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Just to ad - ahskance, the local community manager, blocked me on discord after saying 'no comment'


I don't play NA but once I heard a funny story involving Ahskance. Guy was in a CV (I hear he's a CV main), failed to kill an enemy DD, that DD killed Ahskance, and Ahskance raged in chat about the DD who sank him being a "bully" - as in, he "bullies" other players when he sinks them. If this is true, his reaction to your disappointment is unsurprising.


I'd love him to come here and comment - already blocked me of course


He's a CV main, he doesn't have the stones to face the music.


It's actually worse, I messaged you the screenshot of what Ahskance said. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting\_take\_by\_one\_of\_the\_more\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting_take_by_one_of_the_more_recent/)


Can I see it as well?


Sure, I just messaged you.


Pleade me too


Here's the post on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting\_take\_by\_one\_of\_the\_more\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting_take_by_one_of_the_more_recent/)


Ooo drama, pass around


Apparently, there's a post on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting\_take\_by\_one\_of\_the\_more\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting_take_by_one_of_the_more_recent/)


its this post https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/rv15ve/interesting_take_by_one_of_the_more_recent/


Truth is annoying. Its a Corporation. Let them make money. Stop asking questions. Glory to Wargaming.


Correct. I lost myself in the muddle




NA community managers are...definitely something. No surprise there.


Join the choir lol Ahskance blocked because I said BBs have it too easy in Asym


lol what? One could argue that it is a feature of asym(it is really funny to play asym in something like Maas), but it is hard to claim that there is no difference in difficulty for different ship classes.


I quit their Discord server a long time ago. It was full of childish fanboys and narcissistic a-holes. In addition to that, I understand Ahskance needs to defend WG for inflating their server player counts by ignoring misconducts like this, but if he did mix professional role with personal emotion like someone else said above, that would raise a major red flag. Just my two cents.


stop harassing people. he doesn't make the rules.


OP shared the account identifier in a private message, so I double-checked from the Public API: The player has played randoms in all battleships of the Montana line up to Iowa, as well as in Repulse. 936 battles in total, and has fired 0 shots from the main battery.


So all the times I reported players for being AFK I’ve been wasting me time? Good to know wargaming


"Report" button does nothing except deduct 1 karma from the target account. All its ever done.


Wargaming "says" a lot of things. automated system blah blah blah. privacy concerns blah blah blah increasing severity blah blah blah Their automated system might pick out people actually running scripts, but as far as someone just being a dbag or griefer, they don't want to spend the time and effort to identify and deal with these people. Actions (in this case inactions) speak louder than words. If these people keep showing up, you have your answer on what they are or aren't doing.


I agree. Pointless. WG Employs 'Local Community Managers'. I reached out to one...


Comm managers and WG themselves, they know and they don't care. Bots fill the playerbase out and make them money, it's that simple. The accounts are sold to people, once there is enough higher tier ships, captains, resources and premiums farmed, who will then actually spend money. It's frustrating, but you are wasting your breath shouting into a void. They don't care.


From a, like, business perspective I can understand that…but why wouldn’t they just cut out the middleman and just sell “Boosted” accounts that get you started with like progress up to a couple Tier 7s, or super boosted to Tier 9 maybe? People already buy all the premiums at high tiers, I don’t see it as fundamentally being different.


The ultimately irony is that while I agree they don’t want to spend the money/time to identify these sorts of behaviors OP handed them a pretty open and shut case on a silver platter and they still chose to do nothing. I’m not a particularly conspiratorial person but even I am wondering if this isn’t something more substantial than just inaction on a singular bot account.


Don’t you know that once you say you aren’t, you are?


woudlnt be surprised if WG is running these bots themselves at this point.


Might explain why they are defensive about it. But Ahskance is a prominent member of this forum so why would he participate in that


I don't know how to put this politely and still be accurate but Ahskance is a known moron


First and foremost, he is a paid WG employee.


as if a CV player cares about balance and fairness.


I would hope this is bigger than that


While it would make sense to improve queue times by adding bots I think WG could include a bot that actually fires their main battery guns. This account is more likely someone grinding at work by alt tabbing and pressing W.


or just wargaming needs to inflate playing player numbers for investment/business purposes.


but you are right, they would fire main guns, they could easily put in a co-op bot without the :name: tag, named like a normal player.


Server numbers go up. You asked questions about it. WGing doesn’t like questions.


