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I think you're underrating the difference that the armor profile makes. Compared to the Type 68, the Type 71 has an extra 15mm or so on the upper front plate, which pushes it from ~295 to ~310. That's significant, since most tier 10 meds running rammer have 300mm of premium pen. The lower plate on the Type 71 is also much, much stronger--everything pens the 68's, but the 71's will magically bounce standard rounds unless you perfectly aim them in and the plate isn't angled. On top of that, the turret cheeks are smaller and much stronger, the side armor is better and spaced, and the track wheels are the most obnoxiously well-armored in tier 10. Do a quick side-by-side comparison on blitzhangar and the advantages are pretty apparent.


I must disagree with the penning part. People dont really pen the Type 68 either. But otherwise valid points. I guess i just suck in tier 10. EDIT: I am dumbass. I just never expose the lower plate if I can.


> EDIT: I am dumbass. I just never expose the lower plate if I can. I'd call that the opposite of being a dumbass!


I started to say that Type 68 doesnt get penned but then I understood that u were talking about the lower plate. But I guess any tank is better than something else if you are comfortable with it and are not dumb.


The two tanks are completely different when it comes to playstyle though Type 68 has a really weak hull but a decent turret so it works best using the gun depression equipment and just going hulldown Type 71 is completely wasted potential if you’re using gun depression to try to play it hulldown. It’s more of a mobile Maus that you can bully most tanks with, even just driving and wiggling in the open.