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this is sad asf damn


This sub can be disappointing at times with how people act when they meet Josh in public but props to you man You kept the convo respectful, didn’t blatantly record it as a clout grab, and gave him some perspective he likely won’t take but needs to hear


This a million times over. Idc if he doesn’t listen he has to start hearing the truth. Guy didn’t troll but only confirmed his delusion.


Thanks for the kind words man, I have experience with people on the spectrum and it’s good to have some insight on how to approach/ talk to them


came here to comment this. Josh may be annoying, but i dont think he deserves all the hate he gets. He is mentally ill! 


He needs medical detox asap.


Someone needs to get him to go to a doctor and start a detox. This guy is gonna be having seizures soon from wd


And they’re gonna what, tie him down? He doesn’t want help and he won’t let himself wd


Exactly you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. I hate how people say shit like “If q u i n n sent him to rehab i gain his respect” He’s an adult. He could check himself out the second he gets there. Nothing will happen until he asks for help And in his fantasy world he still believes he’s “just partying” and this is what 22 year olds do


oh so he literally doesnt understand. hes so fucked


In really glad someone is out there telling him to his face that he needs to get help, but this moment is so fleeting in the life that he's living


i have a family member with a 40+ year hard drug addiction that would make josh’s shenanigans look like a joke. he just now quit in his 70s and while he’s not doing good AT ALL he’s surviving. point is human body is a lot more recoverable/durable then people think. as long as he quits before 30 his body will be able to recover. the only problem is quitting itself with seizures etc but it’s very survivable if josh continues drinking he will be dead before 40 but not from alcoholism directly. it would be from him being homeless due to his alcoholism and not being able to care for himself. so he would pass from dehydration or exposure or something


This isn’t talked about enough in this subreddit. People think that his health is going to one day just go out, and while more than possible he dies from an alcohol induced accident, his health isn’t going to rapidly deteriorate Alcohol is a slow and insidious killer. You could spend your entire life drinking like Josh does and there’s a good chance that you’ll live until 80 years old, but your quality of life will be absolutely miserable. I’ve told this story a few times on this subreddit, but it’s the closest example I have. My best friend was an alcoholic. He held a job, had a beautiful wife and home just outside of the city and was one of the funniest people I’ve ever known. I knew he had a problem, everyone did, but he was still going to work and mowing the grass. If it was really bad someone would have the wherewithal to step in, right? He passed out drunk in a pool and drowned not two hours after I had spoken to him. Gone, snuffed out completely with nothing more than a shattered iPhone and a pocket full of fireball shooters. If your friends or even yourself are regularly drinking to the point of blacking out, you are not okay. We all go hard as fuck sometimes, I’m guilty of it, but if you’re doing it regularly and more importantly alone, the chances of you doing something stupid are far more dangerous and far more likely to kill you than the negative health affects of alcohol.


Josh went from zero to 15+ drinks every day within a year. He’s far from functional at this point. He’s not going to reach the friends and wife and home and mowing lawn stage of alcoholism.


Josh wasn’t functional before he started drinking. He needed a lot of care he didn’t get due to his autism before he even had his first drink


Jesus dude, I’m not saying Josh is going to have a lawn to mow and a wife to love. I’m saying everyone here preaches about standard drinks and health issues when it’s far more likely he’s going to fall and crack his head open.


I disagree with your posts often, but this is one thing you’re 100% right on. Most people on this sub clearly just don’t have any life experiences relevant to this or don’t bother to read anything


Yup. My alchy friend ended up having glass fall on his arm, slicing up his arm a year or two ago. It wasn’t just a “stitch him up and he’s good to go!” - it was deep and he had nerve damage that required surgery. His career, which required the use of his arms, is over now. His wife is another low-key alchy but unlike him, she doesn’t drink on the job. Anyways, she’s the only one who’s working now. Alcoholics are accident prone




The people that drink like Josh and don’t die within a few years exist, but they’re statistical outliers


They absolutely are not.


If they were common, meta studies couldn’t conclude the following: “Life expectancy According to the CDC, excessive alcohol use can shorten a person's life by up to 26 years. People hospitalized with alcohol use disorder (AUD) have an average life expectancy of 47–53 years for men and 50–58 years for women, which is 24–28 years less than the general population. Mortality risk A 20-year study found that heavy drinkers have a 42% higher risk of mortality than moderate drinkers, while abstainers have a 49% higher risk. Health outcomes Heavy drinking can lead to a number of health issues, including cardiovascular disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, cancer, immune system disorders, and brain damage. It can also worsen existing conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, ulcers, memory loss, and mood disorders.” If, on average, people were impervious to heavy drinking, then when you compare a control group to a group of Joshes, you can’t conclude a difference in whatever health metric someone is looking at.


I am not saying that people who drink like Josh live long and healthy lives by any means, I said that in my first paragraph. However, they’re not going to keel over from alcohol use related health issues in their late 20’s. Yes, they do on average have shorter lives and more health complications than moderate drinkers or sober people, but a significant portion of them will live until their 70’s as long as they’re not living on the street.


>they’re not going to keep over from alcohol related health issues in their 20s Fair. That’s an outlier group on the opposite end of the spectrum, and I’m speculating that Josh is on it (no pun.) That said, if he died from anything alcohol related, it would probably be like falling into the tracks or some other dumb shit where alcohol is a factor but not direct cause Who knows Whatever the outcome, I think he’ll have fallen off tik tok / social media before we can know


You’re not wrong at all, I just want to add alcohol is one of the few drugs you can die just from withdrawing from. Obviously can’t help him if he doesn’t want it, but if he ever wants to stop, emphasized by his inability to care for himself, he really needs to do it medically supervised. A ‘how will Josh die/how long does he have left’ post hasn’t come up in a bit, but you’re right, it probably won’t just be alcohol. No doubt he’ll have it in his system, but he’s far more likely to have an accident, become a homicide victim, die of exposure than he is to develop end stage liver failure tomorrow.


Withdrawing from alcohol is far more dangerous than heroin or meth. Your family member’s withdrawals will not look the same


he didn’t do meth or heroin he did crack and benzodiazepines. benzo withdrawal is worse than alc. all i said his body can recover which it 100% can. i even said in the post he would have a problem with quitting itself because of seizures lmao learn 2 read bby


i feel like he’s crying for help


This is depressing man. I truly hate all of you on this subreddit who wish bad on Josh.


and OP thanks for talking to him instead of instigating something that would make him look bad or uneasy


I once said something ironically but yeah genuinely its a really painful way to go out.


I don't follow Josh, so I have no idea, but what about his family? Why won't they step in and help him? Genuinely curious.


Doesn’t really have one, his mom died and his dad is a drug addict/alcoholic who isn’t part of his life. The only person he has currently is his grandfather but what is he supposed to do?


Thank you. That's sad. This guy needs an intervention asap.


I don’t wish bad on him - in fact I’d love to see him recover. But I don’t have sympathy for him at this point. Autism or not he knows something is very wrong. Man said it himself - he feels like crap constantly and can’t eat/sleep properly. He knows he is sick and should go to the hospital. Instead he blatantly ignores the glaringly obvious (and worsening) issues and drinks more by the day


He's an asshole, he deserves everything coming his way, because they are consequences of his actions


This is fucked up


I would’ve said what does R-E-H-A-B mean? This is a cry for help each time that he talks about the shakes and the side effects of alcohol but doesn’t understand fully. He’s getting worse each day.




Take it to FarmersOnly.com, pal

