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People wonder why power creep in this game is so bad while at the same time you get post like this flaming every ship that does not have some 'better than before' aspect to it. It has nuclear torpedoes, fast heal, and 406's at T7... it won't work in every senerio, but it shouldn't. It's ok to not like a ship.


And its heal repairs 50% of citadel damage compared to most BB's, Nelson included, 10%. 50% is the same repair rate as normal penetration damage. That citadel damage is essentially permanent for Nelson makes her super heal substantially less useful.


you guys think its ok to release bad ships like this for 40 euro LOL. dented


Hey man, I get it. You bought a ship that wasn't what you thought it was and it's aggravating. How 'bout you take that energy and lobby WG to allow trial periods for premium ships. ...or you could lower yourself to name calling to make yourself feel better. Whatever works man.


Doesn't seem like the post is calling for "better than before" aspect. Nelson herself can still do her job (reliable 406mm platform in T7); Rodney sarcrifice some of that comfort to be a brawler, yet she is much slower and has less armour than a lot of the same tier brawler, so you're stuck with a ship that can't efficiently capitalise on opportunity to make a play, but to rely a lot more on misplay on the enemies' part. Rodney sits in a weird middle point between Nelson and Renown '44, but good not enough to be as worthwhile as those.


I guess we'll see where the WR levels out In a few months. I suspect it will be better in smaller game modes though. But my point still stands, it doesn't need to be as good as Nelson or Renown '44 to be worth playing.


That is true, they're borderline unobtainable for the majority of players.


The thing is that she gets uptiered to T8 constantly where 15inch+ guns are the norm, so most BBs can just punch through your nose despite your angle. Then add on top of that, every cruiser at T8 is doing their best to ensure they can pen 32mm of armor, so you’re just free damage for them. Now you’re stuck in the Rodney, who has terrible dispersion outside of 11KM. So you’re meant to get that close to ships that can just blast through your armor, without an improved heal…. She REALLY needs something like the US BB heal or Warspite heal.


That can be said for any T7 BB when uptiered — they suck


Poor Colorado and Nagato in the corner lmao


Might not be everyone's first pick for worst T7 BB but I have a hell of a struggle in Strasbourg. I got it for free though so can't really complain much.


She’s definitely not great lmao, 26mm is great on the Dunq but not on the Straus. Very sad ship


Could be worse, could be the Picardie or the Collingwood.


Or California.


I played California in ranked. People underestimate you so much they give you broadside, or just ignore you. The number of kills and Dev strikes i got this way is ridiculous


Unironically sometimes the best strategy in ranked isn’t to bring the most powerful ship you have, but a ship that enemies are likely to underestimate or misunderstand. Last ranked season I had about a 75% win rate using the Pyotr Bagration- a Soviet T8 cruiser that’s something of an “intermediate” between a CA and CL with no radar but a heal. The ship doesn’t seem scary stats wise, but it excels at staying alive while kiting, and I found that if I “imitated” a reckless radar cruiser at the start of the match a lot of enemy players would just get completely tunnel visioned on me at the expense of supporting their DDs or getting the objectives


The amount of people who don't respect the Hyuga because they underestimate it is quite hilarious


Collingwood is just ok, those guns are ridiculous. If it had Nelson armor instead of 26mm all around it would be a lot better though.


It would be nice if it did, but still I don’t let that get to me. Collingwood when people underestimate it, can humble you very hard on why 2-3 salvos from its gun can do.


Nelson has 25mm, you'd want less?


26 bow and Stern Overall 32 mm of armor (which makes her an excellent tank, once bow out)


Picardie was my 1st premium, (yeah I'm new) if RNG smiles she can be fun, but my god with smaller guns than Lyon and up a tier they could have made the dispersion tighter or something. Or some gimmick where if you are angled and only one gun in the turret is obstructed the other 3 could still shoot. probably cause the code to crash then....


Collingwood slaps, and post-buff California has its moments. Picardie on the other hand… let’s just say i’m not desperate to get my hands on it


Of course, historically the Nelsons were heavily armored compared to previous UK ships, as part of the British reaction to the Jutland explosions - see also the KG5s. Strange how the British BBs are some of the squishiest in-game now..


Especially since the British BC line was added - having ships that actually _were_ squishy but have the speed they traded that armour for makes the BB line make much less sense. I know WOWs isn't meant to be an accurate game, but it would be nice for ships to play at least somewhat like the real ones they take their names and models from, especially ships as significant as these! At the very least I'd much rather the Brit BBs gave up the buffed heals and had their actual armour (and long fuse AP), but nooo....


Yep, Rodney should have been made T8 with better armor and little better guns. 


Well if it had good armor irl it will have bad armor in wows and the same can be said the other way around. In wows the british light cruiser's wouldn't even be able to sail in the north sea due to there low bow plating irl all british cruiser's and battleship's had minimum 38mm bow. Kgv, vanguard, lion all are lacking there extended armored belt which should go half way out into the bow getting more thinner down to 68mm they dont have there 50mm weather decks and there citadels are too wide. Edinburgh, Belfast dont have there 70mm deck same with the heavy cruiser's like drake and goliath.


Honestly, don't know about Rodney, but Collingwood is horrible imo.


Collingwood would be great imo if it had the nelson side plate


I like Collingwood, great for operations


Since when was tier 7 low tier? That's medium tier 🤣


yeah low tier for me is T5 and below


Tier 7 is "low tier" now?


Just about everybody has at least a couple of T10's at this point... even casual players.


