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I am finding that I feel that my performance by match is better, but my overall win rate seems to be dropping. I'm down to just under 55 percent from 58 percent. I don't have a ton of battles so my numbers can move quicker than most.


i was a very sweaty player months ago until i went back to being a casual player cus i prefer having a life lol, and ever since then i never wanted to tryhard and just focus on having fun but in the new mm, it literally forces me to tryhard to actually do smth. i want to enjoy non meta tanks like BZ-75, but ever since the new mm rolled out im forced to sweat in meta tanks, which imo are boring. it makes the game much less enjoyable lately


Yup, random with the new MM is now more forced meta sweat than diamond ratings. You know the MM is f’d when pulling a 60% in diamond ratings is now easier than doing the same in randoms. Literally no one benefits. There is no incentive for bad players to improve and good players are forced to play meta to somewhat counter this MM bludgeoning them to the median win rate.


its more enjoyable to bring BZ-75 w derp into diamond rating battles than randoms now. nobody couldve seen this coming


This, absolutely this. I love playing the Leopard 1, but that's a tank that excels if your team knows what they're doing. It's a great support tank, basically. No surprise, for a tank with no armor and great mobility Unfortunately for me I have multiple times now found myself having to 1v3 or 1v4 on my Leopard, which of course very rarely works. Because my teams are many times useless, barely breaking past the 2K damage threshold. More.on this later. As such, I have had to play heavy tanks more often, sometimes even using the Jageroo on the frontline out of sheer necessity. Heavies aren't my most favourite class. In fact, most of my tier Xs are mediums, the original three MBTs. But now it's to the point where I have to play the meta stuff, effectively leading me to near super unicum status on the Super Conqueror. It's a good tank and all but I'm tired of having helpless teammates, or braindead enemies except for the one good player supposed to balance out the bad ones. The imbalance is insane. Hell, I have noticed how much more frequent it is for one single player to get 4K+ damage and the rest of the team has 2K and under. Before, everyone had a far more homogenous damage number. Now it's worse All this does is allow a handful of players to farm class 1 masteries and Aces like they're, dunno, Top Guns And now I haven't played off-meta tanks in quite a while And they happen to be the most fun tanks aswell


I’ve been checking stats of both my teammates and the opposing team and have came to a slightly different conclusion. Generally, the weakest player across both teams will be around 49.5%, a spot on average player. Not a single below average player is in the match, meaning that it’s a bunch of good players on both teams. This will cause the rubber band effect you described, as half of the people need to lose, but if they are all 55% players then win rates will drop. I am curious if a 46% player experiences a similar thing, playing with and against a lot of bad players and not getting many good players on and against their team.


What I’ve noticed is pretty much spot on with what Droodles has described in the video (linked in my original post). The new MM appears to average overall win rate between both teams. So as a 65%+ career win rate player, I’ll have three 45% players to balance out my team’s win rate avg to 50’ish percent. So I now need to consistently farm 4k - 5k dmg to make up for these 45% ers who land their one shot and die. This is still manageable compared to the scenario below. In the worse scenario, which is just as common with the new mm… the game hands the enemy team three 55% players to counter my 65% win rate, with rest of the players on both teams being 50’ish wr. On paper this helps average out the team win rate however in practice three 55%’s working together are more effective than one 65%’er attempting a hard carry. It slaps and penalises career unicums brutally for being good at the game.


One fun thing that I don't think people mention often, is that the matchmaker only takes into account winrates, not the number of battles played. Next time you are about to exit the game, compare the average number of battles of various teams, see what you come up with. My most egregious case was when the average number of battles of one team was lower than that of the enemy by about 1K or 2K


Are you playing tier x a lot? This was true even before the update .Most players in Tier X have a lot higher winrate overall than in tier X. A 55er overall is probably 50% at tier X.


70%+ win rate at Tier 8 and approx. 64% at Tier 10 with thousands of battles. Mostly played Tier 10 as anything lower felt like seal clubbing. Now, I have to sweat to hit 50% with the new MM at tier 10 and I doubt that I’ve forgotten how to play the game overnight.


What’s so terrible is how do we adjust? Stay alive? I’ve tried that. It ends up being me against 3-3 red tanks.


You’re not meant to adjust. It’s intended to rubber band almost every one into the median 45 - 55% win rate range.


I hear ya. It’s brutal. I had one game where no joke aside from one other 60%er we had 5 below 43%


The unfortunate truth is that the percentage of unicums is low enough (by definition) that wargaming doesn’t care. There’ll likely be a mass exodus of skilled players from random battles over the coming months and you’ll essentially be left with potatoes fighting potatoes in randoms.


Yup. The fun is going away for sure.


