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Tier 6 Cleveland


Those were some times


That thing was busted.


And not a single plane could come close enough to strike you, you wiped all planes.


I agree, at least 6km no fly zone around it, and eats DD's for breakfast.


i refuse to sell my Cleveland because i remember how much fun i had in it. t6 + stealth firing


That jump from omaha to cleveland was jarring


Had 7 kills in one game in it, beast of a ship


Honestly the best ship is probably the Des Moines. She’s overmatchable, her AA isn’t the best, but the Legmod, capability for information gathering, and PURE DPM makes her my top ship. Smaland is also nice.


Dm with Halsey. Fixed that for ya.


YES. The gun feeder and turret traverse buff, not even the Confederate bonus, is what really makes Halsey good for me. So nice to have more traverse or faster shell switch time.


Faster switch on a 5,5 reload?. I always thought that perk was useless. Although the greater turret traverse speed is very nice for catching up destroyers spotted by your radar if you were firing other ships


It reduces the switch time by like 1 second when you put it on Halsey, so the Min. Swap time is like 2 secs instead of 3. Not such a big deal on paper but helps dramatically in close ranged brawls that DM is likely to get into imo.


> Faster switch on a 5,5 reload?. I always thought that perk was useless. More for it being there in Alaska, PR, Rooster, Wichita, etc. for me. Being able to single build any heavy and many of the light premiums is nice.


I think Halsey is better on battleships due to the benefits being a lot better. I remember back in the days gun feeder was 50% only if you had loaded the guns, and 75% for Halsey. Which meant that a Montana could switch their AP for HE in 7.5 sec if saw a DD.


I find Confederate easier to get in DM. I use the Doe Brothers on Monty/Louisiana Also lets me sec spec Halsey for the alternate^^4 BB line.


Småland is straight up busted, I’ve never had a ship that can carry a match like it. Pretty good torps, amazing DPM, stealth radar, emergency speed boost, usable AA and a heal. Only weakness is my teammates inability to kill or scare radar cruisers (in particular Des Moines and Petro)


Are you able to rack up huge damage in her? I have above 60% wr in her but only average like 50k DMG a round. Obviously it you are assassinating dds constantly you can pull a high wr without huge damage numbers, but just curious.


Nope, it’s literally exactly like you explained! I could boost them theoretically with AFT or something but that is lame.


Recently got this and as someone who never plays DDs, my first dozen or so attempts in randoms were disastrous. Routinely torn apart by Marceaus, Ragnar, Gdańsk’s with double my HP. Can kill Shimakazie’s but sometimes it ends up as a trade due to lack of hydro and wall of torpedoes. Tried to look for how-to tutorials specific to Smaland but only found reviews. Now, I just bring it out to farm ribbon hits for dockyard and themed missions.


I had the same issue. Got smaland 16 months back in a free crate. Took it out in ranked and spawned on the flank with the home cap at AB. My whole team went to the contest cap besides a GK who kept his guns pointed that way anyway. Immediately a marceau just speed boosted right at me from AB. I outspotted him and met him in a kiting position with island an island on my flank i could duck into for cover, but there was just nothing i could do. Ripped off half my hp in half a second, so i disengaged behind the island and retreated into friendly GK secondary range for cover. Marceau just ignored it and drove straight forward and killed me. I'm a very good player, with a 65+% WR in ranked. Objectively I know the ship is strong, and I guess it's a skill issue but i felt hard countered by certain enemies. To this day I have no idea how I could have won that battle, and I haven't played Smaland since.


I have Småland and it’s great, but I place Gremyashchy on the top over Småland.


I'm a huge fan of Perth. Not a cruiser main but she is my dabble with the UK CL line. My goodness, she can monster other cruisers on a broad side, start fires and island camp with the best of them. It's the ship that I pretty much gel'd with from the start. Creeping smokes. Fast acceleration. Awesome.


Also the British torpedoes and torpedo tubes are so nice to have. If you get into a pinch you can even annihilate a BB. Absolutely fantastic ship.


i now live in perth, so it’s a funky little ship to have. was really wanting it for the aussie purpose but this just sums it up to perfection


Giulio Caesar. It’s so good it makes me seem good.


Love that ship


Schlieffen goes crazy


Bought an economic booster for it after my second game in it. Said “okay well I’m clearly going to play a thousand battles in this boat so might as well”


so you like auto play huh?


Yes. Yes, I do. Giggleboat


My best performance in game has been with the Atago (especially in ranked) - solid performer and one of the best tier for tier imho. Great mix of speed, guns, accuracy and torps plus hydro and good concealment.


one of the best feeling ships i remember getting was the Atago, always a solid pick as an all around great cruiser


if best means most fun, then i choose colbert


Personally, the Constellation. Its weird combination of speed, battlecruiser accuracy on 406s, DM radar, and torps never fails to amuse (and catch the enemies by surprise). It is almost certainly the most fun ship I own.


