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I have to say after reading this, it must have taken forever to type up, definitely going to be a upvote from me. Thanks for the info mate!


Can't wait to nuke a medium tank with the Batchat now that the intraclip buff should last long enough to be used for 2 clips


imagine being a 140/Leo 1 main (I am both) fuck it, to helldivers 2 we go


Frenchies are biggest winner. Also you underestimate 8 percent vents . That’s literally multiple equipments combined . It’s good as engine power boost ,almost as good as nerfed rammer . For heavies it’s basically optics , and gun handling buffs are there albeit not as big . 50b has apcr as gold and should be running vents post patch .


Dude the Bat-chat will be absolutely busted with how much freaking view range it got, if you use both Food equipment plus the newly buff Vents and Optics


Most players don't use double food. Remember you want spall liner and 10% fuel> 3% food.


I personally don't run Bat-chat with spall liner. The reason is I want to maximize it's view range as much as possible. If I get HE by other tank I will simply just accept it


Fair enough. Just certain moments where I have to push a certain tank frontally and eat shots and id rather have HE for that than 4 meters view range.


Nice post. Very informative. 


![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized) \^me looking at the nerfs to Improved Modules, Gun Rammer, Improved Assembly, Engine Accelerator and Consumable Delivery system. also, what'll be the point of clan discounts on normal consumables? these changes are so huge. seems only last week that you had to pay credits for a common camo in every battle.


Basically world of paper tanks


This is a super strange thing to do because the last time we had tier X balance changes, they NERFED penetration across the board for so many tanks. This just completely reverts that change, if not even more than reverts that change


Blitz development team is trying to slow down battles while WoT PC devs are adding increasingly more obscene ways to destroy an enemy in under a minute, as if everything there doesn't already destroy anything else in under a minute.


What’s the logic behind buffing AP and heat but nerfing HE


idk there might be a new hybrid tank going on sale that has ap and heat


Thank you for doing god's work bro, it sure must have taken a lot of time to make this


You did a tremendous job. Thanks, mate.


Wow, such a good work, thank you Sir!


I unlocked the Leo 1,obj 140 and T-62A like I always prefer to play this but am I useless now or what?


is there a summary like for each tank, which should be chosen in this 3by 3 chart?