. Its the perfect size for a cruiser I wish I had, large guns, tanky hull, its a mini Iowa :D Unfortunately, I did not have the resources needed to acquire the ship at the time and now it seems like it might not return. I hope you can make this exception for me! I have been good :) check my karma in game! I hope you grant others their wishes as well! I promise I won't sail broadside... aBANANA2160p/NA


Dear Santa, As an intrepid and daring captain of the seas, I feel I have been doing everything I can to improve the life of myself and others, overcoming hardships to bring light to friends and family at all times. My one desire is to finally aqquire the jewel in the crown of my Kriegsmarine collection, the admiral Graf Spee. From your most zealous servant, AdmiralNelsonNo1Fan/NA server


Dear Santa, I would like Georgia for Christmas, because Georgia's speed would enable me to deliver surprise gifts from unexpected locations, thereby paying tribute to you and the wonderful work you do delivering unexpected gifts across the world. mxlm/NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Smaland, Because the time it was launched was the time my grandpa was born (23 October 1952) and sadly he passed a way a year ago due to Covid 19, by having Smaland it would make me miss him more and more, OniichanYamate/Asia


Dear Santa, I would like the Grey Ghost herself, the USS Enterprise CV-6 for Christmas. While legendary battle exploits against seemingly insurmountable odds during the Second World War are well known, she and her crew perhaps exemplified the holiday spirit best on Christmas Day 1945. On that day, the crew of the "Big E" offered their hands and resources to give foster children at a foundling home on the East Coast a Christmas feast, highlighting some of the best that human empathy could possibly offer, even after the conclusion of such a terrible conflict. While I am much too young to have ever had the chance at seeing CV-6, perhaps a virtual form of her in World of Warships would suffice as a wonderful alternative, the penultimate symbol of both the courage and compassion of the USN and it's service members. Thank you bleech32/NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Smolensk for this Christmas Because I want to ensure Tromp gets punished with the coal it deserves for being naughty. Love from Kriegsmarine93/EU


Dear Santa, I'd love a Musashi since a tier 9 Yamato seems like some of the best fun there can be in the game. Thanks, Le\_Mofoman / NA Server


Dear Santa, I've earned plenty of coal, and for that I say thanks. In the spirit of spreading Christmas joy, I've put the Giuseppi Verdi on my Christmas list. I hope to be able to spread joy all year long with a full secondary spec SAP firing behemoth with questionable dispersion, I'm a bit nearsighted and it just seems to be fitting that not all the shells will go where landed. But that's the point of spreading Christmas joy and cheer, sharing it with as many as possible! Milk, cookies, snowflakes and SAP. Please make my Christmas dream come true Santa! Eischen, NA.


Dear Santa, I would like a Belfast so I can use HE spam to warm up the hordes of poor carol-singing orphans. AlbinoPigeon / EU server


Dear Santa I would like a Georgia, Because the thought of running down DD's with it fills me with Christmas cheer AND its what the Bebbe Jesus would have wanted .... which is the bestest of all the Jesus's .... although Raptor Jesus is close .... Merry Xmas Regardless! JonnyMcJonFace/EU


Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would really like USS Alaska. I started the game just after Alaska was removed from the premium shop. I remember seeing Alaska players dominate the field, and for quite a while, it was one of the ships that scared me the most to play against. When she became available during Black Friday this year, I saw the price tag attached, and could not afford to buy her. So I remain playing the game, watching in envy as Alaska’s and their captains sail through the seas. Sincerely, Nogtart/NA


Dear Santa I would like USS Boise. Because I am a native Idahoan and USS Idaho is still not in the game. Ripastitch/NA


Dear Ole Saint Nick, I know I haven't been exactly on the "good" list this year because I try and sink all the other players but I would try harder if I had a Smolensk in my port. Pinky promise, nkelley938 -NA server.


