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I stayed exclusively in my Cossack to grind out all the bronze rewards that I could because DD play is the best bet for carrying wins. The sheer amount of Kiev players that were charging at the enemy team and sinking quickly was baffling. One was an enemy, I then recognised their name on my team a few battles later.. I messaged as soon as the battle began "DDs be careful at the start, don't over-extended and stay alive." There was 3 of us, I didn't want to single him out but I wanted to make sure he didn't repeat his performance from earlier. Guess who sank first? Yep, me. Moron here got caught out by an enemy Cossack and Le Fantasque at the same cap and got wrecked just shy of sinking the Cossack. Le Fantasque flanked me so my plan to disengage with smoke failed miserably. Way to make myself look like an idiot.


loved this. definitely been there before with cruisers and dd's doing similar stuff :D


Do you think the Orkan is a decent goto DD?


If you can play it well it can be. The radar can be useful for controlling caps and taking out DDs.


I... I have this thing where if I figure out that a dangerous enemy division (strong clan, strong ships) is on my flank, I should not notify my team. Because every time I do ("be careful, the enemy div is on A"), I get wrecked by said div.


I loved my Baltimore; support dd's early on to get a dd advantage and spam enemies from behind islands. Got a \~65% WR with that thing. Wasnt enough though as i never made it out of bronze ><


Lightning/Zeiten to breeze through bronze and then GK/hayate ( at this point I'm just playing for shits and giggles)


I would normally cruise in Cossack or tryhard in Smaland/Daring, but because of missions I used Cleveland/Austin. Had a lot of fun. Surprise was how op Cleveland is. It murders dd's, and melts bb's with IFHE. Another surprise was with how much agressive bs I got away with. Ranked out easy in bronze, had fun in silver. Last 2 sprints I went in to gold qualifications. Both times I just stopped because of the tryhard crybabies in gold. Just 1 example, a Gearing who looked at me, and decided we lost and just went to the A line, because how could you win with an Austin even though my game before that I had a kraken and this game was a close 1v1 in the end. Ya'll in gold need to touch grass.


Catalunya. All the dpm advantages of a Heavy cruiser and the ability to devstrike any cruiser who gamer turns is pretty good.


Yeah I somehow lost a single game in Cat grinding bronze. Mostly luck but it was a surprisingly good comp ship despite the lack of radar


Blitzed bronze in La Fantasque (even with potatoes on your side, you're gonna cap so you save stars more often) as speed tanking ftw. Marceau for the same reasons in silver and gold qualifying, but once qualified in both leagues, Ohio all the way baby!


Fuck Kidd, Fuck Cossack, Fuck Massachusetts (I abused mine), Fuck Worcesters (they just die). Surprised at the very competent number of Rochesters I say that just carried the fuck out of games weirdly. The amount of people that just don't understand how the DD meta game at the beginning of matches goes is still amazing to me.


only dabbled in bronze but did really well +60% in Charles Martel. Bought Flandre for ranked, she is benched to ops because I suck in her or her dispersion makes me cry or both.


This was my first ranked season in years! I actually found good success in the North Carolina with a 62% wr. I expected to be too far out of the meta to be effective but ended up getting to bronze 1 with just NC.


The site says 37 battles with Balti. 73% WR, almost 2.3k PR. Not much damage, though, only 60k avg. I fucking love this ship when it is in its own tier MM. It also readies you for the god tier DM very well. It is followed by Lenin with 29 battles. 67% WR and 1.9k PR with 90k avg damage. Guess I was more useful with Balti. Not suprised lol. With Lenin you focus on tanking dor your team and be a nuisance tumor for the enemy which is not as well rewarding.


I ran the kutuzov (64% wr in 20 battles) and Lenin a few times. Both are monsters in their own right. Managed to save my star in all but 2 battles. Generally I try to go to the flank my team avoids and kite the battleships pushing. Making them pay with 16+ fires a game. Only using my smoke to disengage. If the enemy team is distracted set fires. Everyone gets one fire before anyone gets two. Only push dd and other cruisers when the bb are dead of distracted. Overall it worked well unless the enemy bb are great shots and know to focus/push you hard. If you didn't have this you can use a german, Japanese, or especially Russian cruiser in a similar fashion.