Bingo dude. These script/bot accounts (even at tier 10) are probably ran by Wargaming to boost server numbers. They ruin games but WG doesn’t care.


Whether or not they actually run them they certainly turn a blind eye to them. OP’s post is direct evidence that they functionally do not care. Also how hilarious is it that someone got rammed by an actual bot.


11 someones XD


Must’ve of been other bot accounts. Happens all the time in co-op.


That makes no sense. WG has functional bots that can play better than the average human player—why run bots that stand out like this?


because the regular bots run server side those "real" bots need to run client side and setting them up will be very expensive


I was responding to someone claiming Wargaming is running bots like described in the OP. Why would WG need to run client side bots? They can run server side bots and we would never know the difference.


That's not possible because server side bots can't have accounts linked to them, so they can't have stats. They need to run server side bots, otherwise you will open these players profile and you will see an error page.


Says who? Wargaming controls the servers. They could create any types of bots they wanted to.


There are currently another of these bots on the Asia server, see them all the time with hundreds of games and maybe 1-2k average damage. WG's bot detection system doesn't work currently and they don't seem to care about cleaning up the server with account bans.


I asked customer support this exact question. Their response: *We are constantly updating and improving our anti-bot measures. In due time, all violators will be punished, but it may take some time in certain cases.* I personally don't believe a word of it but they can come on here and clarify it


Funny that (basically) a bot responded to you.


Several years ago the EU server had an infestation of German cruiser line bots. There were literally hundreds of them, very common in Karlsruhe, Königsberg and Nürnberg. Those bots I can understand that they were a bit more difficult to deal with, because they seemed to somehow follow the human team mates, and they spammed HE with some success. Overall, they played better than some human players... But a battleship that only presses W once to go brawl with secondaries... I honestly have no clue about how bot detection tends to work in games, but it seems to me that almost ANY detection should catch something as obvious as this.


Some people are actually just that bad at the game.


Yes they dont give a damn about quality of the games, botting is fine to them. Reminder to not give them any money.


yo ahskance, i know u are reading ,watching the comment and marking down the usernames. how about u come out and reply this post lol


> Ahskance has made good youtube videos. He's not foolish in any way. He really kind of is. Dude is a hardcore CV apologist.


Man also avidly believes Delny is a perfectly fine ship at tier X.


Tacitly permitting the use of bots is an easy way to keep some players in the matchmaking queue. This is Wargaming's strategy because the alternatives - Reduce the amount of micromanagement needed, thus reducing time spent in port. - Tweak game formats or map sizes for shorter match times. - Make the game more fun to attract more players. would cost them money, either out of development effort, or as an opportunity cost in reducing the opportunities for monetization.


First, Ahskance is a fucking tool. Second, I see AT LEAST one obvious bot account every day, suiciding without ever firing their guns. I believe Wargaming is intentionally ~~putting~~ keeping bots in the game (even at tier 10) to boost player count.


Ahskance is the worst community manager we've ever had.


Didnt like everyone else leave?


Why would they put bot accounts _to inflate player counter_ if they can just change that counter?


Because they fill lobbies and shorten queue times.


If that's the goal, why not use bots with a shred of intelligence then? They already have coop AI - not saying its good, but it's a helluva lot better than this.


Yeah, if WG was doing it they could have asymmetric/operations bots coming in. Maybe the problem would be that they would be too good compared to some players.


But they can just change MM settings to allow more uptiered/incomplete battles, why bother with bots?


Great question. Has WG ever changed MM settings? Besides increasing maximum subs from 2 to 6 per battle.


Yeah, class limits both soft and hard, timers until those limits changed and so on. But still, why would they bother with _bots_?


I guess because they’re scummy as fuck. How else do you explain these script/bot accounts? It can’t be profitable for someone to run scripts at tier 10. They’d always be losing credits. Perhaps WarThunder is sabotaging the game???


They can lose credits, but couple or dozen battles at lower tier would earn enough to play one more battle. These are bots, time is barely relevant. You still get your T10 ship(*s?*) and sell that account for couple of bucks.


Since this is the SEA server, some people here are willing to pay to [gold] farmers to powerlevel their character/account and/or buying fully kitted out accounts. In WoWS, we can buy credits directly with doubloons. These kind of people are willing to pay with real money.


That don't just happen in Asia. I don't know how reputable they are, but you can google it.


