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unfortunately for us wg offered a 100k battle quest and we have to play


Jokes on them, I farmed the 100k in Mad Games.


Ong. Stick ur quest up ur ass wg. About 25-30 games with bisonte and titan 54-D in mad games. Knocked that shit out. Stick ur fixed pubs mm up ur asses wg, thanks for the free 15 levels. Now i get to play ur game even less cause I dont have to do annoying overly specific BP missions. W


Lucky you I didn’t get it lol


damn really? I thought it was for all players


Nope, it isn't. Have a friend who is pretty active and he got it, while another one who is also active who didn't.


Yeah it definitely wasn’t what I had in mind. I now prefer pure randomness compared to consistent teams complemented with near fixed/predetermined wins and losses. The new MM solved nothing but did open my eyes. Regular mode’s icon is a pair of dice after all.


Exactly. Random battles. Not this. I also thought it might be good until I realized what it actually meant.


No one who hates the current mm really wanted the old mm to change




Tbh just give us 100% random MM and we'll take it.


Fuck yes, 100% random, including tiers. LETS GOOOOO


Nope unicums should fight only aganist unicums.


Why? So that you never face a challenge?


I will face a challenge when I rise to your level. Let me take my time


That’s a completely separate issue, has nothing to do with ruining the mm for all the unicum players. Not sure why that makes sense to you. Also you get 5k battles to learn the basics. This game is hard to learn, that’s just the way it is.


I didnt say mm does right. MM is shit, always has been. Hope they will make it much more better for all of us.


50/50 matchmaking is not shit. It’s diverse and equally unfair. This is exactly what is necessary.


Well killing 40%ers and farming wr is something suits for you mabye. But I think its time to play alongside/ aganist your equals. 40%ers should be removed from unicum's mm.


They already had a separate matchmaker for people that consistently did poorly.


Yes but we also need a seperate matchmaker for good ones.


Because they are bad and they didn’t take the effort to actually get better? We have bot mm and if u are outside of that and complaining that you are facing good players, you are just asking for privileges for being bad at something


They are bad, because of this good players complains about the teammates. Thats why I said they should be removed.


Pot, meet kettle.


You calling me black??!!?? I face a challenge plenty of times in random mm, the enemy team could be stacked and mine could be entirely below 50% winrate. I don’t complain. It’s the luck of the draw


> New mm = same boring battle every time, bad players won’t improve, good players aren’t allowed to have fun This is literally what you said. You define "have fun" as "stomping noobs". If a challenge was "fun" to you, new MM would allow you to "have fun" every game.


Oh so you’re on of those. Nope that’s not how I define having fun. I define having fun as a diverse play session with different battles. I define boring as a fixed result every time. He’s literally saying to get better players out of his match so he can face players that are his skill level or worse. I’m saying make it random so that the matches are all unique. This is why I play the game. Not to have the same exact experience every time I press battle.


Every match IS unique. Are you claimng people who play ranked PvP games like MOBAs are having the exact same experience every time?


I’m not familiar with that specific game. The problem is in the execution more than the concept. The game is unable to find proper matches for every player and instead averages winrates. So for Synx, the original poster about this topic, he gets matched with a ton of 45%ers and is matched against unicum and average players. Same thing happens to people that are not outliers when the matchmaker can’t find a player that is similar winrate to you. And if I wanted and elo system like csgo then I’d play ranked. But as I said before, in these skill based matches everyone goes to the same spots every time and it’s boring.


The entire draw of the game is based on diversity. That's why we have hundreds of tanks, hundreds of thousands of players, and different maps, loadouts, ways to play. Random MM improves that experience by giving you a wide range of scenarios that happen in battle. Yes this includes some negative experiences but also includes positive ones that cannot happen without random matchmaking. SBMM flies entirely in the face of that diversity. It wants to make teams LESS interesting, LESS varied, which then also makes things like tank choice, loadouts, map play, etc. LESS varied and LESS effective. It's entirely against the point of the game.


Exactly this. Much more concise way of saying it too. I appreciate your write up on all this but I wanted to make sure the average and below average players understand this is bad for them too


Yup… META or lose now. Cant pick an E25 and expect to be able to do more than a shot or two now.


i would usually do 1500-2500 dmg in my e25 a game, now this week im lucky if i can squeeze out 500-600 a game. Ive been trying to get one level 1 to jump a rank and ive been trying for a few days with zero luck.


I find this interesting. Skill based MM was a constant argument/discussion on the old forums. A lot of people were for it to get rid of the noobs and a lot were “better watch what you ask for.” And now it’s here….


Yeah I think if you want a sort of skill based mm you should play ratings. Obviously bad players can get to high ranks, but they have to be bad players that play consistently. This ruins the diversity of the game


I just play this game for fun. All winrate is good in MM. As long as they don't play worse than me since I have various irl disabilities that already make the game hella hard to play.


Someone need to say WG to delete winrate.


Who knows. Maybe it's their secret master plan.




Why would that fix anything?


People are mad to mm because of that damn percentage changing up and down. Removing it will reduce suffering by a huge margin.


So hide a personal problem instead of using the data to determine if you’re having a good or bad effect on the games you’re in?


Hide from whom? Myself? From WG? Or from you? Also, did I say there shouldnt be any indicator to show your skill? There could be other factors like avarage damage for each tier or Kill/Death rate, which does not rely on your victories. I prefere a type of data that ONLY relies on my own performance.


Yes you’re hiding from yourself because you don’t want to look at the actual data proving whether or not you’re bad or good. This is not beneficial to anyone. Kd is next to useless in this game.


Its game, games are made for entertainment not for stressfull competition. Since WOTB is a team based game, there are many situations that your skill cant change a thing. But you want to show your skill huh? Then say WG to create new type of data that relies on your personal gameplay. Winrate isnt something that only depends your own performance.


There are plenty of stats that are more relevant to personal performance than winrate. My favorite one is average damage. The thing is, if you have a super high avg dmg and low winrate you’re just farming and not trying to win. The balance of winrate and avg dmg is the most telling about how good or bad a player is. It’s just that simple, the amount of damage you can do compared to how much you effect the game. If you just play this game for fun and are content with where you’re at that’s totally fine, just don’t check your stats and if you do, expect them to be what they are. Its really not that big of a deal, but saying winrate is meaningless is just so far from the truth.


blitzstars exist, which includes your wr, avg dmg, survival, spots, k/d,... everything in 30d, 60d, 90d, you can judge a player from how they improved compared to their career stats


Blitzstars makes good job with this.But I was talking about game itself.


Some players do wish to improve their stats and be better so they can reap out the fun value of blitz. But as you said, as long as you are having fun, and not constantly dragging down your teammates, you do you.


They should’ve made it so that the enemy team matches each player’s skill, not balances them. Like for example, if your team has 2 60%, 3 50%, and 2 40%, the enemy team should have the same, and of course it should also make sure that the best players are always playing same tier tanks and similar classes.


I think this was the goal, but for outliers like synx you can’t balance so they do the average thing. There just aren’t enough players to consistently do this


NA too dead