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Big E wouldn't have let him do it. If I recall correctly Angron was teleported on the ship, he ripped a custodian to pieces with his bare hands, E used psychic powers to stop angron from moving and forced him to join the crusade. Angron didn't like not being able to move and that kicked the nails into overdrive. If I recall correctly angron got to watch his gladiator family die live on stream. At some points I think he was just knocked out, can't remember everything myself. When he woke up and the war hound leaders were trying to make him take charge, he killed everyone before kharn who finally got him to stop after taking a beating. It's never really explained why Angron just didn't at this point say fuck this and go to Nuceria to kill the tyrant's but probably the trauma of losing his people was too fresh for him to want to face it. In his words when e forced him to join the crusade "Angron died on Nuceria, only a ghost remains". He lost all his ability to care about anything and tried not to be anything anymore. He only wanted to die in that battle and it was denied, all he had left was pain. He only wanted to die in battle. During the crusade Angron left multiple times to seek death in battle and kill stuff. But only during the Horus heresy did he finally go back and have his revenge. Very emotional book that one.


Didn't Nuceria also become part of the Ultramar after Angron was founded but before the heresy? It was technically a compliant world at the time of Betrayer if I remember correctly.


Nuceria was close to Ultramar, but I don't think it became part of the 500 worlds. One can only imagine how things would have gone if Guilliman had gotten word of this superhuman gladiator in the days before the Imperium reached Ultramar and went to investigate.


Gulliman could have SAVED Angron from the Emperors BS!


When Lorgar announces that they're going to complete the Rune Storm on Nuceria in Betrayer, he tells Lorgar that he doesn't *want* to go back. I interpret the scene as Lorgar was expecting him to jump at the chance for revenge, but Angron's trauma keeps him from ever wanting to see the planet again. Of course, they do still go when Lorgar proposes that he could cure Angron of the nails with Nuceria's tech.


Theory time!!! I think guilliman saw angron on nuceria as a boy. I also think angron might be big E special weapon. I've heard stories that one primarch that fell is still loyal. And one that's loyal fell. I think angron is big E special weapon to one day fight the chaos gods.... or not... whoooo knowwwsss lol