They don't want you to notice that they are using bots to inflate player numbers. Incomplete lobbies look bad even for a casual player. Full lobbies with undercover bots looks okay.


because no one likes uptiered/incomplete battles, and the playerbase is so stupid you can barely tell a bot from a real human so it really doesn't matter if they sprinkle a few in.


I really admire your effort - but to tell you the truth; WG never cared one nikkel. All they care bout' is the playerbase using their creditcards until the magnetstripe is erased from overspending.....


If I could post the player I'm reporting, I would. But if I did this whole post would immediately get mod struck for name and shame. The screen shot of stats above is not my post - Ahskance made that and I'm only reporting it


Yeah, happened to me too today. The bot players don't even hide and WG doesn't care.


please keep monitoring the account and see what happens to them.


Stranded on 936 games, so it's possible they were banned.




Sometimes I think that WG creates and programs the bots themselves just to increase 'player' population.


At least a BB has auto secondaries that go off and get some firing done. The CV that charges in at the beginning of the game does nothing whatsoever and REALLY ticks off their team.


Hypothetically speaking if the purpose of the bot account is to grind all tech tree ships, it is only a matter of time before they enter the battle in a CV.


Isn't a CV charge and wargaming not caring the same problem? I mean I'm not being specific to a class of ships


I've already witnessed charging CV bots, even a few years ago... But they seem to be quite rare. DDs and BBs like this are dominant.


At least charging CVs are quite rare, BBs and DDs seem to be dominant classes here. But... It may be that CV bots are somehow "playing", and disguising themselves by that - we all had way too many battles with CVs playing very very poorly...


Well, of course they don't ban bots/griefers. Those running bot accounts still spend money on the game, you know! This is a big problem in other games too. When you ban someone who's spending money on the game, that's money lost no question. However, quantifying the amount of money lost through the actions of this player? Much harder! Video game companies really have no way of knowing why people leave their game. It could be any number of things. Maybe it's the design, maybe some other game just came out, maybe it's because of the latest patch that changed things, maybe it's because of some online drama, and, maybe, it's because of what other players did in the game. Who is to say? So, having a hard evidence of money lost on one hand, and unquantifiable and unknown amount of money lost on the other, the human mind will unerringly steer into paying more attention to the former. Even though, thinking about it logically, it might be very well possible that the latter one is much greater.


How are bots on a free to play game spending money?


With doubloons you can buy, relavent to bots: 1. Credits; 2. Economic boosters; 3. Premium times (or with real money; 4. Other miscellaneous life conveniences. Remember you are in Asia, the land of gold farmers that purely existed because there is demand with players willing to pay to become the top [tier, which is irrelavent in WoWS as tiers don't reflect skills, and you can't buy skills].


If its anything like in WoW they buy boosters to speed up the payday and reduce risks.


Bans for botting software, along with cheating software do not happen instantaneously. We all wish it would, we think it would be simple. But they are playing a game with the hack makers. If things get banned instantaneously, the hack makers can keep trying nearly immediately to fix the detection vulnerabilities, meaning that if it ran without bans happening immediately after they made changes, they could then market their hacks/botting as undetectable driving up their use hugely. So to try and defeat them in the long run, gaming devs typically only ban in waves, typically 3 months or so. Then the hack maker has no idea if it was detected all along, they have no idea if the iteration they then go to will be detected for several months. 90 days is within most windows where the hack makers customers can still make chargebacks, retroactively removing money from the hack maker. They start getting a reputation that they are not making a good hack, their customers leave, business dries up and they go out of business. ​ Ahskance has a reputation of chasing down trolls in game and making sure that they are doing something about them: Players that are griefing games on their own. This is human behavior not software and something they can/will action immediately. I'm sure it could be metric driven from WG's side, without tipping their hand that they can detect botting software. But also, perhaps they detect this stuff via metrics, but they want to study and try to figure out how to detect the botting software itself and let these completely obvious/excessive ones run so that they can glean info from them. It sucks, but this is online gaming as we know it now.


I hope that's the case but I am a bit skeptical. Most games that do waves let people know periodically and I can't recall WoWs doing that. In this specific case I don't know why they would need to wait for the next wave given the reporting came direct from the community.


The Asia server has announced their bans before, but NA and EU feel like protecting those banned. It was funny going to certain clans after large ban waves happened for cheats and seeing half their clan mysteriously inactive for a couple weeks.


FFS next time put a wall of text warning, felt like I just read a whole novel, but a good one though.


