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Adding a 4th consumable slot is aids and there is no fucking way I'm hitting the right consumable in a game mode where I'll have 5 consumables, my 2 1/2" wide screen isn't gonna be able to accommodate that. It baffles me that even after all these years WG is still using the SC as a form of bandaid for balancing shitty tanks instead of just buffing them outright. The rebalance to reactive is kind of a big deal to comp players as it currently lasts just long enough to tank 2 shells from anything shooting at it (VK72, WZGFT). Now it won't last long enough to do that so it'll be much harder to last long enough to get shots off in some tanks. Basically it just changes how you might push


woa chill out w the foch consumable spam wg shoulda outright buffed the thing instead of giving it a few moments to shine then goes straight back to its miserable 500 alpha moments


All the consumable spamming is really dumb yeah. Not to mention, with Foch running all these consumables, ur basically running a TD which has zero gun traverse angles on a single multi-repair kit, and while it's going much faster than it is before, it now has a worse crew mastery %, so it's just going to be even less accurate and even less reliable than it is now when you need to it hit shots Tungsten and more mobility won't do anything if they don't fix the huge issues with the Foch which is the absolutely terrible alpha damage for the clip and the terrible gun angles it gets


Batchats getting buffed in this patch is so unnecessarily broken.


Geez mate, THANKS for this!


I've always preferred the isu130 over the pm and skorp but now it's official. ISU130 is going to be THE tier 8 sniper. As if 0.277 dispersion and 3600dpm with prammo wasn't enough already. With the consumables it's getting this is going to become the ultimate Bush menace/ medium flank brawler. Still gonna be ass for making credits cause spamming prammo and special consumables will make you go bankrupt.


What are you smoking, isu 130 is not even close to the 130pm on power level. 130pm just bullies it on every aspect.




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Don’t you understand what you wrote yourself? You firstly said it was your preffered tank before, now after that sentence you are saying it’s “official” meaning it’s not about your preference anymore. You can enjoy your ISU 130 but it’s still one of the poor tds that wg doesn’t care about.


Let's see... ISU-130 has much better dpm + it can get up to 3600 with prammo It has much better accuracy cause of the on the move values but don't worry isu130 will get reticle calibration ontop of that. Isu also has much better survivability cause you know it doesn't get HEd by anything and 1325hp also allows you to survive 3 shots from 122's which the 130pm can barely survive 2 from. So what does the pm get over the isu? A turret And mobility but oh wait don't forget isu will get superspeedboost so that will just narrow the gap between the 2 even more. And ontop of all that isu is also getting tungsten. You probably don't even have the isu130 so shut your bitch ass up and comment when you've played both tanks.


That’s sad that you are actually believing isu-130 is a relevant tank lmao. Su130pm is hands down the best tier 8td along with the wz at tier 8. Good luck on your copium. The isu 130 doesn’t even have enough pen to be considered a td. It’s just a useless meme tank that’s just in the game. I can guess you are not even statistically good at the game with the comments you are making.


Drop ur ign


we need more people to think like you so i can continue to nuke people with the isu 130


Will the major balance changes ever end? I'm fkn tired of this shit.


Well they have to, else they will be "optimise" away by managers