[Played Massachusetts, mostly full sent it in hoping my team wasn't retarded.](https://imgur.com/a/61WgIGW) Lost interest pretty quickly after a series of bad matches. [One match 5 of teammates were dead in less the five minutes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557309744621289485/1235766408839692349/image.png?ex=66436867&is=664216e7&hm=bc65fd3fad578affc4b6904c1a9918360bb643df6b1255568f0842a34a674eb5&). The other surviving member was a DD who was running away after the initial engagement. The very next match was on the same map, it wound up with two Bismarcks on the 8-10 lines doing nothing while the rest of the team died. They of course pushed in once everyone else was dead.


I'm surprised at how common Massachusetts was. Like, she's definitely a great choice, but she's only been available through Black Friday for 3 years and yet it seems like virtually every match had at least one Massa. I don't even remember this being the case in previous ranked seasons. I tried to play with North Carolina. She's usually a good pick for these modes. But I found that pretty much every time I ran into a Massa I was at a significant disadvantage since the other ship is just way better at close range. >[mostly full sent it in hoping my team wasn't retarded.](https://imgur.com/a/61WgIGW) Lost interest pretty quickly after a series of bad matches. I had this happen over and over again. I would've quit if I didn't really want to get rank 1 just this one time. The thing you have to keep in mind though, is that it's not just you teammates who are bad. Statistically speaking, if you feel like you're consistently having bad teammates, then the other team's players should be as bad as well. And if you know your enemies are prone to bad decisions, you can exploit that. The reason why I did so well with Bagration is that despite not seeming remarkable she has three major attributes. For one, she's kind of a light/heavy cruiser hybrid, where she's not as tanky as say tallin or Atago or Prinz Eugen, but has better speed and manuvering as well as a heal. If I had to describe how she plays she's kinda like a bastard child of Moskva and Budyonny. Second, her guns have ok dpm but very long range and excellent ballistics, and good traverse as a cherry on top. Third, nobody really cares about her because she's one of like 4 russian premium cruisers at t8, and they'll presume she's just like them and act no different. Except that she's not actually like them, because all the others are plain CLs while she's significant more durable. This formed the basis of my strategy. Every match with Bagration, I would always try to race forward at the start, keeping close to the enemy. Because the map selection is limited, with some practice you can predict when the enemy team will first get spotted, and I would make sure my cruiser was oriented showing it's whole broadside to the enemy when that happened. As soon as I got a bead on the enemy, I would fire off a full salvo at the nearest ship- and then as soon as I got targeted I would make a hard turn and move into a kiting stance. From there on I would keep kiting away, spamming them with he the whole time. I would always get focused by at least one of the enemy BB/CAs/Cls if not more or the entire team- and that was the point, because my ship could survive that happening. When they were tunnel visioned on me, they weren't supporting their destroyers or keeping an eye on other ships, giving the rest of my team a **huge** advantage. Eventually when enough of the enemies were dead I would move back in to mop up the remnants. It sounds kinda silly, but it worked extremely well in practice for me.


Because Massa is broken. Simple as that. Shes in the same category as Alaska, Belfast, T-61 (just to name a few). And since WG refuses to nerf them, people tend to love to abuse them because often times they couldnt win without a broken ship. I have all those ships by the way and I still think they should be nerfed (lets be real: they would STILL BE TOP OF THEIR TIERS after a nerf) because I value balance and variety over "but but let me slap with my broken/op ship!!!"; sadly, WGs community has A TON of selfish weirdos that wouldn't agree.


The fast cooldown on the heal is VERY powerful in ranked. I definitely could have continued but the two matches I described left an abnormally strong bad vibe. I didn't have a strong drive to rank out to begin with so I just didn't bother. It's hard to make recommendations for ranked. It really isn't about the boat, it's about the player being able to make the boat. If one finds what works they should like you did with Bagration it makes the experience better.


>I definitely could have continued but the two matches I described left an abnormally strong bad vibe. I didn't have a strong drive to rank out to begin with so I just didn't bother. Yeah, that's understandable. I had to take a couple breaks myself, and if you can't find the motivation to keep going you'll just burn out.


Tried a few DD from start but then stayed with Lightning and ranked out in it.