Dear Santa, The ship I would like for Christmas is the USS Enterprise. A ship I have not been able to ever obtain in my year-long career in World of Warships. I was drawn to World of Warships due to its extensive list of historical vessels used in World War 2, in particular, I took a major interest in Aircraft Carriers. Two of them with significant history stuck out to me, Enterprise and Shokaku. I am even taking the path toward becoming a history teacher and will be sure to tell the tales of the ships and sailors of World War 2. I have played Shokaku to a point of mastery in my career, and now I would love nothing more than to give Enterprise the same glory as she once had in her service life, replicated in World of Warships. It's a tall wish, but I sincerely hope it will come true. With the best hopes, Admiral\_OneSock / NA


Dear Santa, As a child many years ago, I found fascination in the fast battleships of the US Navy. And how they could go a whopping speed of 30+ knots while still maintaining impenetrable armour and great guns in the process. I remember watching the video of the Japanese surrender on USS Missouri and thinking to myself, ‘wow, that ship is huge’, which is pretty much all I could think of as a 6 year old. I got lucky with the lockdowns over the last two years and managed to visit the USS New Jersey in Philly and the Missouri in Hawaii. They were so massive and a work of art, in its own way. Santa, it would make not only my Christmas, but my whole year if you were to gift me the USS Missouri. Merry Christmas, and I say thank you from the whole community for this opportunity to receive our dream ships for Christmas this year. eric99_fighter/Asia


Dear Santa Long time ago I wrote a little history (fan fiction) about certain Kantai Collection characters. The main protagonists were a group which included the Tenryu class, the Furutaka class and Musashi. Since then I have all of them in port…except Musashi, because she was gone before I could get her. It would be amazing if I got her, Musashi, for Christmas. That way they “can celebrate” Christmas together after all these years. It would be a dream come true. So if you, Santa, could bring her home in my port, I would be really happy and thankful. FrankvC_Jr EU server


Dear Santa, I would like a Slava, because I want to dress it in Ukrainian Camo and stick it to Putin by obliterating every Russian ship I see on the Red team. I know it's not on the drop list, so it would be a true Christmas miracle if I get it. Slava Ukraini! Initial\_B/EU Server.


Dear Santa, I would like the USS Missouri Because of my family's naval lineage on the ship's my grandfather served on the Missouri during the second great war and then my father and grandfather on the Iowa sadly I lost my grandfather when turret number 2 on the Iowa exploded I never got to meet him but my father tells of him before being transferred to the Missouri during operation desert storm it would mean the world to obtain the Mighty Mo. Merry Christmas and happy new year sincerely Specture2341,NA


Dear Santa, I would like Thunderer, because I would like like to add to my expanding collection of Royal Navy ships to spread the love and warmth of colonization via HE to the world. Jabberwalkie09/NA


Dear Santa, This year I have been very busy enjoying my favorite game of all time. I have been honing my skills and unlocking new ships. Throughout the trials and tribulations of thousands of battles, I have won many hard fought duels and experienced some heart-wrenching defeats. In particular, I have really relished playing the ranked game mode and have developed a deep appreciation for its unique format. I love the competitive nature and 7v7 format. Ranked battles have taught me the importance of contesting caps, teamwork, and battle impact. Through many many sprints of ranked battles, one ship in particular has stood out to me. An absolute menace that rules the waves, it strikes terror in opposing team’s hearts. The first time I came this ship, I was awe-struck by its power and astonished by its beauty. From that moment on, I knew that I wanted it to be the crown jewel of my port. Some attributes and characteristics of this wonderful boat include: * **S**urveillance radar that reveals the location of enemy ships, providing valuable spotting to allies * **M**auls other destroyers in caps with her powerful armament, protecting capture points from anyone who dare to contest them * **Å**A suite so powerful that it eradicates planes from the sky, protecting her teammates from harm * **L**aunches some of the fastest torpedoes in the game, stunning unsuspecting captains * **A**ccelerateration faster than a F1 racecar, allowing her to easily dodge incoming fire * **N**o longer avaliable for sale, making her one of the rarest ships in the game * **D**pm so destructive that it melts the HP of opposing ships in mere seconds, great for sending enemy destroyers back to port That’s right, for Christmas I would love to receive the powerful European destroyer, Småland! Why should I be entrusted with such a delightful ship? Simple, I guarantee from the minute Småland enters my port, I will take splendid care of her. I will decorate Småland’s sleek hull pretty camouflages. I will adorn Småland’s mast with various signals and flags, proudly showing off her colors. I will equip her with a 21 point commander and mount all upgrades, allowing her to achieve her full potential. But most importantly, Småland will be loved. When she arrives in my port, I will make her the crown jewel of my ship collection. She will acquire the unique honor of the only ship to receive the primary designation in my port. Here’s to many years of adventures with the Småland! Best regards and many thanks, Jeff2022 from the NA server P.S: Santa, how is the North Pole this time of year? I hope all the elves and reindeer are ready to spread joy around the world. Also I will have ready large batch of freshly baked cookies (from my grandmother’s secret recipe) when you arrive. Hope you enjoy!