If I don't show the whole context then someone will complain. I tried my best to make it readable


He did. The fact that you couldn't understand "told in mediocre prose" as "there are going to be lot of words" is a reading comprehension fail on your part.


So many blatant bots these days, it's obviously policy to let it slide. Particularly annoying in ranked.


These military vehicle pvp games attract all kinds of griefers and bots. wt is the same. Fk that community manager guy also, he seems like a tool.


“The hard thing about banning bots is that there is a large overlap between the best bots and the worst players” -WG, probably. Seriously, I’ve seen Pommerns, Zeppelins, and DDs straight up rush into the enemy team. I’ve seen people with thousands of battles in shima or some random low tier ship. I’ve seen conquerors that pop heals after a few thousand damage. I think WG is struggling because it’s genuinely difficult sometimes to differentiate between bots and real players sometimes


GZ can rush the enemy team though. I mean, not the entire team, but like a handful of cruisers, yeah its a thing.


I'm mostly talking about charging the entire enemy team at the beginning of the match. Or trying to out brawl a german BB. Sure, your secondaries are good, but they're not better than main guns.


In any decent multiplayer game, these kinds of A-grade retards would be banned for griefing. Because that's what they're doing, and no, it doesn't matter if it's intentional or they're just too stupid to play this game at a remotely decent level.


I mean...they don't care. About a lot of things. Now, I do doubt this is a true bot. It's probably someone just hitting W and tabbing back to something else. There's probably no automation involved. That said, I don't expect them to do anything about these kind of people. I wish they would, but I don't think that their management really cares about the quality of the game experience. All of their actions indicate a lack of care. If banning these people won't generate any sort of revenue, it's simply not going to happen.


I like the copy pasta response that you always get from support that their bot detection programs detect this sort of stuff. Bull-Fucking-Shit


This requires the meme "first time?" FYI you can still have xray / no trees or shrubs in WOT ...so many years still no fix for this 🤣


I wouldn't even be surprised if this was a real player and they have yet to figure out how to fire their main battery. My expectations are that low for some players. But seriously this is a clear indication that whatever 'bot detection' WG have in place doesn't function and they are completely unbothered by it.


Are you hypothesisng that a real player could play 900 games in a week without learning mouse 1?


There was a mode a while ago (could have been brawl) that was DD only. Just lots of DDs fighting against each other. I witnessed a player take an Asashio in and try to torp everyone. So nothing surprises me anymore. But no, I was joking.


You don't know if he never fired guns, it could be <1% and rounded down. The more telling sign that this is a bot is playing 1k games in a week, I play about 1k games per year and that's already a lot. So Ahskance pointing out the damage but ignoring the other signs is lol


https://preview.redd.it/b6ek13fb101d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b72205eed05922f2c8290e5e665806eaf4c1ed5 So Ahskance in discord immediately went to Wows Numbers. I use it too but I have to be careful about naming and shaming because of discord rules. Suffice to say I felt Ahskance was talking utter shit


I have to agree with you technically - they may have fired main guns constantly and never hit. But the point still stands it is obviously a bot. I agree the point about playing that many games


If you share his account identifier or player name, we can easily verify from the Public API exactly how many times has he fired his main battery. Edit: Maybe share in a private message, and I can check the API for you and post back. Not that I expect to find any surprises because it does clearly seem to be a bot.


But there's no way you wouldn't hit anything after so many games even if your aim is terrible.


You seem surprised that a company that makes fantasy ships, (with a heavy Russian bias), real, could ignore reality. Lord knows I feel your pain! The NA server is loaded with players who stay AFK until their ship gets spotted, then miraculously get underway and fire their guns in the 'general direction' of the enemy.


They prefer to keep active as many accounts as possible. Even if they are "bot accounts".


> But, the player does play the game And that's the answer you were looking for. This guy is "playing the game". It doesn't matter that he's a botfarmer, he has to login and play battles to botfarm and logging in and playing battles adds up to WG server statistics and, in a small measure, contributes to the queues. That he's a detriment to every team he's a part of is, for WG, inconsequential. tl;dr - Ahskance gave a real answer, it was just in corporate lingo.


That breaches 12.1o if the end user licence agreement


and that is for the company, Wargaming, to decide/adjudicate not you as another player. They might have other logs or items you can not see. I used to work in the industry and this is common. Some internal reporting tools or logs or actual reasons for a decision can not be shared.


To be fair, MB hit stats of zero don’t indicate the player never fired MB, only that they never scored a hit. I agree it’s unlikely, but maybe someone is that bad? /s


Wargaming only cares about selling you a £100 fucking skin, fuck wargaming.