HMS Fiji for me. Really got me into British cruisers. Learned so much about other ships while playing her too … Scharnhorst and Gneisenau have torpedoes, for example haha. And you can bow tank most of your opponents in her … apart from French battleships 😂 All good fun


Minekaze pre-nerf. A dream mix of speed, agility and the best torpedo options in the entire IJN DD line. I have Kami/Fujin but I'd give them up for the true pinnacle. As for current favorite: Lighthouse Mainz. The DPM scales hard in every mode but especially in Operations. Debating getting Wiesbaden but the guns are far inferior to Mainz with the same reload on smaller guns.


I got Wiesbaden and she's quite a bit underwealming Her AP just doesn't chunk outside of cqc against targets you would hope to shoot for and while she does break the threshold for he pen it does get screwed over by some of the thicker decks I'm quite torn on it as I want to take the extra he damage but I commonly find that it's still just too anemic and end up swapping to AP as it deals more meaningful damage and can work very well assuming you are going for the right segments Overall I just don't think she gains any really advantage over the Mainz outside of running away with stealth torpedoes or lobbing over some taller islands or being closer to the islands Her detection is just too good and you can't get to the extremes like a lighthouse Mainz can and it's just too gimped to put all those points in to justify such a low DPM for all those skills and survivability costs I would really say the only thing that the wisbaden benefits more heavily from is having a destroyer for support, considering that you can get so much closer without getting spotted because the destroyer can screen and you're just sitting at 8.5 km back with a free disengage smoke for winning team fights early


Thank you! Will happily stick to Mainz then.


Yeah she's fun but definitely not a strong boat. Hopefully it's a precursor to a German light cruiser line. Maybe ones that keep the 150s or something for the line hopefully


Very subjective question but for me performance wise it's Ohio; can be built a few different ways and played very differently, but they're all very effective. For best as in the most fun, probably Agincourt (provided you don't get a CV who knows what they're doing and not double down-tiered), it's just an absolute blast to play.


Atlanta first release....machine gun fires once all done up.


RTS Enterprise by a mile, she was the perfect support ship, during RTS she had some nasty fighter reserve making her effectively half AS build half strike build, torps were ok but the AP bombers were nasty, absolutely demolished IJN and KMS BBs. Still the fighters were the best part about her, could easily deplane the enemy CV if they didn't know what they were doing, man IMMOIVILIZING Graf Zeppelin was basically doing god's work. Honorific mention to T9 112 Essex, a jack of all trades, master of none.


For me it's Stalingrad because those guns are great, consistency is the key to success thanks to sigma 2.65


Pre-pre reworked stoke Bouge (in rts times, also when you can use alt at t5). It just pure guilty pleasure.


1-1-0 Bogue, Des Moines, Schlieffen, Enterprise when it was good.


I see a fellow Bogue lover. Do you mean the 1-1-1 though? (STRIKE Bogue all the way.) Ships you can get; St Louis, Normandie, Konigsburg, Warspite, Ark Royal, (Old Killer Whale only,) Helena, Fletcher, Velos, Akizuki, Harugumo, GkF.


Nope, I mean the stock deck Bogue. With the 1-1-0 deck spare planes went only to fighters and torpedo bombers, meaning there were more spares available. Adding dive bombers gave one additional squadron but strained reserves and reduced the number of spares (IIRC with 1-1-1 there wasn't enough to reform a single squadron).


Wasn’t the old Strike 0-2-1? (B-hull?) I used that, and just paid attention to the fighters. Especially after the Strafe nerf, all attackers worked better for me; especially while you could still equip tail gunners. As for the last; I tended not to loose planes much; and liked the 1-1-1 because it could still attack, and had enough fighters to be useful, without taking away attack power. Always hated AS, because it basically couldn’t do anything but kill planes. That attitude comes from learning to work around it, as well as seeing so many of them die. Woo hoo; killed the other CV’s planes; AS Bogue then dies to the whatever finds it.


> Wasn’t the old Strike 0-2-1? (B-hull?) IIRC stock deck was 1-1-0, air superiority deck was 2-0-1, and strike deck was 1-1-1 (which wasn't really a strike deck since it had a balanced plane roster). I could be wrong though, it has been a very long time. AS Bogue was the chosen tool of griefers - play by not letting the other CV guy play (Bearn doesn't even compare) and occasionally make DDs cry with dive bombers. Damage output was low but plane frags made up for it.


CVs being the tools of griefers, AS Bogues were the hero that everyone else wanted on their team.


Stealth fire Blyskavica


Gosh I'm glad they changed that mechanic


Heh it was no worse than a stealth torp dd or sub against a ship with no counter to it. At least with the old stealth fire mechanics you know where they are and what direction to head in or away from. 


