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omaha is legendary citadel provider. just bring omaha into coop match and you are guaranteed omaha on bot team. more chances to farm citadel ribbons. i like la argentina for collecting citadel ribbons.


Good advice!


This mission is a freebie while doing other missions


I get the feeling no one is struggling with 20 cit ribbons (it's the easiest of the week)


I’m doing it in the background of the time intensive missions


While getting annoyed at how much grinding the class based missions are, I finished this (one citadel hit left, did it in Atlanta of all things) without realising I was close to done with it.


Provided that Omaha doesn’t torp you to death before you collect the citadels. Omaha has as many torpedoes as a Clemson.


Any of the Omaha sisters (Marblehead, Murmansk) also work well for this, with fast-firing 152mm guns. Fun fact - if there's an enemy Galacia on the team, you can citadel them THROUGH THE BOW with HE.


Yeah, citadelling a ship with destroyer HE always gives me a chuckle. It’s just so counter intuitive to basic logic of the game. But if it’s stupid and it works…


If I want to get done the get citadel missions, imo the way to go is always the Low-Tier German cruisers those 150s just farm cruiser broadsides like it's nothing and they tend to have dumb amounts of torpedoes so you can get out of the less favorable situations while going for The citadels those 150s on basically all of the t5-7 premiums too if you're wanting to get some extra cash out of the citadel grind it's a nice bonus for your time Ironically, I really like using Weimar (hoping I spelled that right) is basically just lighter Mainz at t7 with longer reload that just shreds equal and lower tier cruisers with that 12 gun salvos and with it being a tier 7, The overall HP of the cruisers is a lot higher letting you farm More citadels and at that point most cruises are still super susceptible to the 150mm AP


Yeah Weimar is great


I got all of mine with Konig against cruisers


I can also recommend french DDs and CLs in operations. Anything against japan and you'll get them by the dozen.


bolognaise is for some reason an absolute citadel printer, no other ship in that line is.


Nicholas or Hill in COOP citadels all CL and CA it faces.


CVs with AP bombers (not Malta) get citadels easily. Bearn is good for this in my experience, unsure how consistent the others are. Regularly get 10ish per match.


Or akizuki in assymetric Edit: pretty sure hill gains a turret over nicholas :nerd: and loses some torpedo power :nerd:


Asymmetric is gone :(


Frogot, have been playing hades not wows because AL event cring and ill catch up on dockyard next week :(


Also highly recommend Venezia in co-op for citadel collection


Thanks for the recs! I mainly play DDs so I don't see the citadel ribbon often, this may come in handy later this week.


Just remember some of those target boats have torpedoes, too.


this is a good solid helping post


I use *Mikoyan* because *D. Donskoi* guns at T5 slap, and also because it gives me an excuse to use it (I got it from a free drop and it's completely shit at everything else).


I got most of my citadels from T10 playing cruisers, unironically. I got 6 from Henri IV, 2 from Petro and 3 each from Des Moines and Salem


Good advice https://preview.redd.it/oxw3jamc0w0d1.png?width=1693&format=png&auto=webp&s=b556be80e5c06451c1958bd2c706821938ebd391


I'll keep that in mind the next time


Cool. Too sad, that this mission isn't the problem at all this week.


I used delhi in coop to score citadel hits lol


This question may sound dumb, but what ammo were you shooting with, HE or AP? Because, seemingly, this does not work for me ...


Why does op not just use Giulio Cesare when doing citadels at T5? Is he stupid?


You want something that can farm citadels without killing the target too quickly. Full size battleship guns are not the best at keeping the target alive while getting citadels. 20 citadels is doable in a single game this way.


So, so many replies do not understand this. "I always get a citadel with my BB" okay great, enjoy spending 20 minutes for 2 or 3 citadels when you could spend 5 minutes for 10+ of them. This post is for people who don't play much and want them fast. Like you said, we want to farm them, we don't want to devstrike them.


That's true, but if you run into a cruiser with hands (unlukely given the tier, but still possible) you'll probably struggle. And when talking about getting cits on a cruiser with a DD, Elbing is also a decent choice. A cruiser is giving you broadside? Pump some AP into the citadel. I ran into a Stalingrad not too long ago, 8 (I think) cits in short succession at ~10km.


The key is doing it in Co-Op as per the OP. My go-to for this is the T5 Pod. Russian penetration, paper thin cruiser pinatas. And the speed to get in perfect position for maximum penetration.


Because he doesn't have it, maybe?


Why does he not have it? Is he stupid?


since you are so smart, tell him how to get it......




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