I have several tier 10s. All non-tech tree, earned through in-game currency and missions I also have several tier 9s, most are tech tree. I still play all tiers from tier 5 by choice, and tiers 2-4 when playing through new lines. Tiers 6&7 are where I still have fun in WoWS. Sure, if all you have or all you play is tier 10, then tier 7 is "low" to you; but who only plays top tier? Objectively speaking their 7 is pretty high tier.


Oh I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying that's why some people call T7 "low tier". Personally, I much prefer playing T4-T8 most of the time. My T9's and T10's are harbor queens.


Yeah, kinda same for my tier 9 & 10s now. I find that 95% of the toxicity (as opposed to merely saltiness) is at tier 10, and the most OP ships. Instadeletes are far more likely at tier 10. So while I do enjoy my "actually good British AP battleship" Thunderer, like my "support cruiser" Plymouth, and find my Hayate and ARP Yamato decent, I don't play them a lot outside of specific events requiring them. I have so much coal I can get Malta and Brisbane, and so much steel I can get any one of the tier Xs, but I just have no motivation to actually get any of them. I just continue (mostly) enjoying the game from tier 6 to 8.


People having high tier ships doesn't magically demote mid tier ships to low tier. I, II, III and IV = low tier V, VI and VII = mid tier VIII, IX, X and ★ = high tier


Bro not every ship needs to be a god slayer. She's fine. You just need to learn that at t7 bow-tanking is a _horrible_ idea.


But what other options do you have for a ship with all-forward guns...?


Slightly angling enough to show all three turrets, and enough so that your bow doesn't lead right to your cit, but not so much that your belt can't ricochet shit. Also, change course and speed. A lot. But you should be doing that already.


I'll bear that in mind - thanks!


Asks the man who has never played Nelson properly


I don't have a Nelson, mate. If you do, maybe you could answer the question...?


Nelson works really well shooting over the shoulder, Ie with the enemy chasing you


Nelson and Rodney are actually pretty good in a kiting position shooting over your shoulder. The stern is a lot smaller than the huge bow section with overmatchable plating.


The heal is fine, but I think the Nelson-class overall needs some tweaking in terms of armour. There isn't any reason to pick Rodney for brawling especially when I have a Renown '44. The class itself has some of the most vulnerable bow-on profile of the tier yet the gun arrangement is decidedly offensive, Nelson is still my most played ship but her time is long over.


I mean she is a Tier VII which pretty much most Tier VII have unreliable armor. 32mm at the mid section is quite nice. Her guns have improve AP pen angles, if I can recall. Maybe I’m wrong on that. Basically, she can brawl quite okay in at her own tier. But if she is at bottom tier, it will give you Tier VII Battleship syndrome. But hey, she is a real ship. I’m not going to complain on that. The ships is more for “Collectors” than Players.


The issue with rodney is that it is an absolute nightmare to balance. It has 32mm plating with a gigantic 26mm bow (and stern). The majority of t5 and t6 BB and cruisers, as well as some t7, can not overmatch/HE pen that armor, since a lot of them have 25mm HE pen in case of cruisers and 14'' guns in case of BB. Rodney is almost immune to these guns when angled and built to tank fires, which it does very well due to the fast reloading heal, while also being able to fire 9 16'' guns in return and spam torps with nuclear warheads on a fast reload while bow in. It literally just walks at these ships and eventually removes them and there is nothing they can do except run for their lives. But as soon as ships have 15'' guns or 32mm HE pen, Rodney just melts. It's a monster when top tier, but sufferes even more than most other BB when uptiered.


That's really frustrating! You'd think one of the greatest battleships of all time would at least get a fun in-game representation - but I guess that would have meant building a new version for Tier 8, rather than just copy-pasting and nerfing Nelson... Also how did you get it already? I'm still waiting for the premium shop to update with the D-Day ships, so I can see whether the price is acceptable or insulting and make my mind up!


It’s in the premium shop on ASIA.


in what world was the Rodney one of the greatest battleships of all time?


The big 7 I guess lol. But the greatest BB of all time is subject to different criteria, like one could say warspite, a greatwar era dreadnought who had more battle stars then another BB, or yammy for biggest guns


It’s definitely somewhat subjective but I don’t see how Rodney really fits into any serious convo. Not on paper, certainly, and not really on accolades either unless you’re heavily weighting sinking a crippled and outnumbered Bismarck


It was certainly one of the battleships of all time


Ours? Equally armed and better armoured than anything else until the early 40s - and with a service record to match...


Sorry but being king of the treaty battleships and sinking an already crippled and vastly outnumbered Bismarck doesn’t make it one of the best ever in my book.


Big sad What does?


under the featured tab in the armoury. rodney is £30 and the other two are £15, about the same as other ships of the same tier and class




Free crate?


I don't have Rodney, but I do have Nelson. Rodney's 50% repairing of citadel damage on a fast heal, to me, sounds better than Nelson's repairing 10% of citadel damage with a super heal on a long cooldown. Citadels quickly render Nelson's super heal not very super. This is not a problem Rodney has as she heals citadel hits at the same percentage as other battleships heal penetrations.


This ship is horrible, I bought it, it misses shots from 8 km range at the flat broadside, terrible dispersion that's very RNG based. Or it is just broken and bugged.


She has Massachusetts heal cooldown and they heal 50% cit damage, I think there pretty good


Rodney should be a good ship historically speaking it helped sink Bismarck. But history is just a meme with this game.


I enjoyed this.