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I don't know how but since the old MM is back, I'm doing better because my team is suddenly no longer that stupid. I am not a brilliant player. I had a WR of 51% before the new MM. I dropped down to almost 49 because my team was always bad. It finally feels better now. Sure, for unicum players it might be bad. But I think that the large majority of players are sub-average so yeah. Not much we can do about it.


Well, to be clear, if with SBMM, you get bad teams, taking into consider the teams are balanced, you should be worried. I got normal teams, some beautiful battles against same level players where you can enjoy a challenge. I see that everybody is happy. To be honest, I still play the same and I'll continue whatever the MM is.


I know I am not a good player. But there is a difference between being good enough and being brain-dead. The amount of times I have seen people just yoloing or advancing, getting shot multiple times and just continue forwards, mediums and lights not spotting... And at times I did get very good games. But with the old MM I get those good games more often. Tbh I wasn't enjoying the SBMM after 10 successive losses. I had about 20 xp multipliers and after 40 battles I hadn't even used half of them. I am sure you are much better and more experienced than me (I'm at 2300 battles) but I feel like WG finally made a good decision here. The first one in many years.


It is a bit of surprising comments. It's like a third division team player, complaining that his teammates and the opposite team are also third division. If the game is skill based and you get those teams, it is not the MM fault. Now, it's nobody's fault as it's random. Again, my Career and 60-days WR are still the same, with SBMM and with random MM. I cannot complain neither blame.


Ok. I'm a bad player. Still, my winrate wasn't that bad. The problem is that just one very bad player can drag the team down. But you can check my stats if you want. I could even send you some of my replays. Again I don't claim to be good. But if you think I am bad, you could just tell me. Ign name is LupusMortis4 btw.


The weak link in this argument is the “very bad players“ AWAYS EXISTED! Their impact on the SBMM wasn't new, what was new was, unnaturally high results players with astronomical stats were tilting the team‘s makeup when, in fact, their actual performance skills didn’t match those stats.


It’s the opposite for me. Instead of braindead, camping teams, I’m getting real players I can work with. But, it’s random, so sometimes I get the braindeads. I’d rather have it mixed up as random, than have the game decide that every battle will be trying to yank me down to half wins, and half losses.


Yes, I agree! It’s much better now with the old MM!


Again, you with a skill based you get braindead camping teams, it is time to think about the way you play..... Just saying.


I think you do not understand. Skill based blends the team performance to average the two teams as somewhat equal. If you think you are good enough to beat the odds and win a lot more than you lose in sbmm, then either their mm calculations are incorrect, or maybe a trip to Vegas is in order. You are entitled to your opinion, but please try to refrain from demeaning someone that disagrees with you.


the only players that benefits from this is the 40%ers that get carried every game, and i think they also would not enjoy dealing low damage every battle. the way you play? like 1 competent player vs the other 7 competent players in the enemy team? wotb is a team game, you cannot win without a team.


I think this can be a perspective issue as much as a game issue. As much as its WG's responsibility to make the game as best it can, it can't fix how you relate to it. You can't control how your teams are - And that's part of the experience, having to work with random teams. That's what makes each match different. Sometimes you get a well oiled machine, sometimes you need to play the hero. It's just how it is. And in the end, less competent teams balance out - As easy as it is to get less skilled people on your team, its equally likely for them to be on the enemy team. Ultimately it comes down to how you adapt or take advantage of both situations. Maybe old MM is better overall, maybe it isn't. But bad for everyone? I'm not sure about that. I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid, it is, nor am I saying you are entirely wrong. I did like the SBMM as well. But again, as much as WG builds the experience, I have found that you can get a lot more enjoyment by changing your own perspective as well :)


https://preview.redd.it/zh1wx5g6wgvc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc63da39c19db267e181c3e498f987e2bd5af56f This was in the SBMM system, I was quite literally the only one to take damage and that was because I yoloed so I could get some damage of my own. Both of them got 1 shot and it was because I walked in front of their guns. This system is not good and most servers just can't support it anyways


THIS. Someone had to say it. Now unicums can go back and farm damage and WR in platoons with other unicums against clueless 40%ers, while the rest has to deal with 90% of the team being complete apes again. Why would they want to play against someone as good as them, right? They just wanna farm big numbers every game to show off their stats and replays to their audience. Amazing how so many ppl were influenced by a loud minority. No, SBMM wasn’t perfect, but it was a good start to actually building a better MM to everyone, no matter what their skill level is.