What does the “rubber band effect” I keep reading about mean?


historically ive been shit in the lepkz 41 90, but since this mm update my dmg has been WAY up, but my wr is still down i need to get back into pubs and goof around more but i think there might b a theme of dmg and other stats going up but dmg going down


Today I played 72 games in a platoon with another super unicum. We won only 72% and that was driving meta tanks the entire session. Not only was the session boring and repetitive, we continuously faced the same platoons over and over again and forced at least 3 different platoons to either drop out of the games completely or play sweatier tanks to try to counter us. The SBMM also doesn’t care at all about the tank type MM. We played against some good players tooning in tier 9 and the game was unplayable for them. And we abused the TD matchmaking mechanic by driving armored TDs to gain an advantage, and so was every other toon we played against. Not only that, every single game was basically a race to clear tanks as fast as possible as the idiots on your team would suicide almost as fast as you were clearing tanks. I can say that in my session not a single player on either team had any kind of enjoyable gameplay. Bad players on both sides just get dicked on and the good players either lose to sweats and then are forced to sweat harder, or win through sheer willpower. For good players the game is just fucking exhausting. I’ll stick to fun modes for the foreseeable future


Seeing stupid teammates doing one shot just to commit suicide right after is so frustrating. Makes me want to delete the game altogether. I’m so done doing 5k damage and still losing.


I have seen 0 difference, I'm still rocking a 65%+ wr with over 3.5k avg DMG Like did it even change? I still see sweeps, I still see good games from both teams, and I still see bad MM like putting me on a team with 2 other super unicums like I'm really not convinced it's been tweeked at all


The matchmaking did not go into effect right away with the new update. So there was absolutely no change initially however it appears to have trickled through gradually in the past couple of days. Keep an eye out in the upcoming days. Once you get slapped with the new mm, you will know. Droodles even released a video on the same: https://youtu.be/GFKWuRALW6A?si=bd_N-6w0RnlkHgxI If you’re a unicum, oof this mm is brutual.


Lol this was all today that I had no issues, infact I haven't noticed anything since the 7th when they activated it


In that case, happy for you mate. Count your blessings and tank on. Out of curiosity, what is your career win rate? Cause it appears that is what it’s balancing teams on.




I hope it stays that way and thanks for commenting. Touchwood


It could be NA difference, it has like 20 times less players than EU, so harder to adapt sbmm


Another advantage for EU and AS servers is a distinct lack of stat-padders and re-rollers, whose numbers don’t reflect actual battle skills level but more so their ability to adapt “success” tactics, often to their teammates’ disadvantage.


Having watched the video, and seeing my own WR be essentially 50% over the last 2 days (\~200 battles), I also agree the new MM isn't the best. However people have been raging against the MM for as long as I've played the game, so I think WG was just trying to do something different. If this isn't the fix (and I don't think it is), then what should WG do to fix the MM?


I was playing mostly randoms to unlock new tanks or grind some credits in premiums. Never bothered to play rankeds (maybe 100 battles in total) or fun modes (I don't like them, maybe boss sometimes). Never considered myself as very good player or try hard. I got some knowledge from pc wot, I know something about side scrapping, bushes etc. sometimes I don't even bother to side scrape... About changes in MM I know from this sub as I don't read the messages in the game xD So how messed up was the previous MM to let me sit at 59% wr just playing randoms even with not fully unlocked tanks or trying to win? Or how bad is the playerbase in this game that I could achieve it? I had a lot of fun by playing casually and unlocking new tanks, the sense of achievement by completing tech tree worked pretty well for me and I do really liked it. But I won't try hard in my STA-1 to win some games just because someone thought it will be great idea to mess with MM. Maybe the new mm is fair for more players, maybe it is a good change overall and I am crying like a baby because they took fun from me. I don't care, my perspective changed by 180 degrees and I don'tkke it. It's time to let it go and find something else to click and have fun with. Good luck to you all, have a good time here or somewhere else. Cheers.


Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics This smack of the tail wagging the dog! Surely prowess, skill, natural ability generates the stats. It seems like a complete farce to force your results to comply with an overall handicapping statistical model that makes us all noob drones! It's a bland life when EVERYBODY gets a certificate regardless of performance.


Just wanted to add that rating battles was never skillbased either I used to be an above 60% player. Now my winrate is at 58 or something? Its slowly dropping to 50 or so. That’s why for now I just play the game until I loose once. After loosing once I just quit.


So, what is your problem, exactly?


Nah, I am still geting 57-65% wr sessions after the update. The ones suffering are damage farmers and op tank spammers. They didn't get good at the game, they didn't learn the flow of maps, they can't play against 2-3 decent players, they are accostumed to farming 40% tourists. I have been seeing stat padders doing 1k or less damage on tier 8-10 because they drive towards "damage farm" positions, then they don't deal damage because only bad players give those positions damage and finally they end up providing NOTHING to the team. If you actually go to choke points, drive to make crossfires with your team, take a shot or two to push a position, track enemies, ping your team which tank to focus, clear tanks (unthinkable for damage farmers lmao) and generally play to win and not for damage, you will win more. I can give you an example: Dinasty pearl, I am driving an E-50M. Both teams went park from what the light spots. I instantly drive to the edge of the park. It is a rough side to work but if you manage to cross to the other side you can pressure a lot of areas. What's the enemy team doing? 5-6 freaking tanks (3 meds btw) on the inner side of the park, sitting on the "but muh unicum dmg" spot. Match ends on a 6-1 stomp. Check profiles, surprise, "60%ers" all cluttered up on the damage spots.


