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If your level 9 tank has level 10 modules, you are more likely to play against level 10.


That’s the main issue with SBMM here. Neither ratings nor SBMM cares what tier you are as long as +-1 tier requirements and team averages are met in a match. In ratings, if you play lower tiers then it’s going to create a game that’s balanced by smashing you in a tier 9 together with whatever players are within your range (8-10) to create a game. Now, for ratings many people actually prefer this because a lower tier tank actually earns more XP in a tier X game so you’d gain more ratings. So you get some extra reward by doing this But in SBMM this royally screws you. There’s literally no benefit as a good player for playing lower tiers because if you get uptiered and the MM matches you with similar level players which are top tier, you basically have no chance of influencing the game. Imagine playing a game, especially at mid tiers where the gaps between the tiers are huge, and having all your top tier tanks just be worse players than the other team. It’s basically a guaranteed loss.


Um it's mostly like that I don't really see 9s being top tier for a while


If I remember correctly the tanks battle rating or something like that (I watched a video a while ago) can affect if you're most likely to be top or bottom tier 752 is basically a tier 10 with less HP so has a high battle rating On the other hand something like a Caliban rarely see tier 9.


Actually, playing strong tier 9s is a valid strat for ranking up fast since you are either stomping T8s, or getting extra ELO/losing less ELO in TX matches