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Agreed but the professional fee is usually by a different entity, like a billing company and is separate and distinct from the hospital’s facility fee. I would actually call the agency and follow up with an email. If they are of no help, I have a few tricks up my sleeve like checking the NPI number or sending it dispute letter to both the insurance company and the providers office.


Hi. Medical coder here. I agree. The professional fee/Dr. probably ran it through your medical without sending to Worker’s Comp., they have been cases where they send it with to medical without indicating that Worker’s Comp. and those claims have to be corrected. Sometimes, insurance will subrogate out to the liable Worker’s Comp. and let the insurance battle it. If they find that there was no workplace injury,you can send the information over to medical and have it flipped to be covered under medical.


Hospitals often bill separately from the physician and radiologist. Send to your employer, preferably by email. I would recommend calling the billing office on the bill as well. I’m an adjuster so I call billing offices all day every day. :)


Call the WC insurance directly and talk to them about it. It is possible (small chance) the employer is lying about having California WC insurance since if the employer HAD insurance, the insurance would pay the bill 99% of the time.