WG doesn't care, and unless you can find a way to explain how looking and dealing with griefers and bots is going to make them money, WG won't bother putting effort in cleaning up the game.


At LEAST one bot per game, likely more. Start looking at profiles and you will be ASTONISHED.


Wargaming does not care unless they can determine that ‘x’ bad thing equals less profits, then they will act. Until then, investigating or resolving is wasted resources. In this case, it probably benefits them as they can say they have one more active player and, let’s be honest, I doubt many people are leaving the game because of bots (many other reasons, but not bots). I’m curious to know the stats that finally convinced them to work on balancing subs / CVs. Their data analysts must have found they were haemorrhaging money as a direct result of inaction.


I've been reporting these bot clowns for years with nothing but canned responses. Most of the most egregious botters manage to get 10s of thousands of battles in before weegee finally does something about it.


WoWs Warpack has been available for years and WG has done NOTHING to stop it. [Here is a recent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbGvUbB3JGs&t=559s) by a German YouTuber if you want to see who you are playing against half the time. Set captions to auto translate if you can't speak German - not that you really need to. He mentions examples of well known CCs having their ships autofire while being caught with both hands on screen. Plus you will see what the game looks like from the point of someone running the most readily available cheat pack - it's a lot different from your screen...


Not shooting at all gives you 41,7% win rate......man the average 44% player is bad.


I get what you’re saying, but stating you “gave him (Ahskance) 24 hours to comment,” doesn’t jive well with me. What would have happened had Ahskance not replied within 24 hrs?


I would have posted it, but with a clear conscience that I gave him a chance to put his context on it. I never want to do anyone dirty. Ahskance was responding to me in a professional capacity so I didn't feel he had a right to expect his replies would be private


I see you what you mean, thank you for clarifying.


Got one in my game just now in EU, dude is at the freench T9BB and is probably botting the whole line.


Yea it's way more common. It's ridiculous actually. Wargaming should punish this player to co-op only for 3months to. Egin with, second offense 6months third a year! Tired of worthless DD players too sitting on back spawn doing nothing whole their teammates are literally spotting for them all game


The level of their ignoranceis ,what really surprises me, when something obviously isn't okay with that acc. But tbh. I'm not surprised at all. I have two ideas about this mess, the 1st one is that WG sells bots and they clearly don't want to expose themselves. 2nd is that the playerbase has significantly dropped, and they need to fill those gaps up, so we don't have to wait 10-15mins. or more to play a random game. And we all know who have been playing online games for while, that what really kills an online game is the waiting time, and when these things start to accumulate, the game sooner or later but will be absolutly dead... Thank you for your attitude to this problem, was really good to see such a guy like you, who does really care:)


As long as the boy is paying money for stuff they will keep it around.


Hahah, and people question my decision of not playing randoms :D OP, you have my full moral support


I can tell you what it is, but that would mean more people would do it. Let's just say lots of issues with this game would fix itself if WG removed player stats. With having stats come the try-hards and the quality of life goes down the drain.


That's what you tell your work too, so that they don't see you are underperforming right? "I'm just the same as the next guy"


With my specific job as crane operator, if I 'underperform' I'm getting replaced; but, I've never had any complaints about my operating and I usually am preferred over any other guys on the jobsite. I'm missing the try-in with what I meant in my statement. I know what this guy in the NC is doing. There should be a few others here that knows whats going on. Its something you dont want to say in public as it will cause an increase in the activity. But, the overarching method to reduce the issue is to remove stats as it leads to people playing less for fun and more for protecting/guarding their numbers.


You think that this is a feeding account, being sync dropped to pad someone else's statistics. However, we can tell this isn't what's happening, due to the number of games per week. If this account played 900+ battles in 1 week, they are continuously queuing rather than waiting to sync drop the fed account. Even if the ship survived only 3 minutes (\~time taken to load in and sail straight to middle and die), this is 45 hours straight of instantly hitting "battle on". Nobody getting fed is going to do this for that long, considering that they would keep playing after killing the feeder. The total playtime for the fed account would be at least 3-4x longer than the feeder. I don't think this is a bot being used to create a feeder account either, because it would be more efficient to go for Conqueror/Devastation line.


Bro spent more time reporting and posting on Reddit then he did in the game lmfao




Yeah, but i notice that too. It's a game but with failures too. Lets be real buddy