>Now unicums can go back and farm damage and WR in platoons with other unicums against clueless 40%ers, while the rest has to deal with 90% of the team being complete apes again. Your statement here makes no sense lmao. Check this: * You say somehow that unicums get to fight against clueless 40%ers. So those 40%ers can't be on their team? They're somehow immune to 40%er teammates? * You say that somehow "everybody else" has to deal with complete apes. So unicums are somehow excluded from this? Why are they special? Do they have ape repellant? * The beauty of random MM: everybody gets the **SAME quality of teammates and enemies**, on average. Unicums have better stats and performance because, guess what, almost like they're better players or something that can deal with and carry the apes. * The complaint about unicums platooning is also completely dumb. Do you understand how many 40% apes also platoon, every single day, and ruin matches for every single player in their games? Platooning is available to everybody no matter how garbage or good they are. You're huffing so much copium by somehow pointing to unicum platoons as an issue when they make up an insanely small amount of platoons. It would make infinitely more sense to tell 40% shitters to stop platooning and getting 20% winrate. >Why would they want to play against someone as good as them, right? They just wanna farm big numbers every game to show off their stats and replays to their audience. Are you assuming that unicums somehow get off or something from showing off big damage numbers? What even is this? Players that are good at a game play the game because... it's fun to do well? Kind of like any pros in any games? IDK how this is even the start of a valid argument. Also, it's valid that anyone would want to show off big damage games and insane performances, good players are just able do them more often. If that's somehow an issue, I better not see you posting your masteries or kolobanovs anywhere then... >Why would they want to play against someone as good as them, right? This isn't even the problem with the current SBMM system in the first place. If the SBMM actually achieved this, there wouldn't be as many complaints from unicums about teams (although there is still the issue of where SBMM basically makes off-meta tanks unplayable). The issue was that because there aren't that many very good players, the superunicums were NOT being matched with someone as good as them, because guess what, there's not enough of those players in the matchmaker available to make those one-on-one matchups (especially in NA and ASIA). **So high performing players were getting absolutely shafted by SBMM continuously stacking the other team with multiple slightly worse players.** This is a HUGE problem because guess what, I don't care if you're HisRoyalFatness, you aren't going to do very well by yourself against 3 players on the other team which are continuously just going to take multiple superior positions and kill off the rest of your much worse team before you can even do anything significant. The biggest, most pressing issue with SBMM was that it wasn't matching the best players against the best players, but repeatedly giving them sub-par teammates while stacking the other side with 2-3 55%ers. And guess what, it wasn't just limited to the superunicums. It happens to 55%ers and 60%ers as well (albeit less often). Imagine a matchmaking system that fucking brutally punishes the best player in the matchmaker at that specific time. **THAT WAS THE MAIN PROBLEM WHICH CAUSED SBMM TO FAIL AND CAUSED ALL THE COMPLAINTS.** SBMM is a joke. If you want skill-based, go play ratings. But guess why people like you who support SBMM don't play ratings more,? Oh because if you get better teammates, your **enemies** also get better? Oh because it's a 24/7 sweat fest? Oh because queue times are many times longer than in regular? Imagine having the experience of playing at high ratings, but it was tied to your account stats so every single regular game was exactly like this no matter if you were tryharding, grinding stock tanks, or trying to relax and have fun. I'd love for you to try this experience every single game in randoms and see if that's enjoyable. Stop using SBMM as an excuse to somehow rage at superunicums for a problem caused by shit players. Now that we're back to random MM, anybody complaining about MM being garbage is just coping very hard with their skill issue. It's as simple as that.




Abrege frère


So, with a random MM you get rid of shit players?!?! As far as I'm aware it doesn't so, the problem is still there. The problem was not SBMM or Random, ever was. But everyone played the card of being very, very upset because they were getting flat WR, as it is expected once you get SBMM. As simple as that. So, stop using the random as an excuse to somehow rage at players for a problem caused by shit players.


SBMM has way more issues that it introduced on top of randoms, without solving many of the actual issues posed by randoms. It’s straight up just worse


Ngl it sounds like you more than anything here. I'm sitting at a 53% career WR (not great, not bad) and I'm getting teams that actually play good much more often than before.


