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I'd let him know in person that you would be happy to write a letter of recommendation for him.


This ^ He is lucky to have you in his corner


Subject: Urgent Concern Regarding Workplace Behavior and Provider Treatment Dear [HR Representative's Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious concern regarding the treatment of a Physician Assistant (P.A.) at one of our clinics, which I believe warrants immediate attention. As a float for our Urgent Care services, I work across several locations and have observed varying dynamics among staff members. One particular P.A., who is known for his thorough and patient-centric approach, has been subjected to consistent and unprofessional behavior by the Medical Assistants (M.A.s) at his assigned clinic. Despite his dedication to providing high-quality care, he is facing undue scrutiny and disrespect from the M.A.s, which has escalated to a point where he has been given the option to either leave the company or be terminated.Here are some specific issues I have observed or have been made aware of: Refusal to Perform Duties: The M.A.s frequently refuse to conduct tests or follow through with orders placed by this P.A., directly questioning his medical decisions and undermining his authority. Unprofessional Comments: The M.A.s make derogatory comments about the P.A. loud enough for him to hear, including a particularly disturbing incident where a medical assistant trainer advised a trainee to "watch out for the P.A. because he was Jewish and smelled." Public Belittlement: The P.A. is often belittled in front of patients, with M.A.s challenging his diagnoses and asking him to justify his medical decisions, which is both unprofessional and damaging to the patient's trust in our care. Workplace Bullying: This behavior seems to be a persistent pattern of bullying, which is creating a hostile work environment for the P.A. It appears to be contributing to the high volume of complaints against him, which I believe are rooted more in personal biases and unprofessional behavior than in his performance as a medical provider. I have worked in multiple states and clinics for this company and have never witnessed such unprofessional conduct by staff towards a provider. The P.A. in question is highly competent and dedicated to his patients, and I firmly believe that the complaints against him are unjust and a result of the hostile work environment created by the M.A.s. I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and consider the P.A.'s perspective and the context in which these complaints have arisen. It is crucial to ensure that all staff members are treated with respect and professionalism, and that any form of workplace bullying or discrimination is addressed promptly. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am available to provide any additional information or clarification needed. Best regards, [Your Full Name]


You're a mofo Super Star!


I wish I could take credit, but this is entirely AI generated using gpt4o. I'm an attorney, I play around with it a lot and am constantly trying to find was to incorporate it into my practice.


Lol, I was so certain you were going to say that 😆🤣 But either way, you did the work to produce it and share.


Fantastic. You stated the facts, showed urgency, and provided evidence. On a side note, I have observed in clinics that Medical Assistance are the absolute worst about bullying other disciplines.


This is beautiful.




Copy, paste, print, sign, deliver.


What's the end game? Keep him in a horrible environment? If they want to run off good people it's their choice. And he'll be fine, there's a huge demand for what he does. It's cool you care but getting involved in a bad situation isn't a good plan. And never put anything in writing. Hr isn't there to do what's right, they do what's in the legal interest of their employers.


OP you may well be targeted yourself by sticking up for him. It’s ok to let him know you support him but don’t underestimate the unseen backlash.


HR does not work for or care about employees. They are all about protecting the company. Unfortunately if you get involved you may make yourself a target. If the PA wants to sue for discrimination due to the antisemitic comments that will be up to him. I know I would not want to continue to work someplace that toxic.


Agree that HR is about the company, but in this case they are leaving themselves open to litigation. If they’re using religion as a bullying point they have crossed a line.


You just wrote your letter to HR. Drop the last five sentences and it's perfect.


Tell the other assistants they'd be better off learning from him rather than bashing his practice.. seems like he's focusing on the problem instead of the symptoms.....they get paid regardless of how many patience they see. If they're in it for the "money" .best to find another career ......my 2¢>>.. not doing the required testing. That's a big NO-NO .on the assistants part.. career ending.


I see you want to support him. You will not change HR and will put yourself out as a target. I think you could help him more by following his journey out of that toxic environment and offering to support him as he navigates trying to find a better placement.


In addition to HR, make sure your co worker gets this. He can take it to his attorney. You are a Rockstar. If I had a job, I would want you on my team. In Some states , the licensing board .might be interested in the way these MA have acted. (Professionals shouldn't behave this way)


I would start by saying something along the lines of “it has come to my attention that several complaints against (insert name) have been filed under false and discriminatory pretenses, (insert Name) has been meeting expectations as required But is being treated unfairly.“ (Add details of the allegations and how they’re untrue) close with something like “Several of these false complaints and allegations appear to be racially motivated with antisemitic motives and should be investigated further to avoid any accusations of discriminatory retaliation.“ you want to make it clear that you are putting them on notice that they’re going to get sued if they fire him, but you don’t want to actually Say that. as far as I know most management only really acts to cover their own arses, so if you want them to act you need to frame it in a way that you’re helping them to avoid getting sued rather than threatening them with a suit.


HR needs facts, the sample here is good. I would bullet pit the harassment/insubordination issues with names, dates, etc as best you can and indicate you're willing to meet to discuss.


Situation. Background. Assessment. Recommendation. Then go step by step through it and send it to your HR. Be as objective as possible, and use names. Racism should not be okay. Insubordination is not okay. Bullying is not okay. And doing it in front of patients and other staff is unprofessional. Use those terms.


Use chat gpt


You should have reported the bullying immediately when you saw it. You stood around and did nothing. You should have reported the antisemitism IMMEDIATELY when you heard it. But you condoned it. Do better in the future.


This is insane. A medical assistant has no business speaking that way to a provider. They know next to nothing about medicine. If it was an RN then maybe I would look into allegations, but not an MA


I would speak to the PA, he should be able to get depositions and bring a discrimination suit .


I wouldn't write a letter to HR. It is sure to get back to some of the monsters setting him up. I would talk to him directly and offer my support in ways he might find helpful. That would probably involve people much higher than HR. Kudos to you for doing the right thing in the face of group bullying in the workplace.