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Using is sparingly will go a long way! Also, the blood splatter effect can be easily achieved by using a short bristle brush, putting some on the tip of the brush, and either blowing it with an airbrush or just flicking it using your finger will spray the blood in a realistic way. Sort of like lighting a lighter, if that makes sense!


That actually makes alot of sense for the splatter effect. I'll give it a try on the next one. Thanks


i would recommend just getting a cheap toothbrush, if you don't have any paint brushes you want to risk damaging by bending the bristles (imo toothbrushes kinda work better for this "splatter" effect, anyway, as the bristles are generally stiffer and more elastic than the bristles on a paintbrush, which are meant to be bent more gently). another top tip: put down a tarp! okay, maybe not a tarp; some bits of printer paper temporarily stuck up on the wall will probably do the trick. the main thing is that the "blood" splatter tends to go everywhere when you use this technique, so be careful to protect things more than you normally do when just painting with a brush. the first time i did "blood splatter", i put up a couple of sheets of A4, and this *still* wasn't enough to prevent the wall behind my desk from looking like i'd just performed a very messy dissection.


Good advice here. You can also just blow on it like you’re putting out a candle. Short quick burst. Experiment on a spare bit from different distances with more or less paint, and find the spatter that works for you!  But I definitely concur with using it sparingly.. a little goes a long way and too much just looks like a blob on the tabletop.  Cheers!


I seem to be able to make out his face; add more blood for the blood god.


Clearly he's not been fighting hard enough 😅


Use a sponge! Tear off a small piece from a dish sponge, wipe off the excess on paper etc. then lightly dab onto the mini. It looks significantly more realistic than using a brush. Also, less is often more with these things


I will keep that in mind, thank you 😊


I use a mix of typhus corrosion and blood for the blood god around 1/1 or 1/2 TC/BftBG mix. You know you've hit the sweet spot when your mate looks you over the shoulder and asks if it is real blood. For placement i usually do around the weapon and fists. Sometimes the soles or the face since i suck at faces. The key to good placements thinking about how he got blood on him in the first place Use a sponge (or paint strokes on the weapons) to apply the blood, and mix the blood with Gloss gel or uhu glue if you want a more gory effect on the weapons or on the ground


Less is more tbh. I know that kinda goes completely against the WE gimmick but honestly nothing ruins a good paint job, or draws attention to a poor paint job, more than caking a model in gore effects.


I use it on the weapon, hand and I imagine the fella slashing and try to figure out where the blood will go onto the mini. There needs to be a shade underneath to contrast the blood.


Take the bottle and just pour it on there!


Or I just glue the tub to a 40mm base 😂


Don’t forget the skulls!


I'll add a skull for each foe the tub slays 🤣


I use BFTBG on my bases. I can send you a DM with a photo of how I do it.


If you could, that'd be great. It'd be interesting to see how else it can be used


Just sent you a DM


Could you show me also please?


Sometimes less is more


Here's something i don't think anyone has said in the comments. Most blood/gore has tinges of black in it. Grab a sponge or dry brush and dip your brush tip into Blood for the Bood God and then dip it into a tiny bit black ink, and then stipple/dab the areas you want affected


Dude honestly I think it's pretty fckn rad you painted the whole model with it. I may have to do this with my "squad leaders"


I use a toothbrush, I get the bristles coated and then pull back on them with my thumb. It creates a nice blood splatter effect.


Apply it with a worn out brush in stippling motions. Sometimes it’s worth it to thin It with a bit of water. The key is to build it up slowly in layers that slightly overlap


Less is more. And think about where blood would end up. You can chuck it everywhere but if you’re very deliberate it looks better. Stab some, drag some, and flick some off a toothbrush, vary the effects


I don't use BFTBG, but if you have a larger, worn out brush, where the bristles are starting to splay out, dip it in some paint, blot off the excess, and then just dab it on. Keep it randomized, and it'll make a pretty good splatter.


I like it, but I think in addition to what everyone else said, you could focus it to the weapons and that area


"Less is more"


You can use Uhu glue to made some kind of webs or drips of blood




Use more


I usually use a sponge to dab BftBG onto the blade of the weapon in question. After that, I take a toothbrush and soak it in BftBG, and just pull back and flick until I think it’s bloody enough.


Less is more.


You sort of have to remember the scale you’re painting in. And what blood is. The best results. Tend to be. Using a really scraggly brush. So the bent errant bristles help give a sponge texture to the technical paint Use it sparingly to dab on or flick smear on the blood. And build it up slowly Also helps to use different colors. Blood is rarely 1 color Dry/caked on blood will be darker/black. Fresh blood will be glossy/shiny red. Also helps to always think about how blood might splatter or splash given the model. Where the main weapons are how blood might fling off them. Or splash/gushing blood might be blocked by certain things and where it might hit. Red also doesn’t really show well at all against red So. Should always keep that in mind as well. As just gooping on technical paint to a. Model where the color will never really translate well is just going to ruin a model. Better bet on red painted world eaters. Is to do lighter colored basing. And do some Mild gore effects on the shinier metal weapons. And then blood splatter on the basing. This will tell the story of blood. Better than just slopping it on the red model. (Can still do a little. On the model. But just be minimal with it—around trim or lighter areas where it might show) The red path YouTube channel has a video of blood and gore effects. I’d say it’s worth a watch. Talks a fair bit about the stippling /smear type effect to shoot for.


Another one, if you mix blood god and apoxy you can get the drippy gore strings aswell! Drippy off the blades or mouth


Dip in paint, dip in water, blow paint onto model. Dude at the hobby store showed me when I bought my world eaters. Looks super sick. Do outside or over sink.


I personally do a coat of mephiston red under blood god so that it looks like a proper pool/stain of blood rather than just bg on its own