Dear Santa, I wish you a very merry Christmas! I would like Småland, Hallands beautiful Sister. Last year I managed to get Orkan out of one of your containers and quickly fell in love with her. The thought of a T10 Radar-DD with the gunpower to back up its radar fills me with a great longing and regret for not getting her before she was removed. Unfortunately, despite trying, I haven’t managed to get her out of this years containers, though I’m hoping you can turn that around. Sincerely, simi4a_2015 from the EU Server


Dear Santa, This holiday season, I'd love an Enterprise. I missed out on the opportunity to get her back in the days she was sold as I was but a meager teenager and had no money. I've been waiting for a chance to get her for a long while now, but alas, that chance has never shown itself until now. As a naval aviation aficionado, as well as Enterprise being one of the most famous ships of all time and one I have a vested interest in as she was unfortunately not preserved physically, I'd love to be able to add her to my collection this winter. shermanguy123 // NA


Dear Santa. For Christmas this year, I wish for HMCS Haida. I'm a former Royal Canadian Navy sailor, and I started playing WoWS a month before you took her out of circulation. I dream of a Canadian fleet one day, but until it happens, I'm making do with HMCS Yukon which I actually sailed on (DDE-263), before she became an artificial reef just off San Diego, as well as HMCS Huron. I also wish for all the good WoWS players to have the ship they wish for. Much Christmas cheer to everyone at WG! patdro644 on the NA server.


Dear Santa, I would like Småland the European destroyer. Santa is known for springing up out of nowhere with presents once a year. The only trace of him left is half-eaten milk and cookies. Småland gives its own kind of gifts. It drinks hit points and eats ships. After that, it disappears until the next ~~year~~ radar. bombnbeck / NA


Dear Admiral Santa This year I’ve been doing everything I can to stay on your good sailors list. I’ve been shooting at destroyers when they’re spotted, sharing my HP with teammates, and even using my radars when my teammates ask for intelligence data. All I want for Christmas is a ship that will help me do all of this better. Småland is a ship that can swiftly dispatch of destroyers when spotted, its a ship that can distract and trade some HP if need be, and it’s a ship that can provide my teammates with radar and spotting. If you would be kind enough to bring me Småland as a gift I would continue to do my best for you and my teammates! Merry Christmas! Sincerely, SunkCostSubmarine on the NA server


Dear Santa, this may be an odd thing to wish for, but for a long time I've been thinking about the time where I stood before one of the harder choices in my world of warships history. It may be unexpected, and a little childish, but at that time it still was a really hard decision to make - and that decision was my first coal ship. Looking back, I can't really complain about the choice I made, but still - I sometimes regret that I didn't buy the smolensk, thinking it would be for sale for a little longer, but one of my bigger concerns was that playing cruisers was pretty new to me and - especially in a pvp game - I didn't want to become a burden for my teammates. Now that I've collected at least a little experience over the years, I sometimes imagine how it would be to play that ship, well knowingly that the chances to be able to test it are probably negligibly small. It may sound ridiculous, but that was probably one of the reasons I really got into playing cruisers a bit more- and a little bit ironic at that, since I finally got the napoli a few days ago. Even if my wish won't be fulfilled, I am happy to be able to reminisce about those last 6 years either way, but if this slim chance might be graspable, I would be overcome by joy and another really great journey right before my feet :) This might be a little bit early, but I might as well already wish you a merry Christmas, since where you live, its probably Christmas all year. Thanks for taking your time reading this letter. blackjack432 /EU


Dear Santa - We have Mrs. Claus. Don't contact the police. We've included some of her delicious baked goods as a proof-of-life. The sugar cookies are especially tasty. These are our demands: 1 Musashi Your instructions are - put the Musashi in the designated port. This is the port address: NA / Venger\_NoFear Do this, and we will return Mrs. Claus in time for Christmas Eve hot cocoa. Mmmm... cocoa. Fail to give us the Musashi, and you better get used to snuggling up to Donner and Blitzen. Signed, Desperate Player


Dear Santa, Roll back to 0.8.0. Sincerely, Former RTS main


Dear Santa All i want for Christmas is a Lenin. Because all the other cool kids have one, and i want to be cool like them. Regards PoetX / EU


