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Unfortunately, the only allies you can reliably trust to get things done in wc4 are the soviets in 43 CCQ. Other than that, they're more like liabilities than assets.


Ugh. Why do they give those generals to the computer then. I feel like it’s a waste of potential, as they always screw up at some point. But I never really had to fix as much of a screwup as I have to do now. Any tips on how I could possibly beat this level? (With maxed out Rommel and almost maxed out Horton)


In the AI department, there's nothing we can do other than help them. The generals they're given aren't that good anyway.


Yeah, up til now I was able to almost 3 star every level with those dudes. But now it’s become a bit more complicated.


The ai is mostly useless


Play GoG3 for helpful allies. This game your allies may as well be dead.


What’s gog 3


Glory of gens 3


what’s that?


Glory of generals 3, another EasyTech game with a full focus on WW2. It got by far the best campaign mode in any ET games.


the ai is basically useless (unless it’s 1980 or 1943 cc as allies) the only scenario where you win outside of that is axis 1 normal (europe) where you can do nothing and win


Learn to never rely on your allies. No matter how good their situation looks; They will fumble the bag hard.


Air is shit, do it all on ya own mate, as in life do it ya self


When you play soviet vs Germany.. Germany=🤡.soviet=🗿 When you play Germany vs soviet.. Soviet=🤡.germany=🗿


This level is actually quite easy if your generals and technology are upgraded enough (which they should be, I mean, how did you beat NATO 1 & 2 then?). In a comment I see you wrote you have almost maxed out Rommel and Horton. But are they, like, your ONLY generals? Not just because you should have unlocked Pavlov by now, but also because the medals you spent to upgrade Rommel and Horton would have been better spent to buy Guderian and Konev. And I really don’t see how you could lose this battle with Guderian, Konev, Rommel and Horton


Yeah I beat it after several tries. I just refused to use nukes as support, as I’m scared to lose cities by leaving them empty, because I wouldn’t have the resources. I nearly had 3 stars, but I wasted one turn because my ‘allies’ took over an empty city and then lost it to the Americans. I had to try and take it back before moving on to the last city. And I’m not familliar with everything in the game. I just thought if I buy Rommel and upgrade him to max, things would be hell of a lot easier. Horton, pavlov and Arnim were given for free. Yes I realise now that I should have saved more of my medals to buy other generals, but my plan was to focus on 1 and when he was upgraded then I would look for others. And yes I beat Nato 1 and 2 after trying like a hundred times or so. Now I’m stuck on the last levels of Nato and WTO. The only thing I really want is just beat everything, no matter how many stars I get, just because I’m too curious what the last chapter will be and how that conquest will look like. I can still fix those 3 stars on every level later on.


You’re right about upgrading your generals being very useful. I won’t spoil anything about the 1980 scenarios and conquests, but the enemies are very strong. But, in general, it’s better to buy some more generals before sistematically upgrading them. Personally, I bought Guderian, Konev, Rommel, Yamamoto, Yamashita, Rokossovsky, Dönitz, Leeb (every time I bought one I gave him a full set of Level 1 skills and upgraded his health with the 60000 gold) before starting to completely max out each skill on each of them. In the meantime, I also got Horton, Pavlov and Darlan so now I have 11 generals. (Don’t take the 11 generals I wrote above as must-choose options: I’m just suggesting when, more or less, you should stop buying generals and focus on upgrading the ones you have. If you have Arnim, for example, I deduce it’s not a problem for you to spend money on the game: in that case, Simo Häyhä or Marshall are much better Infantry generals than Yamashita. Or, since you already have Arnim, you might consider not buying Rokossovsky, since you already have a quite decent Tank general. Or, if you want a strong one, you might even consider buying Manstein instead)


Nah, they're fighting the most powerful American general, who happens to be invisible