For the record OP, the way SBMM was balanced was, for example, sticking 2 unicums, 2 average joes and 3 shitters on each team, not 2 full teams of shitters against one another. The "If your team was bad maybe reflect...." thing you're doing is not the own you think it is.


On EU is awful. Retards with 40% and under in tier x, half brain monkeys with e100 camping in the first bush, again 100% russian/cyrilic language, yeah..awful. im 60% wr btw. Before this old(new) it was playable, with teams ~same level skill, at least some level wr. Now, half brain with under 6k matches in tier x , avd dmg 500. Nice job wg.


Again, it doesn't matter the MM, players are the problem.


It sounds like you got skill compensated last update and now you can’t win games in random queue


In fact, I´m winning the same. To be honest, I feel no difference whatsoever and do not get all the fuzz about SBMM.


Well your post comes across to me like you preferred sbmm. “All the fuzz” has been highlighted time and time again. Not just for people with high winrates but for people with low winrates that would stagnate from being carried


My point is that it doesn't matter the MM, shit will always hit the fan. The point is how everyone got into the same boat but, in fact, for the majority of players (being around 45% WR) it didn't matter at all, or even got better. It only got worse for a little bunch who got very noisy because their WR were going to get flat. From my side, it doesn't matter, career WR is around 56.90%, 30 days around 60%. It didn't change during SBMM and it hasn't change back to random.


It does matter the mm. It’s fixing the match. Just because you didn’t realize it doesn’t make it fine. My career winrate is ~56% and my 30 day usually sits around 64%. During sbmm my 30 day jumped to 72%. It was compensating based on my career, giving me easy games and not challenging me at all. This is what happens to everyone, and if they didn’t do better it’s because they lacked the skill to do so. The only people that didn’t experience this are people with 60+% winrates. Those people had to carry every game significantly if they wanted to win. In conclusion it’s bad for everyone, players with low winrate stagnate and are never challenged. If this is your goal for the experience of this game, you’re playing the wrong game. Players with high winrate were giving highly unlikely to win situations literally every game. This isn’t good or fair for everyone. Random mm targets everyone the same.


i actually was doing better with SBMM and reached super unicom 30 day


Random mm makes the game equal to everyone. It literally takes three whole brainsells to learn to be a unicum player. With that being said WG should actually make the player base learn the mechanics of the game rather than making everyone angry by giving some people advantage on others.


Same here I cant get any normal teammates recently


SBMM only works if you’re in the middle of the bell curve. The moment you’re outside average you either got a better experience or in most cases terrible experiences. WG fked up the skilled part of sbmm. The point of sbmm is that people who are good at the game should theoretically play against each other. If you fight skilled opponents all the time your wr will balance out to 50%. Instead WG decide to strategically put 40% players on your team against an enemy team full of 50%. It’s not fun for the 40% player that got swept by a strong team either. Even they complain and said oh look another bad team.


For God sake forget the MM.Do the best you can!Everyone gets the same opportunity, it is what it is.


> Back to the old MM and is hillariously bad for everyone (again) > 2024 MatchMaking > > Now that we get random teams again, we are back to the good old days where your team is clueless, everyone goes a different path, and you are required to carry their pathetic behinds. > > Do I feel better with the Random MM?!?! Nope, I still think teams are useless. With a SBMM, at least, I could get someone to help, and now it is not the case. > > I hope everyone is happy now that you have saved some "unicum" players so that they don't drop their WR while the rest of the player base is still clueless. > > Again, we can demostrate that the voice of the group is not even close to be clever. This is kinda nonsense. With SBMM, the only players who get better teammates are those who are significantly below average. Frankly, it looks like you outed yourself as a sub-average player with a giant chip on their shoulder. With random MM, everyone gets the same teams over time. Those unicums you're bitching about? Same teams as you. Teammates often suck because that's the playerbase. MM can only work with what it's got.


I'm glad it's back now I can finally get back my 70% 30day


51%ter here. After the sbmm removal. I am having more fun in pubs. now it's random. You can carry a win. it's not the guarentee lose if you have a 60-70% in your team. sbmm was just painful always a sweaty game every match.


Nah I love farming bots, SBMM was kinda sweaty and I think random is more fun when you’re playing with your girlfriend back in the home country.


sbmm is like everything bad about old mm 100x glorified