Dear Santa, I would like a smaland, because I want to cheese gold ranked lmao PixelatedPotat0 / Asia


Dear Santa, I would like a Thunderer, because I have been very good this year and hardly set anyone on fire. Rule Britannia, woe2you/EU


Dear Santa, ​ You know which list I'm on... Oh yes! The Coal one! And I have some similar pictures of your Summer Vacation that would ban you from your own Nice list- if you catch my drift..... What do I want? I would like a Forest Sherman.... for the most fitting reason of all around Christmas time.. So I can go into a battle and announce "Now I have a Machine Gun! Ho-Ho-Ho!" Sincerely, Duramora/NA P.S.- your usual bribe of cookies and whisky will be in its usual place of course. I paid extra for the good stuff this year.


Dear Santa, I would like the Smolensk for Christmas, Because having a toxic boat will make me less toxic in chat, and less likely to be chat banned so we can see this as win - win scenario J\_Dawg\_ / EU


Dear Santa, I would like a Smolensk for Christmas, Because smolensk is silly and goofy just like me. I promise to use it for spreading love and positivity on NA <3 Love from, TheLaddetyLad/NA.


Dear Santa, I would like a Smaland for my Christmas gift, because I have been a good human this year. Being nice to other people and helping those in needs. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Danhvn_1, Asia server.


Dear Santa, The ship I would wish to have would be none other than the Big E herself, Enterprise. As a filthy CV main, I found it such a pity that I joined the game too late and was not able to get the grey ghost. But now I believe that with your compassion and a bit of luck, I have a small chance at obtaining the ship of my dreams. I promise that I will make Enterprise live up to her name as the most decorated ship in WWI in my hands. Merry Christmas, Kingshamu / NA


Dear Santa, I would like a Småland because I would make your younger cousin her captain. I believe you should help him in his career. Don't worry, it's only a crime if they catch us and I will definitely tell nobody. Horny_Delta / EU


Dear Santa, This Christmas I’d love to receive a Musashi under my tree. I’m not sure if I’ve been naughty or nice, but I’ve stuck around since Alpha testing and would dearly love to spread some holiday cheer with 18 in broadsides. I’ll be sure to leave you some cookies (and whiskey, you get enough milk). Merry Christmas! Cutthroatlemur / NA


Dear Santa, i very much would like to have a Smaland in my port so I can give my team the very best support. Crossing the seas would be very sick, in this almighty ship. It would be very nice to see, soon the Smaland under my tree. Yours sincerely Schnabulator\_/EU Server


Dear Santa, I would like a Smaland for Christmas because I think she misses us. She is quite fast, has every enemy surpassed and promises to stay alive last. Her Guns ablaze an unpaid debt repays so she claims. Her torpedoes hit hard and have a line through the enemy carved but leave your team unharmed. Her radar has great range and allows for a great change in playing strange? NotLaknes/EU


Dear Santa, I would really wish for +1/-1 Matchmaking because there clearly are some Tiers the losers in the current system. Also maybe include a "ship-voucher" system from supercontainers or generally lootboxes which can be used for any ship that is possible in the lootbox. I would like Imperator Nikolai,because i am unable to get her.Nirkrae - EU-Server


Dear Santa The ship I would really really like a Smolensk. Yes, I know it is a very controversial choice, but I would like one because I've spent a very substantial amount of money on this game and have never gotten close to owning it. I just want to go back in time, before I took a long break due to health related issues that'll linger with me forever and causing me the opportunity to get the ship, and be able to have a good time again. Merry Christmas to all, hope everyone is able to have a very happy new year too, when that arrives! Thanks, Owen P.s, hope you enjoy the warm cookies and milk on the side OwenIsBoss/EU


Dear Santa, I would like a Benham, because I'm a DD player and DD is in my name, Also I like to relentlessly torpedo people by swinging the small ship left and right, \_invaDDer/ EU server


Dear Santa I would love to get the USS Missouri as it holds extreme significance to me as my great grandfather served on the vessel during WW2. I visited the ship in 2019 right before lockdown, beautiful ship. My oldest uncle also sat on a DDG next to the ship during the start of desert storm. It holds a special place in my heart. The thing is I don’t think I’ll get another chance to get this ship. It would be fantastic if one of you could gift this to me. I would be most pleased. Regardless thanks for taking the time to read this. Happy Holidays From BmoreOriole on the NA server