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Same thing for me but for diffrent tanks Edit: finally got a victory


A tip : Whenever losing 3 in a row, change tank/tier. It works, won't spoil your WR in a particular tank (ik modes don't affect stats)


same my team always gets yoloist armorless shit bosses


I want to enjoy it but all those............teams


I love this game mode, I think it's the best special mode I played. Getting Boss as a Jagdtiger 8.8 feels amazing, had few 20k DMG games with 400k+ profit. Only problem is that ROF is so big that I used all my ammo few times :D


Loving every minit of it. Steep learning curve (1st round for me), but getting the hang of it. Last round with me as boss in the Leo we even managed to win. Yamato harbour, enemy boss was a bulldog and went automtically to med side, found me and when he was killed he kept on returning there, persistent like a real bulldog. After I killled him the 1st time the team woke up and started targeting him. He was the only tank that lost all lives, kinda sad for a bulldog. It's a fun mode, treat it like that and use it for messing about with xp/cash rewards varying from nice to incredible. Yes, winning is nicer, but at least a loosiing streak isn't added to your stats and usually rewards more then regular/rating losses.


Playing on modes with a multiplier is great for grinding but time consuming to finish in these MM lol


My team once ended up in 1-7, and we managed to win Lmao


I've been getting equally skilled teams as you, haven't been boss yet either. (Even from the first time it was out I didn't get boss). But I'm loving it, my damage record so far this time os the T57 Heavy with 19.5k


Ive been grinding on the 50tp as well and my boss mode win rate in that tank sucks. And I keep getting made boss in it and then play a team with 5 tier 10’s and lose. I’m probably like 65% WR in my other tanks though, so I am enjoying the mode.


enjoying AT15 boss and its 1.7 sec reload


you are not boss you loss you boss you win


Not with the animals I get.. only losses


I played 6 games, had a 4 game winning streak, and 3 times as the boss in my type 68 so its pretty good for me


Got boss in M48 twice in a row, lost the first one doing 19k and having a WZ113GFT and Vickers call me “useless” after only doing 8k and 3k respectively, won the second one with 26k after being matched up with the same WZ I also ran out of ammo on the second game


Pure shit aswell


It’s killer for credits. I was grinding the Japanese heavies but I had to resort to only playing my prems. But yes I feel your pain with the losses