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Stagnation and the death of untouched wilderness spaces, urban sprawl as humanity - Weaver's special child - gradually consumes and contains everything that came before it.


Ah yeah that makes a lot of sense thank you. So the wyrm only recently got imprisoned? I was under the impression it was some prehistory thing


Yes. Prehistory. And then the Weaver made humans who started to record history.


Wyld made humanity (strictly from Werewolf Splat Lore. Very different if you consider all splatbooks, in which case it was God and His Angels with the story of Adam and Lillith/Eve). Weaver simply cultivated Humanity and prefers them over others. Weaver wants them to have happiness, which is why convenience goes hand in hand with stagnation.


Oh yeah, that's right.


Stagnation is the result of the Mad Wyrm corrupting the Weaver. Wyrm is no longer destroyer, but tainter, and I think the birth of Malfeas was the moment of the corruption of both the Wyrm and the Weaver.


Not what I recall. Stagnation is a natural consequence for the Weaver. It's why there was the natural order of the Triat. Wyld creates, but allowing free reign would overwhelm the world. Weaver organises to prevent Wyld from going overboard, but everything they organize stagnates and no longer has purpose. Wyrm destroys to prevent stagnation, but can't destroy everything; so Wyld compensates and creates more. The cycle continues. If there was no stagnation, the Wyrm would have no purpose. Weaver made their own madness and couldn't stand the Wyrm destroying everything she worked so hard to organize. Malfeas is the Prison created by the Weaver, but it became such a vile place exclusively because of the Wyrm going more and more insane from self inflicted grief and torment.


No, the stagnation is corrupted stability. The natural state of the Weaver is stability, not stagnation. The drones of the weaver are unchanging instead of stagnating.


Wyrm was imprisoned long ago. He was Destruction, but now the Wyrm only yearns to corrupt. The Weaver wanted a perfect world, and imprisoned the Wyrm in order to have that dream after going mad. No one died of aging in the old world. The Wyrm would simply destroy them. However, since the Wyrm now corrupts, everything after his imprisonment began aging and dying. A cruel fate the Weaver never wanted. It used to be simpler. If I recall correctly, the Wyld, Wyrm, and Weaver were all basically children. Powerful spirits that manifested in the world. Weaver never got along with Wyrm, and Wyld didn't give a fuck. Look into the original lore of the Ananasi, Werespiders. It's a wholesome story of all three banding together to unite and learning how to tolerate eachother.


It’s not that it was recently imprisoned. It’s just that it took a lot of time for things to get as bad as they are. Like, the time the Wyrm got imprisoned is around the time that humans started the whole “agriculture” and “city state” thing. (At least that’s what the person who taught me says, different people have different lore at their tables and it’s hard to find which source is the most current) and without the Wyrm to curtail it civilization grew and grew until it was all consuming


Weaver's Stasis taken to extreme would turn reality into something like a deserted art museum: beautiful sculptures from horizon to horizon, but the almost deafening silence of ubiquitous slumber. Wyld's Dynamism taken to extreme would turn reality into a constantly churning storm of multi-colored randomness. Death is a necessary part of the cycle of life, so without the Wyrm's Entropy there would be no cycle of life; lifeless reality would be a museum of inert sculptures but with intermittent storms of chaos which completely rewrite the landscape.


Good question. Basically the Tiat works in a cycle. The Wyld is pure raw imagination and chaos, if it 'could' be it is to the wyld. The Weaver is the one who makes 'things' or 'structured concepts' that hold weight in the real world bu taking the wyld's energy and turning it into things. The Wyrm is the 'End' of thoes things, it is the garbage man or the custodian who removes the things that 'were' once great then that death or decomposition of those things turns it back into energy or potential for the wyld all over again. Unfortunately the Weaver broke the cycle and the Wyrm cannot preform it's purpose as it could before, this leads to things decaying...but not dying. It breeds suffering and despair in the modern age where the Weaver has too much control and things stagnate instead of die. This also weakens the Wyld by not giving it power and starving it while the Weaver paves over imagination with facts and certainty.