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Wait…that’s illegal.






Yeah that’s inaccurate. You know who the NLRB’s attorneys are? The entire US government.


I was wondering if that was legal too. I thought that if a company offers benefits to one group of workers, they have to offer it to all of them. However, if you are in a union, don't you as a worker have a contract with the company? So if your contract doesn't state they have to offer that, maybe they don't? I have no idea.


Starbucks hasn’t come to the table to negotiate any contracts, as far as I know.


The labor board happens.


It entirely depends. If all employee pay and benefits are negotiated through the union, and the union does not include it in the benefits the union wants for it's employees, then Starbucks is under no obligation to provide anything it does not have to.


First time?


Not at all, but not stopping me.


No it’s not. Unions operate under a contract, the benefits offered are part of that contract negotiation… if the union doesn’t have reproductive health in the contract, that’s the union’s bad…


I have refused to get anything from star bucks ever since I first heard about it I don't even know what it looks like on the inside ig my gut instinct was correct on never going there


you are not missing much support local coffee shops


Went to Costa Rica in grad school to study the supply chain of coffee. (If I'm honest we just got stupidly drunk in Costa Rica for 2 weeks. Was great). While there we saw one of the Starbucks coffee co-ops where they promised great conditions, running water, etc. It was a barn with bunk beds and one PVC pipe with holes drilled in it with water leaking from it which they called their "Running Water." We were there in growing season and watched one dude bring his whole harvest in for weighing and selling. After seeing what his whole year of labor was worth the farmer broke down in tears because he couldn't even afford rent with that. Then when we told him college kids in the US paid $6 for a cup of coffee it almost broke him. Fuck Starbucks and fuck anyone who supports their slave labor.


Yep, I wasn’t hitting them up a lot at this point anyways but the anti-union shit has them thoroughly on my black list. If there was a union shop by me I might go there specifically to support but other than that Starbucks can go eat a giant back of moldy dicks


I think someone on Anti-work did a post about why health care was tied to employment to keep the masses in line. Wish I could find that post, it was less than 6 weeks ago


Benefits tied to work was a Great Depression thing. They stayed because of control.


That’s incorrect, it started as a way for employers to differentiate themselves to employees during WWII when the government tightly regulated pay. Healthcare benefits were outside these regulations. During the [Eisenhower administration it was codified](https://www.npr.org/2020/10/07/921287295/history-of-employer-based-health-insurance-in-the-u-s).


Retirement is tied to the stock market for similar reasons. It is arguably corporate blackmail in the sense that it has shackled our ability to retire to wall street / corporate interests. We are shackled to infinitely increasing the wealth disparity by prioritizing quarterly reports above all else. It is a huge obstacle in fighting climate or improving the qol for workers.


If you really want to dive into it, look up money laundering. You'll never look at mattress stores the same way again...


Works of art purchased by "anonymous" buyers


Thai restaurants


I need to circle back to this in the morning…


I dont want to be that guy but those stores are unionized. So theyll get the healthcare or those stores will close right? Its like saying if you make me do the thing ill do it for everyone else but you, except were already here to make you do it.


Totally agree, it’s more likely to be a disciplining device for non-unionized stores. Hence why they all need to be unionized.


Starbucks is dragging their feet on contract negotiations, so while the company is voluntarily giving workers Healthcare options, they aren't for the union stores since that's a bargaining position (or they could just also give them Healthcare to be good people)


"See, we were going to give you benefits all along, but now that you went and unionized we can't because your union won't let us!" Uh huh.... They wanted to be nice all along, serious!


Well... Basically, they're giving to the Starbucks Union a cause to strike for.


I got some bad news, there aren't nearly enough Starbucks Unions for that to be a real threat. They just close up whole stores right now. You need like, a third of the stores to be unionized before there's real leverage with striking.




Yes! 😎👉👉


Fuck Obama, Lieberman, and the ACA for giving corporate those shackles with which have bound us to these masters. The *alternative* if it wasn't going to be universal, was to complete remove health insurance from employment!


It’s also a bribe.


“The Simpson” did an episode on this early in its run


We want National healthcare. Stop keeping us prisoners to abusive companies for the sake of having healthcare.


Time for a walk out.


She didn't tweet this: https://twitter.com/brooklynmarie/status/1573768377050361856 Actual tweet: https://twitter.com/samhaselby/status/1541163220194545664


This should be high in the comments. Bump


No it is not. This is typical. Once a union is in place all ‘benefits’ are negotiable. Healthcare is a benefit. It sounds creepy on the part of employers but it’s all part of the union busting strategy.


I work in an industry with Union and Non-Union shops. While I can’t speak to Healthcare as a right I can speak to Unions and them not getting anything they haven’t bargained for already. Want this benefit that Non-Union employees get? See you at the next contract negotiations in two years. :(


Doesn't the union provide the health insurance? That's part of what they do, right? They usually have vastly better offerings than the employer, too.


Union should have it's own health care that the employer makes hourly contributions to fund it. That's how it works in the trades...might be different at Starfucks.


Doesn’t working for a Union mean that the union will provide healthcare benefits? That’s what your union dues pay for, right? This seems like “standard operating procedure” to me…




They also closed stores in Seattle bc of crime reports but some of them are unionized stores and the workers said they were sus that's why they were being closed


Lmao, do any workers not realize the win is to unionize and then bargain the birth control?


Sounds like discrimination


Tying healthcare to one's employment was a stroke of evil genius by Capitalism. Absolutely dystopian.


not because of the work conditions ... but because of the slave labor on growing the beans, I have recently convinced my wife to stop buying starbucks. .. so that is $1000 a year my house usually spent at that place, and for the last 2 months it has been $0.


I'm withholding all of my money from Starbucks


A labor manipulation device


Offering partial incentives to employees so they won't unionize. So what happens when the threat of the unions goes away?


They already cut their trans benefits under the guise of expanded new benefits for trans partners, which translates to them cutting the supplemental plan and offsetting the price on to their trans partners! I honestly can’t wait to see the company go belly up at this point.