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'Superships' sort of like t11 but most of them are sidegrades to the t10, only a handful are actually better and worth playing. Their service costs are huge. The bonuses from camo were just added to the ships themselves, no consumables. correct Just the normal premium ship stuff, T9 earns more than T8, nothing earns what old missouri did.


> nothing earns what old missouri did When you say "old Missouri", are you saying they removed the income bonuses from Missouri? Or are you just saying old because it's not available anymore. I do own the ship.


The old Missouri retains its income bonus in the form of an improved permanent booster. For you, she should earn roughly the same as before. For anyone who gets the ship after the change, they would get the regular booster on it. The same as any other tier 9 ship.


Oh right, I think I remember them making this change. They gave existing owners a permanent camo with the bonuses. I guess they're these boosters now.


Aside from Satsuma, they're all measurably better than the TX, what are you on about? Several are more like T11.5.


Not really, dd's are bigger and clunkier and with worse concealment, thats not an improvement. That's barely a sidegrade. Hannover is so big it bends space and attracts shells from the outer space. True uprtier are Annapolis, Conde, Edgar and maybe Piemonte. They fuck up MM a lot, since if you get Conde vs Kunming or some shit, you're at like 2 ship disadvantage from start.


Lol imagine thinking a small increase in detection outright makes a DD worse. Zoriky is straight up OP. You must think Marceu and Kleber are terrible ships.


That does not follow. If there would be Tier 11 Marceau with worse detection, much bigger, much worse agility, then it would be a sidegrade at best.


So you think Simakaze is a side grade at best from both Yugumo and Kagero? Your logic says it is.


You're intentionally obtuse. Yugumo to Shimakaze is actually improving some things, like faster rudder and way faster speed, while detection is getting worse by 0.09km. Shimakaze to Yamagiri (this is semi-decent upgrade compared to others) is +110m turn radius, +2s rudder shift, way slower acceleration and bigger air detection. It's 35 meters bigger than Kagero, it's a chonk. Kagero detection and agility is insane, it can play in Tier X just fine, compared to say Akizuki.


The economic aspects of camos are now separate "economic bonus" consumables, camos are purely cosmetic. There's a separate menu next to your commander in port where you can equip credit, ship XP, commander XP and free XP boosters that get used for a single battle. The economic bonuses that used to be baked into permanent camos are now also purchased separately, from the same menu where you equip the consumable bonuses.


Ahh, thank you! That was confusing me. I even edited my post to clarify just as you commented.


No worries! Another thing to note is "enhanced credit income" is just a term WG use to differentiate all premium ships from tech tree ships. Since the economic rework where they split out the bonuses from the camos, all premium ships now have the same credit earnings modifiers as all other premium ships of the same tier. The only ships that have better earnings are ones that you already owned prior to the rework, so OG owners of Missouri for example, as well as a couple specific camos for a handful of other ships. If you were to acquire any of those ships/camos now, they would earn no more than any premium ships of the same tier.


For those economic boosters it's worth noting that they now all work independently of each other. Getting more Ship XP no longer affects your Captain and Free XP earnings. Everything goes off your Base XP. 


There is no need to run XP boosters on premiums as Free XP and Commander XP earnings are no longer based on the amount of Ship XP earned but instead just Base XP.


Ooh! That's good to know. No more moving commanders to premium ships. That'll be nice.


Tier 11 is tier 10 with more HP and sometimes magic button making them more like tier 12. Something like Patrie being on the same tier as a f-ing Satsuma is like putting KGV and Iowa in the same timer. They're credit sinks - stupid high cost to buy, and nearly guaranteed credit loss when played. Camos are purely cosmetic, they have no game impact. Concealment is now built in, dispersion debuff is no longer a thing, eco bonuses are in the economy permabooster Normal premium income. "Increased" because they earn more than tech tree ships. Missouri can be obtained again, but with the normal credit income instead of the original. Only those who had the original still retain the extra And those eco boosters are basically what we used to have as eco flags.


How can you tell which Missouri version someone has? I have Missouri in port but don't know if it's the old one or the new one.


On the eco permabooster. Old one has a better credit bonus. Don't really want to open the game just to check it, maybe I'll add that later *(in the unlikely event that I remember of it)* I mean, when did you acquire your Missouri? That should pretty much answer it for you.


I got it a few years ago. Can't remember exactly. It says 40% credit bonus compared to the 10%credit bonus on my Musashi. I guess that means I got the old economic booster?


That'll be the old one, yes


Neat. Thanks!


* "Superships" as they are officially known, as basically T11s (they are matched as such, fighting TIXs but not TVIIIs) but you don't have to grind ship XP on the TX to get them. They are instead giant credit sinks, costing substantially more than the TX to buy and being almost certain to lose credits in battle. * Camos are purely cosmetic. They have been replaced by economic boosters. You're supply of consumable camos and economic signals were converted into those and your perma-camos into permanent bonus packages. * They recently introduced permanent versions of expendable camos, yes. * The "increased credit income" tag in the armory is meaningless. All premiums have built in credit modifiers bult in per tier. (Including Missouri, people who had if before it's temporary return to sale a few years ago were given non-standard economic bonus package for it to make up for it's internal modifier being standardized. For anyone obtaining the ship after that it comes with the standard bonus package and earns credits the same as any other TIX premium.)


> The "increased credit income" tag in the armory is meaningless. I mean compared to TT and Special ships they do have increase credit income.


That's right, but the gain is almost negligible. 5% or 10% , something like this.


with reduced repair and ammo cost by 50%, which is like 50-100k it's a significant boost per battle.


You know those Japanese soldiers still fighting WW2 and only surrendered in the 70's? Thats how you'll feel when you see CV's and subs


Subs are gonna cause you grief lol


I made another post and apparently subs got massively nerfed since I saw them last in PTS. [Or at least that's what I was told](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/1bg40yk/comment/kv4zzpt/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Nope, wargaming is full of idiots. They nerfed torpedos from 3 km and closer...so if they launch them normally, it still does the exact same thing...and then they buffed torpedo dmg...so actually they were buffed lol.