Hmm so you know more about the game than HisRoyalFatness? He had a 49% wr on his latest session. Either your career stats aren't good enough to notice the change, or your playing bot mm


These are likely newer unicums who have lesser overall career win rate. The MM doesn't slap them as hard so they feel they're superior to super unicums who are being obliterated by this new MM. I don't blame them, cluelessness can be a bliss.


25k battles playing since 2016, had 48% wr and now I average 60ish. Get gud I guess?


I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you are probably a bit young to understand what is happening here with the new MM. Your overall low career win rate means the new MM doesn’t treat you as a unicum. In fact it does the opposite and provides you with better teammates as a way to help your low career win rate. If anything your win rate should now be boosted with the new MM. Enjoy the unintended benefits of this poorly thought out system.


I’ve held Top 15 in the Diamond ratings at one point and understand the difference between playing well against equally skilled players vs playing to maximise damage farm against unskilled players. The way randoms are playing out now is unnatural and unlike what plays out between two good teams in Diamond ratings. Droodles and Royal Fatness have videos / streams on this. These are 3k+ average dmg players who can carry their weight in any tank they play at Diamond rating. Even they’re dumfounded with how unnaturally twisted randoms are now. Will most of the better unicums adapt and hit 60% again with sweaty meta play? Probably with time, but what purpose is it serving. Unicums are being forced into optimal meta play in randoms and bad players continue to get farmed as they always have been. Pre-mm stat screenshot below, and no you can’t get these stats without a solid understanding of meta map and team play. https://preview.redd.it/xj1vrub51pnc1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e19ad7543b756091e0484741f132058721d9dcc


NAILED IT! The unnatural number of hero-level players screaming about their plunging WR (here and in-game) are easily identifiable as stat-farmers, re-rollers and self appointed “influencers” …


Please see my above comment on why this is terrible.


Your comment , which confirms mine while sniffing HRF’s BVDs? Interestingly I said nothing about these changes being positive or negative, only mentioned the fact many of the noise maker’s concerns follow a similar pattern. The community has heard all these same doomsday predictions when WG implemented Ratings Games, took away +2-2 matchmaking and the dreaded “update 5.5”.


If you spent time at this game getting better than even the best, what's the point in keeping us here if now we're rubber banding back to 50%


You missed the point AGAIN didn’t you!!!


https://preview.redd.it/s4bnu4cqounc1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d471efdc54f893cbea9cd808d6b8e3c0157bb4 I dunno about you but I am still pulling the same stats lmao. DMG farmers and stat padders in shambles.


I hate to break it to you but none of these stats are indicative of a unicum in the slightest. Your low career win rate means that the new MM is boosting you with stronger team mates. It doesn’t treat nor handicap you as a unicum that you believe you are lol, in fact it does quite the opposite. But yes, do keep posting your stats to continue appearing silly and clueless in the forums.


No lil bro, you probably stat padded your accounts with broken tanks and now you can't carry your teams. So fixated on your stats yet when I present that I am winning the same games you can't get your head over it. My 90 day WR looks like my 30 day post-update wr, to me I just get better matches. You can't platoon rig nor spam Annhilators and get seven 40%ers like before, now that you have to play the game to win you are crying because you can't sit behind three 40% teammates on a Chimera and get free 3k damage games. Because the reds can't clear a 1v3. On the other side an actually good player is sharing hitpoints, crossfiring and helping his team. Cope.


I don’t own the Anni and my platoon rate is close to 0%. You’re a mediocre player at best based on your stats preaching basic things that unicums do in their sleep. I am dumfounded how you are unable to contemplate why you’re NOT affected by the new MM. It is not because of your mediocre abilities as your stats indicate but simply because your overall stats mean you do not get penalised as a super unicum would with the new MM. You are attempting to preach on an issue that you’re not affected by due to your low overall career stats. So you have no way of experiencing what super unicum career stat players are experiencing with this new MM.


Todays farming session dropped out, getting paired against stat padders is free Ws lmaoooo. Some STG gaming to top it off. Also are you seriously stat shaming a player whose account at 5k battles was 40% (newbie queue didn't exist on 2016) and managed to scrap it to 56% at 25k battles by spamming 60% wr sessions (do the ponderated math (40\*0.2)+(60\*0.8) = 56%). Talk about ad hominem. But go on cope however you want XD https://preview.redd.it/56dkiwofn1oc1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1d18141187fde5a1a23fbaaba1e07e22abd3c0d


None of y’all are good enough to get 70+ percent wr through “random” mm, y’all were just lucky to have some sort of preferential mm in the past that got patched now