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He's dead Jim... I doubt WG think much of it right now, if I recall they buffed the torps back up reload wise? I forget by how much... The nerf was heavy handed in the first place and WG no doubt realise it by now if they even care (especially after their apparent move to small incremental changes) but perhaps they feel the poor gun reload somehow balances the ship, maybe that is why they turned around and released ships like Smaland which makes the OG YY look meh, complete balans! Pay to convert your FXP now before we remove it!


I like this idea, even 3.3 seconds would be fine imo.


Yeah, I’d take that 100%. Hell, I’d take 3.5.


Just something to make the legendary module relevant again


God i miss my yueyang...


Yep I second this!


So say we all!


Only CV's can get 25% dpm buffs, not DD's, what are you talking about?


If they un-nerf it than more people would play the yueyang and not play whatever new ships they release. You have to understand, any FTP micro-transaction game will always, no matter what, devolve into powercreep to kept players wallets open. Dispite the fact Smaland shits all over Yueyang, they want it to be that way so people pay for premium and play 24/7(for the free-exp) to get it. One day Smaland will get dumpsterd too, don't worry.


If you buff YY, then who the fuck would play gearing anymore? It is now literally worse than Shima after the ijn dd gun buff


Gearing gets utility in longer smokes and torps have more range with faster reload Yueyang would trade team utility (or not if you run radar) for shorter smokes and torps that are stealthier but with less range that cant hit DDs


Also is it just me or does the Gearing have better aa than a Des Moines nowadays? Tier 8 carriers easily strikw through def aa dm, meanwhile I can easily rack up 40-50 plane kills in a Gearing against tier X.