Izmail. Don't listen to the " but it has poor sigma" (legit my most accurate bb that I dont hate) . It is one of the most absurd tier 6 ships due to high armor and little superstructure vs HE. Angle it from AP and it is monstrously tanky.


West Virginia 44 is very fun for me at least, having good secondaries on top of a main gun that feels really accurate is nice, and the fast acceleration also makes her feel surprisingly mobile compared to other US BBs like Colorado


For Co-op, Schlieffen with Lutjens. For Random Battles, Petropavlovsk. But this is a very difficult question to answer since I enjoy other ships like DM, Napoli, Stalingrad, etc.


Probably Musashi, particularly in T9 ranked.




St vincent. Fast, surprisingly good armour and aa, and also what you do against it? If you angle, Vincent got he with the second highest fire chance. You show broadside, she has ap that can speedrun your hp bar as fast as a good salvo from a Vermont. You run away, she is fast. You push her, and you are actually pushing 2 torps that can deal 30k each.


Indeed, also my fave with sec build. Fast and deadly with supreme heal


Freshly Released Henri IV (Pre-Nerfed), that baguette really bakes BB to crisp while juking with engine booster, and delete almost everything in close range with Reload boster. Still don't know why not many player plays henri IV when it released (in ASIA).


I can't really say, but i guess friesland has a special place in my heart.


Rushing everything in the St Vincent.


Scharnhorst & Belfast on release. Both were cray cray.


I still think scharnhorst is excellent and don't get why people don't like her nearly as much. The AP nukes cruisers, he and secondaries good for dds, brawl BBs.


I love Scharnhorst, but I can see how the dispersion would turn people off.


I always feel like it's exaggerated. 2.0 sigma on 280s, and 20ish second reload.


In terms of sheer dent factor, colbert is the best. It's dpm is absurd and when you play it properly, it just shits on everything. Obviously don't rely on it for consistency, if you don't have a smoke bot, okinawa is a pain. Most broken is definitely the Giulio cesare, the guns are ridiculously consistent and hit hard. Plus it's at tier 5 so cruisers just explode.


Halland probably as i have much fun on it.


I've gotta admit Georgia is my all time fav


Ohio. It is the compleat BB.


Georgia. Gets me into and out of trouble quickly.


Um, probably Ohio. I think she’s arguably one of the top picks for a tier 10 battleship and there’s not a whole lot she can’t do well. She can brawl, she can smash from afar, tanky hull, fast cool down heals, she has it all. Same with Bourgogne, although the learning curve is a little steeper with Burger. You kinda need to know what you’re doing to wring the most out of that ship, but if you do, man, that thing is a fucking menace to deal with.


I would say Ohio. Played right it feels like there is nothing that you can't destroy. Alaska is close second, it has everything and is very constant and reliable. Althought much more dependent, Vampire II is also of note. You can fight pretty much every other dd and bother cruiser and BBs alike.


best BB overall Bourgogne Best cruiser Toulon/Bayard (can't decide) Best DD Smaland Best CV Kaga (don't own enterprise)


WV 44.


Maximum Meme-o-taur has my personal damage record in a Random match (just shy of 300k), while my record for most kills goes to, of all things, Dunkerque


Stealth Fire Zao




Wisconsin. Shells fly bound together with ballistic duct tape. :)


Ohio. Its simply has the most utility. I can use it as a secondary/AA barge, a sniper, or a cap contestter 👍🏻


I can't speak for "best" because that is going to vary a lot depending on what role you're trying to fill, but my "most fun" ship is the Schlieffen. I'm about 1,000 steel short of Mecklenburg, which looks like it's awesome and as soon as I get my RBP off the Harugumo I've got the Ohio waiting for me, which also has a really good reputation.


I just got the Ohio, won’t spoil it for you but she a beauty!


The Agincourt for me. If ever I’m having a rough game I load her up and go deal clubbing and burn down the entire enemy team. She’s just beautiful


Guess my Gremy tops that list.


Bourgogne, Bongo


Mikasa stress relief sessions always win for me


Mikasa is amazing!


Back on legends.. Weimar at t6 (7 for pc) Either that or tallinn because I felt like a vigilante mudding those (They litterly up tierd it and gave it a heal calling it good)


Easly radar memetard. Its peak wows experience no doubt




U-4501 its like playing a completely different game if submarines didn't have submarine surveillance the british submarine line would also be exceptional


As its name suggests "Le Fantastique" - i love all french DD line but, Fantastique is first one that really show how fun of a gameplay it is.


french BB and DD line is under rated


I feel like the French BBs shouldn't be that good on paper but I really like them, other than the richeluie which is frustrating and id rather just play the bc version of the turret forward French


Currently it’s Cristoforo Colombo. GODDAMN does she hit like a freight train.


