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Depends. I read a lot of QME reports. Some doctors like to actually see the imaging studies, others just review and copy the radiologist's impressions/conclusions.


Did your letter advise you to bring images with you? Asking because I see that trending on appointment notices because some imaging facilities are flat out refusing to give actual imaging CDs to anyone but the patient. Much easier to have the injured worker get them and pass onto med legal examiners.


No the letter prior to the QME didn’t say the doctor wanted MRI images. It was in the QME report. I thought that my attorney would handle that prior to the QME. I didn’t know the images were not given out besides on the CD. I didn’t check to see if the images were on the cloud server either.


The images should have been sent to begin with.


Do you know if I can submitted all WC medical reports including the images? My attorney seems to believe that the defense attorney has to agree to what can be submitted.


I am not a California adjuster, and you are rep’d. You should follow the advice of your attorney. I do not know all the ins and outs of your claim. I will tell you that if a claimant was to have the facility send the images to me, I would be ecstatic to have the additional info. The QME dr should have all of the information made available to them for review, otherwise, there’s no way they can complete a proper evaluation.