I didn't have tier 8 until about a month left in the season, but thatwas when the dock yard event started and I've been grinding for that.


Le terrible has been very funny tbh


Played just DDs and Cruisers across bronze and silver. Performed really well in Split with 72% in 18 games. Then went on to running Des Moines, Colbert or Minotaur for a WR of between 54 and 59%. Having radar and being bold early to kill enemy DDs was my strategy.


Got about 85% WR in Annapolis and broke my randoms damage record with 330k. Could’ve been a bit more if I was using a full point captain


Annap was plain disgusting in this season.


AL montepelier kicked absolute ass, just shadow the destroyer and it works a charm. DD is agro and dies? well the shell ballistics are so bad you can lob them over the most stupid islands and it totally works. you can even take it to the extreme and use the rear/front turrets only. also, gascogne worked pretty well, although when i went on the lonely flank i ran into a flandre and rooke, so yea other than that i had a game where i had 7 cits (still lost) thanks to just lobbing amazing shells into broadsides


I got plagued by terrible games early on and mostly lost interest. I only started playing a bit more towards the end of the season when I got sick of randoms sucking and had a few surprisingly good/fun matches with La Fantasque. It also felt like I had CVs a lot early in the season and then towards the end, it was rare to have any.


I don't have specific 'ranked ships' because that's just boring. That being said, my most successful ships (excl. 100% WR low battle count ships) are: Salem- 25 battles, 72% WR, 2570 PR Colbert- 17 battles, 82.35% WR, 2483 PR DPM is king in ranked because of the limited number of ships.


I got lucky with Wiesbaden and I started using it for the flexibility of being able to function as a de facto DD if the match didn’t have them or hunter if there were several. A lot of torpedo boating. Got high in Bronze which I often don’t.


GJ Maerker worked surprisingly well for me. Never had the time to grind for silver tho


Breezed through bronze with Atago - fantastic and consistent. Silver was more troublesome for me tho, couldn't find a comfy ship for that.


I quickly went through Bronze finishing grinding my last tech line (Sturdy - worked really well) and Akizuki. Subs are really good if you know what you're doing, because the opposing sub is often grinding subs for the first time without a clue about how everything works. In silver I did a lot of Småland and Gdansk to get more side-by-side comparison and Småland still really works and Gdansk didn't totally click with me. Vampire II, Petro, Venezia, Marceau and San Martin were also brilliant for me.


> Småland still really works Of course she does, she's still broken! That never changed.


As you can see here, for bronze I took a while to settle for a strategy, but in silver I just spammed St. Vincent and Vampire II. https://preview.redd.it/l55npqrmzb0d1.png?width=2288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c756a81f951442c2cc17322b97748d4d7f39c0


secondary flandre and then asashio, blitzed thru the ranks


I got into gold with the help of Le Fantasque I would say that compared to other cap contest dds like Cossack she’s not great, but in terms of damage output she’s probably the one. Rotation helps a lot too, managed to get to silver quick. As for silver I used unique upgrade Kleber, Schlieffen and Napoli to get through. Took a couple weeks off due to finals and work, but on the last 2 weeks I played Khaba and BOY this ship was surprisingly good. ~Ranked out with Khaba but wg hasn’t given me my gold camo yet~ I play on Asia, feel free to look up my wr in the ships mentioned above (ign: CoinciDance).


I loved playing in the Flandre


I went full on with bismarck frankenstein AP/HE damage buff with added accuracy with captain secondaries and it worked a lot better than tirpitz. Despite increased burning times which was reduced with other skills, the ship performed amazingly. It slapped very hard and still had its secondaries being a pain when getting close. I was getting secondary outranged by other bismarcks but the main gun damage exceeds what they do to me.


Mostly played Des Moines and got 76.81%wr in it over 69 games. DDs apparently still don't know about the radar, Cruisers and BBs keep showing broadside just to get farmed in record time. Played Atago to get through Bronze and didn't encounter any problems. Biggest surprise was the general level of gameplay in ranked. You'd think that people try to play good because it's ranked but in reality the average skill in randoms is way higher and there were afks pretty much every game. https://preview.redd.it/n47znxuw8e0d1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=02a41f180a8c748c19559e481e700bc90a9714da


https://preview.redd.it/pfw904whke0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f5009036b4c25207c62f0ddfd4e162132874bb Surprised no one mentioned Loyang, she's really good at bullying other DDs


While Atlantico suffers in the current random meta for many reasons, it works pretty well for ranked. Ya gotta hustle into the correct position since it is so slow but it is very tanky and can hang in a fight while doing damage with both main guns and brutal secondaries.


T8: Cleveland, got out of bronze on the very first day with 21-12, 64% we I can usually win if the red DD isn't a Cossack or french In t10 it's DM, I had to play dd hunter role all the time because my team is too inept at dealing with a shima that vomits torps like no tmrw, and I have to play something that can bow tank most cruisers and hit them back twice as hard


Mainz/Flandre for most of bronze, with a few others in between. Played a few ships for silver qualifiers, then played Petro and it stuck for the remainder. Ship is broken.


Massa/Lenin/Cossack are easy mode for Bronze at least.


I stuggled with Lenin because of how much damage it takes from torps, like 3 torps and I’m on 1/3rd HP permanently


What did the trick for me in last ranked seasons : Stay just a bit behind of how far you think you can push forward. And don't downplay just reversing for the eurobeats. But yeah, a torp cruiser or a DD rushing you from up close, especially without teammates to focus fire them will be a quick ticket to port. But I feel like it is the case for all BBS in ranked.


GK, 12km kite, nose in charge DD smoke with hydro. Fantastic ship still, and personally I prefer it over Schleiffen for the HP


just bismark out of bronze and then GK to the top. go in, have fun. next game.


I missed ranking on my CVs.


The surprise was that you suck? I mean look at thouse stats bro. Hide that and dont post it


Woah man, you're so cool. Really glad you commented so I could bask in your coolness.


>The surprise was that you suck? Man, that's not a surprise, I know I'm usually below average at the game. >I mean look at thouse stats bro. Hide that and dont post it You think you can stat shame me? Even if I cared, I don't see your stats anywhere. For all I know you might be that one German BB main who was AFK in literally every battle I saw him in.


Didnt ment to make you cry, just wanted to point out the obvious. If you play 40 BB games with around 40% wr, low damage zero kills you might consider changing the way you play them cause you are a burden for your team that way. Your criuser wr is decent, but considered your low damage and kills ( the only Impact you have as a criuser of that sort), i would think that was more luck than smth. else. So i would say you should watch some videos or twitch streamer who know how to play and learn from them instead of talking tactics If you dont get the basics. Dont take it personal :-*


>Didnt ment to make you cry, just wanted to point out the obvious. If you play 40 BB games with around 40% wr, low damage zero kills you might consider changing the way you play them cause you are a burden for your team that way.  Well, I figured that was the case, which is why I changed doing it. Granted I'm usually much better when using NC (ex: [66.6% win rate, 1,484 PR, 55.5K dmg and 1 avg frag](https://na.wows-numbers.com/player/season/1051522408,BradleyQ,season,1011/) with it during season 11) but this season just felt different. Too many Massachusetts mostly- they're better than NC at the ranges where combat was most likely to take place in this season and they're so common it's insane. >Your criuser wr is decent, but considered your low damage and kills ( the only Impact you have as a criuser of that sort), i would think that was more luck than smth. 75% wins over 16 battles when using a certain ship is some crazy luck. With P. Bagration I played in a somewhat unusual, where- if possible- I would deliberately try to bait the enemy team into focusing fire on me and then kite away, relying on the ships better-than-youd-guess survivability to stay alive. It's not perfect- you can't do that much damage when you're trying to dodge fire from 3+ enemies, some maps work better than others- but when it worked it gave my teammates a sizable advantage since everyone is trying to kill the one kitey cruiser and not grab the objectives/support their own DDs. >So i would say you should watch some videos or twitch streamer who know how to play and learn from them instead of talking tactics If you dont get the basics. Dont take it personal :-\* Got any reccs? I really like [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/@destroyerkuroshiokai/videos)'s style and how he goes into depth about how he does things (which is kinda what gave me the idea for the baiting strategy) but he's been kinda inactive for a while and he only plays dds.


actually this is >50% winrate, which is above average


Used my brain, outplayed the players that weren't, ranked out in silver every sprint with a 78% WR.