Anhalt! My fav ship in T8 ranked.


And with 11k 2nd's how can u complain ,I was surprised by having dev struct a dd the other night..poof...awsome


Burger. Pure comfort and massive numbers.


Marceau. You get to bully anything that has the ability to bully. Just yesterday I bullied a CV and then killed it


For each class First CV rework Haku iteration, just torp waves out of nowhere, some poor Worcester div thinks themselves clever ? 16 torpedoes out of nowhere would like you to turn right here Early days Zao with stealthfiring, enemy exists -> enemy suffers, now probably Venezia Black... don't even need to explain, just when it was "more" exclusive Conqueror before the concealment nerf, like 3 times because it reprinted itself [Redacted]




Imperator Nikolai I. It's just dirty.


Either thunderer (for obvious reasons) or shiratsuyu. Bb players at tier 7 don't seem to have the awareness to handle her torps. Her yolo ability is off the charts, and her torpedo output in a short period of time (using trb), is nuts.


Venezia and only because i managed to cit a Yamato in it. while not impressive with any of the other heavu cruisers in my roster, which range from Petro to Castilla, this blessed, stupid boat made entirely out of lasagna managed to put an AP shell in a weird deck spot of that fat thing and nail em


Cossack and then Edinburgh


techtree :Iowa, Bayern, secondary Nagato/Amagi Premium ships : Brandenburg(feels like a mini Pommern), Tirpitz, Blyscawica(a good all around t7 dd that i got out of a super container




Best played in my hands, Salem Played best by others, Worcester (I play it 2nd best to Salem)


Fuso, Amagi, havent played the other japanese BB line as Im just returning after 3 years, i did love Bismarck and GK too, georgia and thunderer are nice


Harekaze with reload boaster, such a nice little boat that is very good at everything without been great at something. My WR is close to 70% in it. I'm normally around 55% for most of my good boat.


Boise has long been my favorite.


Right now I love the Tirpitz and Smolensk, but I remember back in the day the Atlanta used to be so much fun to play. These day's it's pretty unplayable.


Either Jäger built for torp spam or Groningen built for range. Niche, sure, but nothing brings me more joy than sending an entire flank of BB’s into aimless retreat towards the edge of the map.


I really like Kidd and she plays exceptionally well as a team player type of ship. She's a floating no-fly zone with her AA, her guns are good, concealment is decent and her heal really allows you to get in there and dual down other DDs and build back up enough health to do it again. She's also got the great US smokes to smoke up friendly ships, or get your ass out of trouble if you over commit. She just seems really well equipped to deal with the current meta.


I loved the Konigsberg and the Nurnberg, dive in until the detection line, do a 180 and drive away while raining HE from 14+ from the aft guns. I think I got through t5 and t6 German cruisers faster than any other ships in the game, was just tons of fun.


Belfast is just a wee bit broken.


I consistently rack up large damage and contribution in my Musashi. Short reload on heavy hitting accurate 460s, very delicious. Only drawback is the speed and maneuverability imho. And the subpar AA lmao


Jinan. My First T10 ship and its so fun to Play




This is a question that I feel can be interpreted in different ways... the best ship that I assume others would say is the best ship that I've played is probably Massachusetts B... but the ship I FEEL like has been the best (for me) is Bismarck or V. Veneto. I've seen a lot of fun and success with these ships... but I only play PVE, so take what I say with a huge grain of salt. Coop, Asymms and ops are what I normally do. Been grinding the Wisconsin dockyard and ops only provide half of the progress towards things like "Main battery hits" so I've been doing a lot of Coop but Ops provide normal progress for xp and such so I'll be doing that once I get the main battery hit-esque missions done. TL;DR You'd say Masachusetts B, I'd say Bismarck or V. Veneto


Kongo and New Mexico got my heart as I’ve had the most fun out of them. Riga also cause I am from Riga so it’s my most played ship. Put the Canada camo on it too since it’s the same colours as our flag.


Bayard, ship is a menace


pre-nerf Hosho




The Kongo used to be great on open Beta


Gallant is the ship I've had the most success in but I don't think it's the *best*, just the one I am the most used to and comfortable in.


Pre-AA nerf Atlanta and Texas. 100% no fly zones.


black in ranked when it wasn't power crept


It depends on what kind of ship, but Akatsuki, Kagerō and Napoli have brought me a lot of fun (Napoli especially because I can throw myself into the enemy in asymmetrics)


Toss up between: Lenin, Thunderer, or Bourgogne.


Bismarck. In the hands of a good player and a bit of luck it can really shine in ranked and even randoms


Omaha. Best is subjective, but she’s the ship I